----- Original Message -----
From: "Max "Madd Maxx" Baer Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 8:00 AM
Subject: [Lis-LEAF] Super Seeds Sweeping Major Markets, and Brazil May Be

> [Putting a harness on profit of the world's food crops and who knows what
the future holds to health effects. MM-]
> May 16, 2000
> Super Seeds Sweeping Major Markets, and Brazil May Be Next
> http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/051600sci-gm-seed.html
> He was dazzled by the vast fields of soybeans in Brazil, and the
efficiency of the farms in Argentina frankly frightened him.  But nothing
that Harold H.  Dyer, an Iowa farmer, saw on his working vacation in South
America last year surprised him more than finding out that his competitors
freely used genetically modified soybeans in ways that would have landed him
in a heap of trouble.
> He knew most farmers in Argentina planted modified soybean seeds, but he
did not know they saved seeds from one year to plant the next, a practice
that is legal in Argentina but not in North America.  The Argentinians told
him they never pay a technology fee for the seeds, which cost American
farmers an extra $6.50 a bag.
> And in Brazil, where such seeds are still outlawed, no one came right out
and said so, but Dyer was convinced that the seeds were being smuggled in.
The Brazilian government insists that no genetically altered soybeans are
grown there, but Dyer said he saw soybean fields that were as free of weeds
as the parts of his own 2,500-acre farm in Iowa and Missouri where he sows
the super seeds.
> "They have to live by their rules, of which there aren't any, and we have
to live by ours, which are numerous," said Dyer, 75, who also runs several
grain elevators in Iowa and Missouri.  "It's not fair, and I would like for
it to be changed, but that's the way it is."
> Brazil is in the process of deciding whether to make the new technology
legal.  And there is a growing sense that what happens in Brazil -- the
world's No.  2 soybean producer, after the United States -- could tip the
balance on genetically altered crops around the world.
> Should Brazil officially reject biotechnology's lure, it would be a big
setback for American companies that have already been hurt financially by
fierce resistance in Europe from consumers and large companies that refuse
to buy modified produce.  But if Brazil's huge agricultural sector joins the
biotech fold, experts say, it may someday be difficult for consumers
anywhere to find any food free of genetically modified material.
> That is because the United States, Brazil and Argentina, the No.  3
producer, together grow 80 percent of the world's 157 million metric tons of
soybeans, an extraordinarily versatile crop that is pressed into oil,
processed into food, and added to countless foods.
> "Once Brazil starts harvesting transgenic soybeans, there will be no
turning back," said Joao Carlos Carvalho, president of Agropecuaria Basso, a
Brazilian company licensed to sell the seeds if they are approved.
> The situation in Brazil also shows how difficult it is to control this new
technology in the absence of any global regulatory mechanism.  The Brazilian
government approved the use of modified seeds developed by Monsanto in 1998,
but a consumer group challenged the approval in federal court in Brazil.
Delmiro Silva, a spokesman for Monsanto in Brazil, expects a ruling sometime
this year.
> Technically, it is still illegal to plant high-tech seeds in Brazil.  This
is such a sensitive issue that the minister of agriculture, Marcus Vinicius
Pratini de Moraes, would respond only to a written question.
> "The commercial planting of genetically modified soybeans in Brazil is not
permitted," he wrote.  Frequent government testing, he added, has confirmed
that the harvest is free of genetically modified organisms.
> Still, many agricultural experts, Brazilian and American alike, suspect
that modified seeds are being smuggled in from Argentina.  Dwain L.
> Ford, chairman for international affairs at the American Soybean
Association, estimated that up to 30 percent of Brazil's soy crop could
already be genetically modified.  South American farmers are thus using the
new technology without paying for it or necessarily understanding how to
control it.
> "There are no strict controls on highways or in warehouses, so no one
really knows how many seeds have been smuggled in," said David Brew, a
partner at Brasoja Corretora de Cereais, a grain trading company in Porto
Alegre, Brazil.  "Now the concern is that the smuggling has resulted in the
trafficking of second-generation seeds as well."
> While suspicious consumers stopped such farming in its tracks in Europe,
the rush to biotech on this side of the Atlantic appears to be picking up
steam.  The big biotech companies, led by Monsanto, have made the Western
hemisphere a vast proving ground for farmer acceptance of the seeds,
government regulation of the crops and the limits to which intellectual
property rights can be claimed.
> The companies' progress has been formidable.  In 1996, altered crops were
planted on little more than 4 million acres worldwide.  Today, altered soy,
corn, cotton, canola and other crops are grown on nearly
> 100 million acres, 99 percent of it in just three countries: the United
States, Argentina and Canada.
> Although American consumers generally have been less upset than Europeans
by the new crops, the Clinton administration plans to tighten regulations on
the development and marketing of genetically modified plants and foods.
