-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:59 PM
Subject: SN787:Bosnian Posavina (Part Five)

> In the preceding paragraph witness 367/94-12 - the victim,
>described in detail all the tortures that he was exposed to. Medical
>commission of medical experts in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry on
>the basis of the examination of this witness and the medical documents gave
>the following opinion after making a detailed find:
>1) The area of Adam's apple is deformed because of suffered impressive
>fracture of the left wing of the thyroid cartilage whose back part was
>pressed inward. Such a pressed fracture of the thyroid cartilage must have
>caused injuries of internal structures of the throat in the form of blood
>swellings of its soft parts - mucus and sub-mucus tissue, vocal cords,
>and all this must have caused drying of the trachea part of the breathing
>tract and thus difficulties in breathing. Therefore, all these injuries in
>the area of the throat (inward fracture of the thyroid cartilage with
>swelling of soft throat structures and narrowing down of the breathing
>and difficulties in breathing), in view of the location, were caused by
>active hit of a mechanical blunt object such as a fist, foot, brit of the
>palm, baton, etc. qualified as infliction of a serious and a possible
>body injury. During the infliction of such injuries of the throat there was
>a pain of high intensity followed by fear for life of great intensity.
>2) The present examination found callus in the area of the 9th, 10th, 11th
>and 12th left ribs in the same armpit line, with dislocation, formed at the
>places of inflicted fractures of these ribs. These fractures with
>dislocation were caused at least by one active blow of a blunt mechanical
>object such as foot, riffle butt, knee, etc., and are qualified at the time
>of infliction as a serious body injury. After the fracture of these ribs
>there was a pain of high intensity followed by fear of high intensity.
>3) Calluses found in the area of the 8th, 9th and 10th right rib in the
>line were formed on the spots of fracture of these ribs. These rib
>on the right side were the result of a blow by a blunt mechanical object
>such as fist, legs, knees, riffle butt and similar, and at the time of
>infliction could be qualified as serious body injury. After the infliction
>of these fractures there was pain of high intensity followed by fear of
>4) Examination of the patient showed a regular circular grey-whitish scar
>the left flank side of the neck 0.5 cm in diameter (described in item 5 of
>the find) which could be the consequence of an injury inflicted by a
>projectile, a diabola fired from an air gun which injury at the time it was
>inflicted was a slight body injury.
>5) The present examination showed a regular grey-whitish scars 0.9 to 1.1
>in diameter on the left lower arm and the right shoulder (described in
>6, 7 and 8 of the find) which could have been formed as a consequence of
>inflicted burns from the cigarettes extinction and each one of these burns
>at the time it was inflicted was a slight body injury. During infliction of
>these injuries there was pain of high intensity.
>EVIDENCE: Find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts
> The witness 267/94-13, 396/95-2 and 637/95-1 from Orasje, now
>residing in Brcko, born in 1939, while speaking of the circumstances
>existing in Orasje on the eve of eruption of the war, and his sufferings in
>the prison camp in Orasje, states the following:
>"... The main carriers of the anti-Serbian, anti-army and anti-Yugoslav
>propaganda and the supporters of the independent Croat state, in which
>obligatorily the territory of the former Bosnia and Herzegovina would be
>included, and also Sandzak, Kosovo and Vojvodina as far as Zemun and
>Montenegro even up to Kotor, were PAVO KOBAS, PRESIDENT OF THE CROAT
>ORASJE, by birth from Vidovica; PAVO DZOJIC called "Faktor" FROM DONJA
>The witness stated the following:
>"...Until the eruption of the war actions I was living in Orasje, where I
>remained until June 11, 1992 when, together with the rest of Serbs, I was
>arrested by the two policemen and taken to the Secondary School Center in
>Orasje, where another 40 Serbs were imprisoned... They would be taking out
>several inmates for a period of a few days, and then would return them bak,
>all beaten up... They were taking us to the separation lines and there we
>had to dig trenches and tranches. Soon wounding and inuring of the
>began and among the wounded were M.I. and V.L. while Ljubomir Stojkov was
>killed. I was transferred on August 8, 1992 to the prison camp in Donja
>Mahala. In September 1992 there remained only some 25 of us while the
>were liquidated, or through the exchange transferred to the Serbian
>territory. Among us there were aged and exhausted (Maksimovic Milos born in
>1908, Petar Ostojic born in 1910 and Marko Nikolic also born in 1910), and
>they succumbed in the prison camp..."
