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From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] One Party Politics
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2000 1:33 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 13, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

One Party Politics

As I write this, I’ve just finished watching three absolutely disgusting
fawners, trucklers, toadies, sycophants, boot-lickers, -- I can’t think
of enough bad adjectives — fronting as mouthpieces for their “One

The three kept men are commentators Fred Barnes, Morton Kondracke, and
Tony Snow on Fox News Networks’ Brit Hume report. All of them agreed
that 1) Jesse Venura’s exit from the Reform Part meant nothing; 2) the
Reform Party will mean nothing in the upcoming election because people
are so “happy” because of the economy (you see, we are all primarily
economic animals, just like Karl Marx said, according to these
charlatans!); 3) McCain is the only person left running with the
“reform” message; 4) and, needless to say, these three Party Operatives
didn’t mention Howard Phillips or the Constitution Party.

In the paragraphs that follow, I’m coming at a concept we’ve already
visited -- but from a new angle. This one concept is of such paramount
importance because it reveals the motive behind votefraud, and must
else. Billions of dollars are at stake in the 2000 election, and you
don’t think that the “world rulers of this darkness” are intending to
give up their power just because the people vote their puppets out, do

The “One Party” I am talking about is the Permanent Revolution/Monopoly
Capitalist/Trotskyite Communist Party. This is the Party which stands
behind the Republican and Democratic Parties AND the five major TV
networks, to say nothing of the Federal Reserve Board, as we’ve stated a
few times before. (Permanent Revolution was the term that Trotsky and
his comrades used to describe the financial power and idea behind

The reason these “One Party” mouthpieces are so eager to throw kudos to
McCain is that, because of his war record and time as a POW, he
represents on February 13, 2000, the Permanent Revolution’s best hope —
in the current sorry field of establishment major party candidates – to
generate some enthusiasm amongst the naďve members of the public.

The “One Party” desperately needs to keep a President in office who will
follow Clinton in continuing to rubber stamp a selective deregulation
which leads to mega-mergers so as to facilitate the ongoing “lightening
speed” consolidation of each important sphere of American industry under
3 or 4 mega-corporations per sphere, — which corporations just happen to
all be allied with, and totally in favor of, the New World Order
government. This consolidation is being done through mergers. That’s
what the Time Warner – AOL merger was about. That’s what the CBS-Viacom
merger was all about.

That’s what the gobbling up of small banks by a few mega-banks is all
about (check the news in your area; last week in Cincinnati a local
institution of long standing, Centennial Bank, was gobbled up by Carl
Lindner’s very huge Provident Bank — this trend is happening everywhere;
it’s said we’ll have all local banks associated with two or three
mega-banks by this year’s end, or next.).

THIS was the original goal of the Trotzkyite communists – and Trotzky
was fronting for the Central Bankers of his day, and was even married to
one of their daughters.

The bloody persecution which became synonymous with Communism was
necessary to break up the Old Order of Europe and China, but was never
the final goal.

We are living and watching the hoped-for final phase, which was signaled
with the Big Media approved “fall of communism” and the tearing down of
the Berlin Wall. We are now under extreme economic warfare from Alan
Greenspans and their non-famous backers, not in the sense that we live
in abject poverty, but in the sense that we are being saddled in
perpetual national debt, perpetual personal debt for most of us, and
perpetually unnecessary high taxes amidst the nearly unlimited
productive capacity made possible by our people’s know-how and modern
technology. These evil central bankers are skimming much of the cream
off the top to determine the direction of the whole world.

All this is easily solved by taking the money power out of the hands of
the secretive Federal Reserve Bankers, and returning it to the light of
day under honest leaders.

Furthermore, the Ruling Elite absolutely demands, if they get their way,
that the successor to Clinton must continue the “free trade” policies
which Karl Marx said was necessary to eradicate nationhood. At this
juncture, it seems that the Ruling Elite plans to keep nations, but only
in the sense of high school rivalries (“be true to your school” as the
Beach Boys said) while national boundaries become meaningless. This was
the reason that, in 1994, BEFORE the elected Republican majority in
Congress could take office, Permanent Revolution agent Gingrich and
Permanent Revolution stooge Dole rushed behind closed doors to rubber
stamp Clinton’s bail out of the bankers from the Mexican debt, and it’s
the reason that the OUTGOING Democratic majority Congresses jammed
through NAFTA with Dole and Gingrich’s full consent. (The incoming
Repubs probably would have passed it too, but there would have been a
fight, and the Ruling Elite didn’t want to take the chance.

 The phony Dems and phony Repubs are allowed to debate within narrowly
defined limits – but nothing serious.

That’s why Pat Buchanan and his message of national sovereignty and
tariffs, in the tradition of all of America’s great leaders, pose such a
threat to the New World Order and their four candidates, Gush, Bore,
McCain, and Bradley. I don’t know for sure at this minute, but I feel
perfectly safe in saying that McCain voted for NAFTA and GATT. If he
hadn’t, he would be getting the “Pat Buchanan” treatment in the wake of
his New Hampshire Primary Victory, not the sweetheart ride he’s actually

In a future e-wire we will trace the path of “free trade” from Marx and
Fabian Socialism to the Heritage Foundation to the Reagan Administration
to the Clinton Administration. We will see that one time open
Trotsky-ite Communists Irving Kristol and Norman Podoritz, one day in
the 70’s announced they were becoming “neo-cons” and now their sons,
Bill Kristol and John Podoritz, claim to be the “conscience” of the
conservative movement, even while declaring the conservative movement
bankrupt and rudderless, as they defame and vilify Pat Buchanan who is
the last visible spokesman for what was once called conservative and
nationalist (in the best sense) principles.

All the name calling of Buchanan as a “nazi” and a “rascist” are just
the stock and trade, the bag of tricks if you will, of these closet
Trotskyites Kristol, Podoretz, their fellow travelers, and their
employees like Fred Barnes, Tony Snow, and Mort Kondracke, the
despicable TV commentators who analyze in lockstep on this issue, if
they want to keep their jobs; some liberals, some conservatives --- but
all spouting the essential Trotzky-ite line of selective deregulation
for certain favored corporations to make way for merger mania — and, of
course, free trade. (The family and regional business remains more
regulated than ever in the midst of this selective deregulation.

Along the way, Pat Buchanan, a free trader under Reagan and even in his
1988 autobiographical book, Right From the Beginning, --  woke up to
what was going on and changed his position as the devastating results of
“free trade” became evident. That’s why vote fraud has been used against
him (Dubuque, 1996 at least) and will be used against him, if we don’t
rise up against these moral monsters, and expose their unhealthy control
over our vote counting system and our media in time.

Even the obedient McCain, Bush, Gore, and Bradley must worry, for those
controlling the computers will generate the result they want for the
candidate whom they feel will be the most effective “ball carrier” for
them in the next four years.

So, you see, the dangers of computer votefraud are not some airy
compilation of theories, taking place in a vacuum. No. The dangers of
computer votefraud concern the stealing of America for very specific
candidates and against very specific candidates, by very specific Money

So, as we go forth, notice how the “liberals” and “conservatives” and
“moderates” who get favorable media play and coverage on balance,  —ALL
must agree on free trade and tearing down any barriers to merger mania
for the mega-corporations.

Monopoly Capitalism; Trotsky-ite communism – it all ends up in the same
place. We must restore a limited capitalism with even playing rules for
all,  which will in turn restore free enterprise and unleash the
productive industrial and technological capacity in America once again,
— as well as across the world for the first time ever.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

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