>From Newshawk.

Vaccine Horrors

A small collection of various contributions; indicating something that I
personally have known for a good eight or nine years or so: most, if not
ALL, vaccines are a literal abomination; EXTREMELY toxic to our bodies;
almost CERTAIN to promotes or engender severe and sometimes terminal
reactions from the victims they were administered to; and are many TIMES
more damaging to infants and toddlers--to whom these terrible health
threats are MOST OFTEN administered.

On top of which: the political/social "climate" in the disunited,
up-tied FEDERALIZED States of America today is such that in many areas
parents are actually coerced/threatened and forced by the New World
Order Gestapo to vaccinate their children or have it forcibly done to
their children. Then of course, resisting or uncooperative parents can
look forward to the feds (often hiding behind county & state social
services sub-Gestapo units) taking legal steps in the crap-hole
courtrooms of the uncountable number of corrupt, paid-off and lunatic
judges in this country to TAKE THEIR CHILDREN AWAY FROM THEM, and put
the kids under the direct control of the Brave New World Order STATE.

Did I digress a bit? Well--just trying to color in the BIGGER picture.

SO; read it all, get understandably angry, then put that into ACTION!!
Or NON-action; when it comes specifically to getting yourselves or your
children vaccinated.

NewsHawk® Inc.

Vaccine linked to autism?
New report points to
dangers of MMR immunization

By Julie Foster
2000 WorldNetDaily.com

A new report by Dr. Harold Buttram, a practicing physician in
Quakertown, Pa., suggests the recent increase in the number of autistic
children could be caused by the combination measles, mumps and rubella,
or MMR, vaccine routinely given to children at age 18 months -- a
phenomenon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim is
highly unlikely.

In a past study of autistic children, researchers found that 84 percent
of the children had antibodies against a certain type of brain tissue,
indicating that the immune system was destroying brain cells. The
researchers also found the brain tissue antibody to be very similar to
the antibody that's formed against the MMR vaccine. Additionally, MMR
antibody was found in 59 percent of the autistic children compared to 10
percent in normal children.

Buttram also noted some experts believe certain childhood illnesses
including measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox are a necessary and
helpful step in strengthening the immune system. Because the vaccines
are given by injection, the immune response of the mucous membranes,
through which these diseases enter the body, is not challenged and
strengthened. Those who support the theory also attribute the use of
vaccines to the great increase in cases of asthma and eczema, both of
which are diseases of the mucous membranes.

Buttram was quick to point out that measles and other diseases may
result in complications that cause brain injury. Therefore, physicians
and government officials may be choosing between the lesser of two

"It is true that there may be situations where extreme measures may be
justified, as the lesser of two evils, to preserve life and health,"
Buttram wrote. "The basic question, therefore, is whether the benefits
of current childhood vaccines outweigh the harm, or whether the reverse
is true."

The incidence of autism in California increased 273 percent from 1987 to
1998, and a growing number of medical professionals are questioning the
FDA's vaccine safety tests.

"A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are becoming
aware that safety testing for the various vaccines has been woefully
inadequate," Buttram wrote.

He cited a 1994 National Academy of Sciences review of the safety of the
hepatitis B vaccine. The review was done to investigate five possible
adverse effects of the vaccine. However, conclusions could not be made
about four of the effects due to a lack of enough research.

Dr. Bernard Rimland, founder and director of the Autism Research
Institute in San Diego, Calif., told DiscoveryHealth.com, "There are no
data on the triple vaccines."

When the institute opened in 1967, Rimland noticed that a number of
parents had mentioned that the diptheria, pertussin and tetanus, or DPT,
vaccine seemed to have an adverse effect on their children.

"In the late '70s and early '80s, we began hearing the same thing about
MMR," he said.

Rimland pointed out that triple vaccines can put additional stress on
the body. A person's immune system usually deals with one virus at a
time. Combining the individual measles, mumps and rubella vaccines into
one package results in a much more dangerous vaccine, he said.

