-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I'm NO fan of the Chinese and it is clear that they have something on Clinton and a 
lot of other members of our government.  They get whatever they want, maybe because we 
are just scared of them, I don't know.  It is a shameful disgrace the way we pander to 
them, and it will continue despite who gets into office later this year, that is a 
certainty.  However, I will take issue with the mention of Castro and Cuba in this 
missive.  There is no comparison between China and Cuba.  Granted that Castro has some 
bad marks against him, just like any other world leader, including our glorious 
commander in chief.  BUT, the embargo and boycott of Cuba should end, and should have 
ended long ago, while a considered boycott and embargo against China should commence 
post haste.  Remember, WE put Castro in power, and it is only because he sought 
independance from our control that we hold such a grudge against him, that is the 
major reason why this is still an issue today.

On Thu, 16 March 2000, Bill Richer wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!
> What Is It With Clinton and the Chinese?
> By Bob Slosser
> March 15, 2000
> -- Here come the Chinese!Here come the Chinese! I guess everyone knows what
> that means by now. It means, "Batten down the hatches!" – very loudly. Can’t
> you see all those people inside the Beltway straining their necks to learn
> what Clinton’s going to give away now. You may not think much of his friends,
> but you have to admit, he holds nothing back in trying to please them.
> So where do we stand? Well, we’ve lost some nuclear secrets; made our
> election fund-raising even more suspect; taken a shellacking in the
> international trade balance; let an ally named Taiwan undergo humiliating
> threats of intimidation; and continued to lose the respect of the world, much
> of which is watching nervously for some hint of leadership from us.
> Just what is it that the president sees in the Chinese Communists? I guess
> you might say he sees the same thing that he sees in the Cuban Communists. He
> calls it "engagement." Yeah, but what is it? You might ask all those
> university professors who seem to have fallen in love again with Castro and
> sundry other murderous tyrants. I declare, an awful lot of our highest-paid
> educators seem never to get over their dislike of things American. They’re as
> bad as a lot of our highest-paid business executives, whose greed often gets
> ahead of their patriotism and their common sense.
> To tell you the truth, these scholars and wealthy businessmen really don’t
> seem to care much for Joe Six-Pack, a plain, hard-working guy who may not
> deserve the Six-Pack label any more than the wine-sipping profs or the
> scotch-slugging big shots. Neither do they care much for the gold ol’
> American laborer of whatever race who may have missed out on some educational
> and cultural exposure. The same holds true for the consistent, persistent
> Catholic and Protestant Christian folks who live out their faith raising good
> families to the taunt of "you’re nothing but a fanatic." These citizens
> don’t receive much consideration from the upper deck -- politically or
> economically -- in the months and years following an election.
> Meanwhile, top-drawer Administration and corporation people think the
> Communists in nations unrelated to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet
> collapse are somehow in a state of thaw – which we all yearn for, of course
> – and are to be trusted. Cuba, yeah. China, North Korea, Vietnam, along with
> all that potential Asian market, yeah. Nations that make those glassy-eyed
> corporations salivate as they pursue expanding markets, regardless of
> whatever else may be going on that could damage America and a lot of citizens
> along the way. And don’t forget those Asians and Cubans who haven’t had a
> human right in 50 years. You could give away all their hope.
> Now hear me on this: democratic capitalism has been the greatest system
> devised, ever. And all three parts of it – political, economic, cultural –
> must be fed and nurtured. This means strong, moral, educated leadership in
> every sector. At the moment, we’re lacking in some significant ways. Pray for
> the coming generation; it shows fabulous promise. And this nation, a good
> nation, needs to allow that generation to adapt, creatively and scarily
> sometimes, and this good nation needs to present better role models for those
> guys on the way. They’re here!
> What causes me the most anxiety and anger is our current Congress, in which
> the Opposition – to borrow a British term – has offered nothing creative or
> new or exciting in a decade, despite unbelievable opportunities, and the
> previous Opposition has been no better. The same holds true, in large degree,
> with Republicans and Democrats alike. That’s what John McCain’s success in
> getting people excited was all about. I deplored McCain’s assault on
> Robertson and Falwell and other conservative Christians, and I doubted his
> capacity to direct from the highest office in the world. But I’m thinking
> about those smiling, happy faces (no, they were not silly) at his rallies.
> The plain, good ol’ American people are tired of the same-old, same-old that
> most leaders appear to offer.
> McCain touched a nerve. And let’s not forget: Clinton (the guy most of us
> called Slick Willy, and understandably so) improved the economic factor. He
> made it possible in part for us to have a lot of hope for the coming
> generation.
> Let’s just do it, you guys! Not change for change’s sake, but change for all
> of America where it’s needed. Erase the race/ethnic factor once and for all.
> And no sex in the Oval Office!
> Bob Slosser welcomes your responses to his columns. He may be reached at
> **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
> without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
> in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
> purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]
> <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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