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U.S.A. vs. Lyndon LaRouche

‘He’s a bad guy but we can’t say why’

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

February 15, 2000

    Table of ContentsIntroduction 1. A Case of Prosecutorial Judicial Fraud
----The Four Earlier Phases ----Kissinger and the 12333 File ----Crucial
Issues of the Trial ----The Issue of Law 2. The Historical Setting of the
Case ----The Historical Issue of those Trials FootnotesHomePage

The record shows, that for nearly thirty years, elements of the U.S.
Department of Justice have been engaged in world-wide political targetting of
me and my associates. This includes early 1970s operations run in conjunction
with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger’s U.S. State Department.1 During
the last ten years or so of that period, some U.S. officials, and others,
have challenged the relevant agencies with some of the evidence which shows,
that those prosecutions and correlated harassment of me and my associates,
had been clearly fraudulent, politically motivated targetting.

The Justice Department has responded to that evidence, repeatedly, in
judicial proceedings and elsewhere, with statements to the effect: “You have
to understand why we had to do it that way. We couldn’t use our secret files
in court; so, we had to get him in other ways. Believe us; we can’t tell you
why, but, he is a very bad guy.” What is the evidence that I am that alleged
“bad guy”? The answer has been, repeatedly, to the effect: “We can’t tell
you. The evidence is secret.” The Department refuses to submit the putative
evidence to scrutiny. It is usually withheld, either on the pretext of
national security, or simply that of protecting the authorship of what both
known circumstances and other evidence have often shown to have been false

In brief, these attacks on me and my associates, which have been virtually
continuous over nearly thirty years, have been modelled on the government’s,
and a corrupt mass news media’s resort to those fraudulent, Star-Chamber
methods, which are notorious from the history of the practice of
Seventeenth-Century English law. These are the methods of ruling by aid of
the enforcement of official lies. Today, in that practice of tendentious
sophistry common to today’s U.S. government and its legal practice, lies are
not called “lies”; instead, they are called, “matters of policy.”

Crucial has been a barrage of ex parte, in camera, and similar sessions, in
which arguments based upon such fraudulently alleged evidence have been used,
to induce some Federal judges to ignore the law selectively in cases
involving me and my associates as “a matter of policy.”2 Prosecutions and
libels based upon the alleged authority of so-called secret evidence are
intrinsically fraudulent uses of the word “secrecy”; but, these continue to
be the principal tactics still used by corrupt U.S. Justice Department
officials, and their accomplices, to cover up a massive, decades-long “get
LaRouche” hoax, run jointly through the U.S. Department of Justice and the
mass media.

Despite that reliance upon so-called secret evidence, out of an approximately
thirty-year record of the Justice Department’s wrong-doing against me and my
associates, some crucial kinds of public evidence of the nature of those
so-called secret files has leaked out through the cracks in process and
procedure. What is known from the public record, is more than sufficient to
expose those elements of government, and their accomplices, as engaged in the
most massive, most long-running, shocking story of known politically
motivated corruption, by and in those and other niches of the Justice
Department and other agencies.3

Perhaps the most common question posed by those who have walked through some
of the crucial features of this decades-long government operation, is, “What
do you suggest as a plausible motive for the operation which you describe?”
The question has been posed repeatedly to me personally, as it has also been
reported to me by others, “What explanation do you have for why anyone would
have the motive for doing what you report they are continuing to do?”

The best short reply to the latter question is: “Do you remember Edgar Allan
Poe’s ‘The Purloined Letter’?” As I shall show here, the answer to such
questions lies, so to speak, right under your noses; the evidence is already
in plain sight, and it is simple, clear, and conclusive.

First, review the highlights of the case itself, and then turn your attention
to the evidence of the nature of those high-ranking, government perpetrators’
motives, the crucial political evidence which is sitting there in plain sight.

1. A case of prosecutorial and judicial fraud
Top of Document

Some who remember the richly documented account of the case published under
the title of Railroad!, in 1989, will recall a significant number of the
relevant facts reported there.4 Indeed, more than ten years later, Railroad!
remains a rich lode of relevant documentation, mandatory study for anyone
seriously studying the thirty-odd-year history of “the LaRouche case.” This
present report, apart from being much more compact than that earlier one, has
two notable distinctions in respect to the nature of its content. First,
during the recent ten years, much new, crucially relevant information has
come to light, dispelling some of those distracting, secondary topics, which
had been viewed previously as unresolved, murky, debatable issues of
prosecutorial and related conduct, arising around the edges of what had been
an otherwise clear array of the preponderance of the evidence in these cases.5

The second, and much more important reason for preparing and issuing this new
report on the matter, is the need to restate the matter in ways which make
clear to the reader why this continuing, fraudulent targetting of me and my
associates still continues, after more than thirty years to date. At bottom,
as I shall show here, there is but one underlying motive behind it all. As
one of the observers of this case closest to it all along, I understand that
no one could really understand the motives for the extremely convoluted
deviousness of the Justice Department and its accomplices, unless and until
the legal side of the case is situated where the truth in all matters lies,
within its real-life setting, within the relevant, clear historical and
political perspective. The setting of the case within that historical
perspective, is the special task of this present report.