>The witness is describing the manner in which a serious body injury was
>inflicted upon him in the prison camp:
>"... The Ustashi called "Drnda" from Vidovica shot me on September 27, 1992
>in the right arm with a dum-dum bullet after an argument that I had with
>him. I was left without the right arm. They operated on me at the military
>hospital in Crna, where they amputated my arm from the elbow...When I was
>taken back to the prison camp my wound would not heal and doctor Krunoslav
>Vukovic, at my request to give me a bandage, said "That is not for
> The above witness was examined on December 24, 1995 at the Brcko
>General Hospital by the medical commission of experts - specialists in
>forensic medicine and in neuropsychiatry. This medical commission gave its
>find and opinion.
>In the anamnesis it was stated that the witness was married to a Croat
>that he is a teacher of defectology and before his arrest was editor in
>chief of the Radio station and a director of the People's University in
>Orasje. He was brought to the camp in Orasje and then to Donja Mahala. In
>the prison camp he remained for some eight months, until the exchange was
>made on January 17, 1993. From the beginning of his arrest he was beaten
>with various objects all over the body and was mostly tortured alone. He
>entered the prison camp with 120 kilograms of body weight and when he was
>released he had 80 kilograms. Further to being beaten, he was tortured in
>the way that he was forced to stand in the sun in an 'on guard' position,
>exposed to thirst and hunger. On several occasions he was forced to dig
>trenches at the front battle lines, and on one such occasion from the
>grenade explosion his hearing was impaired. The Croats shot his right arm
>close quarters and his right forearm had to be amputated. He was operated
>upon at the military hospital on the Croat side with general anaesthesia,
>and because the wound was infected there was a re-amputation. He is now
>wearing a prosthesis which he obtained in Belgrade at "Rudo". From the
>beatings with various blunt objects he was fainting many times and was
>bleeding. Conditions in the prison camp were very poor and there were only
>two field toilets for 100 inmates. There was medical care but it was very
>poor. Food was irregular and poor. General conditions in the cell were
>Many international humanitarian organizations visited the prison camp. He
>was never brought to trial. He saw and heard torture of the others, and saw
>dead inmates being taken out of the camp. In the prison camp there were no
>children but there were women, and he has the knowledge that mass rapes
>taking place.
>On the basis of the anamnesis, personal anamnesis, the present disorders
>objective examination of the witness, medical commission gave the following
>"I - The found lack of the right hand and most of the right forearm, by the
>look and scars on the remaining stump of the right forearm are the result
>a surgical amputation of this part of the right arm. The anamnesis shows
>that the witness had suffered a wound caused by a projectile fired from a
>hand fire arm from close quarters, that a surgical intervention was made on
>the right forearm. On the basis of anamnesis it results that because of
>complications in the form of infection, a second surgery was made - a
>'re-amputation' but because of the lack of medical documentation it cannot
>be concluded how was the first amputation made and whether it was
>and also whether it was necessary to have the second "high reamputation of
>the right forearm".
>If anamnesis is to be accepted on the manner of inflicting injury in the
>area of the right forearm (a wound caused by a projectile fired from the
>fire arm at close quarters) and because of which injury the first
>was necessary, it may be concluded that the injury to the right arm, at the
>time it was inflicted, was a serious and potentially lethal body injury.
>II - As the consequence of the inflicted injury of the right hand and right
>forearm and consequent necessary amputation of the right hand and forearm,
>the witness now does not have a right hand and the right forearm and also
>has a syndrome of a phantom pain at the place of amputation.
>The found bilateral impaired hearing most probably on the basis of
>anamnesis, is the consequence of a long and frequent exposure to strong
>detonation, which is significantly making difficult for the witness the
>daily communication.
>Because of the amputation of the right hand and forearm and impaired
>in both ears, the witness has a reduced general living and working
>EVIDENCE: Written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts, specialist in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry 794/95-B-7.
>The person directly responsible for the crime committed against this
>is PERO VINCETIC, prison camp commander (warden).
> The witness 584/94-20 - inmate who was in the prison camp in
>Orasje at the Secondary School Center from October 1992 to June 1993 speaks
>of the engagement of the prisoners on digging of trenches and that he
>himself on December 3, 1992 was wounded in the left leg. The witness also
>states that the prison camp commander Vincetic Pero called "Konj" was often
>barging in the rooms where the inmates were detained and was beating them
>without mercy, and the witness himself was beaten although he did not yet
>recover from the wounds, and that the food in the camp was extremely poor
>and that the imprisoned Serbs - inmates were receiving daily one small
>of bread and several spoonfuls of the cooked food, and that the Croat
>policemen demanded from the inmates to fight each other and would only
>that give them the food.