Rimland also noted that doctors can report adverse effects of vaccines
through the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System, which is mandated
by the Food and Drug Administration. However, the VAERS is a voluntary
program. According to the FDA, between 90 and 99 percent of adverse
effects resulting from vaccinations go unreported.

"The physician has been taught repeatedly that these vaccines are
perfectly safe and that any event that is supposedly associated with
them is just a coincidence," Rimland remarked.

He also cited possible malpractice suits, added paperwork and the lack
of a penalty as reasons why doctors do not report these occurrences.

In an exclusive WorldNetDaily interview, Jane Orient, M.D., executive
director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said
she believes an autism-MMR vaccine link should be investigated.

"I think that there has been a
frightening increase in cases of
autism that has not been
explained," Orient said. "There
are a number of anecdotal
reports from parents that
symptoms of autism have
appeared close to the time of
the vaccine."

Orient, who is a clinical
lecturer in medicine at the
University of Arizona College
of Medicine, and a professor of
clinical medicine at the Oregon
Institute of Science and
Medicine, told WND, "With
each vaccine and each patient,
there needs to be a risk-benefit
analysis" to determine if the vaccine is worth the risk of developing

The CDC disputes a connection between the vaccine and autism, saying,
"The causes of autism are unknown in most cases."

The government agency's website states: "In a few cases, biologic causes
have been identified, although none are unique to autism. ... The
current theory favored by many experts is that autism is a
genetically-based disorder that occurs before birth."

"To date there is no convincing evidence that any vaccine can cause
autism or any kind of behavioral disorder," the agency says. "A
suspected link between measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism
has been suggested by some parents of children with autism. Typically,
symptoms of autism are first noted by parents as their child begins to
have difficulty with delays in speaking after age one. MMR vaccine is
first given to children at 12 to 15 months of age. Therefore, autism
cases with an apparent onset within a few weeks after MMR vaccination
may simply be an expected but unrelated chance occurrence.

"The only evidence that has been presented to suggest that MMR vaccine
may be associated with autism has been published by the Lancet. An
editorial published in the same issue, however, discussed concerns about
the validity of the study. Based on data from 12 patients, Wakefield and
colleagues speculated that MMR vaccine may have been the possible cause
of bowel problems which led to a decreased absorption of essential
vitamins and nutrients which resulted in developmental disorders like
autism. No scientific analyses were reported, however, to substantiate
the theory," says the agency.

However, the CDC does concede, "If measles vaccine, or any other
vaccine, causes autism then it would have to be a very rare occurrence
since millions of children have received vaccines without ill health

"From January 1990 through February 1998, only 15 cases of autism
behavior disorder after immunization were reported to the Vaccine
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)," the CDC states. "Because of
the small number of reports over an 8 year period, the cases reported
are likely to represent unrelated chance occurrences that happened
around the time of vaccination."

But the FDA admits such reports are rare -- only 1 to 10 percent of
cases involving adverse affects from the vaccine are reported, making
the CDC's statement questionable.

Buttram is skeptical of government involvement in the medical field.

"When arbitrary decisions in the mandating of vaccines are made by
government bureaucracies, which frequently work hand-in-glove with the
pharmaceutical industry, with no recourse open to parents, we have all
the potential ingredients for a tragedy of historic proportions,"
Buttram concluded.

Buttram's report was published in the March/April issue of the Medical

(c) 2000 WorldNetDaily
Julie Foster is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily

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SmithKline Beecham announced expansion of its malaria vaccine program
and also renewed its pledge to donate $1 billion to eliminate lymphatic
filariasis, otherwise known as elephantiasis.

Um, can you say "experimental drug testing"? Sure you can. Malaria is a
blood parasite. It is not a bacteria or virus, so it doesn't respond to
most treatments for exactly that reason. Anti-malarial drugs work by
essentially making your blood toxic enough to the parasite that it can't
establish a foothold. This comes at a price, as drugs strong enough to
deliver a toxic wallop to the parasite in its ever-mutating resistant
form are now getting to the point where they are making the person
taking them somewhat sick, as well.

