-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:59 PM
Subject: SN786:Bosnian Posavina (Part Four)

>3.3.3. Prison Camp in Zovik
>A smaller number of members of Serbian nationality testified about their
>detention in the prison camp in Zovik. The witnesses did not state
>concretely the names of persons who were torturing them.
>What is a common feature in the testimony of the heard witnesses are the
>statements that the living conditions were bad, that food was poor and
>insufficient, and it was individually stated that the inmates-men of
>nationality were sent to dig trenches at the front lines during the combat
>actions, that the prisoners were beaten up and that during the arrival at
>the camps all their valuables were taken away.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 617/95-35, 679/95-5, 679/95-33, 638/95-1, 638/95-5 and
>3.3.4. Prison Camp in Maoca
> Regarding the living conditions in the prison camp in the village
>of Maoca and in the prison camp in Zovik, not many witnesses -
>were heard.
>However, from the testimony of the witnesses that were heard, several
>concrete persons were identified as perpetrators of crimes against members
>of Serbian nationality in this camp.
>Perpetrators of crimes are the following:
>1) PELJTO MENSUR (evidence: 679/95-18)
>2) VESNA, from Gunje (evidence: 679/95-18, 671/95-17)
>3) CAUSEVIC OMER (evidence: 679/95-18)
>4) HADZIC NIJAZ (evidence: 679/95-18)
>5) HADZIC GALIB (evidence: 679/95-18, 638/95-9)
>6) IMAMOVIC OSMAN "Osmo" (evidence: 679/95-18)
>7) FAZLOVIC NOVALIJA (evidence: 679/95-18)
>8) AVDIC KADRIJA (evidence: 679/95-17), and
>9) FAZLOVIC FERID (evidence: 638/95-9)
> The witness 679/95-17, who had the misfortune of being also the
>inmate of the prison camp in Gornji Rahic, as mentioned earlier in this
>document, and a prisoner of the District Penitentiary in Tuzla, was also
>imprisoned in the prison camp in the Muslim village of Maoca for 2 months
>during the year 1992.
>This witness before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>on July 18, 1995 gave his testimony and, inter alia, stated the following:
>"...From the prison camp in Rahic, after spending some time there, I was
>transferred to the adjacent Muslim village of Maoca and was detained there
>in some garage building. The entire group with which I was in Rahic was
>located in these premises. In the group were also P.A. from Brcko, K.D.
>D. Miholjac from Croatia and J.LJ. from Samac. After a few days Serbs from
>Bijeljina were also brought there, some five of them. One of them was
>M.S. and two had a family name of Subaric. I do not know other details
>these persons. I do know, however, that one of these Subaric's was killed
>the presence of the entire group. Vesna from Gunje, who was wearing the
>uniform with the insignia of the green berets, slit his throat with a
>That man was wounded and Vesna slit his throat in the presence of us all.
>His body was staying for two days in front of the room in which we were
>detained, and afterwards they covered him up with a rug and took him
>somewhere. That man was between 35 and 38 years old. They were treating us
>very severely, taking us every day out for beating, the food was as poor as
>it was in Rahic. We were sleeping on bare concrete and were kept there for
>some two months. The director of the prison camp in Maoca was Kadrija
>a former policeman from Brcko. He was personally torturing us, prisoners,
>and was also bringing other soldiers to take us out and beat us up until we
>would faint. They were at all times threatening to kill us all and were
>saying that there is no life for us. From this group which was detained
>me in the prison camp in Maoca every day the imprisoned Serbs were taken
>forced labor, but I was not taken. I know for sure that Vasiljko Todic and
>Aleksandar Pavlovic were taken and upon their return were telling us that
>they were forced to extract non-exploded grenades. They will probably
>testify in more detail about all this..."
> One of the inmates - a Serb, imprisoned in the prison camp in the
>Muslim village of Maoca was also the witness 679/95-18, born in 1956. This
>witness was detained in several prison camps and concretely was also in the
>camp of Gornji Rahic and his testimony about the days of imprisonment is
>stated above.
>This witness on August 18, 1995 testified before the investigating judge
>also stated, inter alia, the following:
>"...During the detention in the prison camp in Rahic and Maoca, Croat and
>Muslim soldiers were taking me out and D.Z. to extract non-exploded
>artillery grenades of 155 mm caliber. During the excavation of the grenade
>did hit the grenade with the spade on the fuse so that it would destroy me.
>However, the grenade did not explode. I wished it would explode because the
>torture was of such intensity that I could not stand it any longer..."
>>From the testimony of this witness it is not quite clear whether some of
>perpetrators of crimes were both in the prison camp of Rahic and the prison
>camp of Maoca, because he was in both camps, although this possibility is
>not excluded bearing in mind, for example, the testimony of the witness
>638/95-9 before the investigating judge stating that he was first
>interrogated and tortured in Maoca by Hadzic Galib and Fazlovic Ferid, and
>that later he was in the camp of Rahic, where, further to the others, also
>the above stated persons were interrogating him and that he was especially
>beaten by Kalic Nijaz called "Bego".
