
May 2, 2000

the last word

By James P. Lucier, Contributing Editor

Who Is Janet Reno?

The furor about the attorney general’s role in the Elian Gonzalez
case offers as good an occasion as any for Americans to examine
who we are and where we are. For Janet Reno is a very predictable
character in the transition of our civilization from government
by law to a kind of totalitarian democracy and consensus of the
moment — one that shows overwhelmingly popular support for
arbitrary and brutal enforcement of administrative policy.

       The late C.S. Lewis, novelist, Christian apologist and
writer of charming books for children, saw what was coming in
1946. In That Hideous Strength, the third novel in his
science-fiction trilogy, he described a world in which an
academic group, the National Institute of Coordinated
Experiments, or NICE, conspires to seize control of the
university, the press, the government and law enforcement. They
do this by promising the scientific reconstruction of the human
race. Behind this pseudoscientific facade, the organizers of NICE
are operating under diabolical power.

       All the public pronouncements of NICE are elegant examples
of Clinton-style spin — yes, Lewis could see it coming. But in
private, the members are a little more direct: “Man has got to
take charge of Man. That means, remember, that some men have got
to take charge of the rest — which is another reason for cashing
in on it as soon as one can. You and I want to be the people who
do the taking charge, not the ones who are taken charge of.”

       But just what were they to do? “Quite simple and obvious
things, at first — sterilization of the unfit, liquidation of
backward races, selective breeding. Then real education,
including prenatal education. By real education I mean one that
has no take-it-or-leave-it nonsense — whatever he or his parents
try to do about it. But we’ll get on to biochemical conditioning
in the end, and direct manipulation of the brain.… It’s the real
thing at last.” Of course, the recruiter went on, they just could
not state plainly what they were doing if they wanted to win the
hearts of the people. Instead of saying that they wanted to
experiment on criminals, for example, they would explain that
they merely sought the reeducation of the maladjusted.

       This eerie Lewis portrait of the future came to mind as
the news arrived about Reno’s ex parte actions in the Gonzalez
case: The determination to send little Elian back to a communist
country; her Stalinist police action, taken in defiance of the
refusal of the 11th District Court to give her the authority; the
fake medical advisers who examined the boy from several thousand
miles away; the flight surgeon and psychiatrist who transformed
him from a frightened and defiant little boy into a beaming
photo-op; the solitary confinement of Juan Miguel lest he change
his mind and try to stay here; the isolation of little Elian from
the press and his American friends; the gilded little prison
awaiting him in Cuba, complete with a battery of more experts in
psychiatry and reeducation.

       Lewis even was prescient in his character of Miss
Hardcastle, the head of the private police force of NICE — its
attorney general, as it were:

       “Mark found himself writhing from the hand-grip of a big
woman in a black, short-skirted uniform. Despite a bust that
would have done credit to a Victorian barmaid, she was rather
thickly built than fat and her iron grey hair was cropped short.
Her face was square, stern and pale, and her voice deep. A smudge
of lipstick laid on with violent inattention to the real shape of
her mouth was her only concession to fashion, and she rolled or
chewed a long black cheroot, unlit, between her teeth.” Miss
Hardcastle specialized in blackmail, falsifying evidence, getting
acquiescence by threatening false prosecutions and isolating her

       Reno does not smoke cheroots, which now are politically
incorrect. But while she was prosecutor in Miami, she took on the
case of Bobby Fijnje in which the 13-year-old boy was accused of
molesting younger children who, after they had been worked on by
Reno’s psychiatrists, testified that Fijnje opened graves and ate
baby corpses. The boy was taken away from his parents for more
than two years, then tried as an adult at age 16 so that if
convicted he would be thrown into prison with adult
sex-offenders. Reno herself came to the courtroom to hear the
verdict — which was not guilty. The Fijnje family was so
devastated they went to start life over in another country.

       Then there was the case of Frank and Eliana Fuster,
charged with child molestation in the Country Walk day-care case.
Both were charged, but Eliana flipped after Reno had her placed
in solitary confinement in a Dade County jail, according to her
Miami attorney Jack Thompson. She was stripped naked, supposedly
because she was “suicidal,” but Reno visited her 30 times in
jail. In court Reno sat beside her and held her hand.

       The Wall Street Journal recounted the case of Grant
Snowden, the most decorated police officer in the history of the
South Miami Police Department. Also charged by Reno with
child-sex offenses, Snowden was placed in solitary confinement to
keep him from getting mail and communicating with the outside
world. Snowden was convicted and sentenced to seven years
confinement — but the appellate court threw out the case.

       And then there was Waco, to save the children. It’s all so

Copyright © 2000 News World Communications, Inc.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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