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Mind Control Subliminal transmissions used during Gulf War.

Mind Control in Gulf War/Time tripping thru vortexes.


Most Americans had the opportunity to watch the live briefings of the
Persian Gulf war on CNN. Live briefings, to the astute listener, nearly
always disclose revealing information that later will be edited out.

A CNN reporter said that he had just returned from Kuwait where he had
travelled with an American patrol. They had observed a patrol of about
thirty Iraqis some distance away and the Americans were wondering how they
would get them to surrender.

A U.S. helicopter suddenly appeared and flew over the Iraqi patrol, and by
the time the helicopter had reached the next sand dune, they had

This is very unusual because these were the same Iraqis who waged
unrelenting Holy War against Iran for eight years.

Later, as the land battle was winding down, a BBC reporter asked about
American plans to get the Iraqi soldiers out of the deep, well-fortified
bunkers built by the Germans.

General Neil started to say, "We bring in the psychological...

He then broke his sentence with a cough, apparently having caught himself
saying something he shouldn't reveal. When he stopped coughing, he said the
Army flew in with PA helicopters and "talked them out."

It seems apparent that the General had made a mistake and had to cover up
something like: "psychological warfare broadcasting helicopters" with "PA

Even after massive pin-point air bombardment, the Iraqis were still alive
and well protected in the bunkers. They had electricity, entertainment and
enough food and water to last for about six months. They also had equipment
to tunnel out if prime entrances were blocked.

That these fanatic soldiers would have surrendered under the slight threat
of PA system helicopters is absurd and, knowing of the mind control
experiments being conducted by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies,
it seems reasonable to assume that mind control or subliminal transmissions
were used to coax the Iraqis to surrender en masse, so many, in fact, that
coalition forces were hard-pressed to house, feed and guard them!


While the Phoenix Project was investigating weather and the use of
radiosondes, Project Rainbow resurfaced in 1947 or 1948. Project Rainbow
(The Philadelphia Experiment) was funded to continue research into the
phenomena encountered on the USS Eldridge. This project was concerned with
the electromagnetic technology.

Dr. John von Neumann and his research team, loaned to the Manhattan Project
during the Second War, were called back and put to work on a new agenda. It
was similar to Rainbow but had a different goal. They were to find out how
to protect humans within an electromagnetic field so vessels and crews could
be transported through space and time without harm to either or any.

By the early 1950's, Project Rainbow and the radiosonde weather project were
included under the same funding and "Phoenix Project" was used as a cover
title to refer to all of these "black" activities.

Dr. von Neumann, a mathematician and theoretical physicist who came from
Germany, was placed in charge of Phoenix. He was noted for his advanced
concepts of space and time. He originated and built the first vacuum tube
computer at Princeton University, where he served as the head of the
Institute for Advanced Study. He had the ability to apply advanced theories
to technology and, because of these qualifications, he could easily
communicate with Einstein and acted as liaison between him and engineers
serving on the project.

Von Neumann quickly learned that he was going to have to study metaphysics;
to understand the metaphysical side of man. The Rainbow experiment had
disassembled the physical and biological structure of human beings. Crew
members had melded with bulkheads and changed beyond recognition. Those who
had survived were quite mad or died later from madness and some strange
internal burning.

Project engineers and scientists spent nearly ten years working out why
human beings had troubles with electromagnetic fields that lofted them
through different times and spaces. It now appears they discovered that
humans are born with what is known as a "time reference" point. At
conception, an energy being (human) is attached to a time line and must
begin life manifest as flesh from that point. To understand this, it is
necessary to view the "energy being" or soul as completely different from
the physical body.

Our references as both a physical and metaphysical being appears to have
origin in the time reference residing within the electromagnetic background
of Earth. This time reference is the basic orientation point to the way the
universe operates. Time, in the normal context, appears always to flow in
one direction_forward_at least to our limited senses.

But the Rainbow technology apparently creates an alternate reality having
its existence entirely within the quantum field, literally transferring
material objects out of our "normal" time and space. This accounts for the
light-invisibility of the USS Eldridge and her crew.

The alternate reality created by the shift has no time references because it
is not part of the normal forward flow of time. For the person who was
experiencing the phenomenon uninstructed, it would be like having an intense
and enduring nightmare wherein nothing makes any sense.

So Phoenix engineers were faced with solving the problem of letting human
test subjects get into and out of the quantum field without harm by somehow
connecting them to the time reference they could recognize as the planet
Earth. This meant that when they were in the alternate reality, they had to
be equipped mentally with something that would give them a "real time"

Engineers solved this by feeding in all the required natural background
information of the Earth to convince test subjects of a continuous stream
real earth time reference so they would not experience trans-dimensional
disorders. Test subjects would believe they were still in Earth "real-time."

Dr. von Neumann was the ideal Director for the Phoenix Projects. He knew
computers would have to be used if they were going to calculate the time
references of specific people and replicate those references while they were
in the quantum field, otherwise the test subjects would be experiencing
essentially "no reality" or a continuous nightmare reality at best.

The computer had to be programmed to generate an electromagnetic background
with which the test subjects could synchronize. If not done, the soul and
the physical body time and space reference points would be out of sync,
resulting in dissolution and insanity or inability to return to Earth real

Because they were dealing with two separate and distinct entities_the
spiritual human and the physical human_the time reference would be required
to lock in the spirit and the electromagnetic background would be required
to lock in the body. The technology, begun in 1948, was apparently fully
developed by 1967, during the height of the Vietnam conflict.

