Newshawk weighs in.......

 MORE Radar Pulses At Pine Ridge//
 --Mind Control Transmissions Suspected!

 NewsHawk® Inc.

 The extraordinary wildfires ignited all across the Internet in response
 to bulletins, etc. regarding a potentially serious situation developing
 at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation that were forwarded/posted by a
 number of parties, including NewsHawk, CyberspaceOrbit and MANY others;
 as well as clear indications that deliberate disinformation was
 disseminated from numerous quarters on the issue, indicate beyond the
 shadow of a doubt that WHATEVER is going on at the Pine Ridge
 reservation, it's something serious. (By the way, though it's possible
 that NewsHawk was fed disinformation as were many other parties, as we
 stated previously ALL the material we forwarded came to us from known and
 trusted sources.)

 It's obvious that legions of spooks and double, triple and quadruple agents
 of every conceivable stripe are hard at work logging MAJOR overtime on
 the Pine Ridge situation; of this there is NO doubt. It's equally clear that
 many groups claiming to represent the American Indian peoples
 are riddled with some of these vermin. This is certainly MOST unfortunate.

 In light of all this, NewsHawk will NOT at this time forward ANY Pine
 Ridge news unless it's something we have personal, firsthand knowledge
 of. However, we want to express our deepest feelings of empathy and
 spiritual oneness with the great nations of the Native American peoples
 and our hope and prayer that genuine justice prevail.

 As Kent Steadman at CyberspaceOrbit put it to us: "all this conflict
 (on the Internet) boils down to that it IS IMPORTANT and something is up
 at Pine Ridge."

 Some of the more significant and unarguable information about Pine Ridge
 which has emerged in the past few days is clear evidence the location is
 without doubt being targeted with unusual, anomalous electromagnetic/
 radio-frequency signals, which are showing up continually on doppler
 radar images of the area. The repetitive nature of these radar pulses
 argues strongly that the targeting is intentional.

 To find out more about this, go to Kent Steadman's main CyberspaceOrbit
 website  --
 and look for updates on Pine Ridge radar images.

 According to Kent, there have been two MORE distinct pulse images which
 showed up late last night and this morning, since the first three we've
 already alerted our recipients to. One is a series of parallel lines; the
 other is slightly to the south of the area.

 These images can be seen directly at --

 1/23/00 6:47 PM EST
 (parallel lines)

 1/24/00 3:49 AM EST
 (slightly south)

 We'd like to know WHY the Pine Ridge, South Dakota region is clearly
 being targeted with anomalous EM/RF signals at this time.

 It is unquestionable fact that various electromagnetic/radio-frequency
 devices both of the specific "mind-control" variety as well as a great
 number of so-called "EM-weapons" DO exist, ARE operational and CAN be
 brought on line and deployed with ease.

 According to EM-weapons expert Col. Tom Bearden:
 (from --
 "It will... be possible to simply pull out a personality-structure from
 a person, without his or her consent, and insert another. Or to alter a
 given personality structure by just altering and re-recording the
 software. This technological possibility, of course, will certainly be
 noticed by would-be egomaniacs and dictators, for it can yield the
 ultimate mind control. It will also be possible to provide direct input
 inside the mind, surreptitiously, from a distance and without the
 knowledge and consent of the individual affected."

 Author/researcher Nick Begich, who wrote a tremendously important and
 revealing book on the HAARP project (Angels Don't Play This HAARP), has
 discoursed often and at length on the mind control element of electronic
 warfare; his research is backed up by a detailed patent search.

 Again--WHY is the Pine Ridge area being targeted by these anomalous
 signals at this point?--Signals which could very well be negatively
 affecting to one degree or another the mental, emotional, psychological
 and even physical health and well-being of individuals within the
 targeted area!

 NewsHawk® Inc.

MORE Radar Pulses At Pine Ridge//
--Mind Control Transmissions Suspected!

NewsHawk® Inc.

The extraordinary wildfires ignited all across the Internet in response
to bulletins, etc. regarding a potentially serious situation developing
at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation that were forwarded/posted by a
number of parties, including NewsHawk, CyberspaceOrbit and MANY others;
as well as clear indications that deliberate disinformation was
disseminated from numerous quarters on the issue, indicate beyond the
shadow of a doubt that WHATEVER is going on at the Pine Ridge
reservation, it's something serious. (By the way, though it's possible
that NewsHawk was fed disinformation as were many other parties, as we
stated previously ALL the material we forwarded came to us from known and
trusted sources.)

It's obvious that legions of spooks and double, triple and quadruple agents
of every conceivable stripe are hard at work logging MAJOR overtime on
the Pine Ridge situation; of this there is NO doubt. It's equally clear that
many groups claiming to represent the American Indian peoples
are riddled with some of these vermin. This is certainly MOST unfortunate.

In light of all this, NewsHawk will NOT at this time forward ANY Pine
Ridge news unless it's something we have personal, firsthand knowledge
of. However, we want to express our deepest feelings of empathy and
spiritual oneness with the great nations of the Native American peoples
and our hope and prayer that genuine justice prevail.

As Kent Steadman at CyberspaceOrbit put it to us: "all this conflict
(on the Internet) boils down to that it IS IMPORTANT and something is up
at Pine Ridge."

Some of the more significant and unarguable information about Pine Ridge
which has emerged in the past few days is clear evidence the location is
without doubt being targeted with unusual, anomalous electromagnetic/
radio-frequency signals, which are showing up continually on doppler
radar images of the area. The repetitive nature of these radar pulses
argues strongly that the targeting is intentional. 

To find out more about this, go to Kent Steadman's main CyberspaceOrbit
website  --
and look for updates on Pine Ridge radar images.

According to Kent, there have been two MORE distinct pulse images which
showed up late last night and this morning, since the first three we've
already alerted our recipients to. One is a series of parallel lines; the
other is slightly to the south of the area.

These images can be seen directly at -- 

1/23/00 6:47 PM EST
(parallel lines)

1/24/00 3:49 AM EST
(slightly south)

We'd like to know WHY the Pine Ridge, South Dakota region is clearly
being targeted with anomalous EM/RF signals at this time.

It is unquestionable fact that various electromagnetic/radio-frequency
devices both of the specific "mind-control" variety as well as a great
number of so-called "EM-weapons" DO exist, ARE operational and CAN be
brought on line and deployed with ease.

According to EM-weapons expert Col. Tom Bearden:
(from --
"It will... be possible to simply pull out a personality-structure from
a person, without his or her consent, and insert another. Or to alter a
given personality structure by just altering and re-recording the
software. This technological possibility, of course, will certainly be
noticed by would-be egomaniacs and dictators, for it can yield the
ultimate mind control. It will also be possible to provide direct input
inside the mind, surreptitiously, from a distance and without the
knowledge and consent of the individual affected."

Author/researcher Nick Begich, who wrote a tremendously important and
revealing book on the HAARP project (Angels Don't Play This HAARP), has
discoursed often and at length on the mind control element of electronic
warfare; his research is backed up by a detailed patent search.

Again--WHY is the Pine Ridge area being targeted by these anomalous
signals at this point?--Signals which could very well be negatively
affecting to one degree or another the mental, emotional, psychological
and even physical health and well-being of individuals within the
targeted area!

NewsHawk® Inc.

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