>>> THIS is what becojmes irksome about the 'benevolence' of the NEATO-niks and
their desires to wage wars for the sake of humanity, good will, and brother- /
sisterhood.  They collect all these beings as human detritus, spirit them away
from the meanness and horror and inhumanity of their native lands to relative
paradisiae, inculcate them with the mantra of "NEATO is good, NEATO is great",
the hope of a new life (at home or in asylum), and the virtues of Western
lifestyles.  Then, THEN, the powers that be decide that the meter has run out
and NOW it's time for that big dose of reality:  "NEATO is so-so (if not no-
no)", new life is full of surprises (many yet to be sprung, especially when
they haven't been back to the old country to see the devastation or any
bomblets first hand), and what they enjoyed at the hands of the Westerners just
ain't gonna be there no mo'.  It's like that Ameritrade commercial with the New
Agers getting pumped to trade on-line, just to lose their shirts and pants and
socks on the NASDAQ.  And so, on with the news.  Maybe some day, the pols will
learn to leave well enough alone.  A<>E<>R <<<

>From http://www.independent.co.uk/news/World/Europe/2000-04/kosovo130400.shtml


Kosovo refugees spurned by nations worldwide
UN administrator Bernard Kouchner denounces the forced deportation of thousands
of Albanians by Western governments
By Stephen Castle in Brussels
13 April 2000

Governments are deporting tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians to Kosovo as
the surge of generosity shown by the world in response to Slobodan Milosevic's
repression of the province evaporates.

The deportations were denounced yesterday by Kosovo's UN administrator, Bernard
Kouchner. "We don't want them to come back at the same time," Mr Kouchner said.
"Some of the children are in school in these host countries. What about the
forced returns?"

Of nearly 96,000 Kosovars officially sent to the West by the UN last year,
almost 90 per cent have returned of their own accord. Western governments are
now making efforts to get rid of the remainder. Some countries are sending back
more than they officially took in, filling planes with thousands of others who
made their own way out of Kosovo. International officials warn the abrupt
influx could seriously destabilise the fragile peace in Kosovo. Germany, for
example, has started deporting dozens of convicted criminals.

Under the United Nations' Humanitarian Evacuation Programme, a total of 95,927
people were rescued from Kosovo – rather fewer than the 134,482 that the UNHCR
says have gone back.

The two biggest batches of returns so far were from Germany, which took in
14,689 last year but has sent back 25,109, and Switzerland which admitted 1,687
but has sent back 19,669.

The discrepancy arises because many Kosovars arrived at borders under their own
steam, or had already been in the West before last year's fighting. But as one
aid worker put it bluntly: "The policy of the governments towards refugees is
getting tougher; they have no shame any more."

David Boratav, Kosovo officer for the European Council on Refugees and Exiles,
argues that the most significant threat is not of mass forcible returns but of
a gradual erosion of conditions in the host countries.

He said: "A lot of people are going to be put under pressure because of the
cutting of benefits for temporary protected persons or the downgrading of their
status – for example, in Germany, from the category of 'war refugee' to

"It is likely that most states are going to find ways of downgrading the status
of refugees to the level that people will conclude that there is no option for
them but to return."

The right of all those who fled Kosovo to apply for political asylum in the
West is being undermined, Mr Boratav argues. "It is unacceptable, at the
moment, for people to be returned to Kosovo in a forcible way."

What worries pressure groups is that the most vulnerable people will be
browbeaten into returning. Several categories could be at physical or
psychological risk, including those in mixed marriages, those who deserted from
the Kosovo Liberation Army or those who disobeyed its injunctions. Victims of
rape or sexual abuse may be particularly unwilling to return to the scene of
the offence.

Jacques Franquin, spokes-man for the UNHCR, said: "We are not going to argue
with the fact that Kosovars are returned by host countries. That was part of
the deal. But we do want governments to consider cases on humanitarian


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