-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The World Order
Eustace Mullins©1985
Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization
PO Box 1105
Staunton, VA 24401
LCCN 84-082357
217 pps. –  First edition  --

The highwater mark of "the merchants of death" hoax was reached in the Nye
Committee Hearings of 1934, copies of which are invariably missing in
government libraries. Alger Hiss was investigator and counsel for the
Committee. Typical was Chairman Nye's questioning of Mr. Carse of the
Electric Boat Co. (a subsidiary of Vickers):

"Chmn NYE: In 1917, Mr. Carse, you drafted a letter to help Zagaroff avoid
paying income tax on your commissions to him of $766,852. There is Exhibit
24, a letter dated Sept. 21,1917, addressed to Mr. H.C. Sheridan, Washington,
D.C. Who is Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Carse?

CARSE: He owns the Hotel Washington. At that time he was the agent — of
Vickers Ltd. in this country, and he was also a representative of Zaharoff.
Mr Sheridan handled Mr. Zaharoff's income tax with White and Case.

CHMN: Did you know that this was false, that this omission of a million
dollars referred to was actually Sir Basil Zaharoff's income?

CARSE: No, I did not know anything about Zaharoff's income.

CHMN: But you have told us that a letter by Zaharoff six weeks earlier that
82,000 francs he received was his own personal income.

CARSE: I do not know what Zaharoff did in his business. He did not tell me.

CHMN: Did Zaharoff succeed in escaping the payment of income tax to the
United States?

CARSE: I believe there was some settlement made. Sheridan handled it.
Zaharoff was never a stockholder inso- far as I ever knew. The men who handle
very large stock do not put the stock in their own names.

CHMN: Zaharoff wrote to you 19 May, 1925, 'I desire no thanks for what I have
done, because I am bound to attend to the inter[e]st of my firm of Vickers
and the Electric Boat Co. in both of which I am a stockholder.

CARSE: I know he told me that, but I was never able to trace anything.

Sen. Clark then pursued questioning on how the armaments firms and oil
companies promoted wars:

"CLARK: So this whole occasion of arming Peru, and of the revolution in
Bolvia on the basis of arming against Chile was based on erroneous rumor?

MR. SPEZAR: That is my impression.

CLARK: You wanted to interest the large oil companies in financing an
armament program for South America.

CARSE: I was willing to present any proposition the government might approve
with regard to any oil companies which might be interested."

The Nye Committee frequently came back to Zaharoff's activities, referring to
him as "a kind of superspy in high social and influential circles". For many
years he exercised great influence on Prime Minister Lloyd George of England.
Zaharoff, who began his career as a brothel tout and underworld tough,
arranged for Lloyd George to have an affair with Zaharoffs wife. Arthur
Maundy Gregory, an associate of Lloyd George, was also a Zaharoff agent.
Maundy Gregory for many years regularly peddled peerages in London clubs;
knighthoods, not hereditary, were 10,000-12,000 lbs.; baronetcies went for as
high as 40,000 lb., of which he paid Lloyd George a standard 5000 lb. each.
Maundy Gregory w[a]s also closely associated with Sir Basil Thompson in
British counter-espionage. Zaharoff, who was born in 1851 in Constantinople,
married one Emily Ann Burrows of Knightsbridge. Maundy Gregory then
introduced Emily Ann to the insatiable Lloyd George. From that time on, he
was at Zaharoff's mercy. Although Zaharoff was closely associated with Lloyd
George throughout World War I until 1922, when their association effectively
ended Lloyd George's political career, the name Zaharoff appears nowhere in
Lloyd George's extensive Memoirs. Lloyd George's political career came to an
end after Zaharoff persuaded him to help the Greeks against Turkey in 1920, a
disastrous adventure which brought about Lloyd George's downfall from
political power. George Donald McCormick, in "The Mask of Merlin", the
definitive work on Lloyd George, states, "Zaharoff kept him (Lloyd George)
closely informed on the Balkans. During the war, Zaharoff was sent on various
secret missions by Lloyd George. The Big Three, Wilson, Lloyd George and
Clemenceau, met in Zaharoff's home in Paris. On one occasion, Zaharoff went
to German (in 1917) on Lloyd George's personal unstructions[sic], disguised
in the uniform of a Bulgarian Army doctor. Clemenceau later said, 'The
information which Zaharoff secured in Germany for Lloyd George was the most
important piece of intelligence of the whole war."' Zaharoff was awarded the
Order of British Empire in 1918 for this mission. McCormick also notes,
"Zaharoff had interests in Briey furnaces of the Comite des Forges.
Throughout the war no action was taken against Briey or nearby Thionville, a
German area vital to the German army. Orders to bombard Briey were cancelled
on orders of Zaharoff. "M. Barthe protested this event in a speech to the Fren
ch Parliament January 24, 1919.

McCormick found that Zaharoff had made some interesting confessions to close
associates. He boasted to Rosita Forbes, "I made wars so that I could sell
arms to both sides." He offered astute political advice to Sir Robert Lord
Boothby, "Begin on the left in politics, and then, if necessary, work over to
the right. Remember it is sometimes necessary to kick off the ladder those
who have helped you to climb it."

In addition to his Vickers and Electric Boat stock, Zaharoff had large
holdings in other armaments manufacturers, Krupp and Skoda. The Skoda Works
of Czechoslavakia were controlled by the powerful Schneider family of
Schneider-Creusot, headed by Eugene Schneider, whose grand-daughter married
the present Duke of Bedford. The Nye Committee found that Vickers interlocked
with Brown Boveri of Switzerland, Fokker, Banque Ottomane, Mitsui, Schneider,
and ten other armaments firms around the world. Vickers set up a torpedo
manufacturing firm, Societe Francasies des Torpilles Whitehead, with the
former Whitehead Co., whose owner, James B. Whitehead, then became English
Ambassador to France. Frau Margareta von Bismarck was a director of Societe
Francasies, as was Count Edgar Hoyos of Fiume.

At its peak in the 1930s, the Vickers network included Harvey Steel, Chas.
Cammell & co. shipbuilding, John Brown & Co., Krupp and Dillinger of Germany,
Terni Co. of Italy, Bethehem Steel and Electric Boat in the U.S., Schneider,
Chatillon Steel, Nobel Dynamite Trust, and Chilworth Gunpowder Co. The
trustee for the debentures of the armaments firms was Royal Exchange
Assurance Co. of London, of which E. Roland Harriman of Brown Bros Harriman
was a director.

