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 Number 22 - ATLANTIS RISING - page 23


 the Mystery of the Quick Frozen Mammoths

 New Attention for One of Science's
 Most Disturbing Puzzles


 Editor's note: The recent wave of publicity surrounding
 the discovery of an intact Mammoth frozen in Siberian
 permafrost has rekindled debate over the sudden and
 mysterious demise of the species. While the extraction
 of the beast from the ice and possible plans to clone it
 -- a la Jurassic Park -- have fired the imagination of
 millions, few have considered the implications of such
 discoveries in the great debate between proponents of
 the "gradualist" school of evolutionary theory and the
 "catastrophist" camp. At stake are the theoretical
 underpinnings of current orthodoxy, opposed as it is to
 the notion that natural -- and for that matter, human --
 history on Earth may have been far more dramatic and
 tumultuous than we have thus far dared to properly

 Since the late 1700s, carcasses of long-vanished
 prehistoric mammoths have been located in the heavy ice
 and muck of frozen northern Siberian tundra.

 The first of record was located by Tungus Chief Ossip
 Shamakov, who spotted something large and dark inside a
 huge ice block lying along a Lena delta riverbank during
 his late-summer hunt for tusks. It was 1799.

 Superstitious fear kept the native ivory hunter from
 approaching the creature or seeking advice until six
 years later, when an observer with a science background
 was taken to view the carcass which was then partially
 exposed and half eaten by predators. The skeleton and
 much of the hide were recovered and placed eventually on
 display in the Russian St. Petersburg Museum where it
 delights the observer to this day.

 Unfortunately, no notations were kept of the condition
 of the extinct animal, nor any conclusions formed as to
 how it had come to be embedded in its icy tomb.

 Earlier finds in the Siberian area had not been brought
 to the attention of authorities, nor any reliable
 records kept other than folk tales of these ice-locked
 hairy giants suddenly appearing during the usual
 summertime hunts for scattered ivory tusks. Siberian
 north-lands have long been the most lucrative field for
 tusk hunters and traders, who paid the hunters 25 rubles
 for the immense ivory tooth, often fifteen feet long and
 more. It was, however, rare indeed to find such an
 intact animal as was located by Shamakov. Less than 20
 perfect specimens have turned up in modern times.


 Global weather shifts regularly cause alternate melting
 and freezing of icepacks in sub-arctic and even polar
 areas to which the Siberian wastes now belong. These
 cycles occur on a yearly basis, which allows mammoth
 hunting, and on much longer epochal scales which are now
 under investigation.

 Science and weather authorities have warned officially
 that the immediate future holds more obvious warming
 trends through storms and changes in ocean currents.
 Such warming trends, according to the current academic
 consensus, are shown in the records to precede ice age
 onsets. This is believed to be a natural process,
 although the rapid warming period now in evidence is
 being ascribed to human pollutants.

 It was such a mini-melt that allowed the mammoth find of
 1799, and the currently celebrated 1997 location of an
 intact mammoth which may hold answers to the
 disappearance of the furry behemoths into myth and
 legend, as well as a potential vehicle for cloning.

 This most recent discovery may provide evidence and
 clues to the unknown factors of climate and landscape at
 the exact time this mammoth still ranged the land. Bits
 of pollen and vegetation could be recovered from its
 body and two- to three-foot-long hair, while possibly
 more evidence could come from within its internal
 digestive system as was the case of the Berekovka `find'
 in 1900.

     Intact baby mammoth found in Yakutsk in 1977

 Most fully intact mammoths have been located standing
 upright along riverbanks or crevices in retreating
 glacial areas, either completely in ice or partially
 exposed. A very young specimen was accidentally
 unearthed in the permafrost of USSR's Yakutsk Republic
 in almost perfectly preserved condition. Its presence
 had not been suspected, nor was there evidence of
 whether it had been frozen in the usual upright posture,
 although leg positions hint that it could well have been
 standing at the time of death.

 Such extraordinary circumstance points toward a very
 sudden death and freezing for these extinct cousins of
 the contemporary Asian elephant.

 Investigation of the full-grown animals found in 1900
 revealed a stomach cavity full of undigested fodder, and
 fresh yellow buttercup blossoms clung to the frozen
 tongue. No data exists about the condition of its lungs,
 which might have suggested asphyxiation as a cause of
 such sudden death.

 Theorists have long debated, often hotly, what
 inconceivable set of circumstances may have prevailed in
 Siberia both 10,000 and 30,000 years ago; dates provided
 by radio-carbon dating tests on various mammoth


 Already mostly ruled out are volcanic explosions in both
 areas of time, which might have released poisonous gases
 which could wipe out huge animal populations, freezing
 them in their tracks as they grazed. Local geology does
 not show sufficient high concentrations of volcanic dust
 and debris which would be expected in such a scenario.

 Huge seismic upheavals which could cause rivers of
 frozen mud and ice to instantly trap and envelop these
 animals between bites of herbage as they chewed might
 provide a better answer.

 Another cause could be climatic reversal, first proposed
 in the December 1976 issue of Science, where it was
 stated "changes in the earth's orbital geometry are the
 fundamental cause of the ice ages." This finding was the
 result of examining Indian ocean cores and bottom
 samples representing 450,000 consecutive years of
 earth's climate. These contain a clear record of all
 climatic reversals, from whatever cause, during that
 immense period.

 How and why such reversals occur, or how rapidly they
 occur, is still under study. Pole shifts, perhaps an
 artifact of earth's eccentric orbit, are a popular
 theory of some researchers, and would definitely
 increase the potential of `sudden death' as well as the
 severity of ice onsets.

