-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Newsmax-January 18, 2000

TWA 800: Glue Repels Missiles

Sixth in a NewsMax.com exclusive series of installments based on
James D. Sanders' book "Altered Evidence," exposing the
government's tampering with evidence, cover-up and misleading the
public in the crash of TWA Flight 800.

 The FBI and Justice Department had failed in their mission to
make the evidence fit the predetermined outcome.

 Debris with blast damage had been altered. Explosive residue had
been stripped from the seats and removed from the Calverton
hangar. Phony National Transportation Safety Board diagrams of
the damaged center-wing-tank span-wise beams and front spar had
been created for dissemination to working groups within the

 The aircraft's right wing was not rebuilt because the damage to
its mid-spar near the fuselage offered additional evidence of a
missile strike in the area. Portions of the right wing in the
area of the mid-spar had blast holes and tested positive for
explosive residue. They were removed from the hangar.

 Now, the government's worst nightmare had occurred. Forensic
evidence had been removed from the hangar and tested.

 The elements found in the reddish-orange residue were consistent
with exhaust from a solid-fuel missile. But an even more telling
explanation of the residue had not yet been uncovered by me –
more than 98 percent of the volume of the residue was commonly
found in incendiary warheads.

 Compounding government hysteria was the certainty that
additional residue was poised for testing as soon as the
government's disinformation campaign locked onto an alternate
explanation for the reddish-orange residue.

 I arrived in New York City early Monday morning, March 10, 1997,
making the rounds of New York City's major publishers,
conveniently congregated a short distance from Jim Kallstrom's
FBI office and Associated Press headquarters on Manhattan Island.

 After each publishing-world interview I stopped by the AP
offices to visit with reporter Richard Pyle.

 The government was going to issue a statement on the residue by
noon, I was initially told. The time of release was gradually set
back by some faceless bureaucrat, then canceled as of 3 p.m.

 The government resorted to its more traditional means of
vilifying the messenger – anonymous leaks. In this case, a steady
drumbeat of shrill statements that the residue was glue, with
nothing to back it up except more, shrill words.

 But that was enough for major media in New York. They began to
report the missile theory had once again been "shot down.”

 The next day, NTSB Chairman Jim Hall was scheduled to testify
before the House Aviation Subcommittee. The focus turned to the
reddish-orange residue:

 Congressman Wolf: . . . These articles report that a trail of
reddish-brown residue was found embedded in seats [sic] 17
through 19, which contained chemical elements consistent with [a]
solid-fuel missile. Although your accident investigation into
this crash is still ongoing, can you give us some explanation for
the residue?

 Dr. Loeb (NTSB): . . . One thing I can say categorically is
there is no such thing as a red residue trail in that airplane.
There is a reddish-orange substance that is on virtually all of
the seats in the forward part of the plane. For that matter, I am
sure it is on all the seats in the airplane, because we believe
the red residue material is an adhesive.

 I cannot say for certain that that is what these folks are
talking about, but it is the only reddish or orange material that
we are aware of that exists inside that airplane in the seats.

 We took seven samples yesterday from Calverton and had them
brought to our headquarters. We are now testing them in our
laboratory, and we will do some testing in the FBI laboratory. If
need be, we will do testing in outside laboratories just to make
certain that they are, in fact, consistent with the
manufacturer's descriptions of those products.

 Adhesive is the only substance that we know of that is
reddish-orange in that airplane.

 When he made that statement on March 11, Dr. Loeb was
technically telling the truth. If he had been under oath before
Congress the previous Friday, his testimony would have been

 Multiple sources inside the Calverton hangar verified Terry
Stacey's claim that a red residue trail existed across the
passenger cabin in Rows 17, 18 and 19. The government, by
arresting Terry Stacey and my wife and me, confirmed the residue
given to me for testing represented legitimate foam-rubber
samples from the Calverton hangar.

 Kallstrom knew, as of 15:30 hours East Coast time, March 7,
1997, that the reddish-orange residue was outside his control. We
know from multiple sources and the samples Stacey removed from
the hangar that the foam rubber laden with residue was stripped
from the seats at the Calverton hangar sometime after 15:30 hours
March 7, 1997, when the FBI learned the residue was outside its

 Four days later an NTSB representative confidently stated that
no foam rubber unique to Rows 17, 18 and 19 would be found inside
Calverton hangar. So we can reasonably place the time of removal
of the foam rubber between Friday afternoon, March 7, 1997, and
Tuesday morning, March 11, 1997.

 After the act of removal was complete, no reddish-orange foam
rubber could be found in the hangar. All that remained was
rust-colored bare metal and some hard plastic panels glued to the
backs of the seats.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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