As First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill obligingly changed the fuel
of the entire English fleet from coal to oil, as a favor to the Samuel family
which owned Royal Dutch Shell.

The most revealing works on the armaments dealers, the Nye Committee
Hearings, and "Merchants of Death" are now fifty years old. On p. 167 of
"Merchants" we find that "The Societe Miniere de Penarroya controls the most
important lead mines of the world, accounting for one-eighth of the world's
production. Since 1833 the French bankers, the Rothschilds, have controlled
these mines, but in 1909 the Rothschild Bank entered into an alliance with
the Metallgeschaft of Frankfurt, the company in which both the Kaiser and
Krupp were heavily interested. This company remained under German and French
control for about two years of the war. At the outbreak of hostilities,
150,000 tons of lead were shipped from these mines to Germany, via
Switzerland. When shipments to France were resumed, the price was raised to
such an extent that it more than doubled the price which the English paid for
their lead. Free trade between Germany and France in important chemicals, for
powder, etc. continued; the Swiss supplied both sides with electric power.
All along their frontier great powerhouses sprang into being, facing Germany
from Italy, producing iron, bauxite, chemicals and power. Zeiss products were
exported to Britain throughout the war."

Dr. Ellis Powell told an audience at Queens Hall, London, March 4, 1917; "At
the beginning of the war many thousands of German reservists were allowed to
return to Germany although our Fleet could have stopped them. German
individuals, firms and companies went on trading merrily in British names,
collecting their debts, and indirectly, no doubt, financing German
militarism. At the very moment when Germans were destroying our property by
Zeppelin bombs we were actually paying them money instead of taking their
holdings as part compensation for damage done. In January 1915 came the
vicious decision by Lord Reading (Rufus Isaacs) and the Appeal Court,
according to which the Kaiser and Little William Co. was a good British
company, capable of suing the King's own subjects in the King's own courts
.... The uninterrupted activity in this country of the Frankfort Metal
Octopus is not an accident ... Let me analyze one lurid case, which has
stirred public indignation and anger to its depths. I mean the impudent surviv
al of the German banks. We have now been at war nearly three years. Yet their
doors are still open. They sent large quantities of bullion to Germany after
the war started."

There was a remarkable amount of goodwill and free trade continuing during
World War I among the warring nations. Of course the Americans did not wish
to be left out of the great outpouring of goodwill in which forty million
people were killed. It was not enough that the Americans were financing the
war through their Federal Reserve System and the personal income tax, which,
as Cordell Hull so aptly put it in his Memoirs, "had been passed in the nick
of time" before the outbreak of the war; nor was it enough that the Americans
were feeding the "Belgians", actually the Germans, through the Belgian Relief
Commission, so that the war could be prolonged until the United States became
a belligerent. Concerned Americans dedicated themselves to the proposition
that American boys should be killed in the trenches with the British, the
French, the Germans and other nationalites.

The warmongers set up three principal organizations to force the United
States into World War I — the Council on National Defense, the Navy League,
and the League to Enforce Peace. The Council on National Defense was
authorized by act of Congress August, 1916, although there was no nation on
earth known to be contemplating any attack on the United States. Pancho Villa
had led a small group of bandits against Columbus, N.M., but this raid was
hardly an occasion for national mobilization. It was a retaliatory strike
because of the actions of New York bankers in Mexico — the Warburgs held the
bonds of the National Railways of Mexico; George F. Peabody and Eugene Meyer
and Cleveland H. Dodge owned the copper mines of Mexico; Seligman & Co. owned
Electric Power and Light of Mexico. The Mexican Revolution was an uprising
against President Porfirio Diaz, who had collaborated profitably with the
Warburgs and Rockefellers for years. Percy N. Furber, president of the Oil
Fields of Mexico Ltd. told C.W. Barron, "The Mexican Revolution was really
caused by H.Clay Pierce, who owned 35% of Pierce-Waters Oil Co.; Standard Oil
owned the other 65%. He wanted to get my property. He demanded of Diaz that
he should take off the taxes on oil imports so that Standard Oil could bring
in products from the U.S. Diaz refused." Furber said that he put up the money
for Francisco Madero to oust Diaz. Madero was then murdered by Victoriano
Huerta, the pawn of Lord Cowdray, head of British oil interests in Mexico. In
the resulting chaos, Villa and Zapata came to the fore, resulting in the
Columbus raid.

The Council on National Defense was chaired by Daniel Willard, pres. B&O RR;
other members were Bernard Baruch, Julius Rosenwald, Samuel Gompers, Walter
S. Gifford, pres. of A T & T, also director Commission on Industrial
Preparedness; Hollis Godfrey, pres. of Drexel Institute, married to a
Lawrence of Boston; and Howard Coffin, pres. of Hudson Motor Car Co. Coffin's
secretary, Grosvenor Clarkson, ran the Council. Godfrey claims in Who's Who
that the Council was actually created by himself, Howard Coffin and Elihu

The principals of the Navy League were J.P. Morgan of U.S. Steel, Charles
Schwab of Bethlehem Steel, Col. R.M. Thompson of International Nickel, and
B.F. Tracy, attorney for the Carnegie Steel Co. The principals of the League
to Enforce Peace were Elihu Root, J.P. Morgan's lawyer; Lincoln Filene; Oscar
Straus; John Hays Hammond, who had been sentenced to death for revolutionary
activity in South Africa; Isaac Seligman; Perry Belmont, the official
representative of the Rothschilds, and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The
watchword of these millionaire bakers was "preparedness", and Asst. Sec. of
the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt was already letting large Navy contracts
in 1916, a year before we got into the war.

Col. House wrote to President Wilson from London on May 29, 1914, "Whenever
England consents, France and Russia will close in on Germany and Austria."

While preparing for war, Woodrow Wilson campaigned in 1916 on the slogan, "He
kept us out of war". H.C. Peterson notes in "Propaganda for War", Univ.
Oklahoma Press, 1939, "To a large extent, the 9 million people who voted for
Wilson did so because of the phrase, 'He kept us out of war."' Col. House
later told Viereck that Wilson had concluded an agreement with the British in
1916, long before his campaign, to involve us in the war. Roosevelt repeated
the process in 1939.

