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From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Paper Ballot Q & A
Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 7:28 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 21, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

“Paper Ballot” Q & A

Things are getting exciting — we’re about to make some history in the
next 6 months and see if the internet can change the landscape of the
nation on this “votefraud vs. honest elections” issue — which dwarfs all
other issues related to the upcoming Presidential election — in the
sense that the election is truly a farce if we have an unverifiable

And, remember, you were their at the ground floor – in the first 300 as
part of the Network America Coalition. As I contact those of you who
have come forward to help in your state or county, it would be good if
we could list other efforts you are involved with, i.e., Mr. Mark
Santelman of New Hampshire has been the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
coordinator in New Hampshire since mid 1999, and he is part of the
Reform  Party and Buchanan Brigades. This will be a grand coalition,
where we work on the common cause of restoring honest, verifiable
elections, without submerging our own identities and the causes we’re
already working for! As you can see, nothing can be fixed without
honest, verifiable elections.

But first a sour note. Just when we’re getting dozens of excellent
messages from around the country, Unidial has decided to act up. A very
imprudent change made by Unidial a month ago has made it difficult to
send outgoing messages – off and on – for weeks. Now we’re down
completely. I’m mildly furious.

If they don’t fix it, we’ll change suppliers soon. I apologize, but over
the weekend I could not send replies to quite a few dozen of you good
people who have written in with excellent emails and suggestions,
questions and criticisms.

Before getting to the paper ballot question, here are the most
predominant of the hot subjects coming in via email: 1) Volunteers to
become State Reps and County Reps for Citizens for a Fair Vote Count.
I’ll answer all of you as soon as Unidial gets their system working
again; 2) the 21 or more polling places closed in South Carolina, mostly
in black areas, and Keyes is threatening to do something about it; will
he? 3) a number of emails about the use of paper ballots in South
Carolina, and paper ballots in general; that’s the subject of the rest
of this e-wire.

This rest of this e-wire will be short and very important: it concerns
paper ballots and the South Carolina primary, and paper ballot in

One subscriber wrote that Newsmax.com carried that 24 of 26 counties in
South Carolina were using paper ballots. I would like to see this whole
communication by Newsmax, because it is a disservice if they leave it at

Keep in mind, dear Friends, that “paper ballots” is only ONE of the
ingredients we need to conduct a verifiable election — and thereby
prevent the possibility of the central rigging of an election.

The other elements in addition to easily read paper ballots are: 1)
ballots deposited in a box, preferably a clear plastic box, which is
kept in public view all day; 2) the ballots counted immediately in full
public view by citizens from the neighborhood precinct immediately at
closing time, with all factions welcome to participate and/or watch the
count; 3) with the vote totals posted at the neighborhood precinct when
the counting is over and BEFORE the ballots are taken away from the
neighborhood precinct; and 4) a coalition of independent groups and / or
candidates having eye-witnesses at all precincts in the county to
witness the actual results, and then have a central command post which
receives and adds up the individual precinct results – in order to
double check what the Board of Elections says the final county wide
total is.

By the way, the Iowa Caucus of 1996, where Buchanan was votefrauded by
Voter News Service in New York City and the AP wire service — all
elements were present for a fair and verifiable count EXCEPT there was
no independent organization STATEWIDE to double check the crooked GOP
state headquarters and the sleazy Voter News Service in New York City,
who worked hand in glove with the Iowa State GOP.

Almost every county uses some kind of paper ballots, except in those
places where lever machines are used. For instance, Cincinnati, Ohio has
used paper ballots all along — IBM punch cards. In Cincinnati we also
have the ballots placed in a cardboard box kept in public view all day.
BUT, the ballots are not easily read, as they are nothing but a maze of
holes, with no names whatsoever on the IBM punch cards. You slip the
punch card into a machine that includes the candidate names, and then
use a sharp stylus to punch holes in the card.

