-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:58 PM
Subject: SN788:Bosnian Posavina (Part Six)

>The responsible perpetrators: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj", commander of the
>prison camp and direct perpetrators KLAJIC DAMIR called "Dama", ZIVKOVIC
>MATO called "Rakijica",, FILIPOVIC PEJO called "Babo" and JURIC MIRKO
>"Jurka", CIKIN MATA called "Matko", FILIPOVIC NIKOLA called "Nikson",
>FILIPOVIC IVICA called "Corak" and the other, at present non-identified
>3.4.3. Serb Inmates Killed or Dead From Injuries Suffered in
>the Prison Camps in the Area of Orasje
>A number of Serb inmates, civilians and prisoners of war, were killed in
>prison camps in the area of Orasje. We shall state here only those cases
>which are supported by evidence, but unfortunately, the number of actual
>cases is certainly considerably higher.
> DANILOVIC MILORAD, killed on December 8, 1992, from Gnionica -
>Odzak, born in 1944, of father Simo, was detained in the prison camp of
>Donja Mahala in the area of Orasje. On that day he was with the other
>inmates - Serbs G.J. and S.T. taken to dig trenches for the ammunition.
>one of the guards approached the trench in which were G. and S. and threw a
>pack of cigarettes, and when they took each one one cigarette they threw
>pack of cigarettes to Danilovic, when he came to take a cigarette, three
>Croat soldiers came and one of them fired a round of ammunition in the
>direction of Danilovic, hitting him, and then ordered this witness and the
>inmates who were with him to bury the body of Danilovic, and immediately
>afterwards to take him out and transfer him to a passenger car in the rear
>of the front line, and the guard ordered them not to say anything to
>but only to say that "Danilovic was killed by Serbs".
>This killing in a special way confirms how much, objectively speaking,
>taking of Serb civilians-inmates to dig trenches and do the jobs at the
>front battle lines even during combat actions, was dangerous for their
>and was a violation of all the norms of the international war law, because
>they were exposed to lethal danger both from the other battle line and from
>the soldiers guarding them.
>EVIDENCE: 280/96-56, 593/94-10, 280/95-12, 593/94-12.
> GAVRIC PERO, born in 1947 of father Milan, from Bukova Greda,
>killed in the prison camp in Orasje in May 1992 and then hanged in the
>bathroom of the gym, to appear as if he committed suicide (they having
>previously killed his sons Gavric Misa and Toma).
>The witness - inmate, 267/94-14, 396/95-6 and 637/95-3 states the
>"...Pero Gavric was hanged by Mato Zivkovic called "Rakijica" in the
>Secondary School Center in Orasje. This happened in the night between May
>and 11, 1992..."
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-14, 396/95-6 and 637/95-3, 267/94-4 and 396/95-7, 267/94-5
>and 396/95-8, 679/95-37 and 396/95-6.
> CVIJANOVIC ACIM, born in 1937, of father Milan, from Bukova
Greda -
>killed after heavy beating on July 14, 1992 in the prison camp of Orasje,
>Klajic Ivica and Klajic Damir called "Dama", members of the military police
>for the Orasje area.
>The witness 267/95-11 states the following:
>"... One Ustashi policeman took a broken broom handle and with it pierced
>the back of Acim. After two hours Acim bled to death... Before this they
>were beating him with batons and chains..."
>The witness 267/94-14 and 637/95-3 testifies as follows:
>"... Acim Cvijanovic had his left eye gauged with a lock tied to a chain.
>July 14, 1992 he was killed by Damir Klajic "Dama" and Ivica Klajic by
>beating him to death. They were beating him with batons and bats used in
>physical education lessons..."
>About the killing of Cvijanovic Acim also the witness - inmate and Serb
>679/95-37 testifies, who stated before the investigating judge of the
>Municipal Court of Brcko on August 24, 1995, inter alia, the following:
>"... Acim Cvijanovic had his skin cut with a knife on his head and they
>gauged out first his left eye, and then the right one. I was nursing his
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-4, 267/94=5, 267/95-11, 267/94-12, 267/94-14 and 637/95-3,
>679/95-23, 679/95-35, 679/95-37, 679/95-38.
> STOJNIC RANKO, born in 1956, from Omarska, killed in the prison
>camp of Donja Mahala on August 17, 1992, after having been seriously beaten
>by Juric Mirko called "Kemi", Klajic Damir called "Dama" and Zivkovic Mate
>called "Rakijica" - all of them members of the military police for the
>Orasje area.