When we went into World War 1, Wilson appointed his campaign fundraiser,
Bernard Baruch, head of the War Industries Board. Baruch was later
investigated by the Graham Committee. He testified, "I probably had more
power than perhaps any other man did in the war; doubtless that is true." He
said of his prewar actions, "I asked for an interview with the President. I
explained to him as earnestly as I could that I was deeply concerned about
the necessity of the mobilisation of the industries of the country. The
President listened very attentively and graciously, as he always does, and
the next thing I heard, some months afterward, my attention was brought to
this Council of National Defense."

"MR. GRAHAM: Did the President express any opinion about the advisability of
adopting the scheme you proposed?

BARUCH: I think I did most of the talking.

GRAHAM: Did you impress him with your belief that we were going to get into
the war?

BARUCH: I probably did.

GRAHAM: That was your opinion at the time?

BARUCH: Yes. I thought we were going to get into the war. I thought a war was
coming long before it did.

MR. JEFFRIES: Then the system you did adopt did not give the Lukens Steel &
Iron Co. the amount of profit that the low-producing companies did?

BARUCH: No, but we took 80% away from the others.

MR. JEFFRIES: The law did that, didn't it?

BARUCH: The government did that.

GRAHAM: What did you mean by the use of the word 'we'?

BARUCH: The government did that Excuse me, but I meant we, the Congress.

GRAHAM: You meant that the Congress passed a law covering that.

BARUCH: Yes, sir.

GRAHAM: Did you have anything to do with that?

BARUCH: Not a thing.

GRAHAM: Then I would not use the word 'we' if I were you."

Although Baruch played a crucial role in funding Wilson's campaign, in 1916,
he had not ignored Wilson's almost successful opponent, Charles Evans Hughes.
Carter Field points out, in his biography of Baruch, "My personal view is
that Baruch would have been tremendously important in the Hughes election, if
Hughes had been elected in the close election of 1916, both in the conduct of
the war and in the making of the peace." Field continues, "Under this curious
cloak of anonymity, Baruch exercised a very unusual type of political power
in those early Wilson days. He was cultivated by most of the Wilson lights,
who speedily found out that he could do more for them than they could do by
directly appealing to Wilson. Naturally, there was no publicity for all this."

Field also says, "For one thing, Wilson not only loved Baruch, he ADMIRED
him. Mrs. Wilson makes this specific statement in her Memoirs."

Wilson's relations with others were not always marked by such deep affection.
David Lawrence, in his biography of Wilson, "The True Story of Woodrow
Wilson", notes that in June, 1907, former President Grover Cleveland, a
trustee of Princeton, publicly denounced Wilson's plans to alter the
character of the school, making a "bitter attack".

Cleveland had come to live in Princeton after he left the White House, and
was deeply attached to the university. He died in the summer of 1908. That
fall, when Wilson, as president of the school, made his annual opening
speech, he made no mention of Cleveland's death, nor did he ever schedule a
memorial exercise, as was the custom when a trustee passed away.

The Baruch — War Industries Board is particularly important to the present
work, not only because of the dictatorial power exercised by Baruch during
the war years, but because the WIB members have continued to govern the
United States. From WIB and the American Commission to Negotiate the Peace
came the Brookings Institution, which set national priorities for fifty
years, NRA and the entire Roosevelt administration, and World War II. Working
with Baruch at the WIB was his asst. chairman, Clarence Dillion of Dillon,
Read; Robert S. Brookings, chmn Price Fixing Committee of WIB, later founded
the Brookings Institution; Felix Frankfurter, chmn of the War Policies Labor
Board; Herbert Hoover and T.F. Whitmarsh of the U.S. Food Administration;
H.B. Swope, publicity agent for Baruch; Harrison Williams; Albert Ritchie,
later Gov. of Maryland; Gen. Goethals; and Rear Adm. F.F. Fletcher. Goethals
was replaced by Gen. Pierce, who was then replaced by Gen. Hugh Johnson, who
became Baruch's righthand man for many years. Field tells us that "Gen. Hugh
Johnson stayed on Baruch's payroll for two months after he became head of NRA
(during the New Deal.)" Field quotes Woodrow Wilson as having Baruch at the
WIB, "Let the manufacturer see the club behind your door." Baruch told the
Graham Committee, "We fixed prices with the aid of potential Federal

Left out in the Baruch-Wilson mutual esteem society was William Jennings
Bryan, longtime head of the Democratic Party. Bryan not only opposed our
entry into World War II — he dared to criticise the family which had
organized the war, the Rothschilds. Because he dared to mention the
Rothschilds, Bryan was promptly denounced as "anti-Semitic". He responded,
"Our opponents have sometimes tried to make it appear that we were attacking
a race when we denounced the financial policy of the Rothschilds. But we are
not; we are as much opposed to the financial policy of J.P. Morgan as we are
to the financial policy of the Rothschilds."

Because of the secret planning needed to launch a major war, control of the
communications media was essential. Kent Cooper, president of the Associated
Press, notes in Life, Nov. 13, 1944, "Freedom of Information", "Before and
during the First World War, the great German news agency Wolff was owned by
the European banking house of Rothschild, which had its central headquarters
in Berlin. A leading member of the firm was also kaiser Wilhem's personal
banker  (Max Warburg). What actually happened in Imperial Germany was that
the Kaiser used Wolff to bind and excite his people to such a degree that
they were eager for World War 1. Twenty years later under Hitler the pattern
was repeated and enormously magnified by DNB, Wolff's successors."

Cooper later noted in his autobiography, "Barriers Down", "international
bankers under the House of Rothschild acquired an interest in the three
leading European agencies. (Havas, France; Reuters, England; Wolff, Germany)."

On April 28, 1915, Baron Herbert de Reuter, Chief of the Reuters Agency, shot
himself. The cause was the crash of the Reuters Bank, which had been
organized by Baron Julius de reuter, founder of Reuter's, to handle foreign
remittances without their being subjected to any accounting. He was succeeded
by Sir Roderick Jones, who says in his autobiography, "Shortly after I
succeeded Baron Herbert de Reuter in 1915, it so happened that I received an
invitation from Mr. Alfred Rothschild, then head of the British House of
Rothschild, to lunch with him in historic New Court, in the City." Jones
prudently refrains from telling us what was discussed at this meeting.

