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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nov  5 14:31:29 1995
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 14:11:31 -0500 (EST)
From: James Daugherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: New Paradigms Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Weekly Up-date <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy, alt.politics.org.covert,
    alt.politics.libertarian, alt.illuminati, alt.politics.usa.constitution
Subject: Arcane Science of Conflict Management

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of 10-5-95

In This Issue:

1.  The Arcane Science of Conflict Management (Lead Editorial of the Spring
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     1977 Conspiracy Digest)

        The growing racial tension in the USA makes this article
        prescient indeed!

2.  Complete Conspiracy Digest Back Issue Catalog

           OF CONFLICT

  Robert DePugh's Patriot's In-
ter-Organizational Meeting
was held over Memorial Day
weekend in Kansas City. As
would be expected of a unity
meeting organized by the head
of the paramilitary Minutemen,
organizations of the far, far
right predominated. Among the
numerous groups who presented
their ideological viewpoints and
blueprints for unity and co-
ordination of right-wing efforts
were the Ku Klux Klan,
National Justice Foundation,
United States Taxpayers Union,
Church of the Creator, and
Christian Conservative Chur-
ches of America. The John
Birch Society and Liberty Lobby
chose not to bc represented, pro-
bably from fear of being as-
sociated with the anti-Semi-
tism and racism of the far, far
right. Conspiracy Digest was in
attendance to report on the con-
spiracy theories advocated
in this little publicized seg-
ment of the American political

  Detailed reviews of publica-
tions and a directory to
organizations will appear in the
Summer, 1977 issue of Con-
spiracy Digest. What follows is
our critique of the anti-Semitic
conspiracy theories that often
spring from the White collec-
tivist (racialist) world view that
dominated the DePugh meeting.
Please do not assume that all the
organizations represented fell
into this category.


  The White collectivist is not
merely "prejudiced" against
Blacks or convinced that Whites
are superior. The "true" White
collectivist is a person whose
highest political value is the
preservation, advancement, and
power of the White race.
Primary concerns of the White
collectivist are: 1. "Race mix-
ing," which over time could
cause the White race to
disappear. 2. Differential birth
rates, which could enable Blacks
and/or Orientals to eventually
overwhelm Whites through
sheer numbers. 3. Lack of
racial consciousness and the
prevalence of guilt feelings
among Whites that lead Whites
to relinquish their privileges and
power without a fight.


  White collectivists see the
Jewish "race" as the only rival
of the White race for world
power. The Jews, while smaller
in numbers than Whites, are
seen as superbly organized for
racial solidarity and race war
by Machiavellian International
Bankers along the lines de-
scribed in the Protocols of Zion.
Government policies including
forced integration, busing, easy
welfare for Blacks, birth control
(for Whites), immigration, etc.
are seen as Jewish inspired at-
tacks on the White race. The
ultimate goal of the Jews is
believed to be the creation of a
mixed race that would have an
intelligence intermediate to
Blacks, Whites, and Orientals
and would, thus, be easier for
the Jews, who would remain
pure, to dominate. Thus, the
government's racial policies are
seen as a Jewish genocide con-
spiracy against the White race.


  Readers of the Occult
Technology of Power know that
we take a different view. First,
the conspiratorial International
Bankers are not primarily
Jewish in any meaningful sense
of the term, although Jews are
over-represented due to their
head start in money lending
during the Dark Ages when the
Church did not allow Christians
to lend money. (Calling the
Rockefellers Jewish or crypto-
Jewish because they had a few
ancient Jewish ancestors is just
plain silly in our view.)

  Second, while there can be
little doubt that the elitist Foun-
dations and Think Tanks (that
conceive government policies at
the behest of their International
Banking patrons) favor Blacks
at the expense of Whites, we
think the goal is much more
likely to be the creation of a
diversionary conflict than an at-
tempt to destroy the Whit race.
We must remember that the
Banker's system is not some far
away goal, but is largely
operative right now. Their
system of diversionary racial
conflict acts to prevent an
alliance from forming right now
to overturn the oppressive
Federal Reserve money
monopoly which, in fact, robs
everyone except the elitists at the
top. Instead, Whites and Blacks
are manipulated into fighting
each other for the crumbs that
the real oppressors let fall from
their table! If the money
monopoly was broken, Blacks
and Whites could develop high
standards of living either
separately or together as they
voluntarily would choose.