> The witness 638/95-9 born in 1933 in Zabljak, who was as it was
>earlier stated, imprisoned in the prison camp of Rahic, testified before
>investigating judge of the Municipal Court of Brcko that in the prison camp
>of Maoca he was interrogated and tortured by Hadzic Galib and Fazlovic
>3.3.5. Prison Camp in the Village of Boce
>In the village of Boce in the area of the municipality of Brcko, in the
>premisses of the school and local community hall, during the year 1992
>was a prison camp where mostly women, of Serbian nationality, and children
>were detained.
>The evidence gathered shows that members of Croat and Muslim army had raped
>women - inmates of the said prison camp.
>The evidence is available for several cases only but this does not exclude
>the possibility that there was a far greater number of rapes of Serbian
>women imprisoned in this prison camp. Namely, it is well known that women
>often because of the environment in which they live, certain customs and
>prejudice, are often not reporting that they were victims of rape.
> The witness - rape victim 617/95-16, born on July 18, 1963 in
>Gunje, testified before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on July 21, 1995 in the criminal case against NN, perpetrator of the
>criminal offense from Article 142 taken over from the Penal Code of the
>The witness 617/95-16, having stated that on September 14, 1992 she was
>present in the village of Bukvik, that during the attack of the Muslim
>on that village Serbian population abandoned its homes and escaped into the
>woods, and that she herself, with young children: a daughter 11 years old
>and a son 9 years old and her mother-in-law escaped into the woods, that
>they were discovered the next day by the Muslim soldiers and taken to the
>Muslim village of Rahic and, after two days of detention, were transferred
>to the village of Boce populated with inhabitants of Croat nationality,
>they were detained in the school premises, underlined the following:
>"...Croat soldiers were insulting us, cursing our mother, threatening to
>have us all killed and similar. One night, I think it was September 17 or
>18, 1992, in the room in which we were lying on the floor my children
>me and a bit further from me my mother-in-law and her mother-in-law,
>a woman with a strong flash light pointed towards us lying on the floor,
>after a brief moment she left. Immediately after that one Croat soldier
>entered and he called me to come out of the room. However, I started to cry
>and he grabbed me by the hand and took me by force out of the room. He
>brought me into some corridor and started to insult me saying that I am a
>Serbian garbage, then ordered me to lie down on the floor. Another Croat
>soldier came and started tearing my clothes off, placing the barrel of his
>pistol into my mouth so that I would not shout and cry, and then he raped
>me. Immediately thereupon I was raped by the other soldier who was there
>and, in the meantime, a third one came but he did not rape me. This third
>one said: let us run, our time is up, because the commander allowed us to
>stay for only 15 minutes...The next morning Lj.T. from D. Bukvik asked me
>whether something had happened to me so I told her 'yes' and it was
>sufficient for her to know what had happened. I did not know from before
>soldiers who raped me, but I know that they were Croat soldiers, because
>this is a Croat village and in that area Croat army was stationed...That
>same evening from the room in which I was detained S.S., S.K and her sister
>that I do not know the name of, were taken out and raped, all of them are
>from L..."
>The witness 638/95-2 from Brcko, the husband of the rape victim witness
>617/95-16, having confirmed that immediately after September 14, 1992 women
>and children were separated from younger men and together with the aged
>taken to other villages and to the village of Boce, stated, inter alia, the
>"...My wife K. was captured during the escape in Bukvik and together with
>mother was taken to Boce, and a lot of women and children were taken there,
>as far as I know there were some 40-50 women and girls in Boce. While I was
>still in the prison camp in Ulice I heard that my wife K. was raped in
>I heard this from Carapic Vjekoslav who was in the HOS military police.
>Afterwards, some time in September my wife's brother came, and with the
>of one former policeman in the Secretariat for Interior Affairs of Brcko,
>took my wife and children from Boce. We met in Ulice where my wife told me
>how she was raped in Boce. She told me that the main organizer of the rape
>was a certain woman called Fata who used to work as a waitress in Boce. My
>wife told me that this woman Fata came during the night into the room where
>women were detained and would look for them while they were asleep and
>take out four by four, to be raped. She did not know the names of the men
>who raped her, only she told me that they were local inhabitants, Croats.
>She also said that S.S., S.K. and her sister I. were also raped..."
