[This is STRONG; a letter from the person that tipped Drudge off
regarding the fraudulent Elian reunification picture.  --MS]



When asked about the photo on "This Week," Greg Craig told Sam
Donaldson that an I.N.S. agent took the "Happy Reunion Photo' and
he could verify that both are extremely happy being together

Here'a a bit more on the fraudulent photo.



Published: 4/22/00 Author: Laz Rojas

Posted on 04/22/2000 22:57:30 PDT
by lazfilm

I haven't been on this website for quite a while. For personal
reasons, I have been away for several months, nearly a year. But
today I return because of the fascist act committed this morning
by the criminal and corrupt Clinton Administration.

I am a first-generation American born of Cuban parents who fled
Castro's regime nearly forty years ago. This, coupled with my
deep love of truth, freedom, and justice - things which this
nation used to represent - should tell all concerned where I
stand on this issue. That this fascist kidnapping of Elian at
gunpoint was perpetrated the day before Easter, and on the
anniversary of the shameful episode in which the United States
hung out to dry the anti-Castro, CIA-trained operatives at the
Bay of Pigs, is heinous.

After speaking with some of my relatives in Miami earlier today,
it became clear to me that the "happy reunion" photo of Elian and
his father is completely fake and nothing more than propaganda. I
immediately emailed Matt Drudge about it, and within half an
hour, he revealed the matter on his site and posted the photos.
Minutes after that, he made the issue his top headline and posted
the photos on his main page. God bless and protect him. The
treachery and hypocrisy and dishonesty of Clinton and Reno has
been exposed to all... at least, to those who wish to see.

When someone in her own Justice Department leaked Reno's plans
for use of force, she denied it, and started to investigate who
was responsible for the leak. Has she found the "offender" yet
and punished him? Who knows? In the matter of the fake reunion
photo, however, I'd like to spare the Generalissimo the time and
effort to investigate who tipped Drudge off. It was me, Janet,
and I say that proudly and without a single shred of fear. If you
have a problem with it, I invite you to take action. I don't
believe in you or in any of your gang of thugs. I believe solely
in He whose Resurrection we celebrate tomorrow, and no one can
take away the freedom and right to speak and right to think my
own thoughts that both He and the Constitution grant me. No one.

Though the truth be crushed into the ground, it shall rise again.
And indeed, He is risen.

Below is the full text of a letter I have emailed to Republican
Congressional leaders this evening:

As a first-generation American born of Cuban parents who fled
Castro's regime nearly forty years ago, words can never express
the deep disgust and shame I feel over the manner in which the
Clinton Administration has handled the entire Elian Gonzalez
affair. Even more so, words can never express the disgust and
shame I feel over the manner in which Elian was kidnapped
Saturday morning by what can only be described as tactics
identical to those used by totalitarian governments in nations
such as Cuba, China, and the former Soviet Union. Even if I were
not of Cuban descent, my feelings on this matter would not change
one iota. What transpired today is an affront to everyone who
understands what it truly means to be an American, what it truly
means to be a freedom-loving human being with honor and dignity.
And I weep tears of anger and shame as I look around me and see
this is no longer the America it used to be... the America people
such as my parents risked all to seek asylum in, and which now
intends to hand over a six year old boy not to his father, but to
the communist dictator in Havana.

It has been perfectly clear to anyone with eyes to see and ears
to hear that this situation has never, ever been about what is
best for the boy, nor has it ever been about protecting a
father's custodial rights. This is the lie, the manipulation, the
propaganda, which the Clinton Administration has used since the
first day to brainwash the American public into seeing things its
way. And unfortunately, as has been made quite clear in recent
years, the majority of the American public will not listen to
truth, and instead, will embrace every lie and fabrication that
the Clinton Administration and its myriad operatives throughout
the media spoonfeed them.

The Elian Gonzalez situation is little more than a mating dance
between the Clinton Administration and the Castro Regime. Neither
of these dance partners cares one iota about the boy or his
father. Both father and son are but pawns in the hands of these
two criminal and corrupt regimes. Castro himself said that the
boy belongs not to his father, but to the Cuban government. And
Clinton is desperate to normalize relations between our two
countries. What more needs to be said?

All of this being said, I am writing to you to bring to your
attention something which is coming to light even as I write. I
call to your attention the so-called "happy reunion" photograph
which the Clinton Administration has been circulating and which
supposedly was taken three hours after Elian was snatched from
the Miami home of his relatives. After speaking with relatives of
my own in Miami, I realized that this photograph is nothing more
than propaganda. Elian's hair is much longer in this photo than
it appears in the photos taken during the actual raid. In the
raid photos, the hair on the sides of his head is quite short,
resembling a buzz cut. In the reunion photo, the hair on the
sides of his head is longer and a little curly.

There are more discrepancies. In the raid photos, Elian is
missing two front teeth. In the reunion photo, he has all of his
teeth. And in the reunion photo, his father Juan Miguel Gonzalez
appears heavier and healthier than he has recently. His face is
fuller than it has been in recent days. Would the Clinton
Administration have us believe that after they heroically
reunited father and son, the son's hair grew longer, his teeth
grew back, and his father gained weight? Regardless of how
"happy" father and son may be to be reunited, I sincerely doubt
their happiness can defy the laws of nature and reality.

This reunion photo was not taken three hours after Elian Gonzalez
was forcibly removed at gunpoint from the Miami home. This
photograph was taken in Cuba before Elian ever set foot on
American soil.

I immediately notified Matt Drudge by email about the
discrepancies, and within thirty minutes, he made the issue his
top headline and presented a comparison of the photos. The fraud
Clinton and Reno are attempting to perpetrate has been revealed
to those who wish to see... but there are always those who prefer
to embrace lies and close their eyes tightly to the truth. At
this point, all I can hope is that members of Congress will take
these photos into consideration, and follow-up on this attempted
fraud and investigate the matter.

Thank you,

Lazaro O. Rojas


1 Posted on 04/22/2000 22:57:30 PDT by lazfilm


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