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 INSIGHT News Alert!

 Inside the White House Project X

 By Paul M. Rodriguez

 2/18/00 -- The Insight story about the "lost"
 White House e-mails has resurfaced in the news.
 Now, congressional and federal investigators are
 hot on the trail of an estimated 100,000
 electronic notes, but those same sleuths ought to
 be looking for the thousands of pages of White
 House telephone records also "found" but ignored.

 In December 1998 and January 1999 this magazine
 reported on the existence of the previously
 unknown White House e-mails accidentally turned up
 by a subcontractor (see "Trove of `Lost' E-Mails
 at White House," Dec. 28, 1998, and "Former Aide
 Fights White House on Abuse," Jan. 3). When
 informed of the discovery of the e-mails,
 including missives from Monica Lewinsky and many
 others, White House officials flew into a panic
 and quickly put a clamp on the revelation by
 effectively classifying the information. So secret
 was the existence of this smoking howitzer that
 the White House dubbed all work on it "Project X."

 Contractors were instructed to remain silent under
 penalty of law and an effort was undertaken to
 reconstruct the e-mails to determine how they
 compared with messages on other White House
 computers and whether the newly discovered
 electronic evidence had been subpoenaed and, if
 so, what vestiges of other copies might have been
 turned over to scandal investigators.

 A White House official told us in 1998 that, yes,
 it appeared that some of the Project X e-mails
 were duplicates but that others were new and/or
 unknown. The refrain "We'll get back to you" was
 played out with finesse, as were assurances
 Congress would look into the discovery.

 Specifically, Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican
 and chairman of the House Government Reform and
 Oversight Committee, and Sen. Fred Thompson,
 Tennessee Republican and chairman of the Senate
 Governmental Affairs Committee, promised they'd
 look into the news alert! scoop and, well, would
 get back to us. That was two years ago.

 Fast forward to mid-February 2000 and a Washington
 Times story on the same lost e-mails. Suddenly, in
 a postimpeachment atmosphere, and amid a hot
 campaign season, Burton, Thompson and federal
 investigators again were promising to go after
 those electronic messages. Joe Lockhart, the
 adroit White House spokesman, tried to get by with
 labeling the story old news, reminding the world
 that Insight had broken it in 1998 -- and,
 besides, everything requested by the various
 investigators had been turned over long ago. Even
 President Clinton sang that refrain.

 But hold on: news alert! has learned that despite
 Insight's clear exposé, neither the Congress, the
 Justice Department Campaign Task Force nor the
 various independent counsels ever sought to obtain
 the telltale e-mails. Moreover, notwithstanding a
 companion story reported here in 1998 involving
 certain long-distance telephone records, the same
 investigating bodies also let those documents slip
 through their fingers when only a few were
 reviewed by the campaign task force.

 Whistle-blowers ask what's going on!

 Unlike the e-mails, to which the White House could
 delay access for months by claiming they were
 insignificant or already turned over to
 investigators, the discovery of the long-distance
 telephone records cannot be obfuscated. And here's
 why: In response to all those subpoenas over the
 years by all those investigating bodies, the White
 House always maintained that it had no telephone
 records in its possession and that it could not
 obtain them from the telephone companies because
 they routinely destroy such records every 90 days
 or so. There was just nothing to turn over in
 response to subpoenas.

 That is, until news alert! learned of a secret
 depository of monthly long-distance telephone
 records that date back to January 1992 and forward
 to at least December 1998. These records, which
 list dates, times, durations, numbers called and
 how much each call cost, also include in many
 instances the number to which the bill should be
 charged. In other words, priceless White House
 records exist to inform investigators working on
 any number of probes, including campaign-finance
 corruption, Travelgate, Filegate and all the other
 gates through which the Clinton/Gore team has run.

 News alert! recently was told that the G-men never
 got their hands on the critical documents. Such
 telephone records quickly could establish what
 calls were made to Red China deal-doer James Riady
 or Webster Hubbell or any number of people
 involved in the campaign-finance scandal. Just for
 starters. They also could clear up written
 testimony or oral depositions about who said what
 and when.

 Another curious item concerning those e-mails:
 news alert! has been told that the system in which
 the e-mails were stored was designed as a secret
 component to the White House Office Data Base, or
 WHODB, by which all incoming and outgoing e-mails
 were to be collected "off-campus" to avoid
 scrutiny by federal investigators. Multiple
 sources who worked with Insight on exposing the
 existence of WHODB, dubbed Big Brother, confirmed
 to news alert! that such a subsystem was designed
 for this very purpose.

 Sources did not know for certain whether the
 system in which the lost e-mails were found by a
 Northrop Grumman contractor is the same system.
 "It sure does sound like it, though," said a
 well-placed source.

 Will congressional and other federal investigators
 pursue this, too? We'll get back to you....

 Paul M. Rodriguez

 Click here to read the original Insight article
 from December 1998 :

    Looking for Information in All the Wrong Places
    by Paul M. Rodriguez

 Click here to read Insight's follow-up article
 from January 1999 :

    Honey Pot of Info Causes a Swarm
    by Paul M. Rodriguez


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