Hello Carmine,
Thank you for your reply.
Just some points to ponder.
A few multinational oil companies own and control:
1. Most of the world's major oil pipelines
2. Most of the world's oil tanker fleets
3. Most of the world's oil storage tank farms
4. Most of the world's oil refineries
5. Most of the world's gasoline pipelines
6. Most of the world's gasoline storage tank farms
7. Most of the world's gasoline tanker truck fleets
8. Most of the world's retail gasoline outlets
These same few oil companies have done most of the
world's oil exploration and have drilled and developed
virtually all of the world's important oil fields (including
offshore production).

Now, all of the above are on one end of the seesaw.
On the other end are the "oil-producing countries" (OPEC).
Who do you think controls the "seesaw"?
It isn't OPEC.
These countries are at the mercy of the International
Oil Cartel.
These countries are easily manipulated and played against
each other. If you doubt this, just take a good look at what
has occured in Indonesia in the last 3 years.
If the world was truly running short of crude, then perhaps
the producing countries would be able to dictate to the
Oil Cartel.
However, there is no shortage of crude (Proven Reserves).
The usual world oil market condition is one of "glut".
Therefore OPEC doesn't hold any "trump cards".

The International Oil Cartel loves to blame OPEC for
the rising prices.
Guess what?
The same people who own and control the Oil Companies
also own and control most of the so-call 'News Media"
in the United States....the same TV Networks and
Newspapers who are telling you: "It's OPEC's fault!"
     Regards to All

Hello Carmine,
Thank you for your reply.
Just some points to ponder.
A few multinational oil companies own and control;
1. Most of the world's major oil pipelines
2. Most of the world's oil tanker fleets
3. Most of the world's oil storage tank farms
4. Most of the world's oil refineries
5. Most of the world's gasoline pipelines
6. Most of the world's gasoline storage tank farms
7. Most of the world's gasoline tanker truck fleets
8. Most of the world's gasoline outlets
These same few oil companies have done most of the
world's oil exploration and have drilled and developed
virtually all of the world's important oil fields (including
offshore production).

Now, all of the above are on one end of the seesaw.
On the other end are the "oil-producing countries" (OPEC).
Who do you think controls the "seesaw"?
It isn't OPEC.
These countries are at the mercy of the International
Oil Cartel.
These countries are easily manipulated and played against
each other. If you doubt this, just take a good look at what
has occured in Indonesia in the last 3 years.
If the world was truly running short of crude, then perhaps
the producing countries would be able to dictate to the
Oil Cartel.
However, there is no shortage of crude (Proven Reserves).
The usual world oil market condition is one of "glut".
Therefore OPEC doesn't hold any "trump cards".

The International Oil Cartel loves to blame OPEC for
the rising prices.
Guess what?
The same people who own and control the Oil Companies
also own and control most of the so-call 'News Media"
in the United States....the same TV Networks and
Newspapers who are telling you: "It's OPEC's fault!"
     Regards to All

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