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Kissinger and the 12333 file

The 1983-2000 12333 operation against me and my associates, was set into
motion on the initiative of former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
and Kissinger’s Washington, D.C. law firm, Arnold and Porter.

Formally, Kissinger’s and Arnold and Porter’s operation went into effect
beginning Kissinger’s August 19, 1982 “Dear Bill” letter to then FBI Director
William Webster. Through repeated efforts in this same campaign by Kissinger
and his attorneys,28 and with support from Edward Bennett Williams, an
attorney for the Katharine Meyer Graham of the LaRouche-hating Washington Post
, the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), on January 12,
1983, adopted the proposal of Kissinger and of Kissinger’s attorneys, Arnold
and Porter. On that same day, FBI Director Webster ordered the FBI’s Oliver
“Buck” Revell to carry out the FBI’s own implementation of the PFIAB order of
David Abshire, Edward Bennett Williams, et al. On December 13, 1982, the head
of the permanent bureaucracy of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division,
Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney, assigned his old Internal
Security office, now veiled under the name of General Litigation and Legal
Advice Section (GLLAS), to handle the matter.29 GLLAS remained on that
assignment, through the 1988 Alexandria Federal indictment and trial.30

As of August 19, 1982, the date of Kissinger’s letter to FBI Director
Webster, there were five publicly well known issues behind Kissinger’s
personal motives for targetting of me for Justice Department dirty
operations. All five were both political in nature, and involved my
associates’ ongoing journalistic investigations into matters of notable
public interest, respecting corrupt activities in which Kissinger was
personally involved.

First, was the continuing political controversy between Kissinger and me over
the issue of urgent reforms in the post-1971 international monetary system.
This personal controversy dated from the 1974-1976 interval, involving
Kissinger’s actions in his various capacities as U.S. Secretary of State and
National Security Advisor.31 Merely typical of Kissinger’s relevant state of
mind during that period, is his 1974 crafting, in his capacity as National
Security Advisor, of the subsequently declassified, pro-genocidal National
Security [Council] Study Memorandum 200.32

Second, was my launching of a public campaign, in February 1982, to overturn
Kissinger’s arms-control policies.33 This attack on existing, Kissingerian
arms-control policies, reflected my ongoing back-channel discussions with the
Soviet Government, discussions which led to the March 23, 1983 announcement
of a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposal to the Soviet government, by
President Ronald Reagan.34 This ongoing work was well known to Kissinger’s
circles at that time.

Third, was our published attention to the contents of a public address which
Kissinger himself had delivered to a London Chatham House audience on May 10,
1982, in which Kissinger bragged that he had worked behind the back of his
President, under British direction, during the period he served as U.S.
Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. In that address, Kissinger
described himself as a follower of Winston Churchill and opponent of the
“American intellectual tradition” represented by Churchill’s political
opponent and war-time ally President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The report we
published was based on the transcript of that address issued by Kissinger’s
representatives themselves, including persons associated with the same PFIAB
organization which, in January 1983, set into motion the secret-intelligence
operations conducted under provisions of Executive Order 12333.35

The fourth issue was our news organization’s investigation of information
indicating Kissinger’s personal involvement, with Israel’s Ariel Sharon and
others, in a disgusting “West Bank land-scam” operation, which was one of the
world’s most notable, scurrilous, and profitable real estate swindles
occurring at that time.36

The fifth issue was my authorship of a special report, Operation Juarez,
published just a short time before Kissinger’s now-notorious “Dear Bill”
letter to FBI Director Webster.37 Operation Juarez set forth a proposed U.S.
policy for dealing with what I had foreseen, since Spring 1982, as an
impending Mexico debt-crisis, to be expected no later than September 1982.
The crisis exploded mere days following the initial publication of that
report. During the period immediately following, Kissinger was heavily
deployed into Mexico, with U.S. government backing, in the effort to prevent
Mexico’s government of President Lopez Portillo from continuing to respond to
the crisis in the manner outlined in Operation Juarez.38

On each and all of these particular five issues, the underlying philosophical
differences between Kissinger and me, were, and remain exactly the same. In
all five cases, our journalistic investigations of Kissinger and his
activities were no more abrasive, indeed less personally intrusive, than what
subjects of investigation customarily enjoy at the hands of any endeavor in
contemporary investigative journalism by major-media agencies. Kissinger’s
repeated, typically cowardly demand of both the Justice Department and PFIAB,
was that the ability of my associates to continue to engage in these
journalistic activities must be shut down by any and all means available.
Kissinger’s political cronies in PFIAB, and the Justice Department, complied.

