The Commie stuff is over. Now it's time to get rid of the other Evil Empire.
           What in your view, precisely, is the other evil empire?

Whether you understand it or not, or whether you like it or not, capitalism
must go.
         What is your basis for saying capitalism must go?  Is this derived from economic theory?  popular sentiment?  what?
If you don't like it you can move to Russia where they now enjoy the fruits of unrestricted
Capitalism such as no food, no work, no health care, no child care, a decline
in life expectancy, higher mortality rates, and of course rampant corruption and
          Are you really maintaining that in Russia they have unrestricted capitalism?
 The hallmarks of Capitalism. None of this existed under the last batch of
         You are maintaining that Russia used to have food, work health care, child care, etc. under communism, but now, with unrestricted capitalism, they do not?
Your post reflects serious thinking errors.  It is one thing to bemoan the evils of capitalism but it is dishonest to attribute evils of communist countries to capitalism, which you have done. 

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