  One might ask: "If diver-
sionary conflict is the goal, why
doesn't the Establishment pro-
mote White racism as well as
Black racism?" Of course, some
conspiracy theorists think this is
already the case and accuse the
KKK and others of being
"police gangs" (See US Labor
Party literature). We doubt this
because all the hard evidence
points in the opposite direction.
Remember, the Establishment
wants continuous, low-grade
conflict that can be managed to
divert attention from its own
depredations and justify more
government control. Support of
majority White racism, on the
other hand, could lead to a con-
flagration of all-out genocide
against Blacks which would end
the potential for racial conflict.
Support of minority Black
racism creates an automatic
"back-lash" among Whites
which is sufficient to create the
optimum level of conflict
desired by the Establishment for
its own on-going purposes.


  It is interesting to note in
passing that some conspiracy
theorists believe that- a
Rockefeller-Establishment plot
exists to provoke a giant back-
lash among Whites that will be
used to exterminate Jews and
Blacks a la Nazi Germany. (See
Emanuel Josephson's books and
also Bill Avery's article in this
issue.) We tend to think this is
just as wrong-headed as the
White collectivist's theories.

  Josephson uses Hoffman
Nickerson's book The American
Rich as evidence for his theory
of a Machiavellian Rockefeller
plot against Blacks and Jews.
He also uses as evidence the ap-
parent Rockefeller support for
Nazi Germany. It should be
pointed out that Josephson, as a
Jew, may have been somewhat
prejudiced in this area.

  Nickerson, who was a per-
sonal associate of John D.
Rockefeller and fellow member
of the Union Club, argued in
The American Rich that
bureaucratic dictatorship in
America is inevitable because of
racial, religious, and ethnic con-
conflict. Of course, it would be only
a small step to consciously pro-
mote and then use such conflict
to "prove" that self-govern-
ment doesn't work and that a
bureaucratic tyranny is a

  The Nickerson book really
provides more evidence for our
"conflict management" theory
than for Josephson's "giant
back-lash" theory.

           MOVEMENT FOR
          SOCIAL CHANGE:
           "COVER" FOR

  Only at the highest levels of
the conspiracy are the esoteric
goals of conflict management
understood. The intellectuals
who implement the conflict
strategy in government and
think tanks believe the "cover"
story. They believe that they are
working to "perfect" human
beings, that is, to eliminate
man's inhumanity to man. They
see themselves fighting pre-
judice, racism, sexism, male
chauvinism, etc.

  Of course, people do not treat
each other as well as they should
and human relations could
stand considerable perfecting
However, compared to the
rapidly growing world tyranny
that threatens to smother every
vestige of human freedom, such
"unfairness" in daily life is a
minor thing indeed.

  It is grim testimony to the
power of the banker's pro-
paganda that the attention of
most idealistic people is focused
on the faddish synthetic issues
created by the elite while they
are totally oblivious to their
rapid march into a tyranny of
the bankers, for the bankers,
and by the bankers.

Lead Editorial from:
Conspiracy Digest, Spring 1977
Reprinted with Permission by Alpine
Enterprises, PO Box 766, Dearborn, MI 48121

May be distributed without limits if the
addresses of Alpine Enterprises and A-albionic
Research (below) remains attached.

The following catalog is not copyrighted, but it would be common
 courtesy to keep the keep the address of the originator intact
 when distributing it.

