-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


Dr. Michael Wolf suffered the same cruel fate when he lost his wife and son.
Do you know Dr. Wolf?

I haven't heard of him. We are trying to do what others in Space have
already done.

So, after your sighting as a child, the Government monitored your
interaction with aliens, using you, we could say, as an interlocutor with
other races in order to glean information?

Exactly. It was the Government which wanted to squeeze this information out
or us.

I mean you, you in particular.

There are a great deal of things I haven't ever said.

So, if your job was to be an intermediary... do you believe that there will
be contact in the future?

We have already had contact.

But in the near future?

Definitely. Within 25 years. We are moving towards a militarized Space which
will lead to the opening of new frontiers in Research and Development. We
will become voyagers in Space, we will go towards other solar systems.
Current technology doesn't allow us to draw our discoveries together and put
A, B and C together in order to get B. If Space becomes militarized, it will
be a threat to our vistors. It's easy to see Why. We need to use technology
responsibly for the betterment of our race, and if other intelligent species
really exist up there, we have obligations towards them. We, as a race, are
still not mature and spiritual enough to do this. Do I believe in God? Yes!
And they believe in God too. But our definition of divinity is probably in
conflict with theirs, which doesn't mean that we have a different point of
view. They would wipe out many races in order to better define the concept
of God, and at the same time they would get themselves killed before taking
the lives of others. But they are also ready to defend themselves. I think
they will continue to monitor us until we constitute a threat, within the
next 30 years. This (Showing me a page in his book), is a document taken
from an Intelligence memorandum which was sent to the FBI. It should have
been destroyed. I told the FBI that the Air Force had authorized its
release. They didn't know that the Air Force didn't want the information to
be released. And it worked.

Your book came out in July 1997, and by now they ought t o know that you
have these documents, don't you think?

As far as the Air Force and the Pentagon are concerned they don't exist. But
1 have shown the opposite to be true.

Can you tell us the number of your work group?

It was 4607.

Is that a recovery team in the Air Force?

Yes, it's based at Fort Belvoir. There they train and look after people
who... 1 hate the phrase "psychic phenomena", who have had experiences as an
interface. They tell you: "You are going to be an interface", and it's
logical that your reaction could be very emotional.

Let's talk about recoveries. It seems that aliens don't bother coming back
to save their c~ ' panions left on Earth after a crash. What do you think
about Area 51?

Do you want the truth? Area 51 is an expedient. However, there is a
connection. We still use Edwards base in California, which belongs to the
Air Force. 1 want to make it clear though, that 1 am not saying that nothing
of the kind, associated with the UFO phenomenon, happens in that base.

And what do you think of alien corpses put in containers?

It's science fiction. We have a "marker" an identifier who acts as an
interface with the fabricator. The fabricator then provides specific
information, small fragments of the truth, messages which must appear to be
very positive. So after managing to influence the identifier, the fabricator
will disappear, and the identifier will carry out the task he has been
assigned to do. If we want the ufological community to believe certain
things, it must know what we do. First of all, we give the fabricator  the
task of identifying what we define  "Intelligence Targetting", a target
being an individual who will circulate - this is the marker - and start to
spread... it's surprising to see how easy it is...

... To spread the partial truth...

We call it disinformation.

If the Roswell crash was covered up, does that mean that during World War 11
something similar had already happened? Why are you smiling?

At 12.15 during the night of 25 February 1942, a formation of 12-15
unidentified craft was seen in the sky over Los Angeles, California. They
were neither ours, nor the Navy's nor the Marines'. Not having established
the identity or radio contact, they decided to attack in the fear that they
were unknown enemies. Our coastal artillerymen discharged 1430 shots against
the targets. There was no reaction, no bombs, no plane shot down, no damage
to property, no victims and the craft disappeared. General Marshall related
the incident to the President of the United States, Franklyn Delano
Roosevelt the very next day. In 1943 in the Pacific, General Douglas
MacArthur asked General Doolittle for news of an unusual object which had
faced our fighters and bombers. At the end of 1943, Doolittle informed
MacArthur that some " spectators" had followed the main military action.
They were not terrestrial and maybe they were hostile.

"Spectators" - is that what they call them?

That's how Doolittle and MacArthur described them. We didn't know much about
it. All 1 know is that something happened in China which convinced
Doolittle, without a doubt, based on events which led to the recovery of a

Who was Doolittle?

He was a very famous and very active Air Force pilot. He led the "Doolittle
Raid using B25s (James Harold Doolittle, a hero in the air, led the first
air raid over Tokyo on 18 April 1942, - Ed.).

Certain pieces of your story coincide with what Dr. Michael Wolf has said.
Let`s go back to the children. 1 find it incredible how the Government
chooses some who are particularly sensitive and puts them into its service.

Just think, 1 was declared unfit for service... and yet at the end of my
service 1 received another kind of training, the so-called "AM' or "Advanced
Individual Training'' and they sent me to the archives of the Post
Intelligence Center where 1 found a guy, apparently on special service from
the Pentagon in Washington DC. I stayed quiet, and it was lie who talked to
me about UFOs. "Don't worry, it will all be OK.What do you think of this lie
said, showing me a document. 1 replied: "It's nothing 1 should know about"
and he said " wanted your opinion of it". A couple of' days. later 1 told
him 1 was worried because 1 had seen a top secret document. He replied that
he hadn't shown me anything...

...how come?

I asked him the same thing, and he answered: "You'll find out in due time".
It said oil my file that I'd enlisted in the Air Force for three years,
whereas the service period then was four years. Ill the end 1 was assigned
to NBC, Chemical, Biological, Nuclear Warfare, in the communications sector.

Did they ever ask you about your experiences of contact?

I believe they knew about it.

In that case, they could have learned about it from t w o sources: your
family or the entities themselves, aliens who decide which humans will work
with them.

It's likely. During the training, you go through a phase o f 11
indoctrination", ,,vliere you find yourself face to face with a mountain of
information which blows your mind, so much so, my legs once gave way and 1
nearly fainted because of an extremely painful migraine.

If it's true that certain people are used as an interface, are they aware or

Colonel Corso knew about this.

Corso never directly implicated the Government, but five o r six different
departments. No-one knows their respective modus operandi. If this happens
in the United States, i t's possible that they do it in other countries...

Yes. The situation is such that we are forced to reveal the information to
every interested country. There's no doubt about it. In the USA a small
group of people deals with this, not designated officials. You can't trust
the Government: power is only apparently in the hands of the White House or
Congress. It's a select group. For them it's always and only a question of'
national security. They're interested in military application as Corso
said - in new technology. Anything else is secondary.

In other words, the Government gets everything it can out a I this contact.
In the meantime, no-one worries about interior development or the spiritual
side of the UFO presence.

Absolutely, they don't give it a thought. But in reality, the spiritual
aspect of the UFO phenomenon must be given the utmost consideration.


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