
Subject:  World Order Changes Hands?

A-albionic Weekly Up-date of 5-19-2000

Reprint of an article from the Project, Quarterly Journal of A-albionic

Summer, Fall, Winter 1989-90             Volume VI, Numbers 2, 3, & 4

World Order Changes Hands?

        In previous issues we have alluded to a theory competing with the
Project theory, more common on the Left than Right, that, in spite of the
apparent victory of the Judeo- Masonic- Protestant-Anglophile
Modernist-New Age/Royalist Cabal over the Vatican sponsored forces of
fascism in WWII, a paradoxical victory for the Vatican was achieved,
ushering-in an era of Vatican supported US Imperialism under the color of
anti-communism.  The Project, while not ready sign the death certificate
for the still vibrant forces of Modernism as traditionally lead by the
British Crown for 500 years, is now forced to admit that the battle has
been much more equal than previously imagined and that an at least
temporary coup at the top has been won by the Vatican forces circa the
late '70's resulting in the recent remarkable geopolitical shifts
organized around Thatcher protegh Gorbachev and the increasing cultural
conservatism in the West.  Therefore, the Project has changed its primary
hypothesis from "The British Empire (Overt and Covert) is the Central
Phenomenon of World History Since the Decline of the Vatican" to what you
see now in the upper right-hand corner of the masthead!

Transcending Left vs.  Right

        While the conspiracy theorists of the Left focused on the
post-WWII Pope Pius- Vatican- CIA- Fascist Internationale- Georgetown
Jesuit- McCarthyite- Buckleyite- Knights of Malta sponsors of the 50's and
60's anti-communist crusades, the conspiracy theorists of the Right
focused on the covert undermining and apparent defeat of that "free world
crusade" and "justified self-defense" against communist tyranny by the
Commsymp-International Banker-Judeo-Masonic-British Labor Party-British
IntelligenceSocialist Internationale-Social
Democrat-Fabian-AFL/CIO/UAW-KGB.  Some of the defeats of the
anti-communist crusade that loomed large in the Right's case for
conspiracy was the Anglophile-Eastern Establishment manipulated "loss of
China", betrayal of atomic secrets to the Reds by British turncoats lead
by Philby, Castro, Anglophile Eastern Establishment sponsored aid and
trade with the Reds, British refusal to back the Vietnam War, no-win war
strategy emanating from think tanks, Leftwing/Masonic take-over of the
Vatican via Pope John and Paul VI, British sponsored demoralization of the
West through drug-rock culture, Eastern Establishment betrayal of
MacArthur in Korea, Catholic Tshombe in the Congo, Catholic Diem in
Vietnam..... etc. etc. (See previous issues.) Until now, the Project took
the view that both conspiracy theories had elements of truth, but that
both were hopelessly partisan and one-sided.  The Project took the view
that the Judeo- Masonic .... conspiracy lead by the British Royal family,
in spite of fraudulent post WWII decolonization,  represented the hidden
director of the post WWII world order.  The Vatican, though struggling
stubbornly, with two millennia  of social organic inertia to back it up,
against modernism, had suffered an irreversibl decline.  No longer in a
position to take the initiative the Vatican could only react futilely to
the cunning forces of modernism as the world was lead into an irreversibly
modernist, scientistic, "Brave New World" future with at least half the
world in permanent communist bondage for the sake of a calculated "balance
of power scenario" called "mutually assured destruction."   The progress
under Reagan, with Vatican nodding approval toward the "Star Wars"
defensive strategy is a key indicator of the changed state of affairs.

British Spy Scandals

        Project subscribers will recall that we have been highly
suspicious of the so-called British spy scandals that consistently
thwarted western anti-comm programs by giving prior knowledge to the
Soviets at key junctures.  Long we have suspected that, in line with their
centuries-old divide and conquer strategic doctrine fitting for an insular
power, the British Crown supported the second most powerful post WWII
world power, the Soviet Union, over the most powerful world power, the
USA.  In traditional fashion, we saw the Vatican supporting the primary
world power in their 2000 year old program for universal (Catholic)
one-world.  There can now be little doubt that British Intelligence
through its primary allegiance to the Crown was ordered or manipulated by
the Queen as influenced by her mentor and cousin, Lord Louis Mountbattan,
to carryout the Crown's program of "treason to the west" in the name of
"balance of power."