>The witness 267/94-4 and 396/95-7 testifies as follows:
>"...They were beating him so much that his thorax was broken. He could
>hardly breathe, it was more like hissing. He was buried by the inmates in
>Bukova Greda..."
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-4, 396/95-7 and 267/94-8
>Perpetrators: JURIC MIRKO called "Kmei", KLAJIC DAMIR called "Dama",
>ZIVKOVIC MATO called "Rakijica.
>Responsible also: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj" as the commander of the
> CVIJANOVIC PERO, born in 1928 of father Stevo, from Bukova Greda,
>killed in the prison camp of Orasje, killed by ZIVKOVIC MATO called
>"Rakijica" who slit his throat on an unidentified date in the year 1992.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-4, 296/95-7, 267/94-14, 396/95-6, 637/95-3,
>679/95-23 and 679/95-35.
> GAVRIC ANDRIJA, of father Dusan, born in 1949 in Bukova Greda,
>killed in October 1992 in the prison camp of Donja Mahala, after several
>days of torture and beating.
>The witness 267/94-14 (637/95-3 and 396/95-6) before the investigating
>of the Municipal Court of Brcko on May 15, 1995 stated, inter alia, the
>"...I underline also that in connection with my imprisonment in the said
>prison camps I have given a statement to the Commission for Investigation
>War Crimes on April 9, 1994 and that I fully support and uphold the given
>statements... I remember only some details and they are: "that Andrija
>Gavric succumbed on October 29, 1992 in the room in which I was detained. A
>Croat soldier in the Ustashi uniform with the Ustashi insignia pushed the
>baton in its entire length in his throat and after this Andrija died..."
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-4, 637/95-5, 396/95-7, 267/94-11, 396/95-9,
>267/94-14, 637/95-3, 396/95-6, 267/94-8, 679/95-32 and 679/95-35.
> MALINKIC MANOJLO, from Bosanska Gradiska, died of injuries in 1992
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala, after many days of beating. They were
>injecting gasoline into his veins.
>The witness 267/94-9 and 637/95-6 states the following:
>"...Killing was mostly done by beating. However, they also had other ways
>killing. They beat to death a certain Manojlo, captain, a Montenegrin, and
>then they injected with the injection gasoline in his veins. Soon he
>died..." This witness described in detail how they were injecting gasoline
>into the veins also of the other inmates - Serbs, and that he was also
>such an injection.
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-4, 267/94-9, 637/95-6, 267/94-14, 637/95-3 and statements
>by the above stated witnesses 396/95-6, 396/95-7 and 396/95-9.
> KLIPANOVIC MILAN from Borovo, prisoner of war, killed on an
>unidentified date, in summer of 1992, in the prison camp of Donja Mahala,
>after many days of torture - beating.
>The witnesses are claiming that together with Maksimovic Milivoje, also a
>prisoner of war from Borovo, he was tortured the most by the members of the
>military police of the 106th Orasje Brigade: HADZIOMEROVIC ELVIRA called
>"Amazonka" and FILIPOVIC PEJO, the guard. They were stabbing the prisoners
>with red hot rods in various parts of the body, on the head, cheeks, ears,
>and the victim was given injection of gasoline.
>Responsible persons: PERO VINCETIC called "Konj" commander of the prison
>camp, HADZIOMEROVIC ELVIRA called "Amazonka", FILIPOVIC PEJO, a guard and
>other at present unidentified persons.
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-4, 396/95-7, 267/94-8, 267/94-9, 637/95-6, 267/94-11,
>637/95-5, 396/95-9, 267/94-14, 637/95-3, 396/95-6, 158/95-1-7, 637/95-2,
>158/95-1, 158/95-2, 158/95-3, 158/95-4, 158/95-5, 158/95-6, 158/95-7,
>191/94-11 and 422/95-1.
> MAKSIMOVIC MILIVOJE, called "Minja", prisoner of war from Borovo,
>killed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala on an unidentified date in summer
>of 1992, by torture committed, along with the others, by Hadziomerovic
>Elvira called "Amazonka" and Filipovic Pejo, who were stabbing him with a
>red hot rod in the various parts of the body, the cheeks, ears, and Pero
>Vincentic, the prison camp commander, from the buckshot gun shot him in the
>leg. He was hitting him all the time on the wound on the leg so that he
>would have excessive bleeding, while Klajic Damir called "Dama" was
>Maksimovic's hands with a knife. He was also given an injection of
>For this crime the responsible persons are: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj",
>commander of the prison camp, as a direct perpetrator and as direct
>perpetrators also HADZIOMEROVIC ELVIRA called "Amazonka", FILIPOVIC PEJO,
>KLAJIC DAMIR called "Dama" and other, at present, unidentified persons.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 267/94-4, 396/95-7, 637/95-2, 267/94-5, 267/94-9,
>637/95-6, 267/94-8, 267/94-11, 637/95-5, 396/95-9, 267/94-14, 637/95-3,
>158/95-1-7, 414/95-1, 191/94-11, 158/95-1, 158/95-2, 158/95-3, 158/95-4,
>158/95-5, 158/95-6, 158/95-7, 191/94-11 and 422/95-1.
> RISTANIC ZARKO (of father Savo), from Orasje, born in 1955,
>tortured and killed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala on February 3, 1993
>after four days of beating. He was beaten mostly by Benkovic Marko called
>"Balkan", and was killed by Juric Mirko called "Kemi".
>The witness 679/95-38 from Loncari, who was also detained in the prison
>in Donja Mahala, testified before the investigating judge of the Municipal
>Court of Brcko, inter alia, to the following:
>"... I know that from beating and torture in various ways Zarko Ristanic
>from Orasje also died. They were cutting with a knife his hair and beard,
>the fingers on his hands..."
>For this crime the responsible persons are: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj",
>commander of the prison camp of Donja Mahala, and the direct perpetrators
>are: JURIC MIRKO called "Kemi" and BENKOVIC MARKO called "Balkan".
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 267/94-4, 396/95-7, 267/94-8, 267/94-11, 396/95-9,
>267/94-9, 637/95-6, 267/94-14, 637/95-3, 396/95-6, 679/95-31 and 679/95-38.
> ARSENIC IGNJATIJE, from Vucilovac - Brcko, killed on an
>unidentified date during the year 1992 in the prison camp of Donja Mahala,
>after many days of beating. This was committed by the, at present,
>unidentified members of the military police.
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-4, 396/95-7, 267/94-11, 396/95-9, 267/9-14, 637/95-3,
>396/95-6, 267/94-8 and 679/95-15.
> BLAGOJEVIC BOGDAN, from Jasenica - Srebrnik, succumbed from the
>injuries on an unidentified date during the year 1992 in the prison camp of
>Donja Mahala, after torture by the, at present, unidentified members of the
>military police.
>EVIDENCE: The witness 267/94-4 and 396/95-7.
> NIKOLIC MARKO from Vucilovac - Brcko, born in 1910, died of
>torture inflicted upon him in the prison camp of Donja Mahala on January
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-4, 396/95-7, 637/95-1 and 617/95-21.
> OSTOJIC PETRA, from Vucilovac - Brcko, born in 1910, died from
>consequences of torture in the prison camp of Donja Mahala on an
>unidentified date in the year 1992.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-4, 396/95-7 and 637/95-1.
>Persons responsible for the crimes under items;;
>3.4.3.(11-14) - PERA VINCETIC called "Konj" commander of the prison camp
>and, at present, unidentified perpetrators.
> CVIJANOVIC CEDO, from Bukova Greda - Orasje, of father Mladen,
>killed on May 10, 1992 after torture in the prison camp of Donja Mahala,
>when two fingers of his right hand were cut off (the thumb and the small
>finger). From this he had excessive bleeding, and in the evening was taken
>out of the camp and liquidated. The murder was committed by Zivkovic Mato
>called "Rakijica" member of the military police of the 106th Orasje
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-5, 637/95-2, 267/94-14, 637/95-3, 396/95-6,
>396/95-8, 637/95-35 and 679/95-37.
>Responsible persons: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj" commander of the prison
>camp of Donja Mahala and ZIVKOVIC MATO called "Rakijica" member of the
>military police of the 106th Orasje Brigade.
> GAJIC MAKSO, from Loncari - Orasje, was killed in the prison camp
>in Donja Mahala on May 12, 1992.
>The witness 267/94-5 (637/95-2) movingly testifies about this event in the
>prison camp of Donja Mahala:
>"...Dragan Kalinic came to the camp with Pero "Konj" (Pero Vincentic,
>commander of the camp) and Pero asked him: "Whom do you want?" And he
>answered: "This one!", taking out the knife with his right hand and
>Gajic Makso by the hair with his left hand and stabbing the knife through
>Makso's throat. The knife passed through the throat in the way that the
>blunt part of the knife was upwards and the blade downwards. Gajic did not
>let even a sound from himself, looking him straight in the eye, while blood
>was pouring down his body from the entrance and the exit wounds. We were
>appalled with this event. Pero called "Konj" tells him: "Fuck your Jesus, I
>do not want to dirty my car". Kalinic answers: "I started the job, I will
>finish it". They took him so covered with blood and had him liquidated..."
>This witness also states the following:
>"...I wish to say that it is not only terrible when they are torturing you.
>There is also pain and terror from such scenes and the feeling that you
>be the next one who will be killed in such a cruel way..."
>The witness 367/94-14 (637/95-3 and 396/95-6) states the following:
>"... Marko Gajic was slaughtered on May 12, 1992. The crime was committed
>the member of the Union of the National Guard from Osijek - Kalinic..."
>Perpetrators: VINCETIC PERO called "Konj" commander of the prison camp and
>KALINIC DRAGAN member of the Union of the National Guard from Osijek.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 267/94-5, 637/95-2, 267/94-11, 637/95-6, 396/95-9,
>367/94-14, 637/95-3, 396/95-6, 267/94-8, 679/95-38 and 679/95-37.
> PETROVIC ALEKSANDAR called "Aco", born in 1951 in Bukova Greda -
>Orasje, killed on June 13, 1992 in the prison camp of Donja Mahala after
>several days of beatings, mostly tortured by Pero Vincentic called "Konj",
>then Marko called "Lono" and Maskovljevic Marko called "Dulo".
>EVIDENCE: 267/94-8, 267/94-11, 396/95-9, 267/94-12, 396/95-13, 267/94-14,
>396/95-6, 637/95-3, 679/95-23 and 679/95-35.
> PEKIC LUKA, born in 1963, of father Janko, from Bukovac - Brcko,
>killed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala on May 26, 1992.
>The witness 267/94-8 states the following:
>"...They killed him and since he was working in Austria (he had his own
>hotel and a high life insurance policy) they placed him in a bag so that
>they may have some benefit from it. They were plugging electricity on him,
>they were placing his head in clamps, they were beating him with wood
>boards, they were pressing his toes so much that the toes were turned into
>skin, he could not speak. His body was blue, as if he was wearing a blue
>According to the testimony of another witness, 267/94-9 and 637/95-6, a
>bullet was fired into Pekic from the "pumparica" gun loaded with hunting
>cartridges. Cartridges were filled with salt so the wounds could not heal
>easily. And when they were to heal, they were hitting him on the wounds.
>death was imminent.
>"...I think that they have thrown into the Sava river Ranko Stojnic and
>Pekic. I am drawing this conclusion because we were the ones who were
>burying the killed and dead inmates. Since we did not bury Luka and Ranko
>they were probably thrown into Sava..."
>Responsible for the crimes committed against Petrovic Aleksandar and Pekic
>Luka: PERO VINCETIC called "Konj" commander of the prison camp and the
>other, at present, unidentified perpetrators.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-8, 267/94-9, 637/95-6, 267/94-10, 267/94-11,
>396/95-9 and 679/95-38.
> SARIC SAVO, from Bukova Greda, born in 1940, of father Djuro,
>after beating inflicted upon him in the night between June 6 and 7, 1992 by
>Klajic Anto called "Bandzo", Zivkovic Zeljko called "Zika" and Zivkovic Ivo
>called "Bogo". The victim was also tortured with thirst.
>The witness 637/95-3 (267/94-14 and 396/95-6 and 9) stated the following:
>"...They took Savo Saric out in the night between June 6 and 7, 1992 and
>were beating him up all the night so that he died in the morning. He was
>killed by Klajic Anto called "Bandzo", Zivkovic Zeljko called "Zika" and
>Zivkovic Ivo called "Bogo"...'
>The witness 679/95-37 stated before the investigating judge of the
>Court of Brcko on August 24, 1995 the following:
>"...Savo Saric died from the injuries, he was some 48 years old and was of
>father Djuka. They were pushing the baton down his mouth and throat, I have
>seen that personally..."
>The witness 267/94-11 and 496/95-9 states:
>"...Nothing helped Savo, not even when he was desperate from thirst
>his own urine thinking that he might save himself..."
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 267/94-11, 496/95-9, 637/95-3, 267/94-14, 396/95-6,
>396/95-9, 679/95-23 and 679/95-37.
> BOZIC RADOJKA, maiden Saric, born in 1932, died in 1992 from the
>injuries inflicted upon her while she was imprisoned in the prison camp.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 396/95-5, 679/95-34, 679/95-37 and 267/94-16.
>Persons responsible for the crimes under and are
>Pero called "Konj" commander of the prison camp and, at present,
>unidentified perpetrators.
>3.4.4. Killed and Wounded Serb Inmates During Digging of Trenches
>in the Area of Orasje
> During taking out of Serb inmates from the prison camps in the
> of Orasje for digging trenches and labor at the time of combat actions,
>following persons were killed:
>1) NINKOVIC OSTOJA, born in 1966 in Novi Grad - Odzak, of father Milo;
>2) PAVIC VID, born in 1956 in Novi Grad - Odzak, of father Milenko;
>3) LESIC STOJAN, born in 1955 in Novi Grad, of father Mihailo;
>4) MILOJEVIC CEDO, from Lipik - Odzak, full identification is under way;
>5) STOJKOVIC LJUBOMIR, veterinarian from Orasje
>6) CVIJANOVIC BRANISLAV, born in 1969 of father Pero from Bukova Greda -
>Orasje, and
>7) STOJANOVIC LJUBO, from Slavonski Brod - full identification is under
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 637/95-1, 365/94-7, 55/95-6, 55/95-16, 55/95-28,
>55/95-43, 424/95-8 and 424/94-26.
> During the digging of trenches and during the time of combat
>actions in the area of Orasje, further to the persons-inmates listed in the
>preceding paragraph, also the following persons were killed:
>8) TATIC ZIVKO, from Novi Grad (evidence: 593/94-11, 365/94-5, 55/95-28),
>9) MILIVOJEVIC MILIVOJE, from Donja Dubica, born in 1940 (evidence:
>55/95-13, 55/95-22), and
>10) BJELIC SLOBODAN, from Donja Dubica (evidence: 55/95-5, 55/95-22), who
>were also detained in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje.
> During the digging of trenches at the time of combat actions the
>following Serbs - inmates detained in the prison camp in the area of
>Orasje - Donja Mahala, were wounded:
>Full identification is now under way.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 593/94-14, 593/94-12, 424/95-5, 365/94-5, 55/95-9,
>55/95-28, find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts
>365/94-III-11; 365/94-III-13, 584/94-20, 637/95-1 and 679/95-23.
>The Indictment concretely designated the following persons:
>1) MATUZOVIC DJURO, called "Tusa", from Ostra Luka - Orasje, some 45 years
>2) BENKOVIC BRANKO, called "Lindra", from Ugljare, Municipality of Orasje,
>some 45 years old,
>3) MINKOVIC MARKO, from Telisa, Municipality of Orasje, some 40 years old,
>4) VINCENTIC ILIJA, called "Ilja" from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 33 years
>5) ORSULIC IVO, called "Ivso", from Tolisa, some 45 years old,
>6) KNEZEVIC TOMO, from Vidovica, some 34 years old,
>7) KOBAS PAVO, from Vidovica, municipality of Orasje, some 40 years old,
>8) DJOJIC PAVO, called "Faktor" from Donja Mahala, municipality of Orasje,
>some 45 years old,
>9) JOZIC MATO from Brcko, some 33 years old,
>10) ORSULIC TADO, from Ostra Luka, some 34 years old, a former chief of the
>Public Safety Station in Orasje,
>11) HADZISPAHIC MUSTAFA, from Orasje, some 48 years old, a civil engineer,
>12) DELIC NEHO, from Foca, some 42 years old,
>13) MAHMUTSPASIC HUSEIN, called "Cviko",
>14) REDZEPOVIC TAHIR, from Orasje, some 44 years old,
>15) SINANOVIC SEFKET, from Orasje, some 45 years old,
>16) MEHMEDOVIC ESAD, called "Beban", from Orasje, some 42 years old,
>17) KOPIC HASAN, called "Kopo", from Orasje, some 46 years old,
>18) KLEMIC HUSEIN, called "Huso", from Orasje, some 66 years old,
>19) HECIMOVIC SINAHID, from Orasje, some 48 years old,
>20) KAMBEROVIC MIRSAD, from Orasje, some 45 years old,
>21) BANKOVIC ILIJA, called "Caja" from Ugljara - Orasje, some 55 years old,
>22) NEDIC JOSA from Tolisa, Municipality of Orasje, some 42 years old,
>23) NAUTOVIC EKREM, called "Eko" from Orasje, some 43 years old,
>24) KRZNARIC MATE from Obrovac, some 47 years old, before the war a
>of the "Mehanika" company from Orasje, and
>25) SIMIC MATE, from D. Rahic - Brcko, some 57 years old, before the war a
>secretary for sports and physical culture in Orasje.
>as members of the Command Headquarters of the 108th HVO Brigade of Bosnian
>Posavina, while as the direct perpetrators of the crimes the following
>persons are indicted:
>26) VINCETIC PERO called "Konj"
>27) VIKTOR PETAR, from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 30 years old,
>28) KNEZEVIC MARKO, called "Lona" from Ugljara - Orasje, some 30 years old,
>29) ZIVKOVIC MATO, called "Rakijica" from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 40
>years old,
>30) KLAJIC DAMIR called "Dama", from Donja Mahala, some 22 years old
>31) KLAJIC IVICA from Donja Mahala - Municipality of Orasje, some 25 years
>32) JURIC MIRKO, called "Kemi" from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 20 years
>33) FILIPOVIC PEJO, called "Babo" and "Wolf from Sava", from Donja Mahala -
>Orasje, some 65 years old,
>34) MARKOVIC MIROSLAV, called "Sikan", from Ugljara municipality of Orasje,
>some 35 years old,
>35) FILIPOVIC IVICA, called "Corak", from Donja Mahala, Municipality of
>Orasje, some 32 years old,
>36) FILIPOVIC NIKO, called "Nikso" from Donja Mahala, Municipality of
>Orasje, some 35 years old,
>37) ZIVKOVIC ANTO, called "Zika" from Donja Mahala, Municipality of Orasje,
>some 23 years old,
>38) DJURIC STJEPAN, called Stile" from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 25 years
>39) BALTIC MATO, called "Cikan" from Donja Mahala - Orasje, some 27 years
>40) KABAKLIC AHMET, called "Grga" from Orasje, some 37 years old,
>41) HRUSTEMOVIC SMAIL, called "Smajo" some 28 years old,
>42) HADZIOMEROVIC ELVIRA, merchant from Orasje, some 35 years old, of
>43) TERZIC NINA, from Odzak, now from Donja Mahala, some 23 years old,
>44) PAMUKCIC PAKIR, from Orasje, some 30 years old, of father Vuceta,
>45) AGANCETOVIC ZIJAD, called "Zijo" and "Beca" from Orasje, some 27 years
>old, of father Mehmed,
>46) BECEVIC SAMIR, called "Suke" from Orasje, some 23 years old, of father
>47) ZIVKOVIC ZIVO, called "Bogo" from Orasje, some 25 years old.
>Serbian population from Gornji Svilaj, Donja Dubica, Struka, Trnjak and
>Grad in the area of the municipality of Odzak and Odzak itself, was
>and instead of finding itself in the liberated territory, was deported on
>May 8, 1992 to the two established prison camps in the area of Odzak - to
>the Primary School in Odzak and to the premises of the "Strolit" company.
>the same time, their property was plundered and their houses burnt down.
>Otherwise, a number of Serbs - inmates who were lucky enough to survive,
>passed through several prison camps in the area of Bosnian Posavina - they
>were in the camp in Odzak, then in Bosanski Brod, then in Orasje - Donja
>Mahala, depending on how the Serbs in time were liberating certain areas.
>Hereinafter we shall present those few surviving cases in respect to the
>overall enormous perdition of the Serbian people in these prison camps, but
>they will, nevertheless, show what inhuman treatment was inflicted upon
>Serbs - inmates, and how they were tortured and even killed in these camps.
>3.5.1. Torture - Body Injury of Inmates
>At the very beginning, to make, perhaps, easier better understanding of the
>origin of so much sick imagination that the perpetrators of the atrocious
>crimes committed against Serbs have shown in the prison camps in Odzak - we
>shall state one detail from the testimony of the witness PANIC MILAN (born
>in 1942), who is confirming the statements by many other inmates about the
>conditions of living for Serbs - civilians in the prison camps of Odzak,
>also states one truly interesting fact.
>This witness, inter alia, states the following:
>"...Ante Golubovic in June 1992 was showing some manual of the Foreign
>Legion, saying that in that book there are explanations of all the ways how
>to beat, torture and kill. He was saying that the Ustashi spirits are
>resurrected from the World War Two and that they will carry out the ideas
>the Ustashi ideology to the end..."
>Hereinafter in this report, beyond any doubt it will be seen that Ante
>Golubovic, unfortunately, did apply well indeed his knowledge acquired from
>the said manual, and turned its instructions into a daily routine of the
>prison camp.
> In the prison camp of Odzak in the month of June 1992 all the Serb
>inmates with the family name of Ninkovic were called out, some 15 of them,
>and when they approached, they were ordered to knock their heads against
>wall until they started bleeding. One of them, who was not kicking his head
>hard enough against the wall, was hit with a pistol on the forehead by the
>commander of this torture ordeal, and those who remained conscious he was
>forcing to hit each other.
>Perpetrator of this crime is DJOJIC TOMO, member of the group "Fire Horses"
>within the formation of the second combat 102nd Odzak Brigade.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 191/94-38, 280/95-10, 280/95-72, 280/95-73 and
> In the prison camp in the Primary School in Odzak during the year
>1992 the Serb inmates were forced to stand at attention and sing the song
>"Here is dawn, here is day" even fifty times in a row, so many were
>from exhaustion.
>For this torture of Serbs the responsible person is GOLUBOVIC ANTO -
>commander of the prison camp.
>EVIDENCE: witness 280/95-5
> In the prison camp in the Primary School in Odzak in May-June 1992
>DJOJIC TOMO ordered nine of the inmates "to sit close to the wall, to put
>their hands on the floor and to lower their heads", and then he would pass
>along them in one direction and would kick every Serb inmate with the sole
>of his boot in the temple from one side, and then would return from the
>other direction and would do that again. Then he would order an inmate to
>the same on one side, what he was doing. The same member of the already
>mentioned extremist group "Fire Horses" would order the inmates, when he
>previously placed the glasses on their heads, to kick their heads against
>the wall, but not to break the glasses.
>EVIDENCE: witness 280/95-9
>Perpetrator of the crime : DJOJIC TOMO
>Responsible person: GOLUBOVIC ANTO, camp commander.
> The witness 365/94-1 (191/94-29 and 280/95-67) from Novi Grad,
>Municipality of Odzak, who was detained in the prison camps located in
>Odzak, then in Novi Grad near Odzak, in Bosanski Brod, and finally in the
>prison camp in Slavonski Brod from May 8, 1992 to September 16, 1992, is
>of the many who were subjected to various terrible tortures and
>humiliations, but one of the few who left the camp alive. His testimony
>confirms the following:
>that the inmates were systematically beaten, that several of the inmates
>were taken out together, that they were beaten in the corridors, in the
>classrooms, offices, WCs, "wherever it crossed their minds", that guards
>were erupting in the hall where all the inmates were detained and were
>beating them at random - with riffle butt, kicking them with feet clad in
>heavy boots, hitting them with batons on all parts of the body, with boards
>from school desks, legs of chairs and benches with nails still on. Most of
>them would surround several inmates and would start kicking them. Inmates
>were injured with sharp blades of axes, and with the blunt part were hit on
>the spine and toes.
>the witness especially remembers that CINDRIC DAMIR stabbed him 12 times
>with a knife in the foot through the shoe, and that he was beaten with an
>iron rod on the back and stomach while he was bending over the table.
>they were ordering him to stand straight with hands above his head, and
>several of the torturers would run and jump kicking him with feet his
>stomach and back.
>The witness described several types of torture:
>leaning only on three fingers of each hand on the stairs, on feet while
>were being beaten;
>"jumping into Sava river" - jumping from the chair with arms along the
>jumping on concrete as if jumping in water;
>running while ordered to 'break down' the entrance door of the gym with the
>extinguishing cigarettes on their hands;
>licking of their own blood from the floors and walls.
>The witness stated that even after beating the inmates were not promptly
>returned to the hall, but in that terrible state had to run.
>Several times in such a situation the witness could not walk but had to
>crawl, and one of the torturers in such situations would ride on him
>"Come on, Cedo, the faster you get there, the less beating you will get".
>The witness described yet another type of torture and humiliation,
>also by the other witnesses.
>In the prison camp in Odzak, once the commander Golubovic Anto came, and
>Tolic Josip and Bozic Jurica, chiefs of the guard shifts were already
>and took the witness into a room where a completely naked S was already
>lying on the floor, some 22-23 years old girl from Novi Grad and a mentally
>disturbed person. He was ordered to take off all of his clothes and to lick
>the sexual organ of S, which he did, while the torturers were laughing. S.
>did not react at all. Then they forced S to suck his sexual organ, which
>did, while Tolic Josip all the time was hitting her on the behind and back
>with the baton.
>The witness stated the names of other inmates who were forced to have a
>sexual intercourse with S.L.
>Finally, the witness specified that he was beaten, as well as the other
>inmates, by Golubovic Ante, Tolic Josip, Bozic Jurica, Cindric Damir, but
>also by: Ahmetovic Ibrahim called "Ibe", Ahmetovic Bahrija, Hodzic - Mehic
>Nerman, Hodzic - Mehic Sead, Topolovac Simo, "and I heard that he was
>women who were in the camp", Djojic Tomo, member of the HVO, Saldic Omer,
>Puzic Enes, Nikolic Zdenko, Terzic Albina, called "Nina" and Hodzic Adisa.
>EVIDENCE: Witness 365/94-1; 191/94-29 and 280/95-67.
>Responsible person for the crimes is GOLUBOVIC ANTO, commander of the camp
>and all the persons stated in the testimony of the witness 365/94-1
>(191/94-29 and 280/95-67).
> The witness 365/94-1 was examined by the medical commission of the
>medical experts - specialists in forensic medicine and the commission
>submitted its written find and gave its opinion:
>On the witness 365/94-1 regular-shaped circular grey-whitish scar was found
>on the root of the left hand, 1x1 cm in diameter, that could have been
>caused by a burn from the cigarette, and at the time of infliction that
>injury may be qualified as a slight body injury, that it was followed by
>pain of high intensity, that the callus on the 8th left rib was caused by
>the fracture of this rib which was caused by a blow with a blunt mechanical
>object, such as fist, knee, foot, baton, rod, etc, and that this fracture
>a slight body injury, that on the left hand scars were found and also on
>thigh and right shin, and on the right temple, caused from the inflicted
>injuries, on the basis of anamnesis, after possible cuts caused by blows of
>a blunt mechanical object, such as baton, riffle butt, boot, etc.
>The contents of the said written find and opinion of the medical commission
>of medical experts and all the other evidence, confirm that the testimony
>this witness is admissible beyond any doubt.
>EVIDENCE: written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-9.
> Several of the former prison camp inmates - witnesses stated that
>Golubovic Anto was beating and torturing them - hitting them with baton,
>feet, iron chairs, ordering an inmate from the distance of 5 meters to run
>and hit his head on the wall and do it five times in a row - until he
>faints, that on several occasions both in the prison camp in Odzak and
>in Bosanski Brod he was calling out entire families for beating.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 365/94-2, 365/94-4, 365/94-5, 365/94-7, 593/94-10,
>593/94-3, 593/94-14, 55/95-3, 55/95-18, 55/95-2, 55/95-39 and 280/95-4.
>Perpetrator of the crimes: GOLUBOVIC ANTO, camp commander
> A large number of witnesses - Serbs, former inmates, states that
>Tolic Josip, chief of the guard shift in the prison camp in Odzak, and
>in the prison camp in Bosanski Brod, was beating and torturing inmates, so
>the witness 280/95-8 testified that Tolic Josip was kicking him with a boot
>in the back, witness 280/95-66 testified that Tolic Josip was one of those
>beating him the most, witness 280/95-1 testified that Tolic Josip was
>out several times groups of inmates to be subjected to torture, concretely
>that he was taking part in the beating of COJIC SPASOJE from Trnjak,
>GORANOVIC SAVO from Donja Dubica, DEVIC BRANKO from Novi Grad, and
>especially stated that in late May or early June 1992 he forced him to
>with a baton JAGODIC OBRAD from Donja Dubica, and since he was not
>with the intensity of blows, he took the heads to the two men and hit one
>head against the other, so that both of them fainted, while the witness
>280/95-5 testifies that Tolic Josip was one of the persons who were in
>different ways beating and torturing the inmates.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 365/94-2, 365/94-4, 365/94-5, 365/94-7, 593/94-10,
>280/95-8, 280/95-66, 280/95-1 and 280/95-5.
>Perpetrator of the crimes: TOLIC JOSIP, chief of the guard shift in the
>prison camp in Odzak.

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