 A group of geophysicists working in Greenland in 1971
 discovered evidence of "fairly abrupt" climatic change
 from deep ice cores. But how `abrupt'?

 Today's newest studies may indicate a much more rapid
 onset than was thought.

 Recent findings show that Earth's core is a sphere of
 molten iron and moves in tiny but constant rotation.
 Could this rotation be possibly suddenly interrupted by
 some outside force, thus effecting the same type of
 geologic upheaval that is caused by sudden slippage of
 continental plates? These plates are sometimes stopped
 from movement over a short or long period. It was a
 shift of only a few inches in the San Andreas fault that
 caused the devastating quake and fire in San Francisco
 in 1906 (the coast-line southeast of Siberia is a known
 area of seismic instability).

 Could such a catastrophic event have caused immense ice
 and mud flow across Siberia in hours rather than days?

 Highly in dispute is the ice buildup theory of H.A.
 Brown, who in 1911, theorized that an accumulation of
 ice at one or both poles periodically upsets the earth's
 equilibrium, causing it to suddenly wobble or tumble
 like an overloaded canoe, throwing oceans of icy water
 over entire continental areas and instantly freezing
 animals with food in their mouths.

 A. T. Wilson found evidence that the Kutiak Glacier in
 northern India was reliably observed to have advanced as
 much as 360 feet a day at times. No such rapidity has
 been observed in recent times. However, if this were the
 case, such ice surges may have preceded or precipitated
 an ice age. It might also `unbalance the globe' as he
 thought, and could conceivably upset its usually regular
 orbital spin.

 A contemporary writer, Francis Hitching, defending the
 pole shift theories of the late Charles Hapgood, points
 out that most climate change theories of science
 overlook completely the `quick-frozen' perfection of the
 mammoth's physical condition, which would not have been
 possible under any slow-moving system of extinction. "We
 know that planetary catastrophes did not occur in the
 last few thousand years, so there has to be another
 explanation."  He asks, "What extraordinary series of
 events can have taken place to leave the massive bulk of
 hardy, tough-skinned beasts as quick-frozen as a TV


 If the earth's poles have moved, suddenly or slowly,
 there could be one of these geophysical events at work
 or perhaps an unforeseen combination of them.

 Photographs of Mars seem to show evidence, according to
 some analysts at California Institute of Technology,
 that concentric features on that planet's surface are
 not centered on the present polar locations as they
 would have expected, but are displaced, hinting that
 Mars, too, is subject to changes in its spin axis.
 Martian icecaps have undergone recent scans, though the
 recent loss of NASA robotic scanner technology has
 prevented closer study of that planet's poles.

 This finding could indicate that sudden polar shifts
 might be common to all planetary bodies.

 That some radical changes are obvious in the case of
 earth's climate zones has been long known to explorers.
 Deep deposits of coal and carbon deposits exist under
 today's Polar regions, indicating that either polar
 climate was once almost tropical, or that some kind of
 displacement occurred, whether slow or very sudden in

 Even Albert Einstein gave consideration to the theory
 that earth's crust itself sometimes, for whatever
 reason, undergoes sudden and perhaps catastrophic
 shifts, displacements or `slips'. Evidence of magnetic
 polarity changes has been noted in cores from many areas
 of the globe. Changed directions of continental movement
 called `drift' have been uncovered as well, showing that
 sudden inner or outer events may have effected these
 changes. But are these events abrupt? Can they fit the

 An offbeat but plausible theory has been proposed
 concerning the close approach to earth of a comet or a
 heavy asteroid, which could affect both earth's inner
 core and its upper-most crust of continents and icecaps.
 No comet of sufficient size has yet been recorded,
 although the idea is not without merit.

 If we accept that none of the existing theories can be
 entered in the books as the final answer, that none fit
 the existing facts of almost instantaneous freezing,
 what is the answer?

 The findings and evidences of science are accumulating
 much more rapidly today than in previous years. Perhaps
 the reason for this is the increasing education and
 professionalism of the participants. Or perhaps their
 more open attitude to anomalistic findings.

 Modern forensic techniques will be applied to the frozen
 body of the most recent mammoth to be found, and may
 show more data than the previously discovered specimens
 could provide. Whether comet, sudden pole shift,
 continental slippage or seismic event -- something yet
 unknown -- caused the mysterious death of this immense

 Finally, it must be restated that little evidence exists
 for any of these events as a direct cause of giant
 mammoths expiring on their feet as suddenly as they must
 have done to freeze so quickly and so perfectly as to be
 still fresh millennia later. Although many prehistoric
 animal populations may have been affected by mass kills,
 these are fossils, and only the largest, frozen in such
 an apparently lightning-like moment of time, remain to
 tantalize the theorist. No single piece of this
 fascinating scientific puzzle yet covers all the gaps.
 None answers all the questions.

 The silent, unmoving bulk of the quick-frozen mammoth
 eternally chewing its buttercups remains one of the
 great enigmas of the ages.

 The Author, Beverly Jaegers, is a journalist writing in
 varied fields since 1968, and a regular contributor to
 Atlantis Rising, Hera Magazine and others. She is also
 founder of the U.S. Psi Squad, a group involved in
 research into the frontiers of the mind. Their website
 is www.alltel.net/ ~computir/uspsisquad/ Email:
 USP-siSquad@ aol.com.

    The Discovery Channel shows workers cutting
    Mammoth-containing block from Siberian permafrost
    last summer so it can be airlifted to the laboratory.


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