I have seen these things as well.  A strange accumulation of crosshatching which is 
unusual.  I have never seen a plane make them and have never seen a plane "spraying" 
anything.  That does not mean it is not happening, but I have no proof of it.  I also 
have read articles in "mainstream" publications which give some scientific 
explanations for these things which do not involve spraying of chemicals.  They could 
of course be "part of the conspiracy", but I don't know it.  Let us see what we shall 
see.  Speculation is 100% okay and presenting information of this kind is often 
limited to speculation as no hard evidence can be gleaned (especially if the spraying 
is done at high altitudes, little residue would make it to the ground to be gathered 
and tested).  One simply cannot say what it is that is going on.  Given our 
government's past activity I am inclined to believe that they ARE spraying us with 
something, as well as other not-so-noticeable things as well (like ELF, Micro-waves, 
etc.) BUT my inclination is NOT proof, thus we should reserve judgement on what is the 

On Thu, 25 May 2000, nessie wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >>
> >And we
> >don't know what else it is or isn't, either."
> >
> >
> >You say this all the time about everything.
> And I'm almost always right.
> >
> >
> >
> >Post referred to - "the take off and landing weights of his planes
> >suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
> >that something besides fuel was lost during those flights."
> Did you you personally weigh the plane? Neither did I. I'm willing to
> believe that some guy said the weights were different. I'm not willing to
> believe the weights were different without corroboration.
> >
> >
> >
> > are the commercial planes
> >spraying something we don't know about?
> >
> >
> How do you know, because somebody told you? Or did you personally observe
> it happening and scientifically eliminate all other explanations for what
> you saw?
> Let me tell you what I know. Twice I have seen weird cross hatch contrail
> patterns over my city. We have three major airports here. Commercial
> airliners cross the sky here constantly. It is not at all unusual for me
> to see airliners overhead. Sometimes they leave contrails, usually they do
> not. It depends on atmospheric conditions. When they do leave contrails
> the contrails are always at pretty much the same altitude. There are
> seldom more than one to three at a time and while the are occasionally do
> cross each other they never form a dense cross hatch pattern at lower
> altitude like the two cross hatch patterns I reported. This has led me to
> believe that it highly unlikely that the weird crosshatch patterns I saw
> had anything whatsoever, natural or otherwise, to do with commercial
> airliners. That's what I know.
> I didn't see the planes that produced the weird cross hatch patterns.
> Though I consider it unlikely, it is entirely conceivable that the planes
> resemble commercial airliners. They may even be the same makes and models,
> though I doubt it highly. That, however, does not make them commercial
> airliners. Commercial airliners do not behave that way. Commercial
> airliners never fly relatively low over the city in a cross hatch pattern,
> ever. Such totally anomalous behavior would surely have drawn great
> attention. We see commercial airliners all the time. The always behave the
> same way. They climb and  they leave the area in a relatively straight
> line or they descend and then land. They never fly cross-hatches low over
> the city. They tend to not fly directly over the city at all because
> that's not where the airports are.
> This whole thing puts me in mind of the whole unmarked black helicopter
> flap. I've heard about them. I've seen picture of what has been reputed to
> be unmarked black helicopters. These are not good enough reasons for me to
> believe people are flying unmarked black helicopters. So I studiously
> avoided telling people that unmarked black helicopters were flying in our
> skies. I did however tell people about the reports and the pictures,
> neither of which amounted to my being able to truthfully say that unmarked
> black helicopters fly in our skies. They could just as likely be accounted
> for by lies and by Photoshop.
> However, I personally have twice seen unmarked black helicopters with my
> own eyes. The first time I was out in the country in Northern California.
> I saw two unmarked black helicopters circling a remote farm house at
> extremely low altitude. Since it was a Saturday, I guessed that they were
> police marijuana raiders who were making a little money on their day off
> by taping over their tail numbers, removing their badges and stealing
> marijuana for themselves. This happens fairly often around here. I figured
> it was a very good time for me to be somewhere else and I prudently left
> the area immediately.
> The second time I saw unmarked black helicopters, three were flying very
> low over the SOMA district of San Francisco. I had just dropped my SO off
> at work. I was riding home. I looked up and there they were. I have know
> idea what they were doing. All I know was they were black and they had no
> markings.
> So yeah, unmarked black helicopters fly in the skies around here. People
> tell me they are the advance scouts of the New World Order's UN  strike
> force. Personally, I think that's a patent absurdity. Other people tell me
> there are no such things as unmarked black helicopters. They are dead
> wrong and I know it for a fact because I personally have seen seen
> unmarked black helicopters with my own eyes. I don't know what they were
> or what they were doing. All I know for sure is that they were black and
> they had no markings. I've also been told, though I haven't looked it up
> myself, that flying without markings is a crime. So, I hear, is flying 150
> feet over SOMA. That's all I know.
> Likewise, I have twice seen with my own eyes weird cross hatch contrail
> like formations at relatively low altitude over my city. I don't know what
> they are and don't say that I do. Maybe they are chemicals. Maybe they are
> biologicals. Maybe even they are vaccines. Maybe they are harmless theater
> smoke which, when accompanied by a massive disinformation campaign is
> intended to effect our beliefs and behavior somehow. I just don't know for
> sure. And neither do you. Neither, I suspect, do most of the people we
> tell us they do.
> But somebody knows. And we would do well to find out.
> >
> >Who are you telling to buy a @#$% dictionary?
> I'm telling you to stop repeating hearsay as fact. It's hinders science
> and gets in our way. I also suggest that you are far to gullible and
> trusting to be consider as a reliable source of analysis. Your critical
> reasoning ability needs a lot of work. Please, learn how to tell a fact
> from a rumor.
> As a source of data you could conceivably be superb. You have the drive.
> You have the time. What you lack is rigorous scientific method. Until you
> develop some I recommend that you be taken with a large grain of salt. If
> you tell us that somebody told you they know what these things are, I'm
> willing to believe you. Yeah, probably somebody did tell you that. But
> when you tell us that means that you know what these things are i do not
> believe you because it is not true. hearing something is true and knowing
> something is true are different things. Everyone on this list, everyone in
> the world, would do very well to learn how to tell the difference.
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> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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