>        The late C.S. Lewis, novelist, Christian apologist and
> writer of charming books for children, saw what was coming in
> 1946.

This statement betrays the writer's prejudices.  By describing
Lewis as a "Christian apologist", the writer shows that he doesn't
think very highly of the Christian religion.

And Lewis' children's books are much more than merely 'charming'...

> In That Hideous Strength, the third novel in his
> science-fiction trilogy, he described a world in which an
> academic group, the National Institute of Coordinated
> Experiments, or NICE, conspires to seize control of the
> university, the press, the government and law enforcement. They
> do this by promising the scientific reconstruction of the human
> race. Behind this pseudoscientific facade, the organizers of NICE
> are operating under diabolical power.

NICE is much more than a local phenomenon...altho it gains its
inroad in the community that is the focus of the book via the local
university, we come to learn that this Institute is merely one head
of the Hydra that is intent on controlling the whole world.

>        All the public pronouncements of NICE are elegant examples
> of Clinton-style spin — yes, Lewis could see it coming.

As I mentioned above, Lewis was writing about something that we now
call a 'new world order'.  As such, Clinton is just one local example,
but definitely not the only symptom of Lewis' vision coming true.

You will find the same 'groupspeak' from Republicans as you will
Democrats, and even from 'alternative' 3rd party spokesmen; you will
find it worldwide, not just from American leaders...

And as Lewis showed in "That Hideous Strength", politicians are just
another 'talking head' for the real powers behind the scenes; they
are useful puppets, as are scientists, famous university professors,
heads of law enforcement, entertainers, etc.

> But in
> private, the members are a little more direct: “Man has got to
> take charge of Man. That means, remember, that some men have got
> to take charge of the rest — which is another reason for cashing
> in on it as soon as one can. You and I want to be the people who
> do the taking charge, not the ones who are taken charge of.”

Again we are presented with a passage taken out of context.  Yes,
we read one of the 'middle managers' of NICE stating the above to a
potential new recruit.  But we aren't presented with the background
of WHY that particular person is being recruited.  We also aren't
shown that the person saying it is in fact as much a slave as the
peons he despises...a fact that is made clear later in the book.
These "middle managers" who feel they are in charge are in fact
puppets also, and in fact are not the ones in charge...they are only
allowed the mistaken perception of being so, because it is a useful
lie to those who are pulling the strings in the shadows...

>        This eerie Lewis portrait of the future came to mind as
> the news arrived about Reno’s ex parte actions in the Gonzalez
> case: The determination to send little Elian back to a communist
> country;

No, it's a determination to send a little boy back to his father,
irregardless of the economic system the father lives under.

Lucien practices his own form of 'doublespeak'...

He does Lewis' book an injustice by using it for a comparison with
such a narrow focus.  As I said, Lewis was writing about a world-
wide phenomenon, but showing how insidiously it would work itself
in on the local and national level.

Lucien also conveniently ignores the environmentalist aspect of
the book...NICE is shown to be the great despoiler of natural
resources, and quickly transforms the bucolic English village
into a 'factory town', cutting down ancient forests, paving over
fields and meadows, filling the air with poisoned fumes from its
factory stacks....

The heros of the book are those who seek to preserve the environment,
which is presented as natural, 'good', indeed a symbol of God...
while industrialization is shown as unnatural, 'evil', and the symbol
of the Powers of Darkness...

I've touted this book on this list before, and do so again.  Read this
book for yourself.  It stands on its own, meaning that you can read it
without having to read the previous 2 books in the trilogy...but I
strongly recommend reading all 3 in the order they were published:

    1.  Out of the Silent Planet

    2.  Perlandra

    3.  That Hideous Strength

Doing so will give you the background to understand some of the events
in the last book, since it builds on the first 2.


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