> The witness 267/94-9 (637/95-6), from Brcko, born in 1952,
>testified in detail about the circumstances of torture of Serbs in the
>Ustashi prison camps in the area of the municipality of Orasje and
>in detail about various types of torture to which he was exposed and the
>other Serbs - inmates in the prison camp in Donja Mahala where he was
>detained for several months during the years 1992 and 1993, from May 4,
>The witness states, inter alia, the following:
>"... The most extreme in the rape, torture and beating was Mato Zivkovic
>called "Rakijica" not counting the chief of military police Pero Vincetic
>called "Konj", who also had a pseudonym "Viktor Peter". The extreme one was
>also "Zika", brother of Mate "Rakijica", and his real name I do not know.
>The right hand of Mate Zivkovic was Damir Klajic and with him Mirko Juric
>called "Kemi". There were also others but I do not know their names.
>I was not only beaten and tortured, but was permanently being slowly
>They did not literally kill me, but with their beatings I was brought to
>threshold of death and not only once and not only me, but also many others
>who can testify to that. They were mostly beating with baseball bats,
>paddles, some small paddles that they were making themselves, wooden bats,
>chairs and other objects. They were crushing us with their feet. From this
>crushing six of my ribs were injured and a small finger on my right hand.
>The tendon was broken between the forefinger and the middle finger on the
>right hand, so that my fingers do not function any more. On the left arm a
>muscle broke, my jaws were injured, my eye-balls and my head. I have
>injuries of my legs from the kicks, I have scars from the red-hot poker
>they were pressing over my body and the scars from cutting of my veins. We
>were forbidden from screaming. I often wished they would kill me... They
>were forcing us to suck each others sexual organs, they were breaking wood
>planks of a cross section 5 x 2.5 cm and were pushing them into our anus.
>>From this we would be bleeding for days on end. They were stabbing inmates
>with knives in the tongues, then forcing them to sing. of course, that was
>impossible because the knife was inserted in the tongue. They were piercing
>our hands with knives and again were forcing us to sing. The knife would
>stand pierced in the hand and the Ustasha would take it by the handle and
>swing it left and right. These were incredible tortures..."
> The witness was examined by the medical commission of expert
>specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry on two instances.
>During the first examination, on the basis of the examination and X-Rays,
>having given its find, the commission gave the following opinion:
>"1) The area of the Adam's apple is deformed so that the wings of the
>thyroid cartilage in the front part are separated and the Adam's apple
>remained even. This is most probably the consequence of separation of the
>joint between the wings of the thyroid cartilage caused as the consequence
>of the hit by a blunt mechanical object (such as fists, feet, palm brit,
>baton, etc.), and on the basis of localization of the throat (its
>in respect to the out-position of the surrounding parts of the body, most
>probably caused by an active blow. Such a separation of the thyroid
>cartilage must have caused injuries of the interior structure of the throat
>in the form of blood swellings in the soft parts - mucus and sub-mucus
>tissue, vocal cords etc., which all together must have caused narrowing of
>the breathing tract and difficulties in breathing. Therefore, all of these
>injuries in the part of the throat separation of the thyroid cartilage, at
>the time of infliction represented a serious and potentially lethal body
>injury. After the infliction of these injuries of the throat there was a
>pain of high intensity followed by fear of very high intensity, fear for
>'s own life.
>2) The present examination found a scar on the palm of the right hand
>at the place of injury and on the basis of anamnesis possibly caused by the
>stab with a tip and a sharp edge of a mechanical object such as a knife,
>dagger, bayonet and similar. When the injury was inflicted there was a pain
>of high intensity.
>3) As a consequence of the experienced trauma during the time spent in
>imprisonment the witness has developed anxiety-depression and neurotic
>EVIDENCE: Written find and opinion of the medical experts commission
> On December 24, 1995 examination was made again of the witness
>from Brcko at the Brcko General Hospital by the medical commission of
>specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry.
>On the basis of the examination and the presented finds the medical
>commission has given the following opinion:
>"As the consequence of serious body injury and psychological trauma
>during imprisonment the witness has developed a chronic post-traumatic
>stress which is significantly reducing his general living and working
>The find and opinion of the medical experts commission confirms the
>truthfulness of testimony of this witness - the victim.
>EVIDENCE: Written find and opinion of the medical commission 794/95-B-14
> This witness, however, has given testimony also in connection
>the sufferings of many other concrete persons - Serb inmates and at certain
>places it was proposed that this witness should be heard in connection with
>the circumstances on which he is giving statements in his testimony.