> The witness - rape victim 144/95-4 born on February 14, 1974 in
>Brcko, on January 25, 1993 gave a written statement recorded in the Public
>Safety Station in Brcko, stating, inter alia, the following:
>"...After the destruction of the bridge in Brcko on April 30, 1992 at some
>07:30 hours, the neighbors Vilic Ramiz, his son Meho, a certain Sefik and
>another man unknown to me came into my house in the suburb of "Interaj" in
>Brcko, while my parents were away from home. They were in uniforms and were
>armed with automatic guns, saying that I must come with them, so that they
>would allegedly save me from the war actions...In Gornji Rahic they placed
>me in the primary school building where there was a lot of other people,
>mostly Muslims from Brcko, and I spent the night there...The next day at
>some 17:00 hours Ramiz came to school with Mujkanovic Farid so they took me
>to Maoca to the Crisis Staff (Headquarters) which was located in a building
>adjacent to the communal hall. They took me to the office on the floor
>we remained alone, Ferid and I, and Ramiz went somewhere. Farid started to
>question me, asking about my father and brother who were in the army, and
>also asking about my family...On May 1, 1992 in the evening Farid came and
>told me if I slept with him that no one will touch me and no one will harm
>me. When I refused, he came closer and slapped me on the face, kicked me on
>the floor and raised my clothes. In spite of my resistance he raped me,
>torturing me for some half an hour. After that Farid left the office, and
>Vilic Meho entered, son of Ramiz. He did not tell me anything but started
>beat me and he also raped me torturing me like Farid for some half an hour,
>and then he left and I remained alone the entire night...After a certain
>time in the morning, while I was alone in the office, three young men came
>in uniforms, of Croat nationality, saying that they were sent by Farid to
>have the talk with me. They were questioning me asking like Farid about my
>father and brother. After the interrogation, without any reason they pushed
>me down on the floor and started to beat me. One young man was holding my
>legs, the other one my arms and the third one raped me, and so they took
>turns. After this torture all the three of them left, but came again the
>following days, torturing me and asking about my father and brother. On one
>occasion the two of them left and the third one remained, who raped me and
>kicked me saying that it is better for me to be only with him than to have
>the others arrive...In June 1992 after I noticed that I was pregnant, my
>brother took me to Novi Sad where I had an abortion..."
>The Public Safety Station of Brcko filed with the Military Prosecution in
>Bijeljina criminal charges number: 18-5/02-230-2-8/93 of February 1, 1993
>against the following persons:
>1) MUJKANOVIC FARID, son of Hamdija, born on July 1, 1966 in Maoca,
>municipality of Brcko, graduate of the Military Academy in 1987;
>2) VILIC MEHMED called "Meho" from Brcko, residing at 19, Mevludina Capica
>Street, born on June 5, 1969 in Brcko, of father Ramiz and mother Sevala,
>maiden Kladnjakovic, Muslim by nationality, in connection with the above
>stated case and for the criminal offense of a war crime against civilian
>population, from Article 142 taken over from the Penal Code of the SFRY.
>Together with the criminal charges, inter alia, the written statement of
>witness - rape victim 144/95-4, was enclosed as well as the letter of
>discharge of the victim in connection with her examination at the Clinic
>Gynecology and Obstetrics in Novi Sad.
>In the month of May 1992 the first arrests of Serb civilians started in the
>area of Orasje and practically throughout the period up to July 11, 1992
>Serbs were being taken to the prison camps. In the village of Bukova Greda
>Serbs were in masses taken to the camp and, not just by chance, this
>happened on the Day of Victory over Fascism - May 9, 1992. Serb civilians
>from Orasje were detained in the Secondary School Center in Orasje where
>Serb women from Bukova Greda were also detained. In the area of Orasje, as
>it was already said, four prison camps were established : Orasje -
>School Center; Donja Mahala - a shed of Mirza Filipovic called "Deljkovic";
>in Donja Mahala - Primary School and Domasevac - Primary School. According
>to some estimates in these camps there were some 400 Serbs imprisoned. The
>majority of Serbs - prison camp inmates, were civilians and in the prison
>camps in the area of Orasje a number of captured members of Serbian
>nationality were imprisoned who were treated, like the civilian prisoners,
>in an inhuman and undignified manner.
>It must be pointed out here that in the prison camps in the area of Orasje
>the most monstrous torture on the Serb inmates was applied. Women were
>in groups, men were cruelly beaten, and not a small number of the prisoners
>in the prison camps in Orasje area were killed, or have died in the camps
>from the suffered serious body injuries.
>The best illustration of how the Serb inmates, only for being Serbs, were
>tortured and murdered and what was their general status in these prison
>camps, is the testimony of the two surviving witnesses:
>Thus, the witness 267/94-9, 637/95-6 while describing what was taking place
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala, states the following:
>"They were telling us: "You are living like mosquitoes during winter, and
>even if we kill someone we will be charged only as we would be charged for
>killing the neighbor's pig".
>The other witness 267/94-8 describes the events in the prison camp of Donja
>Mahala when the then-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
>Separovic Zvonimir, came for a visit, and saw the state in which the Serb
>inmates were in, and when the prison camp commander Vincetic Pero told him
>that Serbs detained in the camp are "the worst criminals", and Minister
>Zvonimir Separevic commented this by saying "Simply speaking - they are all
>Beyond any doubt the quoted comment by Minster Separovic in the best way,
>course, together with many other proof and evidence, shows that the
>Croatia was directly involved in the events in the former Republic of
>Bosnia-Herzegovina, and had a lot of understanding for all the
>that were inflicted on Serbs imprisoned in the camps.
>A large number of Serb inmates testified about their own sufferings and the
>torture of the other Serb prisoners, and even about the murders committed
>the prison camps in this area, and other evidence of these tortures will
>also be presented.