Only one member of Congress voted against the U.S. declaration of war against
Germany in World War 1, Jeanette Rankin. She was also the only member of
Congress to vote against our entry into World War II. Opponents of Wilson's
action were often beaten and imprisoned. Eugene Debs was sentenced to a long
prison term. Congressman Charles Lindbergh ran for Governor of Minnesota on a
platform opposing our participation in the war. The New York Times regularly
ran scathing denunciations of his campaign. On June 9, 1918, it noted, "Rep.
Clarence H. Miller denounced Lindbergh and the Non Partisan League as
seditious. 'According to Mr. Lindbergh the Liberty Loan is a instrument
devised by the money sharks. It seems inexcusable that any person allowed to
be at large in the United States could entertain or epxress[sic] such a view
of this."' Harrison Salisbury of the New York Times states, "I have searched
out the records and they show that mobs trailed Charles K. Lindbergh Sr.
during his 1918 campaign for the Republican nomination for the Minnesota
governorship. He was arrested on charges of conspiracy along with the Non
Partisan Leaguers; a rally at Madison, Minn. was broken up with firehoses; he
was hanged in effigy in Red Wing, dragged from the speaker's platform,
threatened with lynching, and he escaped from town amid a volley of shots."

Salisbury neglects to mention that a squad of Federal agents from the Bureau
of Investigation, led by J.Edgar Hoover on his first important action,
attacked Lindbergh and his family, dragged out all the copies of Lindbergh's
Your Country at War, and burned them on the lawn; when young Charles rushed
forward to stomp out the fire, Hoover knocked him down.

In the summer of 1917, Woodrow Wilson named Col. House to head the American
War Mission to the Inter-Allied War Conference, the first such American
mission to a European council. With House were his son-in-law, Gordon
Auchincloss, and Paul Cravath, Kuhn Loeb's lawyer. Auchincloss was director
of Chase Natl. Bank, Solvay, Sofina, and Cross & Blackwell.

Meanwhile, Walter Lippman and another group were busily working on the plans
for the League of Nations. Lippmann had founded the American branch of the
Fabian Society in 1905 as the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, which later
became the Students for a Democratic Society after a period when it was known
as the League for Industrial Democracy; James T. Shotwell and other
internationalists worked with Lippmarm on this organization.

Although the war was going well for those who had promoted it, hostilities
were ended somewhat abruptly by the unforeseen intervention of an aide to the
Czar of Russia, Maj. Gen. Count CherepSpiridovich, who says, "I had a long
discussion with Gen. McDonough, Chief of the War Intelligence Dept. in
London; I submitted on Sept. 1, 1918 a report advising him peace with
Bulgaria would provoke an uprising in Slavic Austriam panic in Germany and
surrender of her armies; my advice was accepted; two weeks later peace was
signed with Bulgaria, two weeks later Austria was out of the war, two weeks
later Germany surrendered."

L.L. Strauss of Kuhn, Loeb Co. states he was one of four American delegates
who conferred with the Germans at Brussels in March 1919 on the final
armistice. On Nov. 11, 1918, the New York Times headlined, "REDS GRIP ON
GERMANY: Konigsberg, Frankfurt-on-Main, Strassburg now controlled by
Spartacist Soviets". On Nov. 12, 1918, the New York Times stated, "The
revolution in Germany is today, to all intents and purposes, an accomplished
fact." On the same day, the New York Times headlined, "Splendor Reigns Again;
jewels Ablaze" — The occasion was a gala evening at the Metropolitan Opera,
with Caruso and Homer signing Samson and Delilah. Attending were the Otto
Kahns with the French Consul-General; the George F. Bakers and his sister
Mrs. Goadby Loew; Cornelius Vanderbilt and his daughters; the Whitneys, the
J.P. Morgans, and the E.T. Stotesburys; the Fricks; Mrs. Bernard Baruch; her
husband was in Europe on important business; Mrs. Adolf Ladenburg. These
celebrants were also the principal investors in American International
Corporation, which was financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

The American Commission to Negotiate Peace predictably included Walter
Lippmann, the Dulles brothers, the Warburg brothers (Paul from the U.S., Max
from Germany) L.L. Strauss, Thomas W. Lamont, as well as House, Wilson and
Wilson's Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, the Dulles' uncle. Their genial
host was Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Representing France at the Peace
Conference was Finance Minister Klotz, who, according to Nowell-Baker, had
for years been usefully employed by the Rothschilds to distribute bribes to
the press. The Reparations Commission was established Jan. 25, 1919, with
Bernard Baruch from the U.S., Klotz from France, and Lord Cunliffe, Governor
of the Bank of England, representing England. Carter Field notes, "Nearly
every afternoon Baruch had a pleasant session at the Crillon with three or
four of his old cronies from the War Industries Board."

Wilson returned to the United States July 8, 1919, laden with one million
dollars worth of jewelry, gifts from appreciative Europeans as a reward for
his promise to get th[e] U.S. into the League of Nations. Not a single member
of Congress had been with him at the Paris Peace Conference. His associates
were the Fabians of America, Dr. James T. Shotwell, Eugene Delano, and Jacob
Schiff. Herbert Hoover immediately joined Col. House as the most vociferous
advocate of our joining the League of Nations.

Baruch later testif[i]ed before the Graham Committee; "I was economic advisor
with the peace commission. GRAHAM: Did you frequently advise the President
while there? BARUCH: Whenever he asked my advice I gave it. I had something
to do with the reparations clauses. I was the American Commissioner in charge
of what they called the Economic Section. I was a member of the Supreme
Economic Council in charge of raw materials. GRAHAM: Did you sit in the
council with the gentlemen who were negotiating the treaty? BARUCH: Yes, sir,
some of the time. GRAHAM: All except the meetings that were participated in
by the Big Five. BARUCH: And frequently those also."

The Reparations Commission ordered the Germans to issue four issues of bonds,
all to be delivered to the Reparations Commission as follows: 1. 20 billion
gold marks, 5 billion paper marks by May 1, 1921 for the army of occupation.
2. War cost of Belgium — 4 billion gold marks due May 1, 1926. 3. 40 billion
gold marks at 2 1/2% interest from 1921-26, to be retired in 1951. 4. a
30-year provisional fund of general reparations. (Treaty of Versailles,
Financial Clauses 248-63).