When the project's first phase was complete, a report was submitted to the
Congressional committee from which funds had been appropriated.
Congressional members were told that the consciousness of man could
definitely be affected by electromagnetism and, additionally, that it would
be possible to develop electronic hardware and software that could literally
change the way a person thinks about anything and everything.

The committee, fearing they would be first on the list of new test subjects,
refused to refinance and Project Phoenix was disbanded in 1969.

But the scientists and engineers at Brookhaven had spent too much time,
effort and money on Phoenix to just scrap it and walk away. Their empire was
in place, the technology was secure, and the engineers were looking for a
mission. What they needed was funding from a secret agency to continue with
the mind control experiments. The military seemed the most logical source.

When told a device had been developed that would alter the way people_and
particularly soldiers_ would think and act, military pundits were beside
themselves with joy. Such a device could not only change the outcome of a
battle already begun, it might be used to convince entire populations that
war is not only unnecessary, but completely impossible. Or that total war
was the only solution to a political crisis.

Phoenix had found its mission.

SPINAL TAP: The intelligence community discovers mind control

Exploration into telepathy, teleportation, transportation, levitation and
tentative excursions backward and forward in time has continued almost
without cease from 1943 until the present time. The results of the
experiments aboard the USS Eldridge, disastrous as they might have been at
the time, provided fuel and data for a series of programs and black projects
that now consumes a great portion of America's defense budgets.

Scientists and engineers learned how to alter and direct weather, how to
create storms or to vanquish natural storms by tapping into the planet's
orgone energy and turning it on or off at will. This series, under the title
of Project Phoenix, would later absorb Project Rainbow and others, and the
entire curriculum would be known as Phoenix.

One facet of the Phoenix Project was intense research into various areas of
paranormal activity, particularly telepathy. The military was well aware
that the Soviets were involved in paranormal research, and they knew that if
sensitive espers could be found who possessed skills or powers strong enough
to nullify Soviet espers or even overpower them, America might have an
incredible super-weapon with whom they could defeat any foe, military or

When Congress refused to refinance Phoenix and disbanded the group, they had
no idea some zealous scientists would seek support elsewhere. When
scientists approached the military and told them what they had accomplished
and what could be developed from the research, facilities were eagerly
prepared, equipment purchased and millions of dollars began to appear from
more than one unknown source. By 1970 the Brookhaven group as well as
several elite universities worldwide were deeply involved in paranormal
research. Some of these splinter projects involved use of drugs and
hallucinogens; others not. Some experiments were conducted using
electromagnetic fields. A few purists tapped only the mind-power of their
test subjects (whom they considered "expendables").

Investigation quickly revealed that telepathic waves, while not radio waves,
behaved similar to radio waves and could, therefore, be controlled,
modulated and directed with the use of proper equipment. Scientists were
elated. They had discovered (or rediscovered) electromagnetic functions
unlike anything ever reported in scientific journals and textbooks. They
were on the verge of wholly new discoveries in human mind power.

Because the projects were funded by and controlled by the military and
federal intelligence agencies, the data gathered was delivered to them and
filed away in war rooms and at secret military bases. The general public, by
and large, was wholly unaware of these insidious mind-probing activities.

Out of early research came the revelation that certain radio frequencies in
the 410-420 MHz range could effectively block human thought patterns,
leaving test subjects unable to perform their tasks. Unknown to the
researchers and test subjects at the time, the military had established a
secret base on the east coast and was using a jamming device in the form of
a modified radar antenna that, for 14 years, from 1970 until about 1984,
beamed thought altering electromagnetic frequencies toward thousands of
Americans in dozens of New England communities.

These thought altering waves would cause crowds to gather and then suddenly
disperse in bewilderment; cause an increase in crime, including murder, in
areas receiving the frequencies, and stimulated increased delinquency and
rebellion among teenagers. When the signals were turned off, these
communities would return to normal. The body snatchers had arrived!

When the base was suddenly abandoned in 1983 or 1984, the former residents
left behind nearly all their equipment, papers and military orders. Military
transfer orders discovered by other researchers were complete and accurate
in every detail, except that some had large words scrawled across them:

This odd defacing of official government orders could not be explained until
further investigation revealed what intelligence agencies had paid for at
the secret base. They had been sending their test subjects, all males, some
military, some civilians, back and forth through time!

Espers found the base surrounded with unusual vibrations and images;
remnants of unusual weather patterns, mind control and beings that had been
created from the ether out of the thoughts of test subjects. The
investigators were certain something remarkable had happened at the facility
and set out to discovered what it was. Their focal starting point was the
premise that everyone on the base had vanished at nearly the same time,
perhaps the same day, and that they had no time to actually shut down the
base or decommission it officially. In fact, the base did not officially

Except that it was in a state of general disarray when they arrived,
investigators found materials, machines, supplies, reports, buildings and
support gear in place as if the base might still be operational. But all the
people were gone. Without a trace.

Citizens in nearby cities revealed that while the base was operating strange
things, other than increase in crime and delinquency, had happened. Large
groups of animals would suddenly charge into town and crash through windows.
It snowed in August. Hurricane force winds suddenly came from nowhere and as
quickly subsided. Thunderstorms, lightning and hail would appear and vanish
when no meteorological indications of such violent storms were present.

In 1947, federal agencies in America began an extensive research project
into the specific control of weather. This was the original Phoenix project
and was developed from data provided earlier by Austrian scientist Dr.
Wilhelm Reich. Most of his research data was burned by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration and is no longer available for general reading.

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