>3.4.1. Torture - Body Injuries Inflicted on Inmates and
>Living Conditions in the Prison Camp
> The witness 267/94-3 describes an event in the prison camp in the
>shed of Mirza Filipovic called "Deljkovic" in Donja Mahala:
>"...They are leading Cedo Cvijanovic, a belt tied around his neck. One
>Ustasha is holding the end of the belt, another one is hitting him on the
>back. Whenever this one hits him on the back Cedo plunges forward. The
>one pulls the belt back. They were leading him to the shed as if he was not
>a man but an animal..."
> The witness inmate 267/94-4 testifies about the circumstances in
>connection with the deportation of Serb civilians from the village of
>Greda to the prison camp, who were as himelf deported, and about the
>inflicted in Donja Mahala:
>"...On May 9, 1992 at some 05:00 or 05:30 hours members of military police
>from Donja Mahala erupted into the village of Bukova Greda, members of the
>civilian police from Orasje, members of the police from Ostra Luka and Boka
>and members of the national guard unit from Slavonska Pozega. They
>surrounded the village and were advancing from all the directions, fully
>armed. There were some 50-60 of them. They crashed into courtyards and into
>Serbian houses and forced all Serbs that they found there, to the center of
>the village - in front of the library. Among them I recognized: Pero
>Vicentic called "Pera konj"... Mate Zivkovic called "Rakijica" ...They took
>us to Donja Mahala and forced us into a wooden shed. There were 33 of us in
>the truck."
>The same witness underlines:
>"On that sam day of May 9th the beating started. For example, Andrija was
>much beaten that his jaw was broken and this time he barely survived. Cedo
>was tied to a pillar and then he was beaten, then they tied a belt around
>his neck. They were dragging him around the courtyard, and Cedo was forced
>to imitate barking of a dog. Stevo was so much beaten that he started to
>vomit and they were preventing him from vomiting threatening to kill him.
>They were pulling the ears with pliers of Pero Bozic, and from the beating
>all of his clothes were thorn. They took out Savo Saric and started beating
>him with batons on the hands, then they pushed the baton into his mouth
>crushing his tooth, then they hit him on the soles of his feet until they
>started bleeding. Drago Bozic was kicked by foot by "Pera konj" in the
>temples and Drago fell on the floor from the kick, and Jovica Maksimovic
>also beaten up. Such tortures were suffered by the imprisoned Serbs. The
>crimes were committed mostly in groups and the main torturers were: PERO
>VICENTIC called "Pera konj", MATO ZIVKOVIC called "Rakijica", ANTO ZIVKOVIC
>called "Zika", MATO KLAJIC called "Bandzo", DAMIR KLAJIC called "Dama",
>called "Stile" and MIRKO VICENTIC called "Sore"... What was even harder for
>me to bear besides the pains I was suffering during the beating, was to
>the screams of my own father from the other room and to see myself helpless
>that I could not help him. When they were beating me I did not scream, so
>that my father would not hear. On one occasion, Ilija Zivkovic called
>pushed a slipper into my mouth and ordered me to hold the slipper until he
>comes back from Zupanja. He was beating me with a steel chair, and Nikola
>Filipovic called "Nikso" was pressing me with the legs of the chair. "Bogo"
>threatened to cut my ear off. He would catch me by the ear and say: "Not
>this time, I will do it the next time. I will tie down you and your father
>to the pole and will cut you up with the electric saw".
>Similar testimony about the torture in the said prison camp and the
>perpetrators of crimes was also given by the witness 679/95-38.
> The witness 267/94-5 (637/95-2) states the following:
>"... My anguish started on May 9, 1992...Military police expelled our
>family from the house...The men were taken by truck to Donja Mahala, into
>the shed of Filipovic Mirza...in the said shed they pushed us, and there
>were over 40 of us... The torture was carried out by PERO VICENTIC called
>"Konj", MATE "Rakijica", "Bindzo", "Metko", "Bogo", "Stile", "Dama",
>"Josko", Anto Masic, one Bulgarian...as well as by a large number of the
>policemen whose names I do not know... They were pushing rubber batons down

>our throats, damaging my vocal cords, they would hit us with fists on the
>throat, and all over the body with solid objects and boots. On the next day
>they transferred us to the gym of the Secondary School Center in Orasje...
>After one hour they returned me to Donja Mahala. There I found Cedo
>Cvijanovic from Bukova Greda. They had cut off two fingers from his right
>hand (a thumb and a small finger). He lost a lot of blood because of this,
>and in the evening he was taken for liquidation...Torture and beating were
>taking place every day and several times per day...They had broken my head
>so that now I do not have a piece of skin on my head the size 15x5 cm. With
>pliers they were tearing my ears, piercing my ears with staple machines,
>breaking my left arm and two fingers on the left and one finger on the
>hand, with a gun having a tromblon extension they pierced my arm at the
>elbow, broke all my ribs on the right side. I will not even mention the
>kicking with feet and solid objects... I was forced to sit on a chair naked
>to the waist and could not get up until the Ustasha finishes kicking my
>spine with his boots, hitting vertebra by vertebra and from every kick I
>would fall from the chair. My back was so swollen that I could not even
>move. They were beating me with iron chain over my naked body. The greatest
>tortures were inflicted by "PERO KONJ", then by MATO "Rakijica", "DAMA",
>"BANDZO", "STILE" and IVICA KLAJIC from Donja Mahala. This last one kicked
>two of my good teeth out from the upper and four teeth from the lower jaw.
