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 Clinton and the flesh peddlers

 Johnny Chung on prostitution kingpin's
 White House connection

 By Charles Smith
 Tuesday, February 29, 2000
 © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

 Inside the dark underworld of international crime, Ng
 Lapseng earned a reputation of being tough, smart and

 Connected? In 1994, the Macau millionaire and brothel
 owner visited the White House -- a visit captured in a
 personal photograph with President Clinton and Hillary

 Ng Lapseng is also very well connected to Beijing.
 Reportedly a close friend of Wang Jun, international
 arms dealer and the chairman of China state weapons
 maker Polytechnologies, Inc., Ng also is reportedly a
 part of a deadly Chinese organized crime gang that
 specializes in the kidnapping of women for prostitution.

 In an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily, convicted
 Chinagate figure Johnny Chung describes his experiences
 with reputed gangster Ng Lapseng inside China and the
 Clinton White House.

 "In June 1994, I met the mayor of Zhuhai with Charlie
 Trie and Ng Lapseng at their hotel in Washington D.C.,"
 said Chung.

 "I cannot tell you the mayor's name because of my own
 concerns, but I can tell you he knew Ng Lapseng very
 well. All too well."

 "Trie, the mayor of Zhuhai, Ng and I were waiting to go
 to watch a speech by President Clinton," noted Chung.
 "We decided to chat a while during the wait. At one
 point, Trie asked to visit my office in Los Angeles.
 According to Trie, Ng Lapseng was interested in
 investing money into my fax service. Trie even mentioned
 that Ng was considering up to a 'million' dollars."

 "I agreed and later that month they came to L.A. for a
 visit," explained Chung. "I took Trie, Ng and the mayor
 of Zhuhai to visit the opening of a business center in
 Los Angeles and then later that night we went to dinner
 to discuss business.

 "Ng and Trie picked a very expensive Chinese
 restaurant," said Chung. "At the end of the evening, the
 bill for dinner was over $3,000. Ng presented his credit
 card, but curiously, it was returned as 'rejected.' Trie
 quietly asked me to pay the bill, but I was not willing
 to pay three thousand dollars for dinner. Trie had told
 me that Ng was a very rich millionaire and he had much
 power in Macau and China. Yet, here this 'millionaire'
 had his credit card rejected."

 "At this point, Ng Lapseng started to laugh and he
 pulled out a huge wad of money from his pocket, paying
 the restaurant bill, leaving several hundred dollars
 extra as a tip. Ng explained he knew his credit card
 would come up bad and that he just enjoyed embarrassing

 "Two years later in 1996, I took another business trip
 to China, and met a prominent businessman from Zhuhai
 who also knew the mayor," stated Chung. "He noted that
 the mayor of Zhuhai would be pleased if I could visit
 sometime. I agreed to accompany him back to Zhuhai and
 have dinner with the mayor."

 "During the dinner, the mayor explained that he loved
 Zhuhai," noted Chung. "He noted that Ng Lapseng was a
 Zhuhai 'hometown boy.' He also bragged that if he wanted
 to, he could be the vice minister of Guangdong province.
 However, he stated that 'I like Zhuhai better.'"

 "I then asked him why would he want to be a mayor and
 not a vice minister?"

 He said, 'I am very comfortable. I have control of a
 very important seaport. I have control of the customs
 officials. I have control of the PLA units attached
 here. I control everything that goes in and out of China
 from here. Everything.'"

 "It was then that the mayor relayed to me that he and Ng
 Lapseng controlled everything flowing between Macau and
 China," stated Chung.

 "I was somewhat stunned, but I tried to remain calm,"
 stated Chung. "During the dinner, I noted that the mayor
 had a picture from America in his office. It was a
 signed picture of Mark Middleton, special assistant to
 President Clinton, sitting with the mayor on a couch.
 Middleton looked ridiculous, relaxing with his tie off,
 drinking with the mayor."

 Year of the rat

 Ng Lapseng, according to Asia expert Bill Triplett, is
 part owner of "Ang-Du International," reported to be one
 of several firms that acquire women for Ng to employ at
 his Macau brothels. A 1998 article on Ang-Du and Ng
 published in the Wall Street Journal noted the company
 frequently acquired underage women, many forcibly
 abducted for prostitution.

 "Year of the Rat" by Bill Triplett and Ed Timperlake
 clearly notes that Ng Lapseng arrived in San Fransciso
 with $175,000 in cash -- the same June 1994 visit to
 America when Johnny Chung met the Macau brothel

 "Within two days, Ng was dining at the White House mess
 with presidential aide and Democratic Party fund-raiser
 Mark Middleton. Later that evening, Ng and his associate
 Charlie Trie would make honored guest appearances at a
 DNC-sponsored presidential Gala," noted Triplett and
 Timperlake in their book.

 Clearly, Ng's status as "hometown boy" took him into the
 halls of the White House and into the power centers of
 communist China. Ng and his friends on both sides of the
 Chinese border reportedly make great profits in drugs,
 money laundering, guns and women.