        Finally two books, written from opposite perspectives, Spycatcher
by Peter Wright--Former Assistant Director of MI5 ($7.95 In-stock) and The
Wilson Plot: How The Spycatchers and Their American Allies Tried to
Overthrow the British Government by David Leigh($38.00-in-stock), can be
combined to deduce the behind the scenes intelligence agency war that at
first lead to defeat and then victory for the Vatican's anti-communist
crusade (US, now Euro-Superstate Imperialism!). Spycatcher is the inside
account of a high level MI5 agent who spent his career, which spanned the
cold war period, attempting to expose the notorious fifth man responsible
for the continuing leaks of intelligence, particularly shared US
intelligence, from M15 and M16 to the Soviets even after Philby, Burgess,
MacLean, and Blunt had been exposed and eliminated from the picture.
Peter Wright, who admits he was "cold warrior" protegh of Knight of Malta
James Jesus Angleton, cadaverous head of counterintelligence and "Israel
Handler" for the CIA, claims that Roger Hollis, his former boss, the
former head of M15, was the most likely culprit.  Inwardly, however,
Wright, we infer, suspects the whole British Establishment as the
protectors or controllers of Hollis which he admits he despises for their
"delusions of empire" and refusal to join the cold war crusade with
America.  Though not mentioned in his account it is inconceivable that
Wright has never heard of the conspiracy theory!  We suspect that Wright
sticks to the KGB spy line only to maintain credibility and avoiding even
hotter water than that in which he has already found himself.  The
Thatcher government fought earnestly to prevent publication of his book
under the notorious "Official Secrets Act", however, not for the stated
reason of preventing former agents from divulging state secrets.  Between
the lines, it can be inferred that Thatcher came to power as the result of
the covert CIA campaign in which Wright played a leading role against
Prime Minister Harold Wilson and the Labor Party.

Coup at the Top

David Leigh in his Wilson Plot makes it clear that Wright's primary
mission was not hunting down the "fifth man" paranoid fashion, but to
undermine and dispose of Harold Wilson as a suspected KGB agent or
security risk so that the anti-communist crusade, i.e. American
Imperialism, could be resumed without hindrance within the Western
Alliance.  Though Leigh backs-off from saying so directly, there can be
little doubt that the plot was successful and resulted in the victory of
Thatcher's conservative government in Britain and probably, in an
unrevealed compartment of the conspiracy, the Reagan government in the

Note:  Leigh's book contains important little-known information on Harold
Wilson's early career promoting trade with the Soviets, especially the
delivery of prototype jet engines right after WWII which became the basis
for the Soviet's MIG fighters which were so effective in Korea.  Leigh
also reveals Wilson's close relationship with Jewish businessmen active in
East-West trade, the same crowd patronized by Lord Mountbattan, in typical
Royal fashion.  Leigh also reviews the apparent attempt in 1969 of
right-wing publisher Cecil King, apparently with the support of
"Spycatchers" in British Intelligence and James Angleton, to enlist Lord
Mountbattan in a militaristic coup against Wilson.  Mountbattan refused
outright on the advice of one of his Jewish advisors shared with Wilson,
Solly Zuckerman.

        Lord Victor Rothschild looms large as Peter Wright's "confederate"
in both accounts of the intrigue.  First, Lord Rothschild was an important
associate of the Cambridge Apostles group that bred the five spies.
Logically, one must suspect him as the key to the conspiracy behind the
presumed "treason to the west."  Instead both books defend him as innocent
of being a KGB spy.  Partisan David Leigh sees all charges of spying false
until the actual confession or flight to Russia is forthcoming!  Wright's
reasons appear more complex and devious.  By my reading, Rothschild
appears to have committed "treason to the Crown" rather than forfeit his
high position on the world stage as a "Rothschild" under blackmail subtly
applied by Wright at the behest of the CIA.  Blunt, Philby, Burge and
Maclean could perform their dirty balance of power work for the Crown
under the color of communist sympathy and, when caught, flee to the Reds
or fade into obscurity... but not a Rothschild.  As the leading
Rothschild, Victor could be pressured into co-operation with the Knight of
Malta lead "Spycatchers" to bring down the Labor Party and turn the
Crown's world power organism over to the American CIA.  In addition, a
Rothschild would have to consider Israel, whose fate was in the hands of
the mad, anti-communist Knight of Malta heading-up counterintelligence for
the CIA and busily penetrating British Intelligence!  Clearly, the CIA got
Victor Rothschild by the short-hairs and wrenched command of the New World
Order through him from the Royal Family's hands!

        David Leigh gives away his Royalist partisanship when he quotes
the little known second verse of the British national anthem: God Save the
Queen: 'O Lord our God Arise, Scatter Her Enemies, And Make them Fall.
Confound their Politicks, Frustrate their Knavish Tricks, On Thee our
Hopes we Fix, God Save Us All!" Though he refused to give his
interpretation explicitly, David Leigh was obviously implying that only
divine intervention can now reverse the virtual "house arrest" status to
which the monarchy has fallen in the CIA-Vatican engineered Thatcher era.

