-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

On Mon, 27 March 2000, Don Huffman wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> Bill:
> Is it true that much of traditional medicine is derived from folk medi-
> cine and traditional medicine synthesied herbal medicine and got a pat-
> ent and charge much money for it?
>                                                                 Don Huffman
I am not exactly sure what it is your asking but I will attempt an answer based on 
what it is I think you want to know.  I believe that tradition medicine (by that I 
take it you mean the kind that is practiced by licensed physicians) is derived in 
large part from folk medicine and traditional medicinal approaches, BUT today there is 
such a proliferation of new drugs which are artifially created chemicals, some of 
which mimic the actions of natural chemical compounds found within animals or plants 
that it is virtually a whole new field apart from any traditional approaches.
The drugs that are patented are artificially created, no natural products, which are 
not chemically altered, can be patented.  This is why we have such a huge selection of 
herbs and other "natural" "medicines" that we may take, and why they do not require 
presciptions and remain available to any and all who choose to take them.  Thus Ginkgo 
Biloba, and St. Johns Wort, both of which have some good scientific evidence 
supporting their effectiveness for the treatment of various disorders, are available 
over the counter, and are not a patentable medicine, they are natural unadulterated 

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