>The skin of my head was removed by a pistol hit by Anto Masic, and my arm
>was broken by Djuric Stjepo called "Stile" from Boka. From the hitting over
>the ears my hearing is now impaired...We were beaten on the sexual organs
>mostly with solid objects by Elvira Hadziomerovic from Orasje and Nina
>Terzic from Odzak...They were forcing the prisoners to various obscenities,
>only to humiliate them. We had to suck each other's sexual organs... They
>were forcing us to fight each other and then they would show us by punches
>how to do a knockout. They placed hands of many inmates into clamps, then
>they would tie the wires around fingers and let the electricity on. The
>effects of torture were not only physical but also psychological. Although
>know that I am now in the free Serbian territory, I can not have a normal
>sleep. I am again and again reliving these monstrosities. If I fall asleep,
>I dream of all these scenes, it is horrible".
>The witness 637/95-2 stated some more details on the events testified by
>other witnesses in connection with torture of other inmates. The witness
>states the following:
>"...They were inflicting terrible torture on the prisoners from Borovo.
>killed Minja and Klipanovic Milan. Elvira and "Babo" were piercing them
>red hot iron rods and Pero "Konj" shot in the leg Minja from a shot gun.
>Damir stabed a knife through the hand of Damir, and pierced a tongue with a
>knife of Mirko Vidovic from Borovo Naselje. He forced him to put his tongue
>out, the knife vibrating while the blood was gushing from his mouth. He was
>piercing hands of Panic Slobodan and Maksimovic Cvijetin with a knife. The
>knife would pass through a hand and the board and they had to sing. Damir
>called "Dama" and Pejo Filipovic called "Babo" placed the head of Gavric
>Andrija from Borova Greda one day before his death into a bucket of water
>and were holding it alternatively so that he had a bowl movement from pain,
>and while he was lying unconscious the criminals were laughing out loud..."
>the above witness also underlines the following:
>"They were often forcing the Serbs in the prison camp to confess to their
>crimes in front of cameras of Croat and foreign journalists, the crimes
>they did not commit. In order to make the confession more convincing they
>were not allowed to shave and for that occasion they would provide
>traditional Serbian cap and kokarda which, after the confession of one
>inmate, they would place on the head of the next inmate, then on the third,
>so that they would leave a convincing impression".
>The witness 637/95-2 stated that during his arrival at the prison camp he
>had 92 kilograms of body weight and that he left the camp with 58
> From the contents of a written find and opinion of the medical
>commission of specialists for forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry, and on
>the basis of the medical examination of the witness 637/95-2, whose
>testimony was presented in the previous paragraph, and on the basis of the
>medical files, it is established that the statements of the witness
>regarding the injuries suffered in the prison camp in Donja Mahala are
>In concrete terms, the find having been previously presented, the following
>opinion was given:
>"1. Bone scars were found in the area of the 6th and the 7th right ribs in
>the same line of the fracture of these ribs. These rib fractures are the
>consequence of at least one action of the blunt mechanical object such as
>fists, feet, knee and others, at the time of infliction, which in itself is
>a serious body injury. After the fracture of the ribs there was pain of
>intensity followed by fear of high intensity.
>2. The bone scar was found on the left collar bone at the place of fracture
>caused by direct hit of the blunt mechanical object such as the riffle
>rod, baton, etc. This fracture at the time it was inflicted in itself is a
>serious body injury, and during its infliction the witness suffered pain of
>high intensity. As a direct consequence of deformed healing of the fracture
>of the left collar bone its longitudinal axis having remained deformed, the
>lifting of the left arm was made impossible in the shoulder joint of some
>degrees and the impossibility to bring the left hand close to the body.
>3. Bone scars were found on the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bone of the left
>at the place of their fracture caused by direct action of a hit by a blunt
>mechanical object such as boots, batons, rods, etc. These fractures at the
>time of infliction were in themselves qualified as serious body injury, and
>upon infliction the witness suffered pain of high intensity.
>4. The present examination shows a grey-whitish scar on the outer side of
>the right upper arm (described in item 6 of the find) which could have been
>formed as a consequence of the suffered injury - cut caused by a tip and
>sharp blade of a mechanical object which injury at the time it was
>was qualified as slight body injury.
>5. The present examination found the scar on the top of the head size 12x2
>cm (described in item 3 of the find) which is the consequence of an
>inflicted injury of all the skin layers and of the subcutaneous soft tissue
>in that area, so that hair is no longer growing on that spot. It is
>that this injury was caused by tangential action of the blunt hit by a
>mechanical object such as a baton.
>6. As a consequence of the experienced trauma at the time spent in
>imprisonment the witness has developed a depressive-neurotic reaction."
>EVIDENCE: Written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-1.