And elephantiasis is a parasite that plugs the lymph in the legs. You
control it by controlling the organism and vectoring process. It's not
the sort of thing that pharaceuticals companies are generally interested
in. It's like them suddenly taking an interest in, say, mosquito
control. WHY?

German-French life sciences group Aventis Pharma said it would make a
donation of 50 million doses of polio vaccine to five war-torn nations
in Africa.

Want to bet it's live-virus vaccine (Sabine, not Salk) that they're no
longer using because of the prevalence of complicaitions? Can they take
a business-expense or tax writeoff on this if they "donate" it,
somewhere? Yeah, I'm cynical, but I'm aware that these folks almost
never do anything out of the goodness of their heart, but rather the
avariciousness of their wallets.
Pharmaceuticals are big business, not a humanitarian effort.

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Vaccine 'Donations'Or 'ILLNESS' Donations?!

Given the track record, we'd say--"illness donations" for the targeted
third world countries is DEFINITELY more like the TRUTH. Brave New World
Order strikes again

Read this indeed scary article; and thanks to Fred and Tricia for the
timely heads-up!

NewsHawk Inc.

Subject: Vaccine Donations
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 23:58:51 -0800
From: "Fred & Tricia Andrews"

This sure sounds to me like what was in a post recently on how our
bodies are being 'prepared' to 'get' something which will be presented
in the form of a vaccine to 'help' us. According to the post, it will
ultimately do us in!

This makes me wonder if they are trying to hurry up their 'help'.

Have you read that post? It was a week or so ago. Will pass on to anyone
who wants it.

This is REALLY scary.

Thanks for sending, Scott. Tricia


I dont know about you but something looks very wrong here...

http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/reuters20000302_4898.html --
WIRE:03/02/2000 22:28:00 ET
Four Drug Companies Announce Vaccine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of four big pharmaceutical companies
announced on Thursday that they would donate more than $150 million
worth of vaccines to help fight diseases in developing countries.

The announcement was made during a meeting orchestrated by President
Clinton with leaders of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies,
including the chief executive officers of Merck and Co. Inc., American
Home Products Corp.,
SmithKline Beecham and Aventis Pharma AG.

Merck said it would make a $100-million donation of five million doses
of Recombivax HB, a vaccine to prevent hepatitis B, over five years.

American Home Products announced a donation of 10 million doses of
Haemophilus influenza type-B vaccine to protect more than 3 million
children in developing nations from pneumonia and meningitis.

SmithKline Beecham announced expansion of its malaria vaccine program
and also renewed its pledge to donate $1 billion to eliminate lymphatic
filariasis, otherwise known as elephantiasis.

German-French life sciences group Aventis Pharma said it would make a
donation of 50 million doses of polio vaccine to five war-torn nations
in Africa.

"This is a very important beginning," Clinton said. "It will save lives
and make it clear that we're serious. But all of us agree there is more
to do."

In his State of the Union address in January, Clinton called for
concerted international action to combat infectious diseases, which kill
millions of children worldwide annually.

The companies also announced a renewed commitment to step up research
and development on vaccines for the AIDS virus and malaria. Sub-Saharan
Africa accounts for more than 70 percent of people infected with the
AIDS virus in the world today.

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Eagle Forum :

Anthrax Vaccine Scandals Won't Go Away
March 1, 2000
by:  Phyllis Schlafly


It wasn't just idle words when Bill Clinton said he "loathed" the
military. He has damaged US Armed Services in so many ways that it's no
wonder morale, recruitment and retention levels are at all-time lows.
Clinton has used the military to indulge in social experimentation to
appease the feminists and gays, and in interventionist
experimentation to please his globalist friends. He has also ordered
medical experimentation through compulsory anthrax vaccination.

It adds up to a shocking betrayal of the men and women in the US Armed
Services. Since the Pentagon is in denial and coverup, we can thank CBS
60 Minutes for its February 6th expose of the case of Major Sonnie Bates
and thank Rep. Christopher Shays' (R-CT)
Subcommittee on National Security of the House Government Reform
Committee for its scathing report on the vaccine released February 17th.

