Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


19 April 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO


Hack's Column:
Article 1 -- Rest in Peace, Billy, You Earned It!

"From my Position" -- On the way!"
Article 2 -- The Truth can't be suppressed forever!

Big Picture:
Article 3 - West Point censors WWII Vet
Article 4 -- Veterans Group accuses VA Secretary
Article 5 -- Chesty' Puller Didn't Have Right Image By Today's Standards

Article 6 -- V-22 OSPREY
Article 7 -- Joint and Reserve Component Integration - making Military
Intelligence work
Article 8 - Retention, gays, and the end of the world as we know it
Article 9 -- Another letter from Kosovo
Article 10 - More reflections on our Greatest Generation

G.I Humor:
Article 11 -- A conclusive study on leadership?

Medal of Honor:
Article 12 -- *ADAMS, WILLIAM E, Vietnam 1971

1. This week's main topics:  1) Army/Military Leadership crisis 2)
Censorship at West Point 3) Denial of Agent Orange and vet diabetes linkage
4) Reflections on the Greatest Generation.
2.  Things we are looking for:
a.  Leadership crisis in the Army - do the other services experience similar
b.  Do senior leaders meet the standards they are enforcing?

3.  WEB VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!  Thanks for all the volunteers. Almost 100
people came forward. The Empire's Tech Droid, Woody Groton is working out
the details for future offensive operations.

4.  Thanks for the information and intelligence contributions. You, our
readers and volunteers are the SFTT ground troops and our eyes and ears! You
provide the essential leads that determine where we focus our attention!

5.  We still need your financial support to sustain operations.  THANKS to
all of you who have responded to our call to financial arms so far!  A
fellow from Colorado donated $ 500.00 -- Thanks a lot for the help to get us
off the beach and moving towards our objectives.  We will accept
contributions up to a million bucks to keep up the pressure on the perfumed
princes and entrenched bureaucrats in the Pentagon who are finally admitting
that all is not well!

Methods of Support
Check or Money order:  Send to and make payable to:  Soldiers For The Truth
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.
Credit card donation option via Website is still in the works for our
website - www.sftt.org.

REMINDER:  Your donation is tax deductible!  SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail
you a RECEIPT!!!!

6.  SFTT Website.  Please check out our updates, i.e. objectives, mission
statement, etc.  If you didn't get the complete newsletter, you can find it
archived on the website.

Until next week let' s make contact - break through  -- and exploit!

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
ARTICLE 1 - Defending America
Rest in Peace, Billy, You Earned It
Billy Scott, age 52, is dead.
By David H. Hackworth

The docs down South Carolina way say Billy died as a result of wading
through too much Agent Orange. You know, that poison the Pentagon and those
other liars at the VA said was less harmful than raindrops.

Yet another casualty from that dumb, dumb war that will probably burn in our
souls and our memories until all Vietnam vets, their children and their
children's children are dead.

Billy was a deeply religious, 20-year-old boy back in '69 when I met him. A
jewel. A warm, wonderful human being who'd cut his teeth on "thou shall not
kill." When he was drafted for that bad war, he registered as a
conscientious objector -- he was willing to do his duty and serve his
country, but not as a trigger-puller.

In Vietnam, Billy carried a medical bag rather than a rifle, and although he
seemed no taller than a fire hydrant and not much heavier than a down
pillow, he was all stout heart, braver than the bravest. He was a combat
medic in my Hardcore Recondo Battalion (4/39th Infantry) down in the Mekong
Delta, and he loved and was dedicated to the soldiers he was charged to care
for. After his first week with the Hardcore Battalion, Billy became a quiet

On the battlefield, he was everywhere. When one of his boys went down, he
always somehow got to him. Neither land mines, bullets nor a bunker full of
enemy machine guns spitting out green death could stop him.

When that dreaded cry of "Medic" sounded, you could count on Billy -- he
always got there. Stopping the bleeding, preventing shock, comforting the
wounded with that soft, gentle South Carolina drawl: "Yuh'll be all right,
ol' buddy. Jus' lay back heah in muh arms and let Billy look after you." All
the while bullets would be cutting the grass around "Little Billy," as we
called him. He never flinched, just did his sacred duty.

