-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


I'll be writing a summary of the German translated book I have from the same
time span (mid sixties) called UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon by Mattern and
Friedrich. My book has all the models they made and who made them and when.
Including how they got down to Antarctica, when and where they made their
bases there and what type of completed spaceships they took with them. They
took 11,000 photos in 1937-38 just for mapping purposes of Antarctica. The
Nazis during the war forged about 15 billion dollars for Hitler in American
dollars and sterling. They were so perfect the banks couldn't tell. The
British had to withdraw its 5 pound note after the war because of this
forgery. Laundered in Switzerland of course. They were Ok for supplies from
South Africa. I remember reading in one of those Montauk books by Peter Moon
that the Nazis managed to take about $10 million of Jewish gold through
France to USA too.


A couple of photos on this url.

(Under Construction)

Renato Vesco

This Italian aeronautical technician claimed modern "flying saucers" are the
Anglo-Canadian development of very advanced German projects, namely the
circular unmanned crafts "Feuerball" and "Kugelblitz". Both of them were in
the prototype stage and maybe they were even flown-tested just at the end of
the war. Vesco and his impressive documentation have been often used by many
later authors in order to try to substantiate their empty claims.

The very first book of Renato Vesco was published in 1968, but the original
manuscript was ready since 1956. Because of job engagements he stopped its
publication and went on collecting more material. So he had enough material
to write three large books. The first one had a Spanish edition and two in
US (1971, Grove and 1974, Zebra), soon becoming a reference work for most
but all the authors and researchers writing about the highly controversial
subject of German "flying saucers". In 1994, the book was nearly fully
reprinted within a book edited by D.Childress "Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994".
Here it is the second Vesco book. The author was born in Arona in 1924.

The third book by Renato Vesco is a thick 553-page volume loaded with a real
wealth of info. On the ground of some late war German projects (including
the Norvegian-based development of the original Belluzzo's blueprints and
the German atom bomb project) and post-war British breakthroughs in
aeronautics and astronautics, he pointed out a fascinating but incredible
scenario. British spaceships have been built after blueprints and technology
captured in Germany and flown since 1947. In 1951 they landed on the Moon
and in 1954 they reached Mars. Though these claims look quite unlikely and
unsubstantiated, most of the evidence and sources offered by Vesco lead to
some interesting  considerations about German secret technology and some
late '40s and '50s UFO sightings.  Following the Canadian AVRO CAR project
rumours, many magazines of the early '50s published news about soon-to-come
man-made "flying saucers". Vesco found in these rumours more background for
his theory.

Just following the fast diffusion of the "flying saucer" concept as the
ultimate high-performance aircraft or spacecraft, many lonely inventors and
government-funded projects started to develop drawings or - less often -
early prototypes of circular machines.

The concept of the "man-made flying saucer" was really exciting and even
welcome in an era of fast technological advancements. The wonders of science
and technology of the atomic age could well explain even a dream-machine
like the flying saucer.

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