>It is necessary to point out that this witness was speaking that the
>were not allowed to have adequate medical help and that this had an
>influence on the fact that many of them became disabled only because
>assistance was not given in good time. This witness has also testified
>for example, the inmate (questioned under for three months was
>having his broken arm, that the Red Cross brought some rods which some
>doctor was to place in the plaster, but that this was not done, but the
>were placed by the chief of military police Pero Vincetic! The witness
>stated that because of this the said inmate at the place of fracture had
>wound heel in an improper way, bone on bone, and remained disabled. The
>opinion of the medical commission of medical experts in connection with the
>said victim was previously quoted (under in item 2) and as stated
>in item 2 "...As a direct consequence of irregular heeling of the suffered
>fracture of the left shoulder bone, where its longitudinal axis was
>and the deformity remained, that lifting of the left arm in the left
>shoulder joint is impossible over 90 degrees, and bringing of the left hand
>close to the body also made impossible".
>The above obviously shows that the witness 267/94-9 (637/95-6) is truly a
>witness whose testimony may be admitted beyond any doubt.
> The witness 55/94-7 (280/95-11) born in 1939 gave a truly moving
>testimony of all the sufferings that he had experienced during his
>imprisonment in the prison camps of Bosanska Posavina, and especially in
>prison camp in Donja Mahala, where he was detained from late October 1992
>May 10, 1993. The witness stated the following before the investigating
>"... I was detained in that camp for seven months, and during all that time
>I was taken several times per day for the beatings. They were beating me
>with their feet, fists, riffle butt, legs of broken chairs and with all the
>other available objects. Some times they would beat me until I fainted, and
>then they would take me back to the room where I was detained. During all
>that time I was sleeping on the bare floor and was given food every third
>fourth day and even then only a slice of bread and a bit of some liquid.
>They were ordering us, inmates, to slap each other's faces.
>One evening they took me out and one Ustasha ordered me to stretch my hands
>and place them on the table. That Ustasha was called "Pera konj" (Pera, the
>horse), and I do not know other details about him, but I think his family
>name is Vincetic, but I am not sure. When I placed my hands on the table,
>pierced the palm of my left hand with a screw-driver, and since blood was
>not flowing, he pierced also the palm of my right hand. There was no blood
>even then from that wound, so he kicked me several times with a leg of a
>broken chair, and when the blood started flowing from both hands, he took a
>lighter and set my beard on fire because we were not allowed to shave in
>camp, and ordered them to take me away. Before the exchange, they were also
>beating me on the ribs and on that occasion had broken my ribs from the
>side, I do not know how many. They were hanging the board from my left ear
>in the way that they would pierce the ear with a wire and then hang the
>board from the wire, and then they would beat me on the back and other
>of the body. One Ustasha stabbed me in the right flanks with a tip of his
>knife. That Ustasha was called "Dama" but I do not know other details about
>him. One of them that they called "Mato" with a nick-name "Rakijica" poured
>spray into my eyes so I could not see for two days. I am still having
>effects even today from that spray..."
> The find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry confirm the statements
>of the witness - inmate, and the other prisoner camp inmates were also
>speaking of the existence of such types of torture about which the witness
>55/94-7 (280/95-11) has testified.
>Opinion of the medical commission of experts states the following:
>1) The callus on the 6th rib was formed on the place of fracture of this
>rib, which fracture was most probably inflicted by an action of the blunt
>part of a hit by a mechanical object such as fist, knee, boot, baton, rod,
>etc. This fracture in itself would be qualified as slight body injury.
>2) The scars found on the skin of the face and left shank (described in
>3 of the find) were formed on the place of inflicted injuries in these
>areas, and on the basis of anamnesis on the places of possible cuts caused
>by blunt mechanical objects,
>3) The scar found on the spot between shoulder blades (described in item 4
>of the find) was formed on the place of inflicted injury of this part, and
>on the basis of anamnesis, on the spot of possible stab caused with a sharp
>top or edge of a mechanical object.
>4) The scars found on the back of the left hand (described in item 5 of the
>find) were formed on the place of inflicted injury and on the basis of
>anamnesis of a possible stab caused by the sharp tip of the mechanical
>5) The scars found in the size of a grain on the front and back side of the
>left ear-lobe were formed most probably on the place of an inflicted cut,
>caused by a sharp tip of a mechanical object, possible a wire.
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-7, 280/95-11 and the find and opinion of the medical
>commission 365/94-III-7.
> Prison camps in the area of Orasje were not hell on earth only
>the Serb civilians detained in them, but also for the Serbs - prisoners of
>war who were subjected to assassination, torture, inhuman treatment,
>infliction of great sufferings, violation of body integrity. This is best
>illustrated by the eye-witnesses and victims themselves of serious crimes
>committed in these camps, in violation of the rules of international law.
