Dear Friends,
I am passing on this information as I feel this is something that concerns us all ...
It may shock you as it did me to read this and the attachments but I hope you will not feel offended by my sending it. If you do, then feel free to delete it. Otherwise I would ask you to do three things:
(1) Go down to the bottom of this e-mail to the List of 28 Yahoo "clubs" and copy them to a blank e-mail.
(2) Write to Yahoo and demand that they enforce their own contract by
immediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any additional free
Yahoo services. The address for complaints is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here is a sample letter:
"It is impossible to believe that Yahoo cannot understand that these groups (see List) violate the very Terms Of Service that Yahoo imposes on these "clubs." These terms state that "You agree to not use the Service to: a. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable....
Like many others, I am writing to demand that Yahoo should enforce its own regulations by immediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any additional free Yahoo services."
(3)Inform your friends, members of your church/synagogue, club, mailing list, and
other organizations of Yahoo's sponsorship of these groups so that they can
also protest.
"For evil to triumph it is only necessary for the Good to do nothing."
 Rory Winter.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Kneisel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: Protest Yahoo Sponsorship of Racist/Fascist Groups

> Dear friend,
> I am writing to you about a deepening of the situation on the internet
> where Yahoo is providing free internet services for fascist and other
> hate-based organizations to help those groups spread their message.
> Readers originally wrote to us about Yahoo's sponsorship of a free "club"
> for Matt Hale's virulently racist and anti-Semitic World Church of the
> Creator. Many complained to Yahoo.
> But upon checking how Yahoo has acted on these complaints we discovered a
> host of other racist and hate-based groups all receiving free Yahoo support
> to spread their propaganda. Some of these include the Knights of the Ku
> Klux Klan, Aryan Power, Pure White Rage, Aryan Nazi SS Skinheads, Christian
> Identity Club, and the AntiAsian and Minority Groups.
> It is difficult to impossible to believe that Yahoo cannot understand that
> these groups violate the very Terms Of Service that Yahoo imposes on these
> "clubs." These terms state that "You agree to not use the Service to: a.
> upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful,
> harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar,
> obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially,
> ethnically or otherwise objectionable...."
> Write to Yahoo and demand that they enforce their own contract by
> immediately removing these "clubs" and denying them any additional free
> Yahoo services. The address for complaints is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Inform your friends, members of your synagogue, club, mailing list, and
> other organizations of Yahoo's sponsorship of these groups so that they can
> also protest.
> We are not demanding that Yahoo do anything other than what it has promised
> in its Terms Of Service: stop providing free resources for hate-oriented
> action groups.
> You can verify the material about Yahoo via these URLs:
> Yahoo Clubs For "White_Pride_and_Racialism"
> Yahoo Terms of Service
> <>
> With anti-fascist greetings,
>   --  tallpaul (Paul Kneisel)
>       editor: The Internet Anti-Fascist
> PS: Those of us active in the old campaign against the Usenet news group
> called <> remember making one big mistake in our
> organizing. We did not include a "cut off date" for the protests; as a
> result, protests were still circulating on the net a year later! Learning
> from this, we have created a special "Status of protest" at
> <>. We can use this to inform people if the
> racist / fascist groups are still up and the protest continues or whether
> they've been removed so that people need not complain anymore.
Rank Club Name Description Members
1. Anti Racism Racists and non racists come here to debate 183
2. Knights of the Ku KIux Klan Putting a new face of the KKK 169
3. Ban Racism A place for people who are against racism to chat 162
4. Racialist Club of America A place for the white race to discuss their ideas 156
5. Aryan Power White Power 96
6. kkk youth corp kick ass 66
7. Pure White Rage A community for WHITE action! 59
8. Adolf Hitler Appreciation Club In honour of the hero of the white race 58
9. White America 3 48
10. Aryan Nazi SS Skinheads we Nazi Skinheads should own FAGGOTS as Property 40
12. White Proud and Superior For the one and only true race, the WHITE race. 33
13. THE WHITE REVOLUTION Join the revolution against our oppressors 28
13. White Nationalist Are you ready? 28
14. white pride 2000 For White People 25
15. Weiss Einigkeit[new] Arbeit Macht Frei 21
17. Canada's Skinheads Home of Canada's White Power Skinheads 16
18. Good Ol' Boys and Girls A place for Good Ol' Boys and Girls 14
19. Pennsylvania White Pride White Pride Straight Out of Pennsylvania!!!!! 12
20. Christian Identity Club for CI believers. 10
21. KKK The Third Threat   9
21. skandinavisk netverk for wite Mötesplats för K.K.K. och vi som stöder deras sak 9
22. AntiAsian and Minority Groups Where Whites can show thier pride against minority 8
23. Bakersfield White Boys   7
23. Crary News Room Crazy News From The News 7
23. ctkkk88 The Connecticut REALM 7
23. satinisticnaziconfederation club for white supremicists, and satanists/goth 7
23. SC Aryan Nation The Aryan Brotherhood in Columbia, SC 7
23. WE LOST White Extremist Legally Organized Southern Trrtrs 7
24. BLACK PANTHERS UNITED WHITEY STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6
24. Racists Action Leauge FIGHT BACK 6
25. AntiRacistActionLeague   5
25. Biala Sila Badz bez litosci dla zdrajcow imienia polskiego. 5
25. whiteamericaCT For White Americans in Connecticut 5
26. GANG HATERS What are we gonna do about them??? 4
26. Internet Resistance Movement   4
26. WhiteSinglesOH Where White singles in Ohio meet & chat 4
27. connkkk88   3
27. ct88kkk   3
27. IKA Pennsylvania's Ku Klux Klan   3
27. Kansas City White Pride[new] A place for Proud Whites who are sick of taking BS 3
27. Racialists in OK A place to meet other racialists in Oklahoma. 3
27. The A N O Room A Place For For People Who Are White 3
27. ultimate skinhead federation[new] join my club and kick som fag as 3
27. whiteamericaNYC NYC branch of White America club 3
28. Anti Human Hate Group   2
28. AntiRacist A club for people to discuss racial issues 2
28. Ar Yans for Internet Rights   2

