Al Gore, Secret Agent Man//
--Politics and The Intelligence "Community"
--ALSO: "McCain's Own Mozart"

So THAT'S why Al Gore wears that black trenchcoat so often, as he did to
the memorial service for the victims of the Columbine school massacre
last April; cause he's really a spook. I mean, I KNOW the reptilian
automaton creature is SPOOKY, but it never crossed my mind he was a
secret agent kind of guy. Wow. What a character.

Nevertheless, Gore's also a godfather of the REAL Trenchcoat Mafia and a
gangsta kingpin if ever there were one.

Also--an online rag I generally have NO use for, namely Salon, has
published a very interesting article; revealing how John McCain has been
helped immeasurably in his quest for the Republicrat (eh?) presidential
nomination through the use of some very carefully-crafted music in his
TV campaign ads. Apparently, McCain has found himself a very talented
Julliard-trained composer to breath some life into his campaign
commercials, and it's proving to be very effective. Get out those
hankies and kleenexes, folks.

Of COURSE, this is nothing the other major candidates aren't doing as well.

Interesting--I was JUST reading last night in a manuscript of a new,
as-yet unpublished book which deals with specifically with music and
mind control, that Julliard School of Music in NYC (which I actually
thought about attending once!) is in fact more than a little bit linked
to the intelligence "community"; has its own branch of the Skull and
Bones Society of Yale/George Bush fame at the school; and that a good
percentage of its undeniably very capable graduates, many of whom go on
to full-on, worldwide careers in music, are in fact serving as
intelligence agents. It works well because world-class musicians get to
travel ALL AROUND THE WORLD, with few if any "questions" asked.

Dang. And the whole time I just loved music. Guess I really dodged a
bullet on that one! 

And we all know the story about Mozart, his links to the the Masonic
lodges of Germany, and the mysterious figure who appeared in the latter
part of Mozart's life, driving him relentlessly to write some of the
most eerie, although excellent, music of his career. This was a severe
strain on the already-ailing Mozart and in fact basically killed him. Hmmm.....

AND, Salon ALSO has an article up called
"Al Gore-leone. Is the vice president really a nice guy or a 'goodfella';"

which details the remarkable number of similarities between Al Gore and
Vito Corleone of "The Godfather"; AND the similarities between the world
of power politics (at least in THIS country) and the carefree life of
bigtime mafia gangstas.

As we've been saying for close to a year now, he's Al "Trenchcoat Mafia"
Gore, and that is that.

See below. EDUCATE thyselves, fellow earthlings.

Many thanks to Marta and to Ronn in Sea-Town for bringing these items
onto our radar screen.

NewsHawk® Inc.

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Thought you'd like this for it's focus on the use of music in
crafting mood/theme messages (Mind Control/Shaping) in all these
"election time" TV spots that are now  appearing.

McCain's Own Mozart
Wonder what else they might add to these before the final mix? ...

Also, in the same issue, there is a piece which casts Gore's life as
being strangely  like "The God Father" saga. ....... Hey, I
luved yur Charlie Chan quote!! 
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Now, here's the stuff on "Gore... Al Gore"; our very own James Bond.

Marta's rhetorical question at the end of the quoted article is a
ringer, and pretty much MAKES THE CALL.

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A little blurb from the Duh Department.

In the Feb. 28, 2000 issue of US News and World Report, pg. 10, there is
a blurb on Gore.

"Vice President Al Gore has a secret---lots of them. Insiders tell
Whispers (name of USN&WR column) that Gore, far more the President
Clinton, has an insatiable thirst for foreign intelligence collected by
the Pentagon and CIA. It's won him friends in the spy world and even the
Republican-controlled congressional Intelligence Committee.

He is a very engaged consumer, as much as anyone in this administration.
He gives very good feedback and asks good questions. He has long
knowledge, deep knowledge, going back to his days on the Intelligence
Committee, says John Millis, staff director of the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence. Ditto among the Joint Chiefs of Staffs
who cater to Gore more than Clinton, who has deferred to the veep on key issues...

Privately, he (Gore) plays James Bond: Sources say he sneaks---even
drives---around Washington in disguises."

My question is: If information of this type is what is being actually
released to the public, then how deep is Gore's involvement that ISN'T

Marta St. Augustine - di Medici

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