For example: among those crucially relevant matters, no one could understand
why the son of the Justice Department’s John Keeney would have been involved,
since the Summer of 1996, in a desperate effort to use the Democratic Party’s
National Committee (DNC) as a tool for bringing about a nullification of the
1965 Voting Rights Act. That action, unless turned back soon, presently
threatens to bring about, chain-reaction fashion, the already visible signs
of a threatened, early virtual extinction of the Democratic Party, during and
following the coming general election.

As DNC attorney Keeney argued, in August 1999, in moving for the
nullification of the 1965 act before Judge Sentelle, the nullification of
that act by the Federal Court was already in progress.6 However, that
acknowledged, the truth of that particular case, is the way in which former
National Chairman Fowler and the DNC’s Keeney acted to move for accelerating
such a nullification, in the past August 1999 proceedings.

Looking at that matter in that way, shows the political character of those
forces in both the Justice Department and Federal Court who have been behind
the targetting of me and my associates during a period of approximately
thirty years to date.

This is the kind of connection you must examine, if you are to understand the
crucial factors shaping U.S. politics and government as a whole during the
recent thirty years, especially the most recent quarter-century, since the
1976 national election-campaign. Indeed, to find the root of the
thirty-year-long “LaRouche case,” the case itself must be situated within the
setting of the profound political changes in the direction of national
policy-shaping since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy,
especially since those changes which began to erupt during the 1968-1972

It is fully consistent with the observation I have just made, that the
principal features of a largely secret, and still presently ongoing
government targetting of me by the U.S. Department of Justice, date from an
operation set into motion on January 12, 1983, at the urging of former
Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and his cronies. Indeed, the fact that
this has been, and still is an operation involving institutions of secret
governmental agencies, is unarguable; every attempt to bring the evidence
into court is resisted by the government’s own, usually successful pleading,
that that evidence can not be revealed, because it is officially secret. This
is a still-continuing operation, which ultimately sent me, and others, to
prison in January 1989, an operation which continues, under cover provided by
the permanent bureaucracy of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of
Justice, to the present day.7

This presently continuing operation was set into motion under Executive Order
12333’s provisions pertaining to secret foreign intelligence operations of
the U.S. government, run in concert with private, non-governmental agencies.8
That fact notwithstanding, to understand competently this 1983-2000 aspect of
the ongoing “Get LaRouche” operation, one must go to the root of those
operations; one must take into account the political setting of four earlier,
pre-1983 phases of the same operation, a series of Justice Department, and
related operations, beginning no later than 1973.

The four earlier phases
Top of Document

Typical of the evidence on the public record, is an official Nov. 23, 1973
document, an official record of both the New York City office of the FBI and
also the higher authorities in the FBI’s Washington, D.C. headquarters,
stating, that the FBI was orchestrating its assets in the leadership of the
Communist Party U.S.A., to bring about my personal “elimination.” That FBI
document, first released in full in January 1992, coincides with evidence of
an ongoing operation which my associates and I had published in March 1973,
and of an “elimination” operation, targetting me personally, which we exposed
publicly during January 1974. Although those government-related secret
operations of 1973 against me are officially dated by that evidence to
November 1973, the admissions contained within the document referencing my
prospective “elimination,” show the true flavor of the operations conducted
by the FBI and others, internationally, during the earlier months that same
year,9 and for several more years thereafter.10

There is another political feature of that same, 1973 FBI targetting of me
for “elimination,” which is also a very significant part of nearly
thirty-year record of corrupt complicity by government and mass-media. The
evidence against the mass media includes the role of the New York Times, in
January and February of 1974, in producing a massive, fraudulent campaign of
public defamation of me, in the New York Times‘ effort to provide a
diversionary cover-up for that FBI “elimination” operation.11 During the
entirety of the nearly three decades since that lying concoction by the New
York Times, virtually the entirety of the U.S. major news media has become a
wittingly complicit part of that same, continuing dirty political operations
centered in the U.S. Department of Justice. Typical of this, are a celebrated
policy-statement which appeared on the editorial page of the Washington Post,
on Sept. 24, 1976,12 and the fact of later expressions of precisely that
policy, in operations by both the Washington Post, New York Times, and
others, up to the present time.

Then, beginning no later than that documented, abortive “elimination” attempt
of November-December 1973, the FBI unleashed a second phase of the 1973
COINTELPRO operations against me and my associates. Despite the exposure of
the FBI’s role behind its Communist Party assets, the FBI not only continued,
but intensified and broadened the same general operation which had been
conducted through at least most of 1973. This continued into no later than
September 1977.13

The third of the four, pre-1983 phases of the presently documented operations
came to the surface in May 1978.