The bankers immediately began to treat th[e]se gigantic sums as sources of
capital, to be monetarised by loans and other negotiable instruments. Lloyd
George told the N.Y. journal American, June 24, 1924;

"The international bankers dictated the Dawes reparations settlement. The
Protocol which was signed between the Allies and Associated Powers and
Germany is the triumph of the international financier. Agreement would never
have been reached without the brusque and brutal intervention of the
international bankers. They swept statesmen, politicians and journalists to
one side, and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute
monarchs, who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees. The
settlement is the joint ukase of King Dollar and King Sterling. Dawes report
was theirs. They inspired and fashioned it. The Dawes Report was fashioned by
the Money Kings. The orders of German financiers to their political
representatives were just as peremptory as those of allied bankers to their
political representatives."

Although the reparations clauses achieved the desired result of forcing the
Germans to fight a Second World War, the primary result was the formation of
a "front" world government, the League of Nations, while in the background
the conspirators established their real governing body, the World Order,
through the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and its American
subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations.

In 1895, Cecil Rhodes, South African agent of the Rothschilds, established a
secret society whose avowed purposes was as follows: "In the end Great
Britain is to establish a power so overwhelming that wars must cease and the
Millenium be realized." To achieve this goal, he left $150 million to the
Rhodes Trust. The Rothschild already had a group with similar aims, the Round
Table, set up by Lord Alfred Milner, into which J.P. Morgan had been
recruited in 1899.

The Council on Foreign Relations Handbook of 1936 states, "On May 30,1919,
several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met
at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group
which would advise their respective governments on international affairs. The
U.S. was represented by Gen' Tasker H. Bliss (Chief of Staff, U.S. Army),
Col. Edward M. House Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell, and Prof.
Archibald Coolidge. Great Britain was unofficially represented by Lord Robert
Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, and Harold Temperley. It was
decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of
International Affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it
would be best to have seperate[sic] organizations cooperating with each
other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with
headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study
Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the
Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far
Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg, the
Hamburg branch being called the Institut fur Auswartige Politik, and the
Paris branch being known as Centre d'Etudes de Politicque Etrangere, at 13
Rue de Four, Paris VI." The Hamburg branch was established, of course,
because of the Warburg family bank there.

Having dominated the Paris Peace Corrference, Baron Edmond de Rothschild saw
the establishment of the World Order through these groups as the crowning
achievement of his life. The "founders" of the RIIA were, one and all,
Rothschild men; honorary chairman of the CFR was Elihu Root, lawyer for
Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co.; Alexander Hemphill, a Morgan banker, and Otto Kahn
of Kuhn, Loeb Co.

The founders of the RIIA were Rothschild's principal South African agents;
Sir Otto Beit, trustee of Rhodes Estate and director of British South Africa
Co.; Percy Alport Molteno, son of the first Premier of Cape Colony; Sir Abe
Bailey, owner of the Transvaal Mines, who worked closely with Sir Alfred
Milner in starting the Boer War; John W. Wheeler-Bennett, who became Gen.
Eisenhower's political adviser at SHAEF London 1944-45; Sir Julien Cahn; and
Lionel Curtis, colonial secretary of the Transvaal, who gave his address as
the Round Table, 175 Picadilly Rd., London. He was later appointed Beit
lecturer on the colonial history of South Africa.

Other founders of RIIA included four members of the Astor family — Viscount
Astor, Hon. F.D.L. Astor, M.L. Astor, and H.J.J. Astor, the latter being chmn
of The Times and director of Hambros Bank. The first President of RIIA was
Lt. Col. R.W. Leonard, president of the Coniagas Mines. The Lord Patron was
Her Majesty the Queen. All Prime Ministers and Viceroys of the Colonies since
1923 have been Honorary Presidents of RIIA. Stephen King Hall, in his
definitive work, "Chatham House," says, "The Prince of Wales graciously
accepted the office of Visitor. This appointment secured that the Institute
could never be perverted to party or propaganda purposes."

The 1934 list of members of RIIA included Sir Austin Chamberlain' Prime
Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Privy Seal, and Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs; Harold MacMillan, who married the daughter of the
Duke of Devonshire and later became Prime Minister, and Lord Eustace Percy,
Duke of Northumberland. The 1942 membership list includes Sir Roderick Jones,
head of Reuters; G.M. Gatheren-Hardy; Sir Andrew McFadyen, chmn North British
Borneo Co. and United Rubber Estates — he served with the British Treasury
1910-1917, represented the Treasury at the Paris Peace Conference 1919-20,
was Gen. Secretary of the Reparations Commission, 1922-25; Commissioner of
Controlled Revenues Berlin 1924-30, later with S.G. Warburg Co.; Col.
Vickers; and Lord Brand, managing director Lazard Bros., who married Lady
Astor's sister, Phyllis Langhorne, was dep. chmn British Mission in
Washington 1917-18, financial adviser to Lord Robert Cecil, chmn Supreme
Economic Council at the Paris Peace Conference; George Gibson, dir. Bank of
England; John Hambro of Hambros Bank; Lord Derby (Edward Villiers), Lord of
Treasury, Secretary of State for War, 1916-1918, who had a 69,000 acre estate
in Lancashire,; and Lord Cromer (Baring).

During its early years, RIIA was principally funded by the Rothschilds
through donations funnelled through Sir Abe Bailey and Sir Alfred Beit, with
about $100,000, year; since then, it has been funded with many millions of
dollars by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.

In 1936 the RIIA $400,000 budget was also funded by the following corporate
subscribers: N.M. Rothschild & Sons; British South Africa Co.; Bank of
England; Reuters News Agency; Prudential Assurance Co.; Sun Insurance Office
Ltd; and Vickers-Armstrong Ltd.; all of which were known as Rothschild
enterprises. Other subscribers were J.Henry Schroder Co., Lazard Freres,
Morgan Grenfell, Erlangers Ltd., and E.D. Sassoon Co.