On March 13, 1969, the night Capt. Eugene R. Spiegle died along with two
other Delta Company soldiers -- the same hellacious night 19 other soldiers
were cut up by bullets and shrapnel -- Billy was the only "Doc" with his
besieged and surrounded unit, and once again he did his thing. Pumping life
into broken teen-age bodies. Keeping his boys alive. Ignoring the incoming
stuff. Crawling, running, doing whatever had to be done, always exposed to
enemy fire.

When Capt. Spiegle took a chestful of bullets, Billy kept him alive by
performing a tracheotomy with his pocketknife in the dark while under
attack. Spiegle almost bit off one of Billy's fingers while he was clearing
the fallen captain's blocked airways. As Billy patched up his skipper, a
Viet Cong soldier fired a full magazine of AK-47 slugs at him -- but somehow

Someone, something besides Lady Luck, had to have been watching over Billy
as he looked after his particular flock of the young men who do the dying in
the horror shows our so-called civilized world calls conflicts.

Combat medics are the most valiant Band of Brothers ever to grace a
battlefield. They're usually the most visible targets -- out in the open on
the same ground where their patients just got hit. Medics don't wait for a
miracle to pull the wounded to a safe shelter -- they are the miracle that
pulls, slides, drags and packs shattered bodies out of danger. And they risk
their lives performing other miracles as well -- relieving pain,
administering morphine and getting IVs going to pump life back into broken
fighters. Selfless and serving beyond good sense, countless medics have died
in the line of duty in all our wars, trying to save not just their buddies
but every boy fallen during battle.

"Little Billy" was one of the best of the best of the most courageous men
I've known on the killing field, and I know I speak for all the Hardcore
soldiers whom Billy touched. We loved his gentle ways, his lion heart, his
total, selfless dedication to his soldier brothers.

I'm sure there's a special place in heaven for combat medics. Bet a buck,
Billy has a front-and-center seat. He damn-well earned it.
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Sign
in for the free weekly Defending America column at his Web site. Send mail
to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.
© 2000 David H. Hackworth
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.
ARTICLE 2 - "From my Position" -- On the way!"
The Truth can't be suppressed forever!
By R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT


They are still looking for the traitor at Ft. Leavenworth who leaked the
latest leadership study to the Washington Post and into the cyber world. The
study confirms to the brass and the world that the Army has a leadership
crisis and that junior officers are bailing out in droves.

Since a cover-up didn't succeed, what's the brass' answer? Commission
another blue ribbon panel study to verify what's common knowledge. Interim
Army response: "The leadership of the Army is taking this serious." At the
same time the Army's spokesman reemphasized, "I've been in the Army for 25
years and I have heard this sort of thing before!" Man, are they ever hard
of hearing!

As I stressed in my last two articles on leadership, the crisis we are just
now discovering has been suppressed for over twenty years. The commissars
responsible for the cover-up did a fine job "buying" loyalty with empty
slogans of greatness and appeasing the foot folk with cheap medals and

There is a distinct difference between "bought" loyalty and earned loyalty.
While earned loyalty, like a good marriage endures hard times, "bought"
loyalty evaporates when you can't produce more gimmicks. Tired of the
trinkets, our soldiers demand real solutions and we are shy of a small

As Thomas Jefferson once said, small rebellions are healthy as long as they
result in positive change. The aim of the rebellion in the Army must be to
get rid of incompetent leadership before we pay the price in military defeat
and blood.

So what changes are needed?  First, all civilian offices with impact on
military decisions must be reformed. Get rid of incompetents without a clue
what an Army does. We can't afford any more Army Secretaries like Togo West
and Louis Caldera. Both couldn't tell the difference between an M1 tank and
a mobile kitchen trailer.

Louis Caldera truly impressed me when he visited Ft. Carson to present the
Expert Infantrymen Badge (EIB). Here was the Secretary of the Army
presenting the badges, strictly reserved for male infantry soldiers and
thanked "the brave men and WOMEN for a great job." Some perfumed prince
could have told him that only infantrymen can win the award. But the princes
were more concerned about laughing at every stupid joke the Secretary was
telling and making sure that every troop on Ft. Carson attended the show, at
the cost of many cancelled training events.

The second clean sweep must affect Generals and senior Colonels. It's
disgusting to see how few of them understand what is going on. Focused on
promotions and not the mission, their motto is "it's not what you know, but
who you know!" Worst of all, they swallow and support any ludicrous social
engineering program to get ahead.

This spirit of obedience was well personified in General Reimer's "Care
 Bear" leadership. Reimer's legacy was built on community outreach programs,
mounted on RV's, money-sucking community centers, inspection programs for
privately owned vehicles and plastic value cards added to the dog tags of
our soldiers.

