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Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 17:59:26 -0500
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After-Action Protest Report

Activism/Chapters Opinion Keywords: RUFF FREEPED - LOSES

Source: Self
Published: May 6, 2000 Author: Angelwood
Posted on 05/06/2000 15:54:47 PDT by Angelwood

This week, the House Government Reform Committee held two days of
hearings regarding the e-mail "glitch" at the White House. I was
unable to spend much time at the "Day 3" hearing due to time
constraints, but I attended most of the "Day 4" hearing.

Traffic was unusually heavy driving into DC and a cab was almost
impossible to find. When I was able to flag down an empty cab,
the driver said that the Rayburn Building was very popular that
day and I worried that I would have trouble getting into the

I arrived about ten minutes late, but they had just come to order
and I had missed only a few minutes of Chairman Burton's opening

Most of the seats were full except for the first row. So, I took
a seat three chairs away from Bruce Lindsey. James Kennedy took
the seat between us. More people arrived, and, for a short while,
I sat between Tom Fitten and Larry Klayman. I changed seats with
Mr. Klayman so that they could confer during some of the witness

The witnesses, Mark Lindsay, Cheryl Mills and Charles Ruff were
all seated at the witness table facing the Committee members.
Cheryl Mills sat comfortably on one leg during much of the
opening portion of the hearing. It reminded me of president
Clinton's counsel, Kendall, pictured sitting on a briefcase
during Ken Starr's appearance before the House Judiciary
Committee before the Impeachment.

More democrats showed up to these two days of hearings. One
theory is that they did so in order to waste precious time that
could have been used for questions which was instead used to
apologize to, suck-up to and praise the witnesses. Henry Waxman
is usually the only one I've seen attending the hearings, but he
was joined by Reps. Ford, Lantos, Cummings, Holmes, Kanjorski and
the minority counsel. The Republicans in attendance were: Burton,
Barr, Morella, Shays, Terry, Hutchinson, Chenowith-Hage and
Wilson (majority counsel).

Photographers were all over the front of the room. They crawled
in front of and to the side of the witness table to get close-ups
and one practically sat on my feet in his quest to get pictures
of Bruce Lindsey. More TV cameras were present than ever before.

After Chairman Burton's opening remarks, Henry Waxman took his
turn to denigrate the majority members and apologize to the
witnesses for having to come before the Committee again. He was
especially slurpy in his apologies to Cheryl Mills and took up
extra time making inane comments about the wall clock that
doesn't work correctly.

Charles Ruff had no formal opening statement but wanted to
respond that he "fears that the record reflects an incorrect
version of the course of events" - that the White House was less
than forthcoming or cooperative is a mistaken view of the White
House and the Counsel's Office.

Cheryl Mills was up next and she reads very well. She hardly
missed a word or a phrase of her opening statement. I wondered if
Oprah had given her some pointers as I listened to her dramatic
pauses, her low and sultry, almost mesmerizing tones.
Unfortunately, I never heard her say anything at the breaks to
see if this was her real voice. She made herself sound like a
victim - please feel sorry for me because I didn't get to go
somewhere and give a speech. Someone whispered loudly, "Who does
she think she is, Vanessa Williams?"

Ms. Mills used her opening statement to garner feelings of pity
and outrage for her plight and to bring in a number of extraneous
matters that had nothing to do with her role in the White House
and her knowledge of the e-mail "glitch." She tried to divert
attention from her role and chastise the Committee for
encroaching on her time now that she is no longer with the
Clinton Administration.

Chairman Burton didn't let her get away with her ploy and quickly
turned back to the facts at hand which spoke for themselves. The
White House Counsel's Office knew about the e-mail problem and
they knew about the subpoenas for documents. The White House
chose not to tell the Appropriations Committee or ask for money
to fix the problem. They chose to either ignore it or hide it.
And the Committee was there to find out where responsibility lies
as is required by law.

There are a number of threads which detail the questions and
answers throughout the hearing so I won't repeat everything here.
It was very difficult to sit there and listen to learned lawyers
act like they were mindless idiots. I got tired of writing "I
don't recall" or "not to the best of my recollection" and
whatever other excuses the witnesses offered. Ruff said the "buck
stopped" with him, but IMO he doesn't accept that there are or
should be any consequences involved - it was just a mistake in
judgment or communication - forget about it - it's being fixed -
I'm outta there - move on.

The phrases used by the witnesses were very familiar. Besides "I
don't recall" and "not to the best of my knowledge," they said,
"never, not once," "I have no specific recollection," "was not
aware of...until I read about it in the newspapers." Cheryl Mills
had her lines down pat and repeated the same phrases over and
over again.

