increíble e ingenuo:
How about my little friends ... torn from their mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home schooling?
Here is painted a picture of kids of school age and older still being held by mommie.  Nice.  Sensational.  A good beginning attention getter.

America a good place for children!?!  ...  I know first hand.  Being a kid here sucks.  ... I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't have problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here ... .
NO BETTER HERE?  This is quite a bald lie and laughable.  Perhaps your delusion that Cuba is on a par with the US stems from bitterness about something the US government did to you?  Or perhaps a missed materialistic opportunity along the way of life in these United States?

If you have money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cuba
is a better place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in the
Right, they have beaches and cane fields.  They don't have Coleman camping gear though.
In Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseases because they can't afford medicine.
Why heck, here is another laughable lie.  Medical care as everything else in that country is not available on the same basis for poor and rich.  One has to be politically connected to get state of the art care and the system rots from thereon down.  You think Cubans pay insurance premiums there and can appeal to their medical care provider denials of treatment deemed experimental?  It's an incredibly naive and starry-eyed ideal you have ostrichhed yourself into. 
In Cuba they don't pass out ritilin like candy.
Yeah, nor antibiotics, not even shoes.
Before we go criticizing othe people about how they choose run their own
country we damn well ought to get our own house in order first.  This
place is morally bankrupt.
Views like yours empty the morals coffers quickly.  Enlighten us as to how Cubans "choose" to run their country under Castro.  Do they vote, eg?  Maybe they have town meetings? 
Are you aware that people are murdered and imprisoned for antiCastro sentiments or are you ignoring this for the sake of your prothird world sentiment hobbyhorse?   I suggest you take a trip to Cuba and verify the reality of your fanciful notions.  Visit the people you say are not sleeping in the streets.  Visit those who are not dying from curable diseases and have no access to the medicine and medical treatment they need.
When your research is completed, you might then enjoy sampling Cuban cuisine, dining in Cuba's best restaurants and lounging in those cosmopolitan nightclubs of theirs.  Or you might desire to shop in their finest malls, perhaps drive to a movie in a new Taurus or maybe attend a lecture at the University of Havana campus.  If you go now you can buy a mothers' day gift for your mom, perhaps flowers by egram would be nice (don't forget your laptop).  The exchange rate would be awesome.
Notions like yours derive from hopelessly naive and idealistic penchants.  They're retrograde and feed a conspiracy to substitute lies for truth.
El discurso libre es un derecho y un privilegio 
----- Original Message -----
From: nessie
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Elian's Rescuer Enjoys the Spotlight

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Do you know how many children have been hurt escaping evil?

Shall we count the ones gunned down at Sand Creek, Wounded Knee and My
Lai? How about the children who died in the bombing of MOVE? What about
the half million Iraqis, almost all of them women and children, who have
died because of the blockade? Shall we count Serbs? How many Serb children
did your tax money murder last year?  How about the children of the Branch
Davidians, burned alive by jackbooted G-men in the heart of the "land of
the free"?  How about my little friends Hans and Nils, torn from their
mother's arms because some bureaucrats don't like home schooling?

America a good place for children!?! Gimme a break. I grew up here. I was
a child in America. I know first hand.  Being a kid here sucks. Being a
kid with no money sucks worse.

I'm not saying Cuba is paradise. I'm not saying that Cuba doesn't have
problems. I'm just saying that it's no better here, just different.

If you have money, America is a better place to live. If you're poor, Cuba
is a better place to live. In Cuba, poor people don't have to sleep in the
street. In Cuba, poor people don't have to die from curable diseases
because they can't afford medicine. In Cuba they don't pass out ritilin
like candy. In Cuba kids don't shoot up their schools.

Before we go criticizing other people about how they choose run their own
country we damn well ought to get our own house in order first.  This
place is morally bankrupt.


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