> The witness - prison camp inmate 637/95-2, born on May 14, 1954,
>was subjected on December 24, 1995 to the new medical examination at the
>Brcko General Hospital by the medical commission of specialists in forensic
>medicine and neuropsychiatry, and on the basis of the neurological and
>psychiatric find the medical commission gave the following opinion:
>"As a consequence of the serious physical and psychological trauma suffered
>during imprisonment the witness has developed impaired hearing and a
>post-traumatic stress which are considerably reducing his general living
>working capabilities".
>EVIDENCE: Fine and opinion of the medical experts commission 794/95-B-5.
> The prison camp inmate - a Serb 267/94-7 during the testimony on
>his imprisonment in the prison camp of Donja Mahala, states the following:
>"...During the interrogation in Donja Mahala Ustashi beat up Andrija Gavric
>in the way that they turned around his jaw. He was later begging any of us
>to kill him... he could not bear the sufferings any longer."
>In connection with his detention in the prison camp in Orasje, this witness
>states the following:
>"Pero Vicentic called "Konj" was in the habit of forcing us to sing Chetnik
>songs. He was asking us to do that very loudly, or else he was threatening
>to kill us all. He was beating Andrija Gavric, Brano Cvijanovic and Jovo
>Cvijanovic with the shovel, the flat side. He would say: "I love to hear
>this sound when the shovel hits the back...ordering Gavric to sing the
>"We, Ustashi, all playboys and nice guys, that is why Serbs float down the
>Drina". They sing as if he gave them brandy, not a shovel down their
>EVIDENCE: Witness 267/94-7.
> The witness 267/94-8 in connection with torture in the prison camp
>in Donja Mahala - in the shed of Mirza Filipovic, states the following:
>"...Vincentic came after half an hour. He ordered me to take off my clothes
>to the waist. Then he took a bottle of mineral water and hit me with it on
>the head, then with a baton on the temples, cutting up my head. With a
>staple machine he was piercing my ears. The skin was broken and my face was
>covered with blood. He ordered me to lie down on the floor. He took large
>leather belts and started to hit me. I do not know how long this lasted,
>I was feeling terrible pain. The Ustashis were commenting among themselves:
>"Did you see how our "Dada" can hit?" Vincentic then took the extension
>cable from the cassette player. He was hitting me with that cable several
>times and then tied my hands and legs. So tied up he was hitting me against
>the wall, and when I would fall on the concrete he wold kick me with boots
>and would step on me. My back was burning from the lashes, I was in
>pain. I told them to kill me. One of them, I do not know which one, said to
>"It is easy for us to kill you, but we want to make you suffer first"
>"...The cruelest torturers and abusers were: PERO VINCENTIC called "konj",
>MIRKO JURIC called "Kemi", MARKO JURIC called "Jurka", MATA CIKIN called
>"Matko" (at one time a deputy of Pero Vincentic), MARKO MASKALJEVIC called
>"Dulo", FILIPOVIC NIKOLA called "Nikso" and his brother FILIPOVIC IVO
>"Corak" (also for a while a deputy of Pero Vincentic), JOVO called "Kreso"
>(he liked to torture the inmates from Borovo), ZIVKOVIC ZELJKO called
>"Zika", KLJAJIC ANTO called "Badzo" and FILIPOVIC PEJO called "Babo" (the
>main torturer - he was driving the military ferry on Sava river, but always
>at the time of torture he would be present)... On March 30 and 31, 1993 the
>policeman on duty Bakir Pamugdzic from Orasje took us out for beating. He
>was cursing my Chetnik mother and from the distance of some 1 meter threw a
>sharp knife at me. The knife was stuck in my knee - already injured from
>many hits, and swollen again. At the same time Smail called "Smajo"... also
>a military policeman with the wire that he had taken out of the cable, was
>piercing the ears of Jovo Stevanovic. DURING THIS TORTURE HE WAS TELLING
> The medical commission of medical experts specialists in forensic
>medicine and in neuropsychiatry, on the basis of the examination of the
>witness 267/94-8 - the victim, born in 1957, who had in the preceding
>paragraph described the tortures to which he was subjected in the prison
>camp of Donja Mahala, having given the find on found injuries, gave the
>following opinion:
>"1) On the basis of the appearance, localization, distribution and other
>characteristics of the found small, tiny and numerous scars on both ear
>lobes (which are palpatorily very stiff, not flexible, with many knots)
>described in item 3 of the find, it may be concluded that it is possible
>that they were caused as a consequence of many piercing of the ear lobes
>caused by staple machine action. As a direct consequence of the scars on
>lobes the looks of the witness 267/94-8 are also damaged.
>2) Bone scar - callus on the 6th rib was formed on the place of fracture of
>this rib, the fracture caused by at least one blow of the blunt mechanical
>object such as fist, knee, foot, baton, rod and others. This fracture in
>itself is qualified as a slight body injury.
>3) The scars found on the skin of forehead and face (described in item 4 of
>the find) were formed in the places of suffered injuries caused by the
>hit of a mechanical object.
>4) The scars found on the body skin (described in item 5 of the find) were
>formed in the places of suffered injuries in these areas, and on the basis
>of the anamnesis, possibly by the cuts inflicted with the sharp edge of a
>mechanical object.
