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The Skulls
Anthony J. Hilder

Until the release of "The Skulls" most people who heard of Yale's Skull &
Bones thought of this Faustian Financial Fratemity as fictitional. But that
was yesterday. Today, all across Arnerica milbons are flockng to see The
Skulls, a frightening "Fictitional Film" which parallels raw reality. The
real Fratemity at Yale, upon which this scary story is based, saw both
President George Herbert Walker Bush and his not too bright, bumbling boy
"BORN AGAIN" into the Skull & Bones' Satanic Order. They both laid rude in a
coffin, while surrounded by 15 men, cloaked in black, Klansmen-like robes,
who performed the rituals.

The initiates at the Skull & Bones cryptic ceremony, do in fact, pledge
Allegiance to Satan or something like that, while laying nude. Is this for
real? Yeah! "Skulls" fiction is based on fact. For the past century,
knowledgeabe pollicos living within Washington's Beltway have been aware that
the Harrimans,the Buckleys and zee other boys from THE BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH
are placed in "positions of power" because of their membership in the Skutl
and Bones.

How else could one explain how a dim bulb like Baby Bush, whose head is still
dazed from drugs becoming the Establishment's Choice" to head up the
Republican Party in the 21st Century. Intelligent people would think twice
about hiring Bush on as an Assistant Manager at K-Mart, much less trust him
with their money, if he were a teller at their local Bank. Out of nowhere, he
became the Govemor of Texas, and is now positioned to become our President.
The Bush's and their breed, like Gore and Greenspan are appointed by the
Powers behind the scenes, who control our currency and subsequently our Press
and Politics. How then could this movie about those monsters, who wear the
"Mask of Moderates" get made? Follow the money trail, and you'll find out why
this phenomenonal film about "The light of Lucifer" has seen "the light of

Let's look at Skulls' Writer/Producerj John Pogue. John's a graduate of Yale
and is himself a member of another strange Fraternity. Did he have it in for
the "Bones Boys" from the Brotherhood of Death? Who knows. Regardless, it's a
blessing that Pogue put all the pieces together and we get to see it all on
The Big Screen.

It's common knowledge that Skull & Boners like Herbert Walker, Grandaddy
Bush, and Averell Harriman, all backed Adolf Hitler and the Huns in their bid
to establish a New World Order. Skulls eludes to this Faustian Fratemity's
inordinate hold on the seats of power, and to what extent they'll go to
maintain "that power," even it requires mass murder. My friend, Dr. Antony
Sutton, wrote all about the subject of the Skull & Bones in four different
volumes. They are now combined into one large book, which will be available
from We'll flag it. These Skulls, though supposedly
fictional, is frighteningly factional. Dr. Sutton's Tome reveals what really
goes on in the womb of the Bones Tomb.

Is there really a Fraternity at Yale called the Skull & Bones? Yes! Call
Yale's Daily News (203) 432-2424, their Academic Research Department at (203)
737-2266 or their Administrative Office at (203) 4324771 and they will
validate it for you. Naturally, they will soft peddle, poo poo, or deny that
the Skull & Bones which operates through the Russell Trust has any links to
Adam Weishaupts' Barvarian Illuminati.

There was an article written by a journalist named Ron Rosenbaum entitled
"The Last Secrets of the Skull & Bones," which was published in the September
1977 Issue of Esquire Magazine that exposed this Faustian Fratemity. It
describes in detail how the Skulls' Tomb was broken into back then. The
intruders discovered "one room" adorned with nothing but Nazi paraphernalia
The Iconoclast Publication of October 13, 1873 put out over a century ago
talked of the Satanic Initiations that went on there.

Do the Skulls' Initiates take their oaths while lying nude in coffins,
surrounded by men draped in black hooded robes? Yes! Do they use human
remains in their Satanic rituals? Yes! Is it all based on the Doonsbury
Cartoons? No, although Cartoonist, Gary Trudeau, is a member. Do they perform
ceremonies on Deer Island located in the St Lawrence River once a year? Yes!
Do they want to establish World Govemment on the ashes of American
Sovereignty? To the best of our knowledge, yes. Will they admit to it? Hell,

Do I think that George Bush, Jr. will get questioned over his membership in
the Skull & Bones now that the picture is being released? Most assuredly!
Conspiracy buffs, Talk Show Hosts, Writers, Researchers, and legitimate
Liberal and Conservative Reporters alike will have a field day over this
phenomenoniaJ flick. It will give them an opportunity to raise the issue of
the Satanic nature of the Skull & Bones. Some of them, recognizing the
Skulls' Luciferian Links will want to drive a wooden stake into the vampirian
heart of Bush and the other Blood Suckers from this Faustian Fratemity, who
were bom from the bowels of the Illuminati Elite.

Will the Rank and File Republicans ever wake up to the fact that the
Evilarchy selects the RNC's Presidentiai Candidate and has "annointed" Bush
to be their "Satanic Socialist Society's Standard Bearer." It's not likely.
They're just too damn dumb to get the message. They'd have to watch old man
Bush on 20/20 or Good Moming America sacrificing a yourg boy to Lucifer
himself at some Satanic ceremony before they would begin to believe it.
Inciderdally, we've got a picture of four former Presidents dressed in Black
Robes, worshipping a Statue of a 30 foot Owl, hidden within the forest at the
Bohemian Grove, which we will publish here in the next few weeks just to let
everybody know that these rituals do go on, believe it or not

Just why did this Universal Picture get reieased? To elect Ai Gore, JR I
wouldn't discount that thesis just yet. It reaDy took sorne searchir~ for the
Money Monarchy's Puppet Master to find a Republican Candidate so completely
inept, lackir~ in moraiity, charisma anci character that he couid even make a
weak, wooden, pl ~astic ~Pditical Puppet~ like Ai Gore look good. But the
Republican Nationai Committee done did it. They fourxi one, and his name is
George Bush, Jr. This might expiain why Skuils is being so well marketed.

Years ago over lunch in Brentwood, I taiked to the veteran actor, Dean
Jagger, about his role as head of the "Bell" another Faustian Fratemity that
was patterned after the Skull & Bones in the film Brotherhood of the Bell.
Later still, I discussed it with Glenn Ford, his co-star in the epic piece.
Both actors seemed unaware of how close the characters they portrayed were,
to those who actually are members of this Cabalistic Cashist Club.

Why do I not tell you about the plot of this powerful picture? Quite frankly,
the plot could be any of a 100 movies that were made in Hollywood over the
past 25 years. But this one is different. Besides that, I don't want to give
anything away, just yet. This script is not just another stupid, scary story.
It's based on the real thing.

Skulls most certainly is one of the most profound pictures made in the past
five years. I consider it a must-see movie. It's a film for the whole family.
Americans need to be aware that there is, in reality, such an Evilarchy, and
that it rapes, robs and ravishes this Republic. Is there an Illuminati
Luciferian Link described in this picture? Most certainly.

On the Hilder scale from A to Z, I rate it a PIP... a Provacative Illuminazi
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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