In a message dated 00-04-19 15:56:19 EDT, you write:

<< * Guns are not the problem. On the contrary, lax criminal penalties and
 laws that disarm the law-abiding
 are responsible for giving criminals a safer working environment.>>

We can thank the present administration for not vigorously enforcing existing
laws.  We can also thank the Courts-Lawyer-System for making deals with
criminals and having them plead guilty to a much lesser crime than they
committed.  Criminals have no respect for laws or anything else and the
biggest criminals are not even prosecuted at all - government/corporations.

<< * Los Angeles riots -- USA Today reported that many of the people
 rushing to gun stores during
 the 1992 riots were "lifelong gun-control advocates, running to buy an
 item they thought they'd never
 need." Ironically, they were outraged to discover they had to wait 15
 days to buy a gun for self-defense.>>

I wonder if this changed their minds?  How many of these people were killed,
wounded, or terrorized because they were not armed?

 <<* Press reports show that the few criminals who get their guns from
 retail outlets can easily get fake
 IDs or use surrogate buyers, known as "straw purchasers," to buy their

On a bright note - guns shows occasionally catch criminals.  In a Colorado
Springs gun show a few weeks ago a murderer who had escaped from Arizona was
buying a handgun from a dealer and filled out the application using his own
name.  He waited over an hour while the ATF came from Denver and arrested
him.  Surely a nomination for world's dumbest criminal.

 <<* Federal Bureau of Investigation registers gun owners (1998). Despite
 prohibitions in federal law, the FBI announced that it would begin
 keeping gun buyer's names for six
 months. FBI had originally wanted to keep the names for 18 months, but
 reduced the time period after
 groups like Gun Owners of America strongly challenged the legality of
 their actions. GOA submitted a
 formal protest to the FBI, calling their attempt at registration both
 "unlawful" and "unconstitutional.">>

Gun registration is a dangerous thing.  Gun confiscation is the goal.  Anyone
who is an anti-gunner should be called pro-criminal.

<< * California. State officials have used the state background check --
 required during the waiting
 period -- to compile an illegal registry of handgun owners. These lists
 have been compiled without any
 statutory authority to do so.>>

Get the picture - government is the true enemy.  Be smart buy an unregistered
gun, it is legal in most States.  If they don't know you have a gun they will
be less likely to take it away.

 <<1. The Brady Law has failed to result in the incarceration of dangerous
 criminals. After the first year and a half, there were only seven
 successful prosecutions for making
 false statements on Brady handgun purchase forms -- and only three of
 them were actually
 incarcerated.50 With only three criminals sent to jail, one can hardly
 argue that the law is working to
 keep violent criminals from getting handguns on the street.>>

I wonder how much money was wasted passing this law.  If the current
administration would enforce this law and jail people who try to illegally
purchase guns, then the streets would be safer because more habitual
criminals would be behind bars where they belong.  Obviously Clinton and his
goons want to keep criminals on the streets hoping people will be stupid
enough to demand more protection "from guns" rather than "from criminals" how
can people be that stupid?  Yet people still support Clinton, some people are
not too bright.

 << asked the Attorney General whether his SKS Sporter rifle would be legal
in the
 state. The citizen was assured the
 rifle was legal, and based on that information, he subsequently moved
 into the state. But in 1998,
 California officials reversed course and confiscated the firearm.>>

Don't move to Calif. Don't believe what the government tells you, they have
an agenda that does not include you.

Bob Stokes

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