A number of popular books now in circulation claim that the Council on
Foreign Relations is the secret government of the United States. Nothing
could be more incorrect. The members of the Council on Foreign Relations have
never originated a single item of policy for the U.S. Government. They merely
transmit orders to our government officials from the RIIA and the House of
Rothschild in London. It is true that the CFR comprises a ruling elite in the
United States, but they are mere colonial governors absolutely responsible to
their overseers in the World Order. However, every prominent American
mentioned in the present book is a member of the CFR, and therefore it is not
necessary to note it each time a name is mentioned. Not only do they transmit
orders to the White House, the Cabinet, the Federal Reserve Board of
Governors, and other government institutions, but they also maintain absolute
control of the foundations, whose duty it is to formulate policy or organize
it in acceptable form to be transmitted to the government. Shoup's "Imperial
Brain Trust", 1969, notes that the CFR includes 22 trustees of Brookings
Institution, 29 at Rand, 14 at Hudson, 33 at Middle East Institute, 14 of 19
trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, 10 of 17 at Carnegie, 7 of 16 at Ford
Foundation, 6 of 11 at Rockefeller Bros. Fund. This proves that the CFR runs
these major foundations. In the academic world, CFR members number 58 on the
faculty at Princeton, 69 at the University of Chicago, and 30 at Harvard. Of
the banks which are the principal owners of Federal Reserve Bank stock,
directors of Chase include 7 CFR members, 8 at J.P. Morgan, 7 at 1st Natl.
City (now Citibank), 6 at Chemical Bank, and 6 at Brown Bros. Harriman.

The 1968 list of CFR members included John J. McCloy, chmn of the board;
Frank Altschul, secretary and vice-pres.; David Rockefeller vice-pres.; and
directors Robert V. Roosa, Douglas Dillon, and Allen Dulles. McCloy also
served as chmn Ford Foundation 1953-65, director of the Rockefeller
Foundation, and personal lawyer to the Rockefeller family interests. His
career is typical of a leading official of the World Order. While a student
at Harvard, he became a protege of Felix Frankfurter. He joined the firm of
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, lawyers for Kuhn, Loeb Co. where he remained from
192540. In 1940 Frankfurter recommended him to Henry Stimson as Asst. Sec. of
War, where he remained from 1941-45. He wrote and issued the infamous War
Dept. directive that military officers must disregard political views of
servicemen "unless there is a specific finding that the individual involved
has a loyalty to the Communist Party which overrides his loyalty to the U.S."
Senator McCarthy termed this directive "treasonable".

McCloy succeeded Eugene Meyer as president of the World Bank from 1947-49,
was appointed High Commissioner of Germany where he served from 1949-52, was
chmn of the board Chase Natl Bank from 1953-61, and Rockefeller's attorney
since then. He is a director of Union Pacific, Westinghouse, ATT, Dreyfus,
Squibb, & MercedesBenz. He married Ellen Zinsser, who is not otherwise
identified in McCloy's 1947 Current Biography; in the 1961 issue, she is
identified as the niece of Hans Zinsser, a bacteriologist. This is odd,
because she is also the daughter of John Zinsser, partner of J.P. Morgan Co.,
and chmn of the board of Sharp & Dohme chemicals. It is an interesting
footnote to history that the son-in-law of a J. P. Morgan partner should be
appointed U.S. High Commissioner of a vanquished Germany.

The New York Times noted on Aug. 6,1965, "J.J. McCloy Proposes Foundation
Pattern for European Giving". He stated at Salzburg, "I wish that there could
be erected in Europe a complex of foundations whose representatives could
exchange thoughts with those of American foundations and thus form a sort of
informal approach to some of the great problems of the day." "Informal" is
the code word of the World Order. It means "issuing from world headquarters".
McCloy did not state the obvious, that five men control all of the major U.S.
foundations, and that he wished they could have the same system in Europe.

The RIIA has worked closely with the London School of Economics, which was
set up as a training school for the World Order bureaucrats. The school was
established in 1920 with financial aid from the

Rothschilds and Sir Julius Wernher. Sir Ernest Cassel later gave the school
472,000 pounds. Prof. J.H. Morgan wrote in Quarterly Review, Jan. 1939, "When
I once asked Lord Haldane why he persuaded his friend Sir Ernest Cassel,
grandfather of Lady Mountbattem, to settle by his will large sums on the
London School of Economics, he replied, 'Our object is to make this
institution a place to raise and train the bureaucracy of the future
Socialist State."' Sir William Beveridge, author of Great Britain's ruinous
Cradle to the Grave political program, was director of the London School of
Economics from 1920-1937.

The British Empire has prospered on piracy, slavery and the drug traffic.
Drakes Pirates became the Merchants Adventurers Co. (Sebastian Cabot) which
later became the Chartered Co. of East India. It was reorganized in 1700. It
originally paid the Hong of Canton silver for tea, but discovered they would
accept opium instead. This fortuitous arrangement encountered resistance from
some Chinese leaders, causing England to prosecute ten Opium Wars against
China, from the Opium War of 1840-43 to the Manchurian Conquest of 1931.

In 1715 the British East India Co. opened its first Far East office in
Canton. Crown Policy deliberately fostered opium addiction among the natives
to facilitate British political control. The British Empire was then
threatened with bankruptcy if it lost the American colonies. In order to
defeat the rebels, the profits of the opium trade with China were sent to the
Elector of Hesse via Mayer Amschel Rothschild to hire 16,800 Hessian troops.
Thus the drug traffic and the Rothschilds played a pivotal role in American
history, although it has been ignored or deleted from the history books.

David Ricardo, father of the quantity theory of money and the "rent", or loot
theory, was on the Court of Proprietors of the East India Co. He had John
Stuart Mill appointed as Chief Examiner. The colonial minister of England
during the Opium Wars was Edward Bulwer Lytton, who wrote the Treaty of
Nanking in 1842, bringing England $21 million in silver and control over the
free port of Hong Kong. Britain then allied with the Hong Society, the Triads
and Assassins, to rule the Chinese to the present time. Bulwer Lytton's son
was Viceroy of India during the 1880s at the height of the opium trade, and
sponsored Rudyard Kipling's writings about the British Raj in India. The
profiteers from the drug trade included William, Earl of Shelburne, who
organized Britain's first Intelligence Service, whose agents were drawn from
Britain's leading families. Its chairman was George Baring, and it employed
Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and Thomas Malthus. The Geneva headquarters was
run by the Mallet Prevost family, whose descendants include Allen Dulles of
the CIA.