> The reason farmers in many countries, even a few in Spain, France and
Portugal, embrace the new technology despite consumer fears is simple: lower
costs.  With declining prices and an oversupply of soy, farmers look for
every advantage.
> By altering the seeds, Monsanto enables plants to withstand the widely
used weed killer Roundup, which Monsanto also manufactures.  Farmers who use
Roundup Ready seed save on chemicals and labor because they can apply a
single herbicide without harming the soy plants.
> A study by Auburn University has found that farmers who use the seeds can
cut costs 4 percent, reduce the need for pesticides, and save time as well.
For someone like Dyer, this is incentive enough to switch entirely this
> But he will have to live by several conditions imposed by Monsanto, at
least in North America.  Farmers must pay a fee for each bag of seed.  They
must agree not to save seed for the following year, a practice farmers have
used for years.  And they must agree that if they ever stop using the seed,
Monsanto investigators -- farmers call them "gene police" -- can walk their
fields to take plant samples.
> Monsanto has fought hard to define its intellectual property rights
broadly, and to defend them vigorously.  Thousands of calls have come in to
its informers' hot line about farmers who planted saved seed.  Monsanto has
brought charges against "a fraction of a fraction"
> of the roughly 250,000 farmers who have ever used Roundup Ready seed, a
spokesman said, declining to be more specific.  Nearly all quietly pay their
> But in Saskatchewan, Monsanto is bringing a farmer to court for illegally
growing genetically altered canola.  The farmer, Percy Schmeiser,
acknowledged that Monsanto investigators found altered plants on his land,
but he insisted that he did not plant them.  They were grown, he said, from
seed that had blown off passing grain trucks or drifted in on the wind.
> "I never had anything to do with Monsanto," Schmeiser said.  "They were
simply trying to see how far they could exercise property rights over
farmers, even those who hadn't planted their seed."
> When he refused to pay the fines, Schmeiser was brought to court by
Monsanto.  The case, scheduled to be heard before summer, is widely seen as
a test of Monsanto's intellectual property rights.
> "If I lose my case," Schmeiser said, "every farmer in North America will
become a serf." Monsanto declined to discuss the case.
> In South America, Monsanto has been far less vigilant.  In 1995, its
application for a patent on Roundup Ready seed in Argentina was rejected.
It appealed, but went ahead anyway with plans to introduce the seed.
Without a patent, Monsanto had no legal right to charge a fee or inspect
farms to see if unauthorized seed was being planted.
> With no patent, a black market flourished, forcing Monsanto to lower
prices to less than half its American price.
> Today, as much as 90 percent of Argentina's soy crop may be genetically
altered, the highest percentage in the world.
> Monsanto's decision to enter this market without patent protection puzzled
many people, including its fiercest critics.
> Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends, which is
suing Monsanto in federal court for alleged antitrust violations, said
Monsanto had long argued that it could not make money unless it controlled
intellectual property rights.  But its decision to sell the seeds in
Argentina anyway, he said, shows "they don't have to do that."
> Monsanto says it will eventually have adequate patent protection in
Brazil.  Executives insist that despite the experience in Argentina, patent
protection remains essential.
> "But we have to deal with realities as well," said Robert L.  Harness,
director of international government affairs at Monsanto.  "The
consideration entering Argentina was that we wanted to obtain patent
protection.  We also wanted to provide our new technology to this market.
We wish the situation were different, but it's not."
> In Brazil, police have raided fields in the states of Rio Grande do Sul
and Mato Grosso do Sul, where officials have said they intend to declare
their states free of modified seeds.
> The attraction is clear.  European customers have reportedly already
started asking for Brazilian soybeans because modified seeds are illegal
> But segregating vast quantities of a commodity produced at thousands of
farms would be daunting even in the United States.  The ability of a
developing country like Brazil to pull off such a task is questioned, even
by Brazilians.
> "Is someone going to sift through each truck of soybeans that arrives at
port for export?" said Carvalho, president of Agropecuaria Basso.
> Linda Thrane, a spokeswoman for Cargill, the large American commodities
company, said the company "certainly wouldn't represent soybean shipments
from Brazil as being 100 percent non-genetically enhanced."
> Opinion about the future is deeply divided in South America, as elsewhere.
While some see salvation in keeping the seeds out, many farmers are eager to
enjoy an edge in a tight global market.
> "How can we compete against the Americans and the Argentinians if they're
allowed access to this technology and we're not?" said Armando Carlos Roos,
a soybean farmer in Rio Grande do Sul.
> "Everyone knows transgenic soybeans have been smuggled in from Argentina,"
he said, and the pressure to use the new technology, legally or not, is
intense.  "I will go broke if I don't get to use transgenic beans.  It's as
simple as that."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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