>Concretely, 10 Serbs from Borovo who were present at the Orasje battle
>in order to help Serbs, were captured on September 30, 1992 and disarmed,
>then deported to the prison camp in the Primary School in Donja Mahala,
>where also the Serb civilians were detained. They had the same regime. Most
>of these prisoners was imprisoned until September 19, 1993. P.B. who was
>later in Zagreb, Mostar and other places - was exchanged on August 30,
>and two inmates from that group ( and - Klipanovic Milan
>and Maksimovic Milivoj called "Minja" from Borovo have died from the
>injuries suffered in the prison camp.
>Further to confirming the facts of the torture and killing of Klipanovic
>Milan and Maksimovic Milivoje, who were captured together with them and
>deported to the prison camp (in connection with the torture and injuring of
>Maksimovic Milivoje they added that Pero Vincentic called "Konj" fired a
>into the right thigh of Maksimovic Milivoje from close quarters but had
>previously filled the bullet with salt instead of lead), they are also
>testifying on the one hand on the living conditions, food, hygiene and
>in the prison camp, and on the other hand on the manners of torture of Serb
>prisoners of war and of all the other camp inmates.
> Serb prisoners of war were detained with another 20 inmates in a
>room size some 12 square meters, they were sleeping on the beds made of
>boards and on concrete, the room during winter was not heated, glass on the
>window was broken in part. The inmates were receiving irregularly food and
>water, not every day, and even when they would be given some, it was one
>eighth of a loaf of bread per inmate and a few liters of water per 10
>The witness 158/95-1 states the following:
>"...It would happen that we did not receive any food for 8 days and water
>for 2-3 days, so that some 10 inmates would receive one liter and a half of
>water for all of us. When we were given food, one fourth of a loaf of bread
>was divided on the two of us and one fish can... When I was captured I had
>96 kilograms and when I was exchanged I had 57 kilograms..."
>The witness 158/95-2:
>"...The best illustration of the food in the prison camp is the fact that
>when I was captured I had 85 kilograms and when I was once weighed on the
>balance in the prison camp, when the guard was away, I saw that I had only
>50 kilograms..."
>The witness 158/95-4 lost in the camp 25 kilograms of body weight, etc.
>The hygiene conditions in the camp where Serbs were imprisoned were almost
>The witness 158/95-5 states the following:
>"... We were having bowl movement in the same room in which we were
>and this into some buckets sufficient to retain 10-12 liters of water. We
>were taking out feces from that room when they would let us go outside. It
>used to happen that the bucket with feces remained in the same room for
>seven days on end..."
>The same is testified by witnesses 158/95-6 and 158/95-7.
> These inmates - prisoners of war were subjected to terrible
>torture. They were treated with extreme cruelty. During the torture knives
>were used, red hot iron rods, electricity, wood boards, batons. Almost all
>of them had passed through extremely inhuman torture and are having a
>similar testimony to tell. The heard witnesses were describing in detail
>before the investigating judge everything that was happening and in order
>avoid repetition, we are giving only parts of testimonies of individual
>inmates - prisoners of war.
> The witness 158/95-1, prisoner of war, states the following:
>"... I was beating with fists, feet, batons, all over the body, sometimes
>two or three, but at times even by six or seven of them at once. They were
>stabbing my hands with knives, they were heating on the fire iron rods and
>would burn my hands, palms and my face... I was forced to do everything
>they would order me to do, so that one who was torturing me and the other
>inmates told me... to put out my tongue and make faces at his colleague,
>which I did, and then that same Ustasha with a kitchen knife pierced my
>tongue. There were other tortures consisting in letting the electricity run
>through our bodies..."
>The same witness also states:
>"... From the beatings and torture my left ear lobe was broken and my lower
>jaw which became infected in the camp, so that I had the extract the puss
>and broken small bones. There was no medical help at all for me and neither
>for the other inmates..."
> The witness 158/95-2 underlines the following:
>"... These men that I have listed were subjecting us, from Vukovar, to
>torture every day. Thus, for example, they would take a staple machine for
>the paper and would pierce our ears with that machine and from this
>both my ears are damaged, then they would connect these staple machines on
>to some appliance filled with electricity and would increase the
>current...and they would force us to vomit so during vomiting because the
>electricity was on, there would be a stress to our bodies... They did not
>let us shave, and when ordering us to kiss each other, because we were
>plugged on the electricity, our beards would be set on fire... Maksimovic
>Milivoje called "Minja", who died of torture in the camp...when he came
>the room his head and body were wet and he told us: "He was urinating in my
>mouth". Later we found out that that man was named Pero Vincentic..."
>This witness - the victim, reveals the following:
>"... There was yet another torture applied on me and the others, when our
>enemies were heating the wire on the fire until it was red hot and would
>then burn our hands and body, and finally one of them called "Babo" pushed
>the red hot rod into my mouth..."