>6) As the consequence of the experienced trauma during the time spent in
>imprisonment the witness 267/94-8 has developed a depressive-neurotic
>EVIDENCE: Find and opinion of the medical commission of experts
> The witness 267/94-8 - the victim was examined again on December
>24, 1995 at the Brcko General Hospital by the medical commission of medical
>experts in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry and on the basis of
>anamnesis, neurological and psychiatric find, the following opinion was
>"As a consequence of serious physical and psychological trauma suffered
>during imprisonment the witness 267/94-8 developed clinical post-traumatic
>stress and secondary alcoholism in the toxicomania phase which are
>significantly reducing his general living and working capabilities".
>EVIDENCE: Find and opinion of the medical commission of experts -
>specialists in forensic medicine and specialists in neuropsychiatry
> The witness 267/94-10 and 396/95-10 the surviving Serb - inmate,
>about his sufferings in the prison camp of Donja Mahala testified the
>"...The killings were done by Pejo called "Babo", Mirko called "Kemi", Mato
>called "Rakijica", Stjepo called "Stile" and Damir called "Dama". They were
>the main extremists. They were murdering and torturing. They were tearing
>away parts of my body with pliers, kicking my teeth out and naked hitting
>on the sexual organs. I was held by four inmates, one from the one arm, the
>other the other arm, and two were holding my legs. "Babo" was hitting me on
>the sexual organs. Everything in that area of my body was swollen. Torture
>was terrible. They were putting the wire inside some inmates' ears and then
>they would hang a board on the wire. I was seeing this with my own eyes.
>Ustashi were laughing shouting "Look at the punker". They were forcing us
>fight each other and to a boxing with each other... I am still not fully
>aware that I have stayed alive... The chief of police Pero Vicentic was
>beating us. However, he was enjoying more to inflict psychological pain on
>the inmates. His idea was to accuse us of the crimes that we did not commit
>and, under unprecedented torture, to extract the confession..."
> The witness 267/95-11 and 360/95-9 born in 1970, who was detained
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala up to June 22, 1993, states that the
>commander in Donja Mahala was the military policeman Pero Vincetic called
>"... The main say had the Croat policemen headed by Vincetic, but among the
>policemen there were also Muslims. It was a terrible prison camp... We were
>tortured and beaten the most by Pejo Filipovic called "Babo" and his sons
>Ivica called "Corak" and Niko called "Nikso", and also by Damir Klajic.
>Damir was simply mad, there is nothing he did not do to us. He was piercing
>my hand with a knife. Once he nailed my hand down with a knife and ordered
>me to sing a Ustashi song. He simply said: "Put your hand on the table".
>Then he took the knife and nailed my hand down. Then he continued: "Put
>your other hand". I placed also the other hand on the table but he gave up.
>He told me: "You are singing well, I will not nail your other hand".
>to the above mentioned there were also there Ivica Klajic, Stjepo called
>"Stile" from Boka, Mato called "Rakica" and his brother Zika, they were the
>worst. We were beaten all the time also by the chief of police Vincetic..."
>While describing the conditions of detention and hygiene in the said prison
>camp, witness 267/95-11 and 360/95-9 states the following:
>"... We were sleeping on the floor, practically on bare concrete until
>November 1992. Then we were transferred to some other room. We were given
>food once per day, or every second or every third day. Before or after the
>meal they were beating us. We could go to the WC only when they would open
>the doors. In the meantime we had to contain ourselves. We were fortunate
>that in that room there was a water basin so we could urinate in it.
>Regarding the bowl movement we had to suffer or do it in the nylon bags
>which we would throw in the garbage cans. When the doors would open we
>throw the bags outside as garbage. During the first six months of the
>detention in the prison camp I did not wash myself even once. I did this
>the first time when a team of the International Red Cross was coming..."
>This witness especially underlines a kind of a very heavy oppression made
>him to do certain acts, and those acts were to present him to the public as
>a completely different and a very negative man. He says the following:
>"... In my case, I have suffered and experienced terrible torture. They
>forcing me with beatings to sign a 'confession' that I have killed four
>two from the gun and two that I have slaughtered; that I have raped five
>women in Luka in Brcko and similar. They were beating me together with M.C.
>They would tie our hand with electric cables and would turn the electricity
>on. It goes without saying that everything they coerced me into confess I
>did not do. But, when I saw them beating me so terribly and knowing that I
>will probably be dead from the torture, I decided 'to confess'. Since my
>'confession' had to be public, in front of the TV cameras, I said to
>"Let them put me in front of the cameras, let my people see me, they will
>know that I am innocent". That was the only reason for my 'confession'. My
>family will know how I have ended up. Later it turned out that this public
>'confession' helped me to survive. When everything became public, they
>not kill me just like that. Journalists were coming non-stop. They were
>taking my pictures. Whenever they would come they could see that my nose
>broken, ears deformed and my whole face deformed - my left side was longer
>than the right one. They asked me what was my treatment there and whether
>they were beating me? I would answer that they are not beating me because a
>policeman was at all times by my side. Once one journalist asked me about
>the injury. My nose was then swollen, the eye closed as a consequence of a
>kick with the boot on the head. I answered that I was working in the WC and
>that I had fallen. His comment was: "It seems that you Serbs are having all
>the time a vertigo and are falling on your heads". The man knew what it was
>all about, he knew that I was being beaten up and he could see this on me.