Representative Ford on the minority side was extremely difficult
to watch in person. He used his time to flirt with Cheryl Mills
and pander to the other witnesses. He acknowledged Bruce
Lindsey's presence as if it were an honor and commended Ms. Mills
on her courage, her commitment to government service at the
tender age of 27 and apologized excessively for the despicable
actions of the Republicans because she missed her speech and was

Chris Shays said he went from disappointment to anger to outrage
over Ms. Mills' statement. Respect for the law is an affirmative
obligation of sworn officers of the courts to give facts to
constituted authorities. He stated that her statement showed a
profound lack of respect to the Committee and was all about her.

Rep. Shays referred to a 1977 article written by Bob Woodward.
The article was about Watergate the the prosecutors who worked on
that matter. Mr. Woodward interviewed Charles Ruff and asked what
he had learned from the investigation and what he would do if on
the other side. Mr. Ruff replied that if he were called to
testify some day at an inquiry, he would say something to the
effect of "gee, I just don't remember, I just intend to rely on
that failure of memory."

Around Noon the Committee took a break for two votes. Rep. Ford
suddenly appeared next to the witnesses who were standing up and
getting ready to leave the room together. Not only did the
extremely annoying Harold Ford flirt with Ms. Mills and apologize
up the ying yang to her for everything and everybody, he also
came over during the break to personally hug her.

During the break I talked to reporters, Congressmen, counsel, and
spectators. I handed out buttons to most of the people I spoke to
and then I got an idea.

I looked over my button supply and carefully chose one with
meaning for each of the witnesses. Quite a few people were aware
of or watched me walk over to the witness table where I put a
button just under the cover of the briefing books for Mr. Lindsay
and Mr. Ruff and, since Ms. Mills' book was opened, I gently
tucked her button under the clear plastic pocket on the back

Mark Lindsay's button said, "IF HIS LIPS ARE MOVING HE MUST BE
LYING." Cheryl Mills' button said, "I BELIEVE JUANITA." Charles
Ruff's was more difficult to choose out of all our slogans. I
finally gifted him with, "EVERYTHING'S FOR SALE AT THE WHITE
HOUSE, Coffee, Lincoln's Bedroom, Missile Technology...." Then I
sat in my seat to watch their reactions when they noticed the

I did manage to ask Bob Franken if he had indeed given the Wolfie
button that I gifted him with on Wednesday to Wolf Blitzer. He
assured me that he had and that Wolf had a wonderful time
laughing at it.

When the hearing reconvened, no one sat between me and Bruce
Lindsey. His back must really have been bothering him because he
had to change position constantly. He went from sitting straight
to half-turned to the left and then would switch to a half-turn
to the right. I waved at him once and once caught his attention
and stared until he looked away.

I watched the witnesses return to their seats at the witness
table. Cheryl Mills noticed the button immediately but really
kept her cool. She sat down, picked up a document or pad of paper
and covered the button. It remained covered for the remainder of
their panel. Ruff, on the other hand, didn't notice the button
until he looked at an exhibit being discussed, opened the book
and saw the button. He kept picking it up and moving it
throughout the rest of the questioning.

When there were no more questions for the witnesses, Chairman
Burton called for a ten minute break, thanked the panel and hit
the gavel. Charles Ruff then held the button up high and stated
that someone on the staff had left a campaign button in his
briefing book and tossed the button back on the table. He caused
a bit of a stir and angrily pushed himself away from the table. I
didn't realize the button or the truth it told bugged him so much
until he lost his control and raised the button in the air to

I'm not sorry that I gifted Ruff with the button, but I am sorry
that he used the opportunity to smear the majority staff. I did
not realize how much I had ticked him off with my message or how
mean-spirited he was to blame someone else. I set him straight
immediately and told him that the staff had nothing to do with
the button - it was left for him by an American Patriot. Me. He
could easily see that I had similar buttons on my lapel and I was
seated in the first row behind him all day. He stormily took off
in his wheelchair. It must be true - the truth hurts.

After setting Charles Ruff straight, I walked over to Mark
Lindsay and asked if he would answer a question. He just looked
at me but one of the black women on the minority staff told me,
"No, you can't ask him a question." So, I asked it anyway. "Mr.
Lindsay, did you remember to pick up your paycheck from the
American taxpayers?" The staff member yelled at me, "I told you
you couldn't ask him a question!" He didn't answer, but he got my
point about his bad memory under oath. Though Cheryl Mills and
Charles Ruff had left the buttons personally picked out for them,
Mark Lindsay kept his. It was not on the witness table when I
went to retrieve them.
I'll have to see if they let me back in for the next hearing. I
evidently left after I freeped the witnesses (because I hadn't
had anything to eat or drink all day and the Democrats were
giving me an ulcer) before anyone had a chance to ask me to
leave. At least that's what I understood Burton said when the
break was over and the next panel began. I was not asked to
leave, NEVER, NOT ONCE! I had already left the building on my
own. I was asked by the staff if I was responsible and asked not
to touch the witness table again. I promised that I would not do
so. FReep On!

Posted on 05/06/2000 15:54:47 PDT by Angelwood

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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