Basil Lubbock's work, The Opium Clippers, 1933, lists the principal owners of
British vessels engaged in the opium trade, with color illustrations of their
flags. Most of them were ex-slavers. No. I was Hon. East India Co. (known to
the Chinese as Hon John Co.); 2. Jardine Matheison; 3. Dent & Co.; 4. Pybus
Bros.; 5. Russel & Co.; 6. Cama Bros.; 7. Duchess of Atholl; 8. Earl of
Balcarras; 9. George IV; 10. Prince Regent; 11. Marquis of Camden; 12. Lady

On Feb. 1, 1927, the New York Times noted the passing of Sir Robert Jardine,
"the son and heir of the late Sir Robert Jardine, and succeeded his father as
the head of Jardine Mathieson & Co. Hong Kong which for a long time held
almost a monopoly in the importation of Indian opium into China." Sir Robert
had inherited $20 million and 20,000 acres in Scotland. Dr. William Jardine
had settled in Canton in 1819.

The present Duke of Atholl owns 202,000 acres at Blair Castle, and is the
only person in England authorized by the Crown to maintain a private army.
Lady Melville's ancestor, George, the first Earl, welcomed William of Orange
to the throne in 1688 and was appointed Lord Privy Seal.

In Paris, Banque Rothschild directors include Elie de Rothschild, director of
New Court Securities, Banque Leumi de Israel, Five Arrows Fund N.V. Curacao;
Alain de Rothschild, Five Arrows Fund Curacao, Banque Lambert de Bruxelles;
Guy de Rothschild — Rio Tinto Zinc, New Court Securities, NY.; Sir James
Goldsmith; Hubert Faure, Ambassador to Colombia, pres. Schneider Madrid and
ten Otis companies; Bernard de Villemejane, pres. Imetal, director
Copperweld. Sir James Goldsmith is also chmn Generale Occidentale which owns
Grand Union and Colonial food stores in the U.S., Cavenham USA and Banque
Occidentale; its directors include David de Rothschild (son of Guy), who is
also director of Compagnie du Nord and Societe de Nickel.

Through the Belgian branch of the Rothschild family, we can trace the
influence of the Rothschilds in Africa during the past century. Baron Leon
Lambert financed King Leopold's Belgian empire; the Congo Syndicate included
Baron Empain (I'compagnie d'Orient) F. Philippson & Co., and Banque Outremer.
This syndicate was allied with Banque de Paris, the Anglo-Italian Group, and
the Peking Syndicate. The Congo empire camel into being in 1885 after Leopold
had financed Stanley's explorations. It included an area the size of Poland,
and produced fabulous returns from Congo rubber, ivory and slaves. Later the
Union Miniere acquired vast copper mines, the Compagnie de Katanga. One of
their most ruthless agents was Emile Francqui, who later became Hoover's
partner in China and in the Belgian Relief Commission; his name survives at
Congo's Port Francqui. The Congo interests are now controlled by the Lamberts
through Societe Generale de Banque, which merged the Societe Generale de
Belgique, the oldest bank in Brussels, founded in 1822, and Banque d'Anver,
founded 1827; its secretary is Baron Fauconval, a director of the Rockefeller
Foundation. Societe Generale acquired Union Miniere in Dec. 1981; in 1972 it
had acquired Compagnie Outremer, formerly Banque Outremer, and in Dec. 1964,
had acquired 25% of SOFINA, Societe Financier de Transport & Enterprises
Industrielles, the largest holding company in Europe. These firms are
controlled by the Rothschild bank, Banque Bruxelles Lambert, founded in 1840
by Baron Lambert. The present Baron is director of Soceite Generale de
Banque, and president of Compagnie Generale d'Enterprises Electricque which
owns fifty power companies.

Banque Lambert de Bruxelles is also the Lambert of the Wall Street firm of
Drexel Burnham Lambert, owning 19% of it.

Gerard Eskenazi is director of Compagnie Generale; he is also managing
director of Electrorail S.A., a holding company for Schneider S.A., European
Trading and African Corp., and Canadian Investment Trust. The president of
Electrorail is Baron Empain. Eskenazi is also director of Compagnie
International des Wagons Lits (Thomas Cook travel agency). Baron Edouard
Empain and his son Baron Francois Empain are also directors of Compagnie

Another Belgian holding company, Delhaizes Frere et Cie Leon, established
1867, now owns Food Giant and Food Town Stores in the U.S., renamed Food Lion.

Through Banque Bruxelles and its interlocking companies, the Rothschilds
effectively control Belgium. They also interlock with the Thurn und Taxis
interests in Germany. Prince Johannes Erbprinz Thum und Taxis is said to be
the richest man in Europe, controlling Bayerische Vereinsbank, fourth largest
bank in Germany, which has four subsidiaries in Frankfurt, including Bankhaus
Gebruder Bethmann. Bethmann-Hollweg of this family had been Chancellor under
Kaiser Wilhelm, and had set off World War I. He was a cousin of the
Rothschilds. Bayerische Vereinsbank also owns controlling interest in Banque
de Paris et dea Payes, and Banque de FEuropeene Paris. Thum und Taxis is a
direct descendant of William of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England;
his mother, the Princess of Braganza of the former ruling house of Portugal,
has three direct family connections with the present House of Windsor; Prince
Thurn und Taxis also has four connections with the House of Windsor.

The Thum und Taxis family has enjoyed eight hundred years of prominence in
Europe. Originally Tasso of Bergamo, they later emigrated to Brussels. They
supervised the postal service and intelligence of the Most Serene Republic of
Venice, and later fulfilled the same post in the Hapsburg Empire. The present
Prince has huge estates in Brazil; he is the financial adviser of the Rolling
Stones; and his palace of St. Emmerans is larger than Buckingham Palace; it
costs 2.5 million DM a year to maintain. The Regensburg branch of the family
was allied with the Fuggers and the Wessers. They now finance the Pan
European Union which is headed by the Hapsburg heir, Archduke Otto, and the
Mont Pelerin Society, a subsidiary of Pan Europe.

