Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

The Truth about DACOWITS
Ed.: An interesting comment from an insider.  The response underscores the
waste and fraud inherent in the defense Advisory Committee On Women In The
Services (DACOWITS), headed by a female real estate agent.  Some readers
suggested changing the acronym to DRACO-WITCH or DIMWITS.  Something to
By J.F., (Army officer)

Your comment on wasted taxpayers money with regards to DACOWITS could not
ring any truer.  I served as a military assistant to the Asst Sec Def under
whom DACOWITS operates.  I attended several meetings and was very dismayed
at the narrow-mindedness and feminist agenda driven issues.

Not only does this distract the senior OSD leadership from serious issues,
but it also is a tremendous waste of money.  DOD has assigned NCOs and
officers on a full-time basis to support the committee.  The most appalling
abuse is the trips that the committee members (presently 36 civilians) take
across the globe.

The members travel under the perks of very senior executive ranking, which
is incredibly expensive.  DACOWITS is truly the self-licking ice cream
cone--it's mission has been served and resources expended.  How much longer
must the military support this boondoggle and how many more taxpayer dollars
will be wasted on their personal agendas?
" What did you do in the War?  What War?
Ed.: A serving NAM vet's confrontation with political correctness and the
realities of a changed military culture.
By MSG Jeff Gallant

A few days ago, while purchasing some small items in the Post Exchange in
Heidelberg, Germany, I noticed a young Sergeant behind me and I said "Good
Morning" to him.   The young Sergeant noticed that I was wearing a 5th
Special Forces Group patch on my right shoulder of my BDU uniform.

The Sergeant asked me if I had been stationed at Fort Bragg.  I thought to
myself for a few seconds, "is the Pope Catholic"?  Quickly I realized that
this young Sergeant wanted to learn something from this, "Old Timer", and
that kind of, made me feel good.  I would guess the junior NCO was about
twenty-three years old and I was impressed that he even cared enough about
the army to ask me.

While waiting in the line at the PX, I went on to explain to the Sergeant
that this was one of the three combat patches that I am authorized to wear.
I also served in MACV and in the 11th Armored Cavalry for a while during my,
almost three years, of service in Vietnam.  I calmly explained to him that
it was a 5th SFGP patch, which of course invited the next question - when
was I in 5th SFGP?  My answer was, "a long time ago in Vietnam", 1969 to

Somewhat ironically this young rookie NCO asked me what I did in Vietnam.
Sometimes I forget to realize that there are a lot of young people who may,
or may not be in the military, who really don't have a grasp of what the
average soldier did in Vietnam.  However, this would all become very clear
to me in the next few minutes right there in the P.X. cash register line.

My response back to the young man was a question, and in so doing, I thought
I might learn something from him.  I said, "now, what do you really think I
was doing in Vietnam, with many other soldiers, besides being fully occupied
with trying to stay alive"?  His lack of response told me everything I
needed to know.

Suddenly, from somewhere in my memory, or from somewhere in my past, like a
slowly dying animal my subconscious attitude, which is apparently bad,
reared up out of me and I made one of the greatest mistakes that any soldier
can make in "Today's Army".  I made a spontaneous, Politically Incorrect,
utterance and blurted out, "most of the time between my nineteenth and
twenty first birthday I spent killing Gooks".   I felt my face flush after
saying that, not because I was so politically incorrect, but the thought
within me of my life, between 1969 and 1971, just came crashing right out of
nowhere and it slammed me in the face.  I don't think of Vietnam all that
much, I have sort of thrown it over my shoulder and tucked it away, deeply.

It seems to me, in a strange way, that it all never happened.  The look on
the young NCO's face was understanding, and he appeared to be in some state
of awe at what I just said to him.  Not so, however, was the young female
Captain who was standing behind him.