 Ng's flesh business is made even easier because of the
 vast numbers of poor Chinese women seeking employment in
 a so-called "free market." According to China Rights
 Forum, a journal of human rights in China, poor Chinese
 women are promised easy jobs in the south as a lure into
 prostitution. Migrant female workers -- either abandoned
 or too poor to return home -- are swept up by the
 frequent street raids of the People's Armed Police,
 and then forced into prostitution.

 Once arrested, Chinese women are detained without
 charges under brutal conditions in "C&R" centers run by
 the People's Armed Police. A February China Rights Forum
 interview of former C&R detainees included the recently
 published case of "Ling X," an anonymous Chinese
 engineer who was arrested because a PAP officer struck

 "Ling said female detainees were often subjected to
 violence if they did anything that the guards did not
 like," noted the China Rights interview.

 "One time during dinner, he saw a female detainee being
 slapped in the face and then beaten with a bamboo stick
 and belt. Ling said most of the female detainees were
 quite young. He said most were girls who had run away
 from their families in rural areas to find jobs in big
 cities like Shenzhen or Zhuhai."

 "Many girls want to make some money in a summer job to
 surprise their families or support their families
 financially," stated Ling to the China Rights Forum

 "They are easily cheated by traffickers or job agencies.
 Many of them don't get the job or the pay they were
 promised. For example, they are told they will work in
 sales before they go, but they end up in a sauna, a
 massage club, or a 'hair salon' that fronts for a
 brothel, and then ultimately get detained in the
 C&R center."

 Has the Clinton administration and the communist
 leadership in Beijing ignored the problem? Is this
 state-sponsored trafficking?

 One expert who says yes is the National Organization of
 Women's Dulles, Virginia chapter President Marie-Jose
 Ragab. After working for over a decade on the trade
 issue and state-sponsored prostitution. Ragab's stand on
 the sale of women has led her to split openly with the
 feminist mainstream and oppose President Clinton's

 "The fact that the loosening of trans-border regulations
 has allowed a freer circulation of capital and goods has
 been a boost to the traditional activities of organized
 crime," said Ragab. "To the degree that it possesses
 unprecedented masses of 'dirty' money, it constantly
 twirls around the globe in permanent search of
 respectability in order to enter the regulated financial
 system, something politicians have the power to

 "The abominable buying and selling of women is an
 integral part of it, as it has always been, hence the
 effort by some governments to legitimize such a
 lucrative trade since women have become, in this
 new world order, no more than a mercantile commodity,
 a 'product' just like any other," asserted Ragab.

 "It is seldom explained for what it is -- a modern form
 of slavery masked by official passports and airplane
 trips, but slavery nevertheless. Instead, the mainstream
 media, government agencies and unknowledgeable women's
 groups encourage the public to focus on relieving the
 individual condition of the trafficked women, not the
 root causes, reinforcing the trading thereby."

 Ragab also noted her dissatisfaction with the current
 feminist mainstream and their support of the Clintons.

 "As with rape and sexual harassment, feminist hypocrisy
 rules supreme, for their professed outrage never
 extended beyond slick brochures and tantalizing Internet
 ads," Ragab told WorldNetDaily.

 "They have fully supported the 1995 'President's
 Interagency Council on Women' headed by Mrs. Clinton,
 an instrument intended to create international
 prosecution-free loopholes so badly needed by
 traffickers everywhere, and I could not help but
 remember how Eleanor Smeal systematically prevented my
 presenting these facts to the NOW National Board in the
 years I served as International Director for the group."

 Ragab also noted she expected that a Sen. Hillary
 Clinton from New York would continue to support World
 Trade and U.N. efforts to legalize state-sponsored

 "I see no reason why she would not, based on the record,
 and based on the concept advanced by perverse and/or
 plain dumb feminists that women are intelligent adults
 who have the right to chose their lifestyle and to
 dispose of their body as they see fit," stated Ragab

 "State-sponsoring of prostitution has long been the
 dream of many governments, one the Netherlands just
 reached when they recently made prostitution a taxable
 'job.'  Thailand and the Philippines come to mind as
 well, along with many others."

 "It is a sadistic, woman-hating inversion of
 previously-sound concepts then, designed to encourage
 women to reach their potential, a rationalization of
 barbarism when we know what the sold women endure, the
 tortures, the inability to leave the milieu, the often
 wretched abusive childhoods and lawless environments
 which foster trafficking," concluded Ragab.

 And what of Johnny Chung? Convicted in 1998 of illegal
 campaign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chung
 has recently been the target of more than one
 assassination attempt. Despite the threat to his life,
 Chung asserts he made the Clinton administration aware
 of Ng's dangerous connections to the Chinese
 prostitution business.

 "I told the FBI about Ng," said Chung. "I told the
 Department of Justice about the mayor and Middleton.
 I told them everything and more. Yet, nothing has been

 © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


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