In direct response to that PFIAB action, FBI Director William Webster set an
anti-LaRouche operation into motion within the FBI, while John Keeney of the
Justice Department’s Criminal Division assigned the old Internal Security
Division of the Justice Department, the General Litigation and Legal Advice
Section (GLLAS) of that Division, to conduct an Executive Order 12333
operation, under “national security,” foreign intelligence, cover, against
me, and also my associates. The circles of Vice-President Bush, including
Col. Oliver North, and National Security Council advisors such as Roy Godson,
came to play a leading party in the dirty operations targetting me and my
associates. This has continued since January 1983 to the present day.

The known figure of the Justice Department central to this continuing
operation, since January 1983 to the present day, has been the same Deputy
Assistant Attorney General John Keeney who made the GLLAS assignment on
Kissinger’s behalf, possibly the dirtiest man in the Justice Department from
then to the present day. Such is the morality of the New York Times, the Washi
ngton Post, and the other mass media which have cooperated in this dirty
Justice Department, political operation, through either all or a great part
of the 1973-2000 interval to date.

The outcome of that secret-intelligence-directed operation launched on
Kissinger’s behalf, is best summarized by focussing attention on the
crucially relevant features of three trials, and a most extraordinary
additional action of October 1986. Those elements and their interconnections
are chiefly as follows.

A. A prolonged (1984-1988) set of grand-jury proceedings, and subsequent
mass-trial, held in Federal Court in Boston, Massachusetts, a trial which the
prosecution implicitly lost, in a Spring 1988 mistrial.

In that case, which ended as a result of a drawing-down of an exhausted jury,
the jurors’ expressed their unanimous opinion, that they would exonerate the
defendants on all charges, and qualified that by observing that the issue of
the case was government wrong-doing.39 A more elegant, judicial opinion to
similar effect was later supplied by the trial judge in that case.40

At that point, the prosecution had the option of retrying that case, one they
were virtually assured of losing. So, although a retrial date of January 1989
was tentatively set, the Federal prosecutors conspired to avoid defeat in
Boston, by trying the defendants, first, on different, specially
pre-concocted charges, in a less scrupulous jurisdiction, in Alexandria,
Virginia. Thus, they rushed to bring a new case to trial in Virginia, before
the January date tentatively arranged for retrial in Boston. By early 1987,
the Justice Department’s multi-jurisdictional, State-Federal prosecutorial
task-force had crafted the option used in the later, railroad-style trial in
Federal Court in Alexandria. As was to be expected all along, after the
Alexandria conviction, the prosecution abandoned the Boston retrial.

This introduction of a new trial, while a retrial of another Federal case was
pending, was worse than merely highly irregular. However, at the urging of
GLLAS, and the pleasure of a former CIA official, Judge Sporkin, the
Alexandria travesty of justice was ordered to proceed forthwith.41

B. Meanwhile, on October 6-7, 1986, an armed force of more than four hundred,
including the equivalent of several military companies of heavily armed
members of a combined Federal, State, and local task-force, invaded and
occupied the town of Leesburg, Virginia. The included intention of at least
some elements of this task-force, was to use the cover of that operation as
the occasion for what would be later described as a “Waco-style” operation,
designed for assassinating me, my wife, and others, at my place of residence,
a few miles distant from Leesburg. This intention was subsequently admitted
by agents of the Justice Department Criminal Division’s task-force itself,
and was otherwise confirmed, objectively, by the way in which military teams
were deployed at the place of residence, from dawn of October 6th through
early morning of October 7th. Higher authorities in Washington prevented this
shoot-out, by going over the head of strike-force director, and Criminal
Division head William Weld, to order that the waiting Special Forces-style
attack on my location be disbanded.

This October 6-7, 1986 armed occupation of Leesburg, occurred on the eve of
President Ronald Reagan’s meeting with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail
Gorbachev at Reykjavik, Iceland. The issue of that latter meeting was the
same SDI, of which the Gorbachev government and press described me, in most
violent language, as its hated original author and spokesman. Since I was
well known as the initiator of the SDI, as that had been introduced
officially by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983, the assassination of
me at that juncture would have appeared to the world as a Justice Department
killing on Soviet orders, and thus an implied personal threat, with William
Weld’s complicity, against the President of the U.S. himself!

