-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/29/2000 7:35:27 PM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<< How do you know I haven't?  ;-)
<<Again, how do you know I already haven't done so?  ;-)>>

Let's first acknowledge that these questions are good and
safe for June. They admit nothing, and imply everything.

Further, June's questions appear only as a showing of
a challenge. She is certainly not challenging my own
knowledge of the Koran; indeed, she only challenges
an issue that remains uncertain.

Now, to be fair, (and to reiterate what was said in
my previous post), I have not read every thread on
this issue. Included in the two posts that I did read,
was a statement that June made, which claimed
that she had offered "facts" on Islam in a previous
post. I cannot speak to that which I have not read.

Nonetheless, June is asking me, how I know that she
has not purchased and studied a copy of the Koran.

Well, June...

I answered the post in which you were contesting that
which Foxter had put forth, viz., that Islam promises a
greater standing with Allah for those who die in his
"holy war" with the infidels.

June was challenging this statement, demanding
that Foxter "chapter and verse", so to speak, the
Surah from which the Foxter was quoting.

June, my statements to you, concerning the idea
that you might purchase and read the Koran for
yourself, was based upon my observations of
this situation. Here is why:

FACT. The Koran DOES state that the self-martyred
soldiers of the holy war will have a greater standing
with Allah. Surah III: 150-155; 190-195, etc.

Now, if June had studied the Koran and knew this
to be true, she would have agreed with Foxter.

But quite to the contrary, June challenged Foxter,
insinuating that Foxter did not know that of which
she had spoken.

Surely, June wouldn't do something as self-serving
and asinine, as to condemn truthful statements that
had not been accurately documented, just to make
herself feel important?

So, you see, June...

Rather than think of you as a self-serving and pompous
rectum who derails truthful statements for the purpose
of one-up'manship to further your own hyper-inflated
ego....I choose to believe that you had not read and
studied the Koran.

Silly me.


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