See a long list of groups at the following site:

National Republican Heritage Groups (Nationalities) Council. An umbrella
org for various ethnic Republican clubs and operates under the auspices of
the Republican National Committee (RNC). In the 1950s, it became the
strategy of Eisenhower and Nixon to paint the Democrats as soft on
communism. Liberating Eastern Europe became part of the GOP message. The
RNC formed an Ethnic Division.

"The Republican Heritage Groups Council [has] consciously recruited some
of its members--and some of its leaders --from an Eastern European emigre
network which includes anti-Semites, racists, authoritarians, and
fascists, including sympathizers and collaboraters of Hitler's Third
Reich, former Nazis, and even possible war criminals.... The
antidemocratic and racialist components of the Republican Heritage Groups
Council use anticommunist sentiments as a cover for their views while the
operate as a de facto emigre fascist network within the Republican
Party.... The emigre fascist network within the Republican Party
represents a small but significant elements of the coalition which brought
Ronald Reagan into the White House. It is from this network that the
George Bush presidential campaign assembled its ethnic outreach unit in
1988...a unit that saw eight resignations by persons charged with
anti-Semitism, racism, fascist leanings, and even Nazi collaboration....
They frequently utilize anticommunist sentiments, historical revisionism,
and lack of knowledge about Eastern and Central Europe as a shield to
deflect inspection and criticism of their past actions and current
views.... The emigre fascist network organizes support for its ideological
agenda through national and international coalitions of like-minded
constituencies which often work with other authoritarian, antidemocratic,
and profascist forces. This broader coalition ranges from Axis allies and
their apologists to friends and allies of contemporary dictatorships and
authoritarian regimes" (Bellant).

In order to drive the point home regarding the extent of the fascist ties
the Republican Party now possesses, I want to list some of the members of
the Republican Heritage Groups Council: LAZLO PASZTOR (founding chair).
Hungarian pro-Nazi party. Served in Berlin at the end of WWII. Involved in
ultrarightist groups and fascist networks which working with the GOP.
Came to power under Nixon, who promised him the ethnic council would be
permanent.... Today, there are 34 nationality federations and 24 state
councils that constitute the NRHGC.... RADI SLOVOFF (executive director)
member of a Bulgarian fascist group and leader of the Bulgarian GOP unit
of the Council. Under Nixon, Ivan Docheff (National Front), established
the Bulgarian Legion. NICOLAS NAZARENKO (heads a Cossack GOP unit). Former
WWII officer in the German SS. "Jews are my ideological enemy." Active in
pro-Nazi elements in the U.S. FLORIAN GALDAU Defender of Valerian Trifa,
the Romanian archbishop prosecuted for concealing his involvement in war
crimes of the pro-Nazi Romanian Iron Guard in WWII. Gauldau is the East
Coast recruiter for the Iron Guard of the U.S.. He heads the Romanian
Republican unit of the Republican Heritage Groups Council. METHOD BALC
(Slovak GOP). Organizes annual commemorations of the Slovak Nazi regime.
Monsignor Josef Tiso. Tiso was executed in 1946 as a war criminal. JOHN
HVASTA, the key Washington liaison for the Slovak World Congress, helped
the 1988 Presidential Campaign of former Ku Klux Klan leader and white
supremacist David Duke. WALTER MELIANOVICH (Byelorussian GOP) collaborator
of the Nazi WWII occupation. CROATIAN GOP (Note: If you want to understand
the zeal to which the US security apparatus helped the Croatians in their
terror campaign throughout Northern Bosnia, and the near total cover up of
the corporate media in the war crimes of the Croatian forces, it all
resides in our historical relationship with the Ustashi for the purposes
of Eastern Front surveillance -- indeed, we simply reinstituted the Gehlen
spy network in the East. The recent intervention in the Bosnian conflict
(one we helped manufacture and one we have been involved in long before
Clinton "officially" put troops on the ground there) is for the purposes
of projection of US corporate hegemony into the East.) Wrote an apology
for the Croatian Ustashi's WWII alliance with Hitler which appeared in a
Republican Heritage Groups Council publicans signed by GOP Chair Frank
Fahrenkopf. PHILIP A. GUARINE. Honorary American member of the
conspiratorial P-2 Masonic Lodge of Italy which plotted in the early 1970s

-----Original Message-----
From: ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 21, 2000 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family

>this page also has a LOT of Bush links
>uaicvtmb wrote:
>> Dear Linda:
>> Thank you for your time and consideration. I apprecate the article you
>> forwarded to me. I notice this was Chapter 1, is there a "book" this came
>> from which I can access?
>> The request for info about the "Hertiage Councils and Nationalities
>> still stands. As I would like to research this for info relating to the
>> establishment
>> of the Group located in Bridgeport, Conn. area.
>> Wishing you a Happy Easter for you and your family.
>> Sincerely:
>> Mike
>> ******
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>> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>> nazi's need not apply.
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>Any person can stand adversity,
>The true test is to give a person power.
>If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
>you will be.
>Atrocities happen when the people about you -
> start considering you surplus.
>"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
>others to differ from me in opinion"
>      ---- Thomas Jefferson <br><br>
>My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
>those who do the work and
>those who take the credit.
>He told me to be in the first group -
> there is less competition there. -
>Indira Gandhi
>ICQ 14484977
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>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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