-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Why O' Great Trumpeter?

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> 4/4/00
> This stuff is ridiclous.
> Joshua2
> =========================
> Nicky Molloy wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > </A> -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > I may have posted this already, but I have some Kabballah posts and would
> > like you to see who is doing what with the Kabballah, regarding the return
> > of the 'Messiah'? arranged by Dr James Hurtak's Et masters to come about in
> > Jerusalem..It appears that an Israeli Kabbalist seems to be following a
> > similar philosophy to Hurtak with the regathering of the 12 tribes in Israel
> > in anticipation of this event.
> >
> > http://www.thehope.org/futmyth.htm
> >
> > Appendix "C"
> > Future Mythology
> >
> > http://www.thehope.org/TEKENLIT.htm
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Constructing
> > the Technology of Enlightenment
> > Using light technology
> > to nurture "Human Enlightenment"
> > The optimal direction of High-Or Ltd
> > Y.I. HayutMa'n, Cyber Architect.
> > The Academy of Jerusalem and High-Or Inc.
> >
> > The Temple being rebuilt for this. We know that Yair Davidi in Israel has
> > located the 12 tribes now from all over. Hurtak writes in the Keys of Enoch,
> > referring to the Kabballa constantly as his guide, that the 12 tribes will
> > be taken through time portals to other constellations to create another
> > genesis. Hurtak hints he is Jacob. So maybe he thinks he is regathering his
> > 'descendents' and has some divine right to do so. yea right...We must bear
> > in mind that Dr Puharich [who was Hurtak's boss at Ossining]  wrote a book
> > about Sacred Mushrooms and is an expert on hallucinogenic plants.Hurtak
> > dosen't say by what means he had a trip across the universe. However he does
> > say he went bodily, but which body? He said he was praying and a great being
> > appeared and he sped upwards into the heavens. Considering he has invented a
> > free energy device, one would think he'd describe the propulsion of the
> > vehicle he travelled in. But this dosen't bear a mention. His DNA analysis
> > of the 'chosen ones' is rather lengthy. He is very explicit in some parts of
> > the book esp if it concerns science, but when it comes to describing the
> > culling of the the lower races, he makes Nostrodamus sounds clear.
> >
> > I have scanned 11 chapters of Intro to the Keys of Enoch.  He dosen't have
> > about the mass genocide in the intro book.The Day of Declaration talks of
> > when the Reappearance of the [ET] Masters of Wisdom is supposedly coming,
> > when somehow the earth gets zapped into the 4th dimension and all those who
> > don't become a body of Light will be 'recycled'.  In other words get killed,
> > be terminated. He says to look at the positive side of death. He mentions
> > this several times throughout the book.
> >
> > The ETs he says will be picking up those, with what sounds like implants
> > .[he calls them vibratory Light crystals of the Christ blood encoded upon
> > the doorposts of the body temple of Gematria.The sign of YHWH's name will be
> > upon their 3rd eye and they will be taken from the fields after a scanner
> > will probe the face of the earth and locate the chosen ones and they will go
> > to the vehicles] The implants are up the nose in some cases and I have seen
> > a post saying the implanted are to be taken away for repopulation of other
> > planets. Dr Bruce Maccabbee said Ashtar told him this personally [by someone
> > channeling him to answer questions Maccabbee was asking Ashtar].
> >
> > It does say in the Bible that 2 will be in the field and one will be taken.
> > Though what that means is debatable. Hurtak could be be applying this to the
> > CIA military abductees, who have been genetically catalogued. As the Mormons
> > have been mentioned positively by Hurtak as having the angel Moroni as the
> > correct teacher, maybe they use the ancestry records for the abductions. The
> > Mormons are apparently routinely recruited as CIA agents. Hurtak says the
> > Mormons are the Living Tribe of Joseph.
> >
> > I have some articles which show the research done by Hurtak's former boss
> > Andrija Puharich, who did research for the CIA into mind control, and what
> > wavelengths affect the human consciousness. One ET channelled by a 'top
> > world renowned scientist' in the early 70's found out that the ionosphere
> > reflects the human brain waves. The name wasn't given, but I will post the
> > Et dialogue. However Puharich was contacting Ets at that time for scientific
> > info about consciousness. ??
> >
> > HAARP is destroying the ionosphere and magnetosphere and I have a post about
> > this which states that this is what was created at Montauk to be employed
> > for mind control. They are busily destroying 'our reality' and changing it
> > to another one. I have about 5/6posts which link the whole scheme together
> > with the changing of our DNA by HAARP/The Second Coming and the destruction
> > of this 3D reality that we now exist in to be replaced by one which Hurtak's
> > Ets have created for us. One in which the Ets he has with him from Sirius,
> > are claiming to be the Biblical figures, that 'they created us'  and they
> > have the right to destroy us as they wish. Hurtak's writings about DNA
> > needing to be changed by ultra violet are very similar to Puharichs writings
> > about his DNA experiments and ELFwaves creating certain chemical changes.
