From: Jean Staffen
Subject: The fat lady singeth
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000

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> Dear Christian Friends;
> Several times over the past few months I have
> alerted you to the
> fact that beginning on Saturday, 2 September 2000
> (just a few
> weeks from now) the United Nations Millennium
> Assembly
> plans to celebrates the arrival  of the new One
> World
> Government (OWG) under the U.N.
> This particular UN assembly will be the largest
> gathering of heads
> of states ever assembled in the history of the
> world.  This
> assembly has been carefully designed to change the
> world
> forever and will set the world on a course of global
> governance
> under the authority of the United Nations.
> The new scheme of global governance will empower,
> and fund,
> the United Nations to be the supreme governmental
> authority on
> the planet. Selected NGOs (non-government
> organizations),
> called civil society, will take their place as both
> representatives
> of the people, and implementors of U.N. policies.
> More than
> 130 international organizations, called IGOs
> (inter-governmental
> organizations), will be consolidated as direct
> administrative
> agencies of the new U.N. system. National
> governments will
> become administrative units, reporting through the
> appropriate
> IGOs, to the supreme authority of the U.N.
> In light of the above actions (and many more)
> planned by the
> U.N. the issues (domestic and otherwise) being
> debated by those
> candidates seeking state and national elected office
> in the general
> election in November, are of no little or no
> consequences.  The
> reason those issues are of little or no consequences
> is simply due
> to the fact that in every case, without exception,
> the various and
> sundry United Nations plans, will override every
> situation
> presently being debated by the candidates.
> Following are but five, of many,  examples for your
> consideration.
> 1.  United State Senate and House of
> Representatives:  The
> present U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
> will no longer
> AMERICAN PEOPLE, but will instead assume the
> function of
> "appointed administrators" of the U. N. One World
> Government.
> 2.  The United States Department of Justice:  The
> DOJ will be
> replaced in total, by the United Nations world wide
> court and
> justice system, made up of  "appointed" officials
> and not officials
> elected and or approved of by the American people.
> 3.  The United States Department of Defense:  The
> United States
> Department of Defense (as we know it) will be
> replaced in total,
> by the United Nations world wide defense system and
> military
> forces  over which the American people have
> absolutely no
> control.
> 4.  The United States Department of Education:  The
> entire
> American system of education will be replaced with
> the United
> Nations education system and universal curriculum,
> designed and
> mandated by UNESCO, in which parents of school
> children will
> have absolutely no control.
> 5.  Social Security --- The U.N. has its own plan
> for a world
> wide social security system to replace the American
> system now
> in place. A system where "every one" will share and
> share alike
> regardless of individual earning and contributions;
> a communistic
> system wherein the "slackers" benefit just as much
> as the "hard
> workers."
> Therefore, considering the unquestionable and
> imminent threat to
> American Sovereignty, I have sent the following
> letter (litmus
> test) to several key candidates for state and
> national elective
> office.  The purpose of this letter is to determine
> (to the extent
> possible) the candidates degree of loyalty to
> America and our
> Constitutional Republic form of government, as
> opposed to the
> U.N. Totalitarian, One World Government concept.
> While not
> perfect, this litmus test will determine (to a great
> extent) what
> candidates this writer will vote for and what
> candidates The
> Christian Alert Network will endorse and support.
> The following letter (slightly modified) was sent to
> each of the
> following candidates for public office and over the
> next several
> days will be sent to other candidates..
> Vice President Al Gore, Democratic candidate for
> President of
> the US.
> Texas Governor George Bush (Jr), Republican
> candidate for
> President of the US.
> Representative Chet Edward, Democratic candidate for
> US
> House of Representatives.
> Mr. Ramsey Farley, Republican candidate for US House
> of
> Representatives.
> First Lady Hillary R. Clinton, Democratic candidate
> for US
> Senate from New York.
> Mr. Rick Lazio, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate
> from
> New York.
> I am please to note that Texas Republican candidate
> Ramsey
> Farley was to "first" to respond to my letter with
> an annotated
> and signed FAX dated Wednesday 24 May 2000.  The
> following is a true representation of his response.
> Candidate
> Farley's written response will be kept on file and
> should he be
> elected, his actual performance will be monitored
> for compliance
> to his written commitment to the American people.
