-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

lol,  Andy...
You are the one who DID mention green cheese in your previous post to the
one answered.

The only thing that I am going to say is that I do not believe the Bible
100% as it is written in English because Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek reveal
almost a whole different picture than what you get from many of the
modernday folklore Bible teachers.  I am not going to waste my time either,
because I have nothing to convince you of.  You seem to already know it all.
However,  if you are ever interested in learning the Bible,  to make a
proper and true assessment,  it doesn't matter what I have to say, you have
to learn it and experience it on your own.

I would never tell a child that if you don't do this thus and so,  they are
going to burn in hell forever...  because that is a lie.  Whoever has told
you that one has lied and I would agree to a certain point with you on your
assessment.  But you are like all other athiest and agnostics...  you want
to lump all religion into one category,  and one belief system.  Sorry,
that's just not the way it is.  Although technically,  when it boils down to
the bottom line,  and eventually all will know,  there is but one absolute,
and one truth.

You've said you're not going to waste your time?  Don't worry,  I won't
waste yours,  because this forum is not the place to waste my time on this
subject.  IF you care to learn more about some subjects you're welcome to
visit my websites.  And I still will not try to convince you that you should
believe this way or that way.  The information is there strictly for your
consideration.  If you believe the Bible references given,  fine.  If you
don't,  fine, too.  However,  regardless,  it's your choice as to what you
believe.  I'm not here to convince you that there is or isn't a God,  or
that the Bible is or isn't true.  I've only expressed my own opinion...  and
YES,  I believe in God,  and that the Bible in it's original languages is
true,  and it is from experience.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "blue honey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> I think that I narrowed that wide-open category down just a bit when I
> included my definition of believers in the very sentence that I used the
> word ....Believers:  Someone who believes that the bible was written by
> and that it's 100 % true from cover to cover.  lol....I never mentioned
> gravity, or a moon made of cheese.
> No brain washing?!? Telling a child that not believing in God will result
> burning in hell forever,...I'm not even going to waste my time typing all
> the instances of brainwashing that goes on in Sunday school with songs,
> chants and other techniques, it should be completely obvious that many
> children have no choice but to become a Christian because that's what
> parents are.
> Faith, to me is not healthy.  Faith is accepting ignorance, you have used
> the word "experienced" 3 or 4 times in you post, have you had a true
> religious experience?  I have and I can tell you that it had nothing to do
> with faith, it was the opposite of faith.  Does your religion rely on
> rather than experience?  Dogma and creeds are not my cup of tea. I have no
> need for faith, it is the psychedelic experience itself that takes one
> faith to the natural unity and integrity of the universe, showing us our
> Selves as integral parts of the whole; that reveals to us the infinite
> splendor of our universe, and the overlooked miracle that is common
> consciousness. Any religion that requires faith and gives none, that
> against religious experiences, that gives credence to some bizarre
> superstition that humankind is in some way separate, divorced from the
> of creation, one that does not bridge the gap between the Mind, Body and
> Soul, is no religion at all!
> You stated that I have just found something to disagree with and that I
> want to thump the thumpers, but you are the one that went off ranting
> green cheese and gravity...I'm not giving this post any more of my time.
> andy
> www.bluehoney.org
> bluehoney wrote:
> >>These are "believers" that blindly believe that the bible was written by
> God and it is 100% true from cover to cover. Talking logic to these people
> is impossible.<<
> Please define "believers"...  that is a wide-open category.  Everyone
> believes in something.  You must believe in gravity,  and believe in it
> blindly...  because it can only be understood in theory.  It cannot be
> physically examined,  but it certainly can be experienced,  and I'm sure
> "believe" in it's reality and its effects.  :)
> Don't knock it,  'til you try it, honey...
> For example,  If you want to believe that the moon is made of green
> cheese... and is served best with ranch dressing,  and if you also believe
> you've tasted it and experienced it...  and you think it's the greatest
> thing since sliced bread,   it would be impossible to talk logic with you
> either.
> People who believe the Bible was written by God,  and those whom you call
> impossible to talk logic,  more than likely have had a life changing
> experience that has convinced them that the Bible is true.
> There is no brainwashing or mind control.  It's called FAITH.  A very
> healthy human attribute.
> Sounds to me that you've just found something in life and the social
> .to disagree with and you just want to thump the thumpers   (I actually
> don't blame you to some degree)...  But,  If you haven't experienced it,
> you cannot logically judge someone who claims to have experienced it.  One
> cancels the other.
> eagle 1
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "blue honey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 8:49 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology (was BUSH IS A REPTILIAN)
> > -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > </A> -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > No I didn't consider that. But aside from snakes, think about this -
> > from Egypt (was prophesized to be great, born of a virgin on Dec. 25,
> taught
> > in a temple at the age of 12, had 12 deciples, was slain on a cross
> between
> > 2 thieves, often represented with a triangle...), Quentalocatl of Mexico
> > (was prophesized to be great, born of a virgin, was tempted and fasted
> > 40 days, was slain in atonement for primal sin, often represented as the
> > trinity and signified by 3 crosses, his second coming is confidently
> > expected...) and the list goes on to Beddru from Japan and like I said
> > before, there are dozens of characters through out time that share
> > strikingly similar qualities. So what happened in Ancient Sumer that
> spawned
> > this global myth of a hero?  And why is Christianity so widely believed
> > be true (in this country)?  There's your conspiracy my friend: highly
> > educated people, grown adults in the year 2000 believe with all their
> heart
> > that the miracles and impossibilities in the bible actually could have
> > happened. Most would rather burn in hell for eternity rather than say
> > they don't believe. I don't care if these prescientific minds believed
> > thunder was a god and snakes can sneak up and bite you, sometimes
> > death...maybe that's why they are "evil". But in the information age
> > are 100,000 new Christians each day.  What's the deal? These are
> "believers"
> > that blindly believe that the bible was written by God and it is 100%
> > from cover to cover. Talking logic to these people is impossible.
> >
> > Mind control? Brainwashing? You tell me, because I still believe in
> Santa...
> >
> > andy
> > www.bluehoney.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Blue Honey, have you considered the geographical proximity of the
> religions
> > you cite which regard the snake as evil, and that these seemingly
> disparate
> > religions are in fact variations on a much older theme from a single
> source
> > within the same area which is Ancient Sumer...
> >
> > BD
> >

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