> >
> >  They both mention changing hydrogen atoms in DNA and both said it in the
> > early 70's when Hurtak worked for Puharich. Hurtak writes about ultra violet
> > causing hydrogen double bonds to break in the DNA in preparation for the
> > bodily Ascension and Puharich writes about ELF electromagnetic waves
> > affecting the chemical bonding between hydrogen atoms in organic tissue, esp
> > at the level of DNA and RNA. What a coincidence! Preston Nichols and Peter
> > Moon said HAARP was possibly scrambling our DNA, to rearrange our Lightbody
> > for a transdimensional change.
> > www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/project018.html
> >
> > Nicky
> >
> > >  HAARP--Expansion of Montauk Project//By Nichols and Moon
> > >
> > >
> > >  A top-level dissertation from some of the best in the field--and I say
> > >  that based on a great number of personal interactions with both the
> > >  authors--on what's going on at this time with global mind control, mood
> > >  manipulation, consciousness control, artificially-induced "earth
> > >  changes", genetic modification/mutation and even "reality engineering";
> > >  by means of HAARP technology utilized by the covert, New World Order
> > >  global government.
> > >
> > >
> > >  NewsHawk® Inc.
> > >  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> >
> > >  HAARP Project
> > >  Expansion of the Montauk Project
> > >  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/project018.html
> > >  Top Secret Projects
> > >  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/projects.html
> > >
> > >  By Preston Nichols and Peter Moon
> >
> > The Riddle of the Sphinx - Still Not Solved!
> > http://www.alphaomega.se/english/theriddle.html
> >
> > What are we to believe? What is truth? Everything that´s said, everything we
> > feel, everything we read?
> >     Words and images stream toward us from all directions. Everyone wants to
> > tell his story. If the story is good enough, we pass it on. If we have the
> > possibility, we put it out on the net to everyone we know and a few others
> > besides. If we want to, we can spread a story across the entire world in a
> > couple of seconds. But does this make it necessarily true? Of course not,
> > but a story always looks a lot more true if a lot of people are telling it,
> > and there´s no smoke without fire, as the saying goes.
> >     Just before this issue of Alphaomega went to press we received an e-mail
> > letter saying that the so-called Hall of Records had recently been found.
> > Drunvalo Melchizedek (see AO 3/96) was said to have been there, and possibly
> > Dr. J. J. Hurtak, author of The Keys of Enoch.A number of statements in the
> > letter were clearly sensational. It alleged among other things that a living
> > man, 2.1 meters tall, had been found in a sarcophagus and that spiritual
> > beings had been involved. The person who wrote the letter reported moreover
> > that he and his friends, through similar inner experiences, had received
> > confirmation that this actually had taken place.
> >     How many people received this information we do not know, but one of
> > them got onto the Internet telegraph to find out how things stood, and
> > responses came. Most were angry at having received such junk mail and only a
> > few thought that it seemed interesting.
> >     After a couple of days, a letter came from a woman who had attended a
> > lecture by Drunvalo Melchizedek on December 11 in Washington, D.C. In the
> > letter she related a story that Drunvalo simply passed on from J.J. Hurtak.
> > According to this report, Hurtak, together with a group, had made his way
> > into a large room, probably under the Sphinx, by forcing a light barrier
> > with the aid of Hebrew mantras. It was said that in the room they had found
> > a sarcophagus containing a body that "appeared" living, and knew from the
> > hieroglyphics that it possibly concerned Osiris.
> >     Ananda (see AO 3/97), who was in Egypt himself over Christmas, confirmed
> > through his contacts that J.J. Hurtak had been in Egypt recently and while
> > there had filmed light phenomena activated by Hebrew words.
> >     Drunvalo, on the other hand, has himself made clear that he was not in
> > Egypt at this event.
> >     Edgar Cayce spoke about the Hall of Records years ago and prophesied
> > that it would be found between 1996 and 1998.
> >     Whether it the room Hurtak used was actually a new room or only one that
> > was already accessible we do not know at present, but we´ll get back to you.
> >     The riddle of the Sphinx is still not solved.
> > Christina Klint, Editor-in-Chief, translated by Yarrow Cleaves
> >
> > <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
> > ==========
> > CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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> > gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> > be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> > nazi's need not apply.
> >
> > Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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