Catalog of: 05/26/94

Snail Mail:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Fax:         1-313-885-1181
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All back issues are in-stock and ready for shipment.  Orders accepted by
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Conspiracy Digest Back Issues


Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1976

Cat#13032 Pages: 8    Year:  1976 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Carroll Quigley's private letters exposing Establishment suppression
of Tragedy and Hope and an (telling?) endorsement of Liberty Lobby.
Role of Gold in the Conspiracy.  Analysis of Dr. Peter Beter.  Nuclear
terrorism.  Interview with US Labor Party founder Lyndon LaRouche.
Canfield Decision.  Is the Conspiracy Religious by Richard Gilman.
Directory of sources.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1976

Cat#13033 Pages: 8    Year:  1976 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Epistemology of Conspiracy Theory.  Critique of None Dare Call It
Conspiracy.  Muslim Illuminati (Sufis) behind conspiracy since the
Crusades?  Jewish Survival Legion.  Confessions of a CFR member.
Secret History of Tragedy and Hope.  Bank of International Settlements
vs. the International Monetary Fund?  (Rothschild-Rockefeller conflict
behind swings in the price of gold?  Interview with Mrs. Emanuel

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter 1976-77

Cat#13034 Pages: 12   Year:  1976 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Carroll Quigley dies!  Washington Post "Covers" Carroll Quigley
(3-23-75).  Robert Welch preaches Master Conspiracy.  Final story of
Colonel House by Jeffrey Rogers Hummel.  Investment strategy based on
based on conspiracy theory...New York debt crisis as a case in point.
Fourth Dimension of War:  Subversion of the Political by Charles A.
Spears.  Apollo Hoax!  Establishment "covers" Trilateral Commission.
Occult-Pagan Roots of the Nazis:  Thule Society by Richard Gilman.
The Coming Revolution in Conservative Thought by Richard Gilman.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1977

Cat#13035 Pages: 16   Year:  1977 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Arcane science of Conflict Management.  The Movement for Social
Change:  "Cover" for Diversionary Conflict Program.  Is Perfecting the
People a Cover for Imposing World Tyranny?  Interviews with Robert
Anton Wilson--Author of Illuminatus.  A look at the London-Warburg
connection.  A Religious Zionist Speaks-out!

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 1977

Cat#13036 Pages: 12   Year:  1977 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

The Roots of the Conspiracy:  The Metaphysical Presuppositions of
Political Economy by Prof. M. Kroy.  The State of Research Concerning
Power Elites by Antony Sutton.  Nazis, Mystics, and Islam:  In Search
of the Nazi-Muslim Connection by Richard Gilman.  Before Hitler Came:
SEBOTTENDORFF.  The Interpol Conspiracy by L. Barragan.  Conspiracy
Media review and Directory.  Belmont Brotherhood:  New attack on the
John Birch Society.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 2, No. 4, Fall 1977

Cat#13040 Pages: 12   Year:  1977 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

"Materialism, Occultism, and the Suppression of Psychic Research" by
Professor M. Kroy.  Have the Soviets mastered Tesla's experiments to
control weather? by F. Stoessel.  What Was Dan Rather Doing at Dealy
Plaza? by John Judge.  Anonymous Black Propaganda Campaign (Deguello)
Confuses right-wing.  More on Colonel House and Philip Dru (Original
Dust Jacket Blurb re-printed.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter 1977-78

Cat#13049 Pages: 8    Year:  1977 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Interview with "Master Conspiriologist" Mae Brussell, the famous
left-wing assassination researcher and conspiracy publicist.  Backlog
of letters to the Editor.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring 1978

Cat#12474 Pages: 12   Year:  1978 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/26/92 Up-dated: 04/26/93

The Mysterious Influence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton by Richard Gilman.
Book Review of The Selected Prose of Ezra Pound by Robert Anton
Wilson.  Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 1978 (mislabeled Vol. 4, No. 4)

Cat#13042 Pages: 10   Year:  1978 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 11/27/93

The Capital Conspiracy by Warren Anderson.  (Rothschild vs.
Rockefeller Conflict Theory brought up to date).  Rebuilding the US
Intelligence Service by Lyndon LaRouche.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 3, No. 4, Summer (mislabeled Fall'78) 1978

Cat#13041 Pages: 8    Year:  1978 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 11/27/93

The Jesuit Enigma by Richard Gilman (Controversial history of the
Jesuits).  Reflections on the Methodology of Conspiracy Research by
Professor M. Kroy.  The War Between the Middle and the Lower Class by
Howard Katz (Roots in Ancient Rome).  A Short Critique of Expos s by