Clinton responded to Congressional hearings by issuing Executive Order
13139 on September 30, 1999. It denies servicemen the right to refuse
experimental vaccines that are "not yet approved by the FDA for its
intended use," language that obviously covers the anthrax vaccine. The
60 Minutes segment was a sympathetic portrayal of Major
Bates, a 14-year decorated pilot and the highest ranking of some 300
servicemen who have been punished for refusing the vaccine, with
penalties from prison to bad-conduct discharge to "correctional
custody." The Pentagon responded by reducing the threat to court-martial
Bates to a lesser punishment.

More than 1,000 servicemen with exemplary records are awaiting trial on
a felony charge of refusing to take the anthrax shot and hundreds more,
described as "the cream of the crop," have left the services.
Congressional testimony indicated that, for every one who reported
vaccine reactions, three others did not report them because they feared
that would be a career killer. The lengthy report of the Shays
Subcommittee concludes that the anthrax policy "lacks an essential
element in a medical program: trust." The Pentagon's "absolutist
declarations, heavy-handed propaganda, and ad hominem attacks" against
those who question the policy are seen as another chapter in a long
history of "military medical malfeasance" that includes lies about
nuclear testing, Agent Orange, and Gulf War drugs and vaccines.

The long-term effects of the anthrax vaccine have never been studied,
but the immediate reactions include autoimmune disorders, lesions,
rashes, memory lapses, thyroid problems, blurred vision, inability to
drive or read, crippling bone-joint pain, loss of concentration and
chronic fatigue. The military has reacted by calling those affected
liars, whiners, hypochondriacs, malingerers, hysterical, depressed, or
in need of counseling.

The Shays report states that the anthrax vaccine is based on old
(1950s-era) medical technology, a "dangerously narrow scientific and
medical foundation." A newly built anthrax vaccine plant failed its FDA
safety inspection on December 13, 1999. According to the Shays report,
even the "efficacy of the vaccine against biological warfare is
uncertain. The vaccine was approved for protection against cutaneous
(under the skin) infection in an occupational setting, not for use as
mass protection against weaponized, aerosolized anthrax," which is how
any enemy would use anthrax.

The sole and exclusive manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine, BioPort of
Lansing, Michigan, has been cited repeatedly by the FDA for quality
deficiencies. It not only has a checkered safety record, but also a
checkered financial history. The anthrax vaccine was originally produced
by Michigan Biologics Products Institute. It was taken over in September
1998 by BioPort Corporation, a new company created by Intervac L.L.C. in
which former Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral William J. Crowe owned 22.5
percent of the stock even though he hadn't invested a penny.

The very next month, BioPort was awarded a Department of Defense (DOD)
contract valued at $25.7 million to produce anthrax vaccine. Crowe will
be remembered as the Republican Joint Chiefs Chairman who endorsed Bill
Clinton for President in 1992 and gave Clinton
"cover" when his draft record was under attack. On August 5, 1999, DOD
agreed to pay BioPort nearly double the price specified in the contract:
$49.8 million instead of $25.7 million, including advance payments of
$18.7 million. DOD also indemnified
MBPI/BioPort against all liability from adverse reactions because,
according to Army Secretary Louis Caldera, the vaccine involves
"unusually hazardous risks associated with the potential for adverse
reactions in some recipients and the possibility that the desired
immunological effect will not be obtained by all recipients."

It is particularly dangerous to require all service women to receive the
anthrax shots since the Centers for Disease Control has warned that they
should not be given to pregnant women. Most military women are of
childbearing age and 10 percent are pregnant at any one time. The
mandatory anthrax vaccination of 2.4 million members of the
Armed Services should be terminated immediately. And all those who have
had the courage to speak out against this policy, which doesn't pass the
common-sense test, should be restored to duty and their convictions and
punishment expunged from their records.

For more information please go here:
Scroll down to Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program.

Alton, IL 62002 Phone: 618-462-5415
Fax: 618-462-8909

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