The House of Hesse, which played such a crucial role in the founding of the
Rothschild fortune, and in the founding of America, seldom appears in the
news. On Nov. 17,1937, six members of the family were killed in the crash of
a Sabena airliner at the fog-shrouded Ostend airport. The head of the family,
Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig (who had tried to end World War I by a desperate
mission into Russia to confer with the Czar) had died on Oct. 9, causing the
postponing of Prince Ludwig's marriage to Margaret Campbell Geddes in London
for seven weeks. Grand Duke George, the new head of the family, his wife
Princess Cecilia of Greece and Denmark, two sons and the Dowager Duchess, as
well as the newly born son of Princess Cecilia, were all killed. The child's
unexpected arrival apparently caused the tragedy, as the pilot tried to land
at Ottend, an unscheduled stop. Prince Ludwig, social attache at the German
Embassy in London, went ahead with the wedding on the following day; his best
man was his cousin Prince Louis Mountbatten. Two princes of Hesse had married
two daughters of Queen Victoria; Beatrice had married Prince Henry of
Battenberg; grandfather of the present husband of Queen Elizabeth.

Prince Ludwig's father-in-law, Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes, also had a
Rothschild connection; he was chmn of Rio Tinto. He served as Minister of
National Service, 1917-19, British Ambassador to the U.S., 1920-24. His
brother, Sir Eric Geddes, was a member of the Imperial War Cabinet and First
Lord of the Admiralty 1917-18, Minister of National Transport 1919-21, and
later chmn Imperial Airways and Dunlop Rubber. His son, Sir Anthony Geddes,
married into the Matthey family, becamse[sic] director of the Bank of
England, dep chmn Midland Bank, director Shell Transport & Trading, and is
now chmn Dunlop Holdings. Sir Auckland's son, the 2d Baron, was with Shell
Oil 1931-46, British Merchant Shipping Mission in Washington, 1942-44,
Minister of War Transport, 194445, and is now director of Peninsular & Orient
Steamship Lines.

On June 7, 1946, the New York Times headlined a front page story from
Frankfort-on-Main; the army was seeking $1,500,000 in stolen jewels, later
revised to $3 million value. The jewels, belonging to the House of Hesse, had
been hidden in their cellar of their castle in 1944.

They belonged to Princess Margaretha, sister of Kaiser Wilhelm. A party of
U.S. Army officers had held a party at the Hesse castle to celebrate the
anniversary of D-Day. During the party, they discovered 1600 bottles of wine
buried in the cellar; beneath the wine they found the jewels. Ten of the
celebrants drank the wine and divided up the jewels. Maj. Gen. J.M. Bevans,
who was reprimanded, later returned his part of the loot. Wac. Captain
kathleen Durant and her hustand[sic], Col. J. Durant were tried after two
quarts of diamonds were dug up in the backyard of their Falls Church home.
Maj. David Watson also was sentenced; he had been previously awarded the
Bronze Medal personally by Gen. Eisenhower for his supply work, and also
received the Russian Medal for Battle Merit from Marshal Zhukov.

The House of Hesse is also known for the Curse of Hesse, their introduction
of the family disease of haemophilia into many of the ruling houses of
Europe, particularly the Spanish Royal Family and the Romanov family in

Old Mayer Amschel's heritage has survived intact, according to the Washington
Post, Dec. 20,1984, which notes that Frankfurt-am-Main is the financial
capital of Germany, headquarters of the five dominant German banks, with 175
foreign banks established there. It also is headquarters for the Central
Bank, and the country's largest stock exchange. Like Manhattan, it is also a
center of vice and corruption, with sex shops, drugs, and frequent riots
because of the presence of 11,000 American occupation troops.

Penetration of the United States is shown by a fullpage ad in the Wall Street
journal Dec. 21, 1984, a solicitation to purchase all the outstanding shares
of Scovill, Inc. by First City Properties, Inc. with the deal managed by
Rothschild, Inc. One Rockefeller Plaza, New York. "First City" is the
Rothschild code for banks originating under their influence from the "City of
London" financial district. First City Properties, Beverly Hills, Calif., is
headed by Samuel Belzberg, who also heads First City Financial Corp.
Vancouver, First City Trust, Edmonton, and First City Development Ltd. He is
a director of Dead Sea Canal Co. The Belzbergs started in Canada with a used
furniture store (rag and bone men), and are now influential wheeler dealers
on the American stock market.

Rothschilds Inc., established at the Rockefeller address, is successor to
Banque Rothschild of Paris. Its co-chairmen are Guy de Rothschild and Evelyn
de Rothschild. Directors are Lord Rothschild, head of N.M. Rothschilds &
Sons, London; David de Rothschild, Nathaniel de Rothschild, Eric de
Rothschild; Thomas L. Piper III, sr. vp Dillon Read and manager of the
Rothschild's New Court Securities; its managing director is Wilbur L. Ross
Jr., who is also director of Peabody International, and N.M. Rothschild's &
Sons International. Other directors of Rothschild International include John
Loudon, former chairman of Shell Oil, director of Ford Motor Co., the Ford
Foundation, Orion Bank and chairman of Atlantic Institute. He is a Grand
Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau, a group formed to commemorate the
chartering of the Bank of England by William of Orange in 1694. Another
director of Rothschild Inc. is G. Peter Fleck, born in Amsterdam, chairman
New Court Securities, formerly with Erlangers, and the Banque de Pays de
L'Europe Central of Paris, cited by Higham as a key bank during Nazi
occupation of France. Fleck is also officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau.

Banque de Pays de L'Europe of Paris, (Paribas) was recently bought by Merrill
Lynch. Paribas bought 50% of Dillon Read Ltd. in a consortium with Bruxelles
Lambert (the Belgian Rothschilds), the Power Group and the Laurentian group
of Canada, the Tata Group of India, Elders IXL holding company of Australia,
Swiss Bank Cantrade, and two British groups, Investors in Industry, a Bank of
England group with nine English and Scottish banks, and the British postal
pension fund.

Power Corp. of Canada directors included G. Eskenazi, of Belgian Rothschild
firms, and William Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. The
"Canadian connection", the Belzbergs and Bronfmans, demonstrates the growing
power of the Rothschilds in billion dollar mergers and takeovers of U.S.
industry, including DuPont. These mergers recall the same kind of activity
taking place in 1929, just before the stock market debacle, and represent the
battening down of the hatches before the storm.

pps. 1-42
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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