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Medical students getting a clue ?
This seems like a grammar school book report, as opposed to something
written by an author who actually understands the subject matter, but
from msJAMA, "Medical Student Journal of the American Medical Association

Dave Hartley

 Pulse — Essay
Vol. 279, p. 707, Mar. 4, 1998

Homeopathy: Another Tool in the Bag
Megan A. Johnson, George Washington University School of Medicine

One popular form of alternative medicine is homeopathy, a system of medicine
that attempts to stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathy is based on
two main principles.[1] The first is that "like cures like": one should
administer therapies that will produce symptoms similar to those the patient
is already experiencing.[2] According to this principle, symptoms are seen
as the body's attempt to restore itself to health. Enhancing these symptoms
would then aid the body's normal healing process. For example, one
homeopathic remedy for a patient with a runny nose is the red onion extract,
called allium, that enhances the runny nose by stimulating the tear glands
and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.[1] In contrast,
allopathic medications such as antihistamines would suppress the runniness.

The second principle of homeopathy is that of "minimum dilution": one should
use the lowest concentration of a substance that still provokes a
response.[2] This principle is essential to homeopathy's viability, since
some compounds used in homeopathy can be toxic at high concentrations.[1]
Homeopathic medications have beneficial effects only at lower dilutions,
although how this occurs is unclear. Published guidelines state the
prescribed concentration for homeopaths to follow when creating remedies.[2]

Many factors contribute to the popularity of homeopathy, among which may be
allopathic medicine's ineffectiveness in treating the chronic health
complaints of many patients. This may be especially true for more systemic
conditions such as backaches, the "blues," and general malaise. In these
cases, homeopathic remedies may be useful, since they do not require a
specific diagnosis but are based on the symptoms presented by the patient.
Rather than sorting out conditions that may not match a specific diagnosis,
homeopaths seek to enhance all symptoms through their therapies. In this
sense, part of homeopathy's popularity may be due to this patient-centered
view of illness, where the key to resolving health issues lies in
understanding and treating all symptoms, not just those that fit the
textbook description of a specific disease.

Despite homeopathy's popularity, several barriers exist to its broad
acceptance in the United States. The uncertain legal and clinical limits
that govern the practice of homeopathy are the most serious problems facing
homeopaths. Only three states, Arizona, Connecticut, and Nevada, have
homeopathic licensing laws that apply specifically to those with medical
(MD) or osteopathic (DO) degrees.[3] Within these laws no clear directives
exist that distinguish between circumstances in which homeopathy could be
applied and situations in which it would not be beneficial. In practice
though, most homeopathic treatments are aimed at chronic illnesses;
homeopathy is not generally considered useful for acute, life-threatening
situations. However, the lack of legal and medical guidelines hinders
homeopathy's widespread use.

A second difficulty is the inconsistency in homeopathic training. While many
programs are offered in the United States, no state licenses the practice of
homeopathy without a medical degree.

A third barrier is that most insurance companies do not reimburse for
alternative medical practices, because they lack sufficient scientific proof
of efficacy. Nonetheless, homeopathic remedies are easily purchased
over-the-counter and are also relatively affordable.

Despite these obstacles, homeopathic and alternative medicines present a
"significant public health challenge as well as an opportunity."[4] If
homeopathy is, in part, a reaction to the shortcomings of modern medicine,
it is also a force that cannot be ignored. For many patients suffering from
chronic problems that lack a specific diagnosis, homeopathy may be an
important and useful treatment option. If used within its limits, homeopathy
could complement modern medicine as, "another tool in the bag."[2] Perhaps,
together with allopathic medicine, a more complete therapy can be employed
to benefit patients' health.

Common Homeopathic Remedies
Adapted from Healing With Homeopathy[1]
Hypericum (St John's wort)
Suggested uses: Mild to moderate depression, sharp nerve pain resulting from
nerve injuries, asthma that is worse in damp weather, toothache, late
menstruation, and headache
Notes: A popular remedy that has long been used as a treatment for

Arnica montana (leopard's bane)
Suggested uses: After traumatic injuries, soreness and bruises, or when
feeling hypersensitive and nervous
Notes: Often used after labor and delivery, after a fall or blow, or for

Arsenicum (arsenic)
Suggested uses: Restlessness, chilliness, weakness, thirst, burning pains,
nervousness, anxiety
Notes: Often used for colds, flu, pinkeye, vaginal infections,

1. Jonas W, Jacobs J. Healing With Homeopathy. New York, NY: Warner

2. Cant S, Sharma U. Demarcation and transformation within homeopathic
knowledge: a strategy of professionalization. Soc Sci Med. 1996;42:579-588.

3. Lebensorger M. Legalities of homeopathic practice and the NCH Directory
of Practitioners. Homeopathy Today. 1997;17:2-10.

4. Marwick C. Complementary medicine congress draws a crowd. JAMA.

(JAMA. 1998;279:707)

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