In her most authoritative voice, this, approximately twenty six year old,
Chemical Officer, Captain, who suddenly saw fit to correct me, and not mind
her own business, spoke up.  "That was an incredibly insensitive remark
Sergeant".   I quickly realized that I was about to be rounded up by the
self appointed "Ms. Manners", right there, in the PX.   Calmly I asked the
Captain when she was born, I was not too far off in my guess, and she
responded back with "1973, why"?   Politely I asked her, "is it incumbent
upon you Captain, to re-write history"?  Our young Captain was completely
confused and simply reiterated her attempt at thought and mind control over
me, and her historical re-write.   "Madame," I said, "I am sorry to
disappoint you, I know that this may be a little hard to grasp, but that is,
in fact, what I did for two and one half years, just a few years before you
were even born."

Our shining virtuous leader of troops responded back to me, "that is
disgusting"!  Finally we had achieved common ground. Yes, it was disgusting!

Without a hint of reservation, it is time to retire.
Navy Reality - Different Standards for Men and Women
Ed: The Truth about existing double standards. It pretty much matches my
observation during my last 10 years of service in the Army.
By a concerned Sailor

I've been stationed on a navy base in the Med. for just over a year.  In
this time I've been horrified to see the sorry shape of most and I mean most
female sailors. Today's boot camp is so easy that just about anyone can make
it. It's almost as if the Navy's recruiting motto is "give us your fat,
surly and careless children." We're all aware of recent shortfalls in
service recruiting. So, it's safe to say they're doing something about it.
The cure might just be the killer. In a misguided attempt to keep people,
they've suspended discharges for the routinely overweight, and two or more
fitness test failures. Fact is sailors show up from a-schools overweight all
the time. After they settle in, the fat piles on (lack of a PT culture) and

Now to the point with female sailors. They are not given the same standards,
they are allowed too much leverage in avoiding physical tasks and they can
easily play for sympathy at the medical clinic. Add on all of the single
parents (missed work for baby illness) not to mention the married at 19
years of age couples (just to get out of the barracks) and you can see where
a lot of the funding goes these days.  I've been stationed in the Pacific,
stateside, and Europe. I've observed and spoken with dozens of people from
all services and one thing seems to lead in topics to discuss. That again
would be women.

The best way to integrate women into the service would've been to make them
accountable to the same standards. If they can pass, then enlistment is
possible. Not the case in our world, sir. Please pardon my description. In
the Navy as in most services, they issue fat passes to all the women upon
completion of basic training. If you could see how fat some of these women
are you'd be driven to tears. This is supposed to be the military, how can
the image of robust and hearty people defending America be preserved? Hell,
most can't even run a mile and a half in less than 15 minutes. Remember how
stretcher teams used to be?  Two men, now it's four women!!! Add on the
asses and you've got to wonder if they'll widen all the hatches on ships!!

I've discussed this endlessly with males as well as females. The men tend to
be disgusted by what they see everyday, the women and I mean the good ones,
feel it also. The above might seem anti-female, but in reality it's the
command at all levels refusing to do what is necessary to ensure fighting
readiness.  It's been my pleasure to work with some women who for lack of a
stronger word, are outstanding.  Some were Marines, others were Sailors, all
however were professional. They lived up to the standards and did not accept
the easy way out.

I'm scared to death of being on a ship and war breaks out, because Damage
Control requires top notch physical fitness. The problem is, most people in
the military today think it is just a joke.  The idea of war to them is a
long way off. It is too great to even be imagined. The truth is, it is never
far off.  Today's military is becoming a welfare society. If the only people
who contribute to national defense are but the proverbial sword then what do
the rest do?  It almost feels like the military is 'workfare.'

Most of these people are not ready for war. They have no intention of being
so.  To get rid of a bad sailor is very difficult. To discharge a female is
next to impossible.  The men at the top are petrified of the anti-female
tag.  We are effectively scaring off the men who've traditionally led and
fought wars.  We cast them aside to satisfy some committee full of
progressive ideals with not a clue as to how a military organization runs
and what it runs for. Sir if you're in any position to change things or
influence those who do please remember there are legions of young men and
women who are patriotic and loyal. We only require leadership. Plain and
simple leadership!