> The witness 158/95-3:
>"... A certain Vincentic Pera was the warden of the prison camp and his
>brother, I do not know his name, was the commander for Posavina. Then there
>were a certain Matko, Rakijica, Jovanovic Mico, Zika, Dama, Jurko, Dulo...
>They broke my nose in the camp, they broke also two of my ribs, and my left
>kidney was damaged, i.e. it is not functioning any more. At least that is
>what I was told by the doctors at the Military Medical Academy hospital in
> The witness 158/95-4 states the following:
>"... The worst was for us a wood board called "Srbijanka" (Serb woman) with
>which they were beating us every day..."
> The witness 158/95-5 states:
>"... I have personally seen when Pero Vincetic shot Minja in the right
>from the 'pumparica' gun. I think that he put some salt in the bullet
>because this can be concluded from the wound. If he was firing from the
>distance of 2 meters then in that case the buckshot would have blown away
>the leg..."
>This witness states that the said witness - the victim 158/95-1 was
>by Damir called "Dama" who pierced his tongue with a kitchen knife.
> The witness 158/95-6 - prisoner of war, stated the following:
>"... The commander of the camp was a certain Pera Vincetic, and his brother
>was the commander for the entire Posavina... Further to the two of them the
>duties were carried out by a certain Mato, Jovanovic Mica, a certain
>Rakijica, Zika, Jurko, Dama named Damir, Gorac, Dule... They were beating
>with a wood board called "Srbijanka" some 1 meter in length and 4.5 cm
>thick. The witness 158/95-1 for example had his tongue pierced with a
>kitchen knife and I think that this was done by Damir called "Dama"..."
> The witness 158/95-7 stated the following:
>"...To this boy who came today in court they pierced the tongue with a
>kitchen knife, and I think this was done by Damir - Dama. Pero Vincentic
>from the gun fired at close quarters... Minja into the right thigh and the
>bullet was filled with salt or poison so his skin and tissue were
>They were beating him on that wound and he died from beating on December
>EVIDENCE: The witnesses 158/95-1, 158/95-2, 158/95-3, 158/95-4, 158/95-5,
>158/95-6, 158/95-7.
> A large number of Serbs - inmates further to the ones that have
>already been mentioned, testified about the torture to which they were
>subjected by Vincetic Pero called "Konj", warden of the prison camp in
>Mahala - Orasje, then by Klajic Damir "Dama", Mato Zivkovic "Rakijica" and
>the others, so here only the witnesses are quoted who testified about the
>behavior of the prison camp warden and the other staff, and they stated the
> The witness 365/94-2 and 424/95-5 born in 1963 gave his testimony
>before the investigating judge and, inter alia, stated the following:
>"... The warden of the prison camp in Donja Mahala was a certain Pero
>"Konj". That Pero was the cruelest and was torturing us the worst. In the
>evenings when we would return to the camp in Mahala from labor, Pero was
>waiting for us and would hit every one of us with fists, feet or anything
>else, and in the night he would call us out, take us out and beat us up. No
>reason was necessary for being taken out at night for the beating, simply
>was taking any one who would cross his mind and would beat him up..."
>EVIDENCE: The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-11.
> The witness 365/94-5:
>"... On October 7th they transferred us to Orasje because Bosanski Brod was
>captured by the Serbian army. There, during the first two days, they were
>systematically beating us up, and all of us so that I was also beaten. The
>one that was beating us the most was Pero Vincetic called "Konj" from Donja
>Mahala - Orasje, who was the commander of this prison camp. After two days
>they forced us to dig trenches on the line towards our army near Orasje,
>Crknica, Grednice, Obudovac, etc. During our labor on December 2, 1992
>we were working at Lepnica near Umcari the fighting was taking place, so
>grenade flew and exploded near the place where we were working and on that
>occasion T.Z. was seriously wounded and I was injured and another five
>prisoners... I was wounded in such a way that a geler pierced my frontal
>bone and remained there, but my brain was not damaged..."
>EVIDENCE: The witness 365/94-5 and the find and opinion of the medical
>commission of medical experts 365/94-III-10.
> The witness 55/95-2 stated that in the prison camp he was
>imprisoned from the end of 1992 to March 30, 1993. He testified, inter
>to the following:
>"... That hall was visited very often by a certain policeman whom they
>called Damir and his nick-name was "Dama" and he would torture the detained
>Serbs. He would order them to take off all of their clothes and stand naked
>and then he would beat them with a baton in the area of the sexual organs,
>having previously placed a rag in their mouth so that they will not scream,
>and then he would beat them. A certain "Babo" also took part in the
>beatings, he was a ferry driver and was wearing three letters "U" on his
>cap. Torture of the detained Serbs was inflicted in different ways and most
>often by beating, breaking of bones and similar..."