Clubs created today will appear in the directory within 24 hours.
Unlisted clubs are not publicly listed and are only available to members.

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Title: Yahoo! Clubs
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Home > Cultures & Community > Groups > White Pride and Racialism (66)  

Clubs for White Pride and Racialism (66) Most Popular A-Z Index New Clubs
Rank Club Name Description Members
1. Anti Racism Racists and non racists come here to debate 183
2. Knights of the Ku KIux Klan Putting a new face of the KKK 169
3. Ban Racism A place for people who are against racism to chat 162
4. Racialist Club of America A place for the white race to discuss their ideas 156
5. Aryan Power White Power 96
6. kkk youth corp kick ass 66
7. Pure White Rage A community for WHITE action! 59
8. Adolf Hitler Appreciation Club In honour of the hero of the white race 58
9. White America 3 48
10. Aryan Nazi SS Skinheads we Nazi Skinheads should own FAGGOTS as Property 40
12. White Proud and Superior For the one and only true race, the WHITE race. 33
13. THE WHITE REVOLUTION Join the revolution against our oppressors 28
13. White Nationalist Are you ready? 28
14. white pride 2000 For White People 25
15. Weiss Einigkeit[new] Arbeit Macht Frei 21
17. Canada's Skinheads Home of Canada's White Power Skinheads 16
18. Good Ol' Boys and Girls A place for Good Ol' Boys and Girls 14
19. Pennsylvania White Pride White Pride Straight Out of Pennsylvania!!!!! 12
20. Christian Identity Club for CI believers. 10
21. KKK The Third Threat   9
21. skandinavisk netverk for wite Mötesplats för K.K.K. och vi som stöder deras sak 9
22. AntiAsian and Minority Groups Where Whites can show thier pride against minority 8
23. Bakersfield White Boys   7
23. Crary News Room Crazy News From The News 7
23. ctkkk88 The Connecticut REALM 7
23. satinisticnaziconfederation club for white supremicists, and satanists/goth 7
23. SC Aryan Nation The Aryan Brotherhood in Columbia, SC 7
23. WE LOST White Extremist Legally Organized Southern Trrtrs 7
24. BLACK PANTHERS UNITED WHITEY STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6
24. Racists Action Leauge FIGHT BACK 6
25. AntiRacistActionLeague   5
25. Biala Sila Badz bez litosci dla zdrajcow imienia polskiego. 5
25. whiteamericaCT For White Americans in Connecticut 5
26. GANG HATERS What are we gonna do about them??? 4
26. Internet Resistance Movement   4
26. WhiteSinglesOH Where White singles in Ohio meet & chat 4
27. connkkk88   3
27. ct88kkk   3
27. IKA Pennsylvania's Ku Klux Klan   3
27. Kansas City White Pride[new] A place for Proud Whites who are sick of taking BS 3
27. Racialists in OK A place to meet other racialists in Oklahoma. 3
27. The A N O Room A Place For For People Who Are White 3
27. ultimate skinhead federation[new] join my club and kick som fag as 3
27. whiteamericaNYC NYC branch of White America club 3
28. Anti Human Hate Group   2
28. AntiRacist A club for people to discuss racial issues 2
28. Ar Yans for Internet Rights   2

Clubs created today will appear in the directory within 24 hours.
Unlisted clubs are not publicly listed and are only available to members.

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