The third sweep must occur in politics. Get rid of the senators and
congressmen that tell you that the average citizen can't comprehend the
complexities of national defense and recommend you leave the answers to the

Tell these politicians to explain the issues in simple terms. If they can't
they obviously don't have a clue themselves or are bought off by the money
grubbing military industrial complex.

Yesterday, in my local paper, Senator Wayne Allard of Colorado was quoted
that he "likened military retirees to just components of a larger system,"
while Representative Hefley was concerned that we don't have any money for
healthcare. At the same time, Messrs. Allard and Hefley are strong
proponents for the rebirth of Star wars weaponry because these unproven but
expensive weapons bring money to Colorado Springs contractors.

And how do we launch the sweeping reform? Elect small business leaders,
educated citizens, ex soldiers with common sense to political office.
Rebuild the senior leadership levels and then push the power back down into
the services' middle management. I bet we can eliminate a hundred Generals
in the Army alone and spend the money on better pay and benefits for our
troops and junior leaders on the ground.

We can reinvent the pioneer spirit and that made this country great. Maybe
there is a great opportunity in that small rebellion brewing in the Army's
ranks. All it takes is leadership and courage to act. The Leavenworth leak
could have a tremendously positive impact after all!


© R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA
President SFTT
West Point censors WWII Vet -
Luncheon speech canceled due to criticism of women in combat
Ed.:  A sad case of censorship at West Point.  Political correctness takes
precedence over an opportunity to hear a WWII vets experiences in combat.
Reason:  The vet had made critical remarks about women in combat roles.
What makes this incident so regretful is that it confirms a pattern of
censoring by Army leadership to achieve total political compliance.  Many of
us remember the recent 'squelching' of doctrine critical remarks by Armor
School commander Major General B.B. Bell.  The Army's official response
voiced through LTC Bill Harkley: " It's accurate and we did the right

On the positive side: a gutsy cadet stood up to the injustice and leaked the
incident! On the negative side: more good reason for the retention problem
of junior officers and experienced NonComs - soldier values and free speech
killed on the doorsteps of our military academies!!! First published by
World Net Daily, Friday, April 14, 2000.
By Jon E. Dougherty

An officer at the United States Military Academy at West Point canceled a
luncheon where a World War II combat veteran had been scheduled to speak to
cadets, because comments the vet made at an earlier function -- comments
critical of women in the military -- were deemed inappropriate, according to
an academy source who contacted WorldNetDaily.

A cadet at the New York-based academy, who requested anonymity, provided
documents written Mar. 28 detailing the chain of events.

According to the report, the veteran -- who made four combat jumps during
WWII -- was originally scheduled to address the cadet body to provide
insight into and discussion of life in a combat zone.

However, the report said, after the vet made what the academy officer
considered inappropriate remarks about women serving in the military, the
luncheon was cancelled and the vet was permitted to speak only to a small
group of cadets.

Specifically, said the document -- an "after action" report of sorts -- the
vet questioned the logic of women who even wanted a combat role, and said
female officers would never be afforded the same respect by their troops as
male officers. The vet further explained that "he would feel overprotective
of a female" in a combat situation and "would therefore be unable to fight

According to the report, the vet also "expressed his opinion that issues of
harassment rarely exist, and that they are merely 'created.'"

Maj. James E. Whaley III, chief of the Public Information Branch at West
Point, confirmed the report as authentic to WorldNetDaily.

"The memorandum is an internal educational document posted on an internal
web site," he said. "It is used to educate cadets on leadership challenges
in today's Army. We use real life issues to help cadets grow as future
leaders in the Army," he added.

A cadet instructor reportedly asked the veteran for comments after he and
other veterans sat in on a company "commandant's hour class" entitled,
"Creating a Climate Free of Sexual Harassment."

The report said that shortly after the vet made his comments -- which
"stirred mixed emotions within the first-class cadets" of an unspecified
company, his grandson -- a cadet at the academy -- wrote to the first-class
cadets stating he would not apologize for "his grandfather's comments."

The cadet grandson explained that "'while my grandfather's words may have
stung, everyone is entitled to their own opinion ... but that [first-class
cadets] had better think about the value in his words.'" (Emphasis contained
in the report document.)