>This witness stated that in the prison camps in Odzak, Bosanski Brod and
>Orasje in 14 months he lost 38 kilograms of body weight.
>The witness also states:
>"...About the detention in the said prison camp an entire book could be
>written if one would wish to describe all the sufferings that he had
>endured. Ustashi and the Croat army were applying various methods
>at complete liquidation of the arrested Serbs..."
>EVIDENCE: The witness 55/95-2
> The witness 424/95-1 while speaking of the behaviors of the
>camp staff in Donja Mahala, states the following:
>"...They were breaking arms and legs of the inmates..."
>EVIDENCE: The witness 424/95-1
> The witness - inmate 424/95-19 who was detained in this camp from
>October 6, 1992 to January 29, 1993, states the following:
>"...In that prison camp the commander Pero Vincetic called "Konj" was
>inflicting terrible beating with his group. They were hitting me with
>butt and boots during beating and have broken several of my right ribs..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-19
> The witness 424/95-38 who was in the prison camp in Donja Mahala
>from October 6, 1992 to July 1993 states the following:
>"...In this prison camp the commander was Pero Vincetic called "Konj" who
>was with his policemen inflicting terrible torture on the inmates. He was
>beating us all the time, day and night, and was taking us to dig the
>trenches in the adjacent places both during the day and at night. During
>digging of trenches a large number of inmates were killed, mostly they were
>killed when they were forced to take out the bodies of the dead Croat
>soldiers from the front battle lines..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-38
> The witness 424/95-26 while speaking of the behavior of Pero
>Vincentic, states the following:
>"... The commander of this camp was Pero Vincetic called "Konj". He was
>his team of Ustashi torturing terribly all of us, the inmates. He was
>us out of the halls, kicking us with boots on the head, he was jumping over
>the inmate's body, cursing our mother, threatening to kill us and
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-26
> The witness 191/94-11 was detained in the prison camp in Donja
>Mahala from October 1992 and testifies as follows:
>"...When we came to the prison camp in Donja Mahala, they were taking us
>by one for the beating. They were beating us for as long as we could stand
>it. We were beaten the most by Pero Vincetic and Damir called "Dama", and
>with them was also "Babo", Juso Hasanovic or Hadziefendic, Zivkovic Mate
>"Rakijica" from Donja Mahala and others..."
>This witness further states:
>"...I was exchanged in Dragalic on July 15, 1993. In the Ustashi prison
>camps of Odzak, Novi Grad, Bosanski Brod, Slavonski Brod and Donja Mahala I
>had spent 1 year 2 months and 7 days. I survived I do not even myself know
>how. Further to what I have stated here, I also had six of my ribs broken,
>two lumbar vertebra damaged and three teeth broken. About all the pain that
>remains in my soul and that I shall bear as a stigma all my life, it is
>hard to talk..."
>EVIDENCE: 191/94-11
> The witness 191/94-13 was in the prison camps in Bosanska
>from May 8, 1992 to January 29, 1993. About the prison camp in Donja
>Mahala - Orasje, he states the following:
>"...There we were mostly tortured by Pera called "Konj", Damir called
>"Dama", a certain "Babo", a certain "Maks", Elvira Hadziomerovic and
>EVIDENCE: 191/94-13
> The witness 55/95-27 who was in the prison camp of Donja Mahala
>from early October 1992 for the next 8 months, stated before the
>investigating judge the following:
>"...When we came to this prison camp we were terribly beaten, and the most
>outstanding in the beatings was a certain "Pero konj" in the Ustashi black
>uniform with the Ustashi insignia. We were also beaten by a certain Mato
>"Rakijica", another one that they called "Dama"...I was sent with another
>inmates and one woman called R.M. to Ljubuska. Before the departure "Pero
>konj" hit me with the baton 250 times on my back, on the chest and the
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-27
> The witness 55/95-43 states the following about his detention in
>the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje in the year 1992:
>"...I wish to underline here also that during the detention in the prison
>camp of Donja Mahala the Croat army in the Ustashi uniforms was taking us,
>inmates, outside of the camp presenting us as Chetniks, so the civilians
>were kicking us and spitting on us. They were constantly forcing us to sing
>Ustashi songs, to shout "Heil Hitler" and were torturing us in various
>ways... In that camp the commander was Pero Vincetic called "Konj" who was
>beating and torturing us all the time..."
