From: "Alamaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Yeah, I heard it all from Donato on *Hannity & Colmes* (Fox) last night --
> RIGHT after I posted the initial query.  I think they expected (as I did, in
> all reality) that the protestors would serve as their 'human shield' and give
> them plenty of time to make a run for it.  Donato did say on the air (live)
> that if it wasn't for the gun pointed in his direction, he'd have NOT given the
> kid up.

But there's something that doesn't add up in their version...

First off, the NBC cameraman claimed to be dozing on the floor right behind the
front door...

According to Marisleysis, they 'all' thought the initial sounds at the front door
were the demonstrators, and claimed not to suspect it was the INS until it was
too late...

Well, who 'all', if Donato was sound asleep on the couch, only about 3 feet
away from the door, and especially that cameraman who was right behind the

Then we are told that Donato awoke from a sound sleep, knew immediately what
was going on, and made a flying leap across the living room to grab the wide-
awake Elian off the couch on the opposite side of the room...

Meanwhile, the NBC cameraman must have still been dozing, because according to
his version, he was 'surprised' by the INS rushing through the door, so much
so that he got knocked unconscious...

Keep in mind that these are the same people who are now claiming the INS never
knocked, and just broke down the door with no warning...

To continue the discrepancy, Marisleysis in the 'home tour' video, at the
beginning of her account of the events claims she was in either the bathroom,
or 'back room', her accent made it hard to determine exactly which...but
irregardless, she places herself somewhere other than the living room (where
the NBC cameraman, Donato, Elian, and Marisleysis' adult cousin and the
cousin's 5 year old child were), and the kitchen (where Lazalo and the lawyers

So where was the AP photographer before the INS came in?  He is never mentioned
in their account, although Marisleysis made it a point to inform us where
everyone else was located at the moment the INS arrived...

Perhaps the photographer was with Marisleysis in that 'back room', or 'bathroom'
(which presumably is located in close proximity to her parents' bedroom, which
could be the only room in that tiny house that could be referred to as a 'back

Which means that prior to the INS entering, supposedly taking them all by
surprise, the AP photographer seems to have positioned himself in the most
advantageous spot to be able to take the infamous picture...

He would have had to have been in the room BEFORE Donato entered with Elian,
because it is a tiny room, and he was positioned between the back wall, the
bed, and the closet door, to be able to take that picture from that angle...
unless we are to believe he followed the INS agent into the room and then
jumped over the bed and into that corner to grab that picture...

An unlikely scenario, because in the early versions of the picture we see
another INS agent entering in the bedroom door, only a foot or so away from
his comrade already in the's unlikely that 2nd agent would have
allowed the AP photographer to enter in immediately after the first agent...

Another slip in Marisleysis' and Donato's account of events, and something
which raises a question regarding their claim that Donato was fast asleep
(does he look like someone who was just awakened from a sound sleep on a couch
in the famous picture?), is that they claimed that they didn't know what was
going on, because they heard banging on the BACK door.  Now neither Marisleysis
or Donato stated that Lazalo and the lawyers, sitting in the kitchen by that
back door, said they heard banging; by her own account, Marisleysis said that
she and Donato heard it...

So here we have them claiming that Marisleysis was somewhere other than the
kitchen or the livingroom, and that Donato was sound asleep on the couch, when
they suddenly heard a loud noise at the front door.  Marisleysis claims she
rushed out to the livingroom just as Donato, roused from his deep slumber,
immediately sizes up the situation and grabs Elian from the couch on the
opposite side of the room, and makes a mad dash for her parents' bedroom...

According to their account, this was done in a matter of seconds...

So how did they personally know that INS agents were also at the back door...
unless they first tried to make an escape out the backdoor, but realized that
way was blocked, and fell back to the bedroom as a last resort...?

And why the parents' bedroom, and not Elian's (and Marisleysis') bedroom?
Could it be because they had set up the AP photographer in the parents'
bedroom?  It seems as if perhaps they'd discussed contingencies beforehand,
agreeing that the first course of action, when and if the feds came, would
be to try to escape out the back door; and barring that, they'd run with
Elian into that 'back room', so that the AP photographer, already in
position, would be able to snap a picture of the exact moment the INS
grabbed Elian away...

A picture of a terrified Elian confronted with the armed might of the INS
would make a better poster for their cause than a photo of their backsides
escaping out the back door...

Another discrepancy...they claimed that the INS smashed a statue of the Virgin
Mary they had set up on a sort of alter by the front door...yet in their 'home
tour' video, Marisleysis shows that the statue was just knocked down, and not

This alter is right at the place where the NBC cameraman was (indeed,
Marisleysis mentions this in the 'home tour' video)...the exact place where
the cameraman claims he was knocked unconscious due to the 'violence' of the

Yet when we are shown the front door, it isn't splintered, it wasn't even
knocked off its hinges...and the porcelain figurines on the alter are only
knocked on the floor and not broken...the NBC cameraman must be unusually
delicate, if he can be knocked out cold but china figurines remain intact.

A final discrepancy...why is the INS agent in the infamous photo wearing
green fatigues, while the videos we see of the INS agents entering and
leaving the house during the raid only show agents all in black?  Why is
this agent wearing a different uniform than his comrades?

> As far as the flag is concerned (Prudy), I couldn't believe all the flags they
> had out there.  It was like they did a midnight raid on the UN and got flags of
> all nations.  They even had the Israeli flag flying on a pole.  Why?  Then
> there was the Spanish flag.  Well, sorry to offend anyone, but if the Spanish
> had stayed home about five hundred years ago, none of this would be happening.
> One day I was flipping through my World Almanac just trying to figure out who's
> flag was out there.  But I still don't get the Israeli one.

I saw Spanish, Venezuelan, and Brazilian flags...looked like a 3rd world
diplomatic mission of Pan-American states...but I didn't catch the Israeli one...

Perhaps they had the Israeli flag because some of the more fanatically
superstitious in the Miami Cuban community equated Elian to know,
Elian was found floating in an innertube, Moses was found floating in a basket...
so perhaps as Moses is viewed as the savior and liberator of the Hebrews, they
view Elian as their savior and symbol of liberation...

> I think the ripping up of the U.S. flag should put a few people on a return
> trip to the homeland.  They got no flag left to hide behind.

I think that it amply displays that even though they obtained U.S. citizenship,
they don't think of themselves as American citizens, and would gladly return to
Cuba at the drop of a hat if Castro was gone, and communism disappeared...
leaving behind a devastated Miami economy without a backward glance...


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