> The
> following letter will be published on the TCAN
> WebSite and
> updated to include the responses of each candidate
> as those
> responses are received.
> *************************************************
> 15 May 2000
> Mr. Ramsey Farley
> POB 2005
> Temple, TX  76503
> Dear Mister Farley:
> On Appendix pages A34 and A35 of the U.S.
> Congressional
> Record dated Thursday, 10 January 1963, you will
> find listed 45
> Current Communist Goals in America. Goal # 11 reads
> as
> follows:
>       "Promote the United Nations as the only hope
> for mankind.
> If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set
> us as a one-world
> government with its own independent armed forces."
> In September 2000, just a few weeks from now, the
> United
> Nations will convene a special Millennium Assembly
> as a global
> summit on the future of the world with the intent of
> incorporating
> the following 12 Principles into the UN Charter.
> This action will
> complete the establishment of the foundation for a
> one world
> government under the United Nations, and thus
> accomplish
> communist goal in America  # 11, as noted above.
> This event will crown a decade of preparation to
> launch the new
> millennium on a new system of global governance. The
> blueprint
> was published by the Commission on Global Governance
> in
> 1995.
> Now, a Charter to achieve global governance has been
> developed for presentation at the Millennium
> Assembly in
> September. It was made available to the public on UN
> day,
> October 24th, 1999. It is called The Charter for
> Global
> Democracy. It has already been signed by influential
> leaders in
> 56 nations, and has the support of civil society
> non-government
> organizations around the world. The document is, in
> reality, a
> Charter for the abolition of individual freedom.
> Following are the 12 Principles contained in Charter
> 99.
> Principle # 1: calls for the consolidation of all
> international
> agencies under the direct authority of the United
> Nations.
> Principle # 2: calls for regulation by the UN of all
> transnational
> corporations and financial institutions, requiring
> an "international
> code of conduct" concerning the environment and
> labor
> standards.
> Principle # 3: demands an independent source of
> revenue for the
> UN, such as the "Tobin tax" and taxes on aircraft
> and shipping
> fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons.
> The "global
> commons" are defined to be "outer space, the
> atmosphere, non-
> territorial seas, and the related environment that
> supports human
> life."
> Principle # 4: eliminates the veto power and
> permanent member
> status on the Security Council.
> Principle # 5: authorizes a standing UN army.
> Principle # 6: requires UN registration of all arms
> and the
> reduction of all national armies "as part of a
> multilateral global
> security system" under the authority of the United
> Nations.
> Principle # 7: requires individual and national
> compliance with all
> UN "Human Rights" treaties and declarations.
> Principle # 8: activates the International Criminal
> Court, make the
> International Court of Justice compulsory for all
> nations, and give
> individuals the right to petition the courts to
> remedy social
> injustice.
> Principle # 9: calls for a new institution to
> establish economic and
> environmental security by insuring "sustainable
> development."
> Principle # 10: calls for the establishment of an
> International
> Environmental Court.
> Principle # 11: calls for a declaration that climate
> change is an
> essential global security interest that requires the
> creation of a
> "high-level action team" to allocate carbon emission
> based on
> equal per-capita rights.
> Principle # 12: calls for the cancellation of all
> debt owed by the
> poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for
> "equitable
> sharing of global resources," as allocated by the
> United Nations.
> The United Nations concept of a one world government
> is,
> without question, totalitarian in nature, directly
> targets American
> sovereignty and subsequently the unalienable rights
> and
> freedoms of all American citizens, for abolishment.
> For that
> reason it is imperative that the American people
> know "precisely
> and without question" where you stand on this issue
> and what
> you will, or will not, do to protect American
> sovereignty, "if" we
> send you to Washington to "REPRESENT we the people"
> as
> opposed to "REPLACE us, the people."
> So that we may establish your "unquestionable"
> position on
> this issue, we urge you to insert your initials in
> either the YES
> response or the NO response for each of the
> following 17
> questions.  Then  affix your signature and date at
> the bottom,
> and return this letter and questionnaire to the
> address noted in
> the letter head, before 31 May 2000.
> Please be advise that "no response at all" to this
> request will be
> considered as a NO response to all 17 individual
> questions.