>There was a moment when the policeman who was guarding me went out of the
>door. I raised my shirt and showed him that I have bruises all over my
>Journalist grabbed his head, asked me to put the shirt down so that the
>policeman would not see me..."
> The above witness 267/94-11 and 360/95-9 was submitted to medical
>examination on December 24, 1995 by the medical commission of the medical
>experts, specialists in forensic medicine and in neuropsychiatry and the
>commission on the basis of anamnesis, personal anamnesis, the present
>disorders and the objective examination of the witness 267/95-11 and
>360/95-9 gave its find and opinion.
>In the find the following is stated:
>3) On the upper side of the hand, between the roots of the 2nd and the 3rd
>finger there is a longitudinal grey-whitish scar size 15x1 mm, clearly
>distinct from the surrounding area, and in the same height on the palm
>is a longitudinal scar with the same features 7 mm long.
>4) On the thumb of the right hand on the upper side an inclined
>scar clearly distinct from the surrounding area, 10 mm long is found.
>5) In the middle of the front of the head, at the edge with the hairline,
>there is an inclined irregular, grey-whitish scar, size 24x3 cm, not
>distinct from the surrounding area.
>6) Tragus and antitragus on the left ear lobe swollen and easily deformed
>and thick.
>7) In the flank area near the spinal column, a skin swelling size 5x4 cm,
>insensitive to touch, fixed to the base..."
>The commission has given the following opinion:
>1) The found scars on the hands (described in items 3 and 4 of the find)
>were formed on the places of inflicted injuries, and on the basis of the
>appearance of the scars and anamnesis, most probably on the places of
>suffered cuts and stabbings with the tip and a sharp edge of the mechanical
>2) The found scars in the area of the front and the left ear (described in
>items 5 and 6 of the find) were formed on the places of inflicted injuries
>in these parts, and on the basis of the appearance of the scars and
>anamnesis, most probably on the places of inflicted cuts made by the blunt
>mechanical objects (such as fists, boots, batons, riffle butt, etc.).
>3) The swelling found in the flank area (described in item 7 of the find)
>was formed on the place of inflicted injury and on the basis of its size,
>appearance and locality this swelling, and as anamnesis shows, most
>was formed on the place of bruised skin and subcutaneous soft tissue in the
>part caused by the hit of a blunt mechanical arm (such as a kick with a
>boot, riffle butt, baton, etc.).
>4) As the consequence of the physical and psychological trauma suffered
>during imprisonment the witness has disorders in the form of neurological
>and psychiatric disturbances."
>The above stated shows that as perpetrators of the crimes are designated:
>PERO VINCETIC called "Konj", commander of the prison camp and other
>perpetrators stated in the above testimony of the witness - the victim.
>EVIDENCE: Witness 367/95-11, 396/95-9, 637/95-5 and the find and opinion of
>the medical commission 794/95-B-3.
> The witness 367/94-12 (396/95-3 and 637/95-4) from Brcko, born in
>1955, who was a prisoner in the prison camps in Orasje and Donja Mahala,
>while describing the means with which he was tortured and in general the
>types of torture, states the following:
>"... While I was in a conscious state I could see the objects with which
>they were beating the inmates. They were doing it with batons and feet clad
>in heavy boots. They were beating inmates with baseball bats. I remember
>them profoundly. They were prepared in a special way - as required by
>baseball as a sport. Zivkovic was beating me for days on end with such a
>on the back and sides. They broke my nine ribs, and extracted nails from my
>toes. I do not know what they did not use to beat me. They were stuffing
>rubber tube down my throat, and were even forcing batons down some inmates'
>throats. For example, at 2 o'clock in the morning they would beat me until
>almost fainted, then they would take me out of the prison room. They would
>take me to the water fountain, turn on the water and 'freshen me up'. They
>would shower me at 2 or 3 hours in the morning, and then would force the
>rubber tube down my throat and let the water in under pressure.
>I can freely say that I was beaten every three hours, and that I was given
>food every third or fourth day. When I would get food every third day I was
>The witness 367/94-12 (396/95-3 and 637/95-4) speaks also of the harsh
>living conditions in the prison camp of Donja Mahala, which would have in
>themselves been terrible enough, even if there was no bestial torture
>The witness states the following:
>"... In Donja Mahala the conditions were below any decent level of human
>existance. We were sleeping on bare concrete. The room was the size of a
>closet, barely some 10 square meters. There was an average of some 22 of us
>in the room. When it was hot the room was terribly stuffy and there was an
>awful stench. Pera "Konj" was told by someone to single us out, and that
>those who are not "hard cases" should be taken again to Orasje... But Pera
>"Konj" did this the other way around. He was destroying us one by one. From
>the 22 inmates, only 9 of us remained alive.

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