Small Wars: From Monroe to the New World
Ed.: A Marine junior leader looks critically at Other than War deployments.
By Capt A. McRae, USMC

"It is the duty of our statesmen to define a policy relative to
international relationships and provide the military and naval
establishments with the means to carry it into execution. With this basis,
the military and naval authorities may act intelligently in the preparation
of their war plans in close cooperation with the statesman. There is mutual
dependence and responsibility which calls for the highest qualities of
statesmanship and military leadership. The initiative devolves upon the
statesman."  (Pg 2, Small Wars Manual, USMC, 1940)

These words were written in response to Marine involvement in Latin America
and the Caribbean in the first half of the twentieth century. Those years
were strewn with the decaying corpses of failed policy decisions enforced
with the blood of good Marines. In Nicaragua, the Marines were sent in on
two different occasions between 1912 and 1933. In 1933 to keep a duly
elected Vice-President, Juan Sacasa, from assuming the office of a vacated
Presidency, and to hunt down Augusto Cesar Sandino. After years of jungle
fighting and hundreds of casualties, the Marines left with Sacasa as
President and Sandino having control of the Northern region of the country.
By 1937, Anastasio Samoza, commander of the Marine-trained National Guard,
had killed Sacasa and Sandino, and had established a dictatorship.

For almost its entire history, the State Department has thrown good men into
impossible situations with restrictive rules of engagement, without valid
enemy intelligence, for no stated goal or end. The brief period since the
end of the cold war is simply a continuation of a trend that spans several
generations. The leaders of this nation, for one justification or another,
whether it be the Monroe Doctrine or the New World Order, today send more
men to do bloody work without so much as a mission statement. Kosovo is such
a mission.

Last week, Kosovar Serbs taunted and pelted American peacekeepers on several
occasions. While trying to apprehend a man who had been found in possession
of hand grenades, these peacekeepers were brutally attacked. This situation
almost ended fatally for the mild populace of the town of Cernica. One MP
took out his 9mm with the intent of shooting an attacker. The situation was
defused after another soldier fired warning shots.

For every one of these stories that makes the papers, there are bound to be
many like it that don't. Once again, "the highest qualities of
 statesmanship" are leaving good men to fight and possibly die in the
execution of a vague mission of dubious consequence for the common defense
of the nation.

On the horizon is the small country of Sierra Leone, an African nation
embroiled in a civil war that has so far resulted in large loss of life. The
United Nations has already sent in peacekeepers, 500 of them are captives
now. If recent history is put into perspective, we will undoubtedly deploy
troops to this place, both to help those poor folks settle their
differences, and to send the message to the whole world that this nation is
willing to clean up the messes of all other underdeveloped nations.
Americans will die because of it and the show will go on.

The bottom line is this: civil war is an unavoidable consequence of the
establishment of any ruling body. By today's standards, England, as the
dominant world power in 1861, had a duty to intervene in the U.S. Civil War.
England also had an obligation to meddle in the French Revolution in the
late 18th century. Conversely, France should have landed troops on English
soil in 1650 in order to mend relations between King Charles and Oliver
Cromwell. However, these events did not come to pass because the rulers of
the day were aware that landing troops on the shore of a nation that was
bent on self-destruction was both inherently dangerous to the troops. It
also hindered the ability of those troops to defend the motherland in the
event of a conflict that actually endangered her continued existence. The
recognition of this fact has disappeared in the last hundred years.

The cold war is over, and civil war is an open invitation to occupation by
an organization of developed nations, often at the expense of the viability
of those developed nations' own security.

In 1940, the Small Wars Manual was written by Marines to establish a basis
for planning counter-insurgency operations. As one reads the opening chapter
of the Manual, there appears to be a plea for responsibility on the part of
statesmen. Marines will continue to go where they are ordered, that is what
they expected when they donned the uniform. These men are willing to die for
the cause -- all they ask for in return is for the statesmen to be worthy of
the trust that has been accorded them by not sending them to die for
somebody else's cause.


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