I agree with Tara, with J2 in particular being allowed to flame purposely.  I had long ago ignored his/her posts, figuring s/he was a nutcake.  There is another person on the list I ignore, too.  Just like some ignore me.
J2 calls himself/herself an elder of zion [sic elder of the pig pen] but no matter how long s/he has been on this list s/he seems to have more interest in ego gratification through vacuous postings than s/he does in rational conspiracy discussion.  I guess seniority counts in the pig pen.
I do see that there is a limiting factor in the use of some words: when flaming entails "fighting words" (which btw are not protected under the First Amendment) like "shi_" or "shithea_" then Kris has a duty to protect the list.  Traditionally words used to call people names are within the penumbra of "fighting words", depending on the provocation involved.
I see the problem as that the words "Jesu_" and "Christianit_" are fighting words to some, they seem to get all riled up over the King of King and Lord of Lords but breathe deeply over false prophets and apostles like Mohammad or What's-her-name who built a bomb shelter in Ohio for Church Triumphant, or even Jim Jones.  My favorite FP is Mary Baker Eddy.  Yet the First Amendment protects religious expression and moreover these are not fighting words in the law.
Internally figure.
I think it makes a diffence whom you call a shit. If it's an abortionist,
people email Kris and complain, if it's an entire faith like Christianity, I
guess it's okay with everyone on the list but us :(

And gee, I guess if you're J2 you can flame people individually and call
them shithead. I hope not. Let's see what comes of these comments in the
light of recent events on the list.


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