The after-action report said the cadet sent the message only after
"consulting a couple of cadets, all of whom shared the same perspective on
the issue" in an attempt to emphasize the value of his grandfather's
experience and "respect [his] opinions as personal beliefs."

But that message generated more controversy, said the report. Though "all
agreed" that the cadet's grandfather "had much to offer in terms of combat
experience and certainly deserved to be treated with utmost respect," the
message's tone disturbed others who were upset by the cadet's "demand that
others find value in statements which are inconsistent with current Army

The report went on to say that four other cadets eventually approached the
veteran's grandson "and asked him to ensure that his grandfather refrain
from raising the subject of gender integration (again) at the dine-in"

The officer who ultimately canceled the veteran addresses, a major who was
not identified in the documents, had been on leave during the incident. When
he returned a few days later, the report said, he received "an email message
from a cadet in the company addressing the issue at hand" and "reinforcing
the final request that [the cadet's grandfather] not repeat his previous
statements ... at the dining-in."

After speaking to the cadet grandson, the report said, the major "decided to
cancel the dining-in, explaining that he could not allow someone to speak at
the dining-in who had already expressed many views inconsistent with the
Seven Army Values."

The cadet's grandfather "did speak about his combat experiences" in a
company day room "immediately following" the lunch "for anyone who cared to
attend." The report said the cadet grandson "stated his belief that a large
part of the issues ... resulted from miscommunication," adding that he felt
if "he had more clearly communicated his understanding that his
grandfather's beliefs were not applicable in today's Army," the dine-in
cancellation could have been "averted."

The document also concluded, "If the events in this company reflect the
Corps as a whole, then we can conclude that the integration of women into
the Army is still a controversial issue with many cadets.  "Leaders at all
levels are encouraged to emphasize the issue of gender integration and
equality," the report added.
Veterans Group Accuses VA Secretary
Ed.:  After a less than bland performance as Secretary of the Army and a
series of accusations of exploiting executive privileges, Togo West once
more seems to have used his powers to do the wrong thing!  Maybe he thought
it was better to avoid the linkage between Agent Orange and diabetes in our
Vietnam veterans to save government money for other useless scams. One more
breach of faith.
The Associated Press

DENVER (AP) - Veterans Affairs Secretary Togo West rejected the
recommendation of a task force that Vietnam War soldiers who developed
diabetes after being exposed to Agent Orange should be compensated, The
Denver Post reported Saturday.

The newspaper said it had obtained documents showing the VA's Agent Orange
Task Force had recommended honoring the claims, but West decided more
research was needed.

``It was a deliberately deleterious action by the secretary. He is the
politico and he is standing in the way,'' said Rick Weidman, director of
government relations for the Vietnam Veterans of America. His group says
West is siding with cost-cutters.

Jim Bensen, a spokesman for West, said the secretary was following the law
when he sent the issue back for ``a more comprehensive look at all the

About 19 million gallons of Agent Orange and other chemicals were used to
defoliate trees in the jungles of Vietnam beginning in 1962. Their use was
stopped in 1971, two years after studies first linked Agent Orange to birth
defects in laboratory animals.

VA files obtained by The Post indicate the Agent Orange Task Force
unanimously recommended on April 30, 1999, that diabetes be added to the
list of ailments linked to Agent Orange. Chaired by Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer,
then the VA's undersecretary for health, the panel said in its report that
it had reached its conclusion after four meetings of a working group and
``careful deliberation.''

Both Kizer and Joe Thompson, who runs the VA benefits program, separately
concurred with the task force findings and urged West to list diabetes.
Thompson predicted in a May 5, 1999, memo to West that the task force
finding ``will reverberate throughout the VA and our stakeholder

In a June 17, 1999, memorandum to Kizer, West declared that ``a number of
unresolved issues prevent me from making a fully informed determination
regarding the task force's recommendation that I establish a presumption of
service connection for diabetes.''

The Air Force in March announced that it had found the ``strongest evidence
to date'' that exposure to Agent Orange is linked to diabetes. The National
Academy of Sciences then said it was reviewing the Air Force study and would
report to Veterans Affairs.

At the time, Veterans Affairs said a decision on whether diabetes will be
linked to Agent Orange exposure would be made after a federal review of
another study on dioxin and diabetes, due to be completed in May.

The law governing Agent Orange does not require researchers to establish a
causal relationship between exposure and diabetes for medical claims to be
paid. All that is required is a finding that ``a relationship is as likely
as not'' to exist between an ailment and exposure to the chemical.

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