At 01:07 29/02/00 +1300, you wrote:
the Nazis managed to take about $10 million of Jewish gold through
France to USA too.


Hi Nicky,
If you read a new book out called "Web of Gold" by Guy Patton, Robin Mackness;
you might find where some of this gold came from.

There is quite a bit of evidence that the Nazi's found treasure in the Rennes-le-Chateaux area of France during WWII - the 22nd S.S. Panzer Div., was ambushed on its way up to reinforce the German defenders (against the D-Day invasion) and a lot of gold was taken from them at Oradour (sp) - in reprisal the Germans wiped out THE WHOLE village.
See "Oradour: Massacre and Aftermath" by Robin Mackness

See also "Nazi Gold"

This is a real-life story about the theft of a fabulous treasure - the German national gold and foreign currency reserves worth some œ2,500,000,000 at the time of the original investigation - which disappeared in transit following the Nazi collapse in 1945. It is also the story of a mystery and a cover-up which threatened to involve the US Army in Germany, the Pentagon and the Department of the Army in a scandal which predated Watergate by nearly 30 years.

After the war Martin Bormann's wife was found to be in possession of a large number of coins that many researchers say came from the treasure of the Temple of Solomon.

Thars gold in them thar hills (they sey)

Bye 4 now

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