Saving the Queen

        In 1976, Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, controller of
"responsible" conservatism in America, wrote a remarkable novel entitled
Saving the Oueen.  As covered in a previous Project, it described the
betrayal of H-Bomb secrets circa 1952 to the Soviets via the Queen's
"favorite cousin".  The young naive Queen was privy to the H-Bomb secrets
in her constitutional advisory capacity to the Prime Minister.  The
cousin, an idealistic communist sympathizer, then passed on the secrets to
the Soviets.  The Queen discusses the secrets with her favorite cousin
because she views him as a mentor.  The Queen is not pictured as being
aware of his communist sympathies.  No mention is made of the alternative
"balance of power" explanation of the purported treason.  When found-out
by the CIA, the Queen's cousin is advised to commit suicide or face public
exposure by the CIA.  The cousin chooses suicide.  The parallel to Lord
Mountbattan's relationship with Queen Elizabeth, his well-known dovishness
in the cold war, sympathy for the Soviets, and eventual , "murder" at the
hands of the Catholic IRA in 1979 (really a suicide?) is striking.  In the
years since the Mountbattan assassination, we postulate, as hinted in
Saving the Queen that the Queen has been tolerated by the Vatican-CIA
juggernaut only because her institution is thought to be an integral part
of western civilization and on the condition that her wealth and influence
operate within limits acceptable to the new operators of the World Order.
We suspect that the periodic intrusions of "lone nuts" into Buckingham
Palace are covert reminders that she survives at the pleasure of a power
now higher than her own.

50's Re-Run with Sophistication This Time

We begin to see some of the outlines of the transformed World Order which
would have been anathema to the old guard conspiracy as lead by
Mountbattan and his predecessors.  Roughly, the new situation can be
compared to the counter-reformation that followed the original Elizabethan
period when Catholic-leaning and out-right Catholic forces temporarily
regained sway in Britain via the Stuart Kings.  First, we see the apparent
withering away of communism as support is withdrawn by the International
Banking Fraternity traditionally controlled from the Crown's London-based
"Empire of the City".  Already, with Thatcher's prior approval, Gorbachev
has been installed at the top of the Soviet empire to drastically
transform communism.  Enemies of communist tyranny can rejoice, but we
have yet to see what direction social change is to take in America and the
emerging Euro-Superstate, apparently now to include former Soviet
satellites bowing down to their Polish Papal liberator.  The Vatican has
not been the source of democracy and individual rights...in fact quite the

Already we see the heavy hand of Catholic thinking eroding legal
protections for the individual in the USA under the color of "war on
drugs", limiting abortion, scape-goating occultists and Jews, promoting
cultural conservatism and Fundamentalism .... etc.  The suspicion must be
revived that AIDS and the resultant homophobia has served the Church's new
counter-reformation well.  Dare we suspect the covert source of AIDS?
Read Inside the Men's Club for an explanation of the relationship between
secret society conspiracy and homosexuality ... Apparently, we are even to
get a re-run of the '50s flying saucer (UFO) craze in the Soviet Union
this time, apparently orchestrated by a Vatican toying with the idea of
organizing their universal (Catholic) order around the danger of "alien
invasion".  Reagan was quoted that he often wondered if mankind could
unite to face a (phoney?) alien invasion ... the true purpose of Star

Irreversible or Temporary Victory?

We doubt whether a coup at the top can put a permanent end to the
Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and all its tentacles.  Already we see Jewish
resistance to the Pope's program of liberating Eastern Europe being
organized around a nunnery at a Nazi concentrate camp site. Jews are
already looking in askance at a reunified Germany and complaining that the
downfall of communism leaves Eastern Europe in the hands of anti-Semitic
fascists.  Will a hard-line Stalinist replace Gorbachev suddenly and dash
the Pope's dream of a re-Christianized and unified Europe (New Holy Roman
Empire) under his influence?  As reported in the Jan-June 1987 Project
"British Israel" has long prophesied that the impact of the
Euro-Superstate would be great but short, ending in Armageddon and, of
course, the re-emergence of the British Crown to hold the throne of David
until Christ's return for His millennial rule.  In the meantime, at this
writing, we can only wait and see if Gorby makes it to his symbolic
meetings with Bush off Malta (! ! ! ) and the Pope at the Vatican.  These
seem to be exciting, unpredictable times!

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