Subject: Chemtrails And Concentration Camps. 1/2

-----Original Message-----
From: John F. Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 27 May 2000 14:17
Subject: IUFO: Chemtrails And Concentration Camps.

From: T N P
Subject: REAL Bio/Chem Attacks Possible Late June

  This warning from USCMike1 is full of some very significant
information, and also some worthwhile observations and suggestions
on this whole tremendously troubling issue.

Newshawk. Inc.



  Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, Constitutionalists, Christians,
et al:

  1- Well, ladies and gentlemen, this may be "it." The "IT" we have all
been waiting for and preparing for, for the past 3 to 4 years. It is
finally upon us. As you can see from the subject title, "URGENT ALERT!
Prepare for real NBC attack by early-mid June 2000!"
  2- From all indications and calculations, a real NBC attack has 75% to
95% probability of being perpetrated before the end of June 2000. That's
in about 6 to 8 weeks maximum. How can our government be so precise in
their surety that it will happen? Well, because THEY are the ones who
will be perpetrating it and will attempt to blame it on the ISLAMIC
international terrorists - mainly because our f-d gov feels that they
need some plausible enemy scape goat to blame the attack on. And
goodness knows, the feds (Clinton) have been trying to provoke the
Isl-mics into attacking us for quite sometime now, without any results,
with all the bombing of Iraq, Islamic Slavic nations, Sudan, Afganistan,
Pakistan, etc.

  3- Why June and why the I-lamics???? Cuz, don't you know that there is
some ISLAMIC HOLY day in June, and the Islamics have been known to
perpetrate a "Jihad" or holy war on those dates? And what better "enemy"
then the evil, hated strange people from a strange land?

  4- Ever wonder why our federal government keeps publishing in the
mainstream press that it is NOT the case of IF there will be an NBC
attack but WHEN it will happen?

  5- So how do I know all of this? Cuz I have been in contact with a
good, moral and Constititional federal agency (you probably didn't
know that there WAS such an animal did you?) who has seen fit to
reveal the bad feds' plans.

  6- Here is the story and all the details that lead up to this
impending NBC attack and all the documented evidence pointing to the
certainty that it WILL occur and that it WILL be in JUNE 2000.

  7-  First you all need to be made aware that even before (two months
exactly) our founding fathers signed our Declaration of Independence
from the EVIL King George of England, there was a group of usurpers who
called themselves the Illum-ithe illuminated, knowledgeable
ones. They are the ones who planned the New World Order and the modern
version of the illuminati is the GANG of 300 who are the current 300
wo-ld rulers.

  9- These are the individual rich and powerful bosses who control the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the
Bildebergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve
System, the TriLateral Commission, GATT, NAFTA, EURO dollar, the
Royalty of all of the nations of Europe, and the major international
banks, the gold and diamond mines, the oil reserves and such families as
the Roosevelts, the Vanderbuilts, the Carnegies, the Ke-n, the
Kissingers, and many others.

Democracy, Socialism, Global
Government (United Nations) and other political entities are all working
together toward the same end.

  10- Their idea is TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION and a frightening REDUCTION in
the population of the entire world. They want to start off with a mere
25% reduction in population (read this as EXTERMINATION and massive
GENOCIDE) by mid to late 2001. Within four years by 2004 they hope to
achieve OVER 50% reduction in world population. And by 2020 they plan on
95% elimination of existing populations.

  11- What do they expect from this world wide ext-rmination? Well, if
they can hold the total world population down to about half a billion
people maximum (500 million) they may reassess their end goal. Some of
these modern illum-nati want the figure closer to 200 million. At 6
billion population now, half a billion would be 1/12th or 92% reduction.

  12- But WHY do they want to do this? Because they mistakenly believe
that the world is too crowded and too polluted and that all the natural
resources will be used up. So they want to eliminate all the people
(except for themselves and enough slaves to serve them) so that there
will be enough oil, gas, trees, animals, plants, and food for them ONLY!
This is in addition to the sense of POWER and CONTROL they will have
over LIFE and DEATH itself!

  13- Now you know why Em-eror Clinton sent Hillary to the Bildeberger
summit in Sweden and all the world leaders subsequently met in Portugal
-that is to discuss how their plans are coming along and what to do next
and how to overcome their obstacles - namely Pat-iots,
Cons-itutionalists, and Christians. Why do you think Clint-- is so
untouchable? Cuz he is ONE of them. He is their USA puppet. He can do
ANYTHING and get away with it because they are protecting him.

  14- Why do you think the federal gov-rnment and all the other wor-d
gov-rnments have been on a program to prevent births, perform abortions,
sterilize men and women, insert Norplant contraceptive chemical tubes in
women's arms, perform as many hysterectomies as possible, promote
homo-exuality which the practice itself prevents births, and recently
especially partial birth abortions? Not to mention proposed National
He-lth Care and the power over life and death and health the HMOs are

  15- Why do you think that the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, has
allowed medical doctors to prescribe drugs to U.S. citizens that causes
over 170,000 deaths per year because of bad reactions to these drugs?
For the dual purpose of making money and eliminating more people. Also,
the feds use We the People as guinea pigs to test these new drugs as a
precaution before the rich, elite, modern day Illuminati and their
families take the drugs?