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1978-79

Cat#13043 Pages: 10   Year:  1978 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Some Observations Concerning the Masonic Origins of the American
Republic by Richard Gilman.  The World View of Lyndon LaRouche and the
US Labor Party by Robert S. Hertz.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1979-80

Cat#13037 Pages: 8    Year:  1979 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

The 1979 Bilderberg Society Meeting:  Planning for a New Oil Crisis
and Stage Managing the Islamic Revolution.  Rhodes' "Confession of
Faith" (Part II).  Interview with Dusty Sklar, author of Gods and
Beasts:  Nazis and the Occult.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 4, No. 2-3, Spring-Summer 1979

Cat#13044 Pages: 26   Year:  1979 Newsletter Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Unabridged reprint of Maurice Joly's Dialogues in Hell.  Full English
translation of the rare French book from which the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion was plagiarized!

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 4, No. 4, Fall 1979

Cat#13045 Pages: 8    Year:  1979 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

The Occult Technology of Power Reviewed by Professor M. Kroy.  Comment
on review by the author.  From the Nesta Webster file by Richard
Gilman (Connections to Barclay International Bank and Occultism).
Conspiracy Digest smeared by Jewish watchdog group in
Britain...Patterns of Prejudice.  The Great Jig-Saw Puzzle by Jack
Jones.  Text of Cecil Rhodes' "Confession of Faith" upon which the
famed Round Table Conspiracy was founded (Part I).

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 1980

Cat#13046 Pages: 8    Year:  1980 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

The Leipzig Connection (analysis of conspiratorial beginnings of
psychology).  Bolshevism vs. Zionism by Winston Churchill.  Rebuttal
by Prof. Kroy concerning The Occult Technology of Power.  Conspiracy
implements the Marquis de Sade's little-known political
tract...Philosophy in the Bedroom?

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 1980

Cat#13039 Pages: 8    Year:  1980 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 05/15/94

"A Group of Concerned Citizens:  An Answer to David Rockefeller About
the Trilateral Commission" by Howard S. Katz.  Includes the infamous
letter from David Rockefeller to the New York Times Pooh Poohing
conspiracy theories side by side with the Bill Moyers Interview in
which Rockefeller and his associates bragged about their
conspiratorial activities.  Review of Nato General Sir John Hackett's
The Third World War and a Review of Knuth's Empire of the City.
Also includes reviews of Walter Lippman's The Public Philosophy and
Public Opinion exposing the covert anti-democratic messages and
strategies for mind control.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 5, No. 4, Fall 1980

Cat#13047 Pages: 8    Year:  1980 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Radical's View of Abscam (William Kunstler).  A Commentary on Nesta
Webster's Autobiography:  Spacious Days by Richard Gilman.  In Search
of Conspiracy by Bob Banner Reviewed by Bob Hertz.  England's Cliveden
Set by John L. Spivak (circa 1940).

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1980-81

Cat#13050 Pages: 8    Year:  1981 Newsletter Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Orwellian Brain Machine Perfected Which Proves Mental Illness in
Adults and Kids by L J Klass.  Is There A Plot to Promote the Saucers?
by Peter Kor.  In Search of Conspiracy by Bob Banner.

Author (Last, Frst) Alpine Enterprises, .
Title:  Conspiracy Digest, Vol. 6, No. 1-2-3, Spring-Summer-Fall 1981

Cat#13048 Pages: 24   Year:  1981 Newsletter Price:       $8.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/25/93 Up-dated: 04/25/93

Conspiracy Digest Scoop!  Full text of the "Working Papers"
distributed to the participants of the 1977 Bilderberger Meeting.
Includes complete participant list.  Topics:  The future of the mixed
economies in the Western Democracies, The 3d World's Demands for
Restructuring of the World Order and the Political Implications of
those Attitudes, and Current Problems in European-American Relations.
Fine, but clear type.

How to read Ruling Class Discussion Papers by the Editor.  Backlog of
letters to the Editor.

Number of Entries in Preceding Category:  000020

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