And, besides the fact that the ballots are not easily read, in
Cincinnati we also fail on this count: ballots are not counted in the
neighborhood precinct when the polls are closed, in fact it’s
effectively illegal for citizens to look at, check, or double-check
their ballots on election day; in fact, if you put in a “pretty please
with sugar on top” request, they’ll let you  witness a recount of 3 per
cent of the precincts IF the election was close, like within 3% – if it
wasn’t that close, then you have to pay $20,000; AND, here’s the kicker,
-- the recount does not take place until 3 WEEKS after the election.

So, with no ability to verify the count at even one precinct, there is
obviously no chance to have eye-witnesses at all the precincts and then
do a county-wide double check of the Board of Elections.

Unfortunely, Cincinnati is not alone in using this IBM punchcard system,
absurd in SO many ways. This is used all over the country, and I contend
was designed to facilitate votefraud and to prevent citizens or
conscientious county officals from checking anything effectively on
election day.

Now, it is entirely possible that most of South Carolina uses paper
ballots. That in itself means nothing. The question is: do the citizens
have the right to count those paper ballots at the neighborhood
precincts, BEFORE the paper ballots leave the precinct. My guess is that
the answer is: no.

If anyone in South Carolina can verify this one way or the other, it
would be a great help. If anyone in South Carolina can simply call the
Board of Elections in their county, the question is this: “What is the
procedure for myself and other citizens in my precinct to count the
ballots at our neighborhood precinct on election day before the ballots
leave the precinct?” Tell them you want to do it this coming November,
2000 for the Presidential election. Then sit back and watch the hemming,
hawing, and eventually the sparks fly.

 This line of questioning WILL be on the questionnaire we’re about to
publish to be used to ascertain what conditions prevail in each of the
3000+ counties.

With the help of all the internet warriors who are offering to help, we
will get the job done in lightning speed, more or less. AND, I submit,
we will verify the following pattern: that in no county outside of New
Hampshire are citizens even allowed to look at or count their own
neighborhood votes on election day. We will find that there is no
provision for citizens to double-check what the computers are
constructed to do. Next, we will find that if citizens try to go to the
precinct and double-check the ballots, that police will be called out
and THEY, the concerned citizens, will be accused of trying to tamper
with the ballots — AND the kept newsmedia will take the side of the
corrupt Board of Elections, and cast the good citizens in a bad light.

Furthermore, we will find that the Board of Elections officials get very
testy if you don’t accept their first lame explanation with a smile, and
then let it drop.

In South Carolina, I think you will find that paper ballots were easily
read, but that then they were slipped into an “optical” scanner
computerized machine by each voter right after voting; that the optical
scanner machine ate the ballot like a shredder, but without shredding
the ballot. Next, once the ballot disappears into the optical scanner
machine, the citizens were never allowed to see their ballot again. This
is the way that the disgraceful excuse for a State Republican Party
Chairman, Kayne Robinson in Iowa, “counted the votes” in the Ames, Iowa
Straw Poll last August, 1999.

So easily read paper ballots isn’t the whole ballgame. It’s a good
start, but it’s not the whole ballgame. While we wait for the Michigan
Primary on Tuesday, and for Unidial to get their act together so I can
answer your e-mails, tomorrow I’ll cover the way the ballots are now
counted in Columbus, Ohio – 90 miles up the road from me. Columbus, Ohio
has, bar none, the worst vote tallying system in the country ---
although they aren’t alone, i.e., the citizens of Columbus aren’t the
only ones whose Board of Elections officials have completely sold them

I can’t wait to send out some of the emails we’ve gotten – and my
attempted answers --- more tomorrow!

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service, do the 
following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a password you make up (this only need 
be done once)  3) then when you log in to www.topica.com, click on "my topica" at the 
top of the screen; then on 4) Network America, and then 5) click on "Read Current 
Messages" which is the top choice at the left column on that screen. (Note: in some 
cases you may find that you have skipped over the "my topica" screen and have been 
sent straight to the screen with the "Network America" choice.)

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