In later, related developments of 1978-1983, the evidence showed, that behind
the Justice Department’s dirty glove in these matters, in addition to
complicit actions by a corrupt mass news media, there was another, private
hand, the hand of very powerful, but so-called unofficial private
intelligence organizations, organizations which have become an integral part
of corrupt operations conducted by official agencies.

The array of these private intelligence organizations, is typified by the
cases of the American Family Foundation (AFF)141 and Anti-Defamation
League.15 Such private intelligence capabilities, well connected in official
Washington, D.C., and also in Europe, are only typified by the late John J.
McCloy’s circles, and similar, government-like capabilities, whose home-base
inside the U.S.A. is certain powerful circles of “Wall Street” financial
houses and the law firms with which those financial houses are associated, as
typified by study of the biography of the late McCloy.16

Following the Congress’s mid-1970s exposure of some shocking examples of the
Justice Department’s other operations operating under “internal security”
covers,17 there was a greater emphasis on running these same kinds of
operations under nominally private covers.18 So, during the period of
Zbigniew Brzezinski’s official reign inside the Carter Administration,
1978-1980, two private international organizations were key in launching the
continuation of former Justice Department operations. These were a private
branch of British intelligence, known as Friedrich von Hayek’s and Professor
Milton Friedman’s Mont Pelerin Society, and such operations of the
London-created New York Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), as the Zbigniew
Brzezinski-led Trilateral Commission.19

The Mont Pelerin Society was deployed for this purpose under the cover of the
Washington, D.C.-based Heritage Foundation, which Mont Pelerin had recently
taken over. It deployed in this action in tandem with a private auxiliary of
the Justice Department’s permanent bureaucracy, the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL). In May 1978, both the Heritage Foundation and ADL issued defamatory,
widely circulated, lying reports.20 This defamatory campaign laid the
political groundwork for a later, new wave of corrupt Justice Department
operations launched at, once again, the instigation of Henry Kissinger,
beginning no later than the second half of 1982.21

The ground for a new wave of post-1982 prosecutorial operations as such was
prepared during the second half of 1979, by the same New York Times which had
run the 1974 cover-up for the FBI’s aborted “elimination” operation.22 This
New York Times operation represents the fourth in the series of four
well-documented phases leading up to the January 1983 launching of operations
under title of Executive Orders 12331, 12333, and 12334.23 The New York
Times‘ operation was an escalation of the world-wide defamation operations
launched under joint sponsorship of the Mont Pelerin Society/Heritage
Foundation and Anti-Defamation League during May 1978. That 1979 case is a
crucial link in pinning down the nature of the 1973-2000 “Get LaRouche”
operation as a whole.

That operation of 1979-1980, centered around the New York Times and the ADL,
is hereinafter to be viewed, thus, as the fourth and final of the known
series of trials and related operations which preceded the presently ongoing,
1983-2000 phase of the Justice Department’s role. That 1979-1980 role of the
New York Times and ADL, which I have just identified as the fourth phase of
pre-1983 operations, is summarized as follows.

On the basis of information received from multiple sources, several of my
associates, under my direction, went up the back-trail of evidence leading to
discovery of hard proof, that the New York Times was organizing a public
defamation, a defamation intended, according to the voluntary statement of
the New York Times‘ agents themselves, to set me, personally, up for
imprisonment, through widespread and persisting waves of defamation with
charges which the New York Times then knew to be false.

In the course of this investigation, we were able to document the existence
of precisely such an operation and intent. This included our investigators’
secretly tape-recorded restaurant interview with the relevant two New York
Times reporters, Paul Montgomery and Howard Blum.24 That tape-recording was
then promptly presented, at press conferences called for this purpose, in New
York City and in Washington, D.C.25

That public exposure of that operation resulted in the New York Times‘ resort
to a detour. New York’s most notorious attorney, Roy Marcus Cohn, former
crony of both J. Edgar Hoover and Senator Joseph McCarthy, was used to plant
a prior published version of the defamation which the New York Times itself
had intended to publish, and did publish, in a featured series dated Oct. 7
and 8, 1979.26

Among Cohn’s stable of assets used for this operation, was a former convict
and client, Ed Kayatt, who published an advertiser throwaway, Our Town, on
New York City’s East Side. Using a local gutter type, Dennis King, as a
diversionary putative author, Kayatt’s Cohn-controlled Our Town published a
series of wild-eyed defamations, which then supplied the New York Times‘
Montgomery and Blum the “prior publication” cover for their previously
planned libel. This operation was coordinated, massively, with the ADL. That
same King was to appear later, during 1983-1984, together with NBC-TV’s Pat
Lynch, as an asset of the U.S. government’s secret, Executive Order 12333
operations, most notably in a 1989 book which he and his publisher, a
Kissinger crony, acknowledged then to have been the funded activities of
well-known quasi-non-governmental organizations (“quangos”) and other private
fronts, such as Walter Raymond’s Project Democracy operations, for the U.S.
official intelligence community.27

This series of four successive operations prepared the ground for the
1982-1983 launching of the presently continuing, 1983-2000, 12333 operation.

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