This brings us to the matter of a second trial, a Federal bankruptcy in

C. A 1987 Federal seizure and shut-down, later ruled to have been unlawful,
under pretext of Federal bankruptcy law, of several organizations in
Virginia. This was later decided, in successive Federal bankruptcy
proceedings, to have been a case of constructive fraud upon the court by the
relevant U.S. Attorney, Henry Hudson. All income-generating and
loan-repayment operations of these entities, were permanently shut down at
that point, by the court. The relevant Federal judge, Albert V. Bryan, Jr.,
refused to allow the seized organizations opportunity to conduct a timely
challenge to this unlawful, indeed fraudulent government action bankrupting
and seizing those firms. It is to be stressed, that, in proceedings which
occurred following the Alexandria trial and conviction of me and my
fellow-defendants, the Federal courts ruled that the bringing of the
bankruptcy itself had been an act of fraud upon the court by the U.S.
Department of Justice. Nonetheless, despite those rulings, I remained in
Federal prison for more than four more years; so, the “Get LaRouche”
task-force was permitted to continue to enjoy the ill-gotten ends, which had
been secured by aid of Justice Department fraud on the Federal bankruptcy

As an accompanying, and preceding element of this same operation, corrupt,
February 1987 actions by authorities within the Commonwealth of Virginia,
induced a relevant official to reverse herself, by fraudulently redefining
the loans later jeopardized by the impending bankruptcy action to have been
regular business loans, when most of them were in fact of the “soft,”
political loans classification, like the election-campaign loans of leading
Commonwealth figures at that time. These loans were often zero-interest rate,
and were customarily rolled over until finally retired. Shortly after her
shocking turnabout, that Virginia official was rewarded for her good
behavior, by her appointment as a judge of the state’s Supreme Court.

This combination of actions, the Federal government’s fraudulent actions in
the bankruptcy proceedings, and the preparatory actions of February, taken by
corrupt Commonwealth officials, were among the most crucial preparatory steps
for crafting the prosecutor’s orchestration of the perjury-ridden Federal
mail-fraud and “Klein conspiracy” indictments of October 14, 1988.42

D. A railroad-style prosecution, by the U.S. Department of Justice, was
launched out of the Eastern District of Virginia, during October 1988, using
the Federal Bankruptcy case, together with the fraudulent charges placed by
the Commonwealth of Virginia, as the sole pretext for twelve counts of
alleged mail-fraud and one count, also based on the loan issue, charging me
personally with a “Klein conspiracy.” The latter, arcane charge, otherwise
stated, was intent “to obstruct and impede the functions of the Internal
Revenue Service.”

The mail fraud charges were predicated upon the outstanding loans of the
entities which had been unlawfully bankrupted by the prosecutorial task-force
itself. The indictment was launched by the same U.S. Attorney Henry Hudson
who had launched the fraud on the court which shut down continued payments,
including payments on some of the same instances for which the charges at
trial were heard before the same, fully-witting Federal Judge Bryan, who had
previously stopped any action to allow those entities to continue repayment
of those loans. However, the issue of the bankruptcy, and of the actual
character of those loans themselves, was kept out of court by pre-trial and
in-trial rulings by savagely enforced, repeated order of the same Judge Bryan
who had acted to prevent the subject entities from continuing their ongoing
programs of loan retirement.

Most crucial was that judge’s Rule 403 in limine ruling, pre-trial,
disallowing the introduction of what the court admitted to be relevant
evidence bearing upon the bankruptcy and other relevant matters. That and
related pretrial exclusions of relevant evidence by Bryan, were designed to
ensure that the Alexandria indictment was not rejected by the jury as the
Boston indictment had been. Although the mail fraud charges featured in the
Alexandria indictment were new, and involved legally complex new issues not
considered in Boston, the included umbrella charge of conspiracy in the
Alexandria case was a virtual copy, axiomatically, of that in the Boston
case; the prosecution’s wild-eyed theory of an alleged conspiracy by me, was
the same in both cases. The multi-jurisdictional prosecutorial team was
determined to exclude any hearing of those facts, common to both cases, which
had been decisive in the jury’s reactions in Boston. Judge Bryan also
excluded from the trial any hearing on evidence on the complex new legal
questions posed by the mail fraud charges. That and related pretrial rulings
by that Judge Bryan, ensured that the subsequent trial was assuredly a fraud
by the court, in and of itself.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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