>3.4.2. Rape of Women of Serbian Nationality
> The witness 267/94-2 who was previously in the prison camp in the
>area of Bosanski Brod and over there, as it will seen later, she was in
>different ways abused and raped and who was later detained in the prison
>camp for Serbs in the Primary School in Donja Mahala, testifies as follows:
>"... I was raped by Mato Baotic called "Cikin" and Damir Klajic called
>"Dama". Then one Ustashi came in the age between 28 and 30 years. He was
>tall and slim and had brown hair. He came drunk. He grabbed R.M. and
>I resisted even if he would kill me. I was already out of my mind and
>completely destroyed. I did not care whether he will kill me or not. He
>raped R. on the table while I was squatting there completely naked. When he
>finished his abuse of her, he grabbed me by the hair. Brutally and in a
>savage way he raped me on a bench.
>Among those who were raping me in the prison camp of Donja Mahala were Pero
>Vincetic called "Pera konj" and Mato Zivkovic called "Rakijica". Rape was
>also done by the others in that prison camp, mostly by the younger
>I do not know their names. When I mention the younger soldiers as
>perpetrators of the rape, I can not omit to say that in the prison camp in
>Brod I was raped by one soldier who was going to school together with my
>daughter. I begged him not to do it, saying that I could be his mother and
>that my daughter was his class-mate. He answered me: "I know your daughter,
>she was a good girl, but this changes nothing. I will do with you what I
>have in mind and what I have to do". Then he raped me.
>In the prison camp of Donja Mahala rape was done every day, as a rule,
>always in a group. Therefore, this was never done by only one man. There
>were always more of them. Rape was preceded by torture. They were beating
>and humiliating us. Rape was done mostly at night and during the day we had
>to wash their uniforms and clean the camp premises. In that hell I had
>one month and a half... This is all that I have to state for now about my
>sufferings and the sufferings of others in the prison camps, because those
>atrocities can never be completely described. The tale of them is buried
>somewhere deep in the heart and I shall bear the stigma of this anguish for
>the rest of my life.
>The testimony of the witness 267/94-2 - the victim, shows that the
>perpetrators of the crimes were the following persons:
>1) MATO BAOTIC, called "Cikin"
>2) DAMIR KLAJIC, called "Dama"
>3) PERO VICENTIC, called "Pera konj"
>4) MATO ZIVKOVIC, called "Rakijica, and the other, at present
> The witness 267/94-16 states the following:
>"... On June 11, 1992 from the village we were deported to the prison camp
>in Orasje. The tortures of all kinds in that camp lasted till June 30,
>In the hall of the prison camp we from Bukova Greda were separated from the
>inmates from Orasje... I do not know if even one woman was spared the
>torture. First they were taking us out one by one, allegedly for
>questioning. They took me to a room and immediately several of them grabbed
>me. They were slapping me on the face, cursing my Chetnik mother,
>threatening to slit my throat. I was crazed out of my mind. Then they
>grabbed me and pushed me on the floor. I was fighting them and crying. I
>begging them to let me go. All was in vain. Every one from that group raped
>me, and they were 11. There were some that I did not know, but among the
>ones that I know the most brutal were:
>Mato Zivkovic, called "Rakijica", Damir Klajic, called "Dama", Nikola and
>Ivo Filipovic, sons of Pejo Filipovic called "Babo", who was also abusing
>women. They were forcing me to various odious acts, they were pushing their
>sexual organs into my mouth.
>They were doing the same with the other women. We all knew each other, so
>could complain to each other. Rape was done by Pero Vincetic called "Pera
>konj". He was the chief in the camp, a very cruel and merciless man. The
>rapes were an every day occurrence in the prison camp. These were not men
>but beasts. After their torture of us we could not stand on our feet. One
>woman from the village of Gajevo near Orasje was raped in front of her
>husband... Before the rape all the women were beaten and tortured. The
>raped were also: R.B., A.S., I.D. who became mad from the tortures. During
>the exchange I. was shouting: "Do not enter any more, please, why are you
>torturing me, let me go, you are coming again one by one". Poor I. did not
>know that she was being set free. She though she was still in the prison
>camp. From the tortures Radojka Bozic died in the hospital in Vinkovci.
>can not be described. They raped one woman whose husband was a Montenegrin.
>They had a restaurant in Orasje. Members of the Union of the National Guard
>plundered all the valuables from my home. In the prison camp they took away
>my gold wedding ring and money, and from my husband they took 5,500 DEM..."
>1) VINCETIC PERO, called "Konj", commander of the prison camp
>2) ZIVKOVIC MATO, called "Rakijica"
>6) FILIPOVIC PEJO, called "Babo"
>EVIDENCE: 396/95-4

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