> Any single question not answered will be consider as
> a NO
> response.  Your response (or lack of response) will
> be
> distributed nationally, and will be broadcast on
> "Wake Up
> Texas" from 12:30 - 1:00pm on KTON 940 AM (Belton
> Texas)
> on Monday the 5th of June, following the May 31
> deadline for
> responding to this request.
> 1.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty and save America from being ruled by a
> one world
> government run by the United Nations?
> YES:__(RF)____NO______
> 2.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty and prevent the United Nations from
> imposing an
> "income tax" on all free Americans?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 3.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty and the rights of all American citizens
> to own and
> manage their own private property  OR will you allow
> all public
> and private property to be confiscated by the United
> Nations and
> converted to government controlled property?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO______
> 4.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty  and protect the American Justice System
> OR will
> you allow a "world court" run by the United Nations
> to supplant
> the American Justice System?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 5.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty  and our (American) traditional  elected
> form of
> government OR will you allow the United Nations to
> "appoint"
> officials to rule over America?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 6.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty  and insure that "ALL" American national
> defense
> forces remain under the absolute control of our duly
> elected
> congressional representatives OR will you allow them
> to become
> part and parcel of a United Nations world military
> force?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 7. Will you introduce/support legislation to stop
> sending U.S.
> troops to play global cops and  social workers in
> phony
> peacekeeping expeditions all over the world?
> YES:__(RF)_____ NO_______
> 8. Will you introduce/support legislation to end the
> mandatory,
> universal anthrax vaccination that is causing so
> much turmoil in
> the military?  YES:__(RF)_____ NO_______
> 9.  As you know, President Clinton has already
> placed many of
> our national monuments under UN control.  Will you
> introduce/support legislation to reverse that
> action?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 10. As you know President Clinton has already placed
> many of
> our national parks under UN control.  Will you
> introduce/support
> legislation to reverse that action?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 11. As you know President Clinton has already placed
> many of
> waterways (rivers) under UN control.  Will you
> introduce/support legislation to reverse that
> action?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 12.  As you know President Clinton has already
> placed many of
> our interstate highways under UN control.  Will you
> introduce/support legislation to reverse that
> action?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 13.  Will you introduce/support legislation to
> insure that
> American citizens retain "total control" over our
> own public
> education curriculum OR will you allow the United
> Nations
> (UNESCO) to impose their world curriculum on our
> children?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 14. Will you introduce/support legislation to get
> the Federal
> Government out of our public school classrooms
> through Goals
> 2000, School-to-Work, national standards, national
> testing, and
> other federal regulations?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 15. Are you in favor of continued U.S. membership in
> the World
> Trade Organization after that bunch of foreign
> bureaucrats
> impudently ordered the United States to change our
> tax laws?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 16. Will you introduce/support legislation to
> preserve American
> sovereignty  and defend our right to determine our
> own tax laws,
> OR will you cede that right to a foreign
> organization?
> YES:__(RF)_____NO_______
> 17. Will you introduce/support legislation to
> eliminate the gross
> discrimination in the tax law which allows
> corporations, but not
> individuals, to deduct expenses for medical
> insurance?
> YES:__(RF) __  NO_______
> Ramsey Farley:  (signed)     Date: 5/24/2000
> ************************************************
> I strongly urge that all readers adapt the above
> letter, as
> necessary,  and forward it to all candidates for
> elected state and
> national office AND require a written response from
> each
> addressee.  We also urge that the candidates
> response to the
> above 17 questions play an important part in your
> decision
> concerning who to vote for in the upcoming general
> elections.
> Click on the following for information on how you
> can help
> protect American Sovereignty and keep America out of
> the UN
> One World Government.
> http://www.vvm.com/~ctomlin/a73.htm
> Due to the critical and urgent nature of this
> situation, TCAN
> respectfully request that all readers forward this
> alert to the
> maximum extent possible.
> *****
> Rev. "Curt" Tomlin
> President
> The Christian Alert Network,Inc.
> POB 11746
> Killeen, Tx 76547-1746
> Ph: 254-628-7043
> Fax: 254-628-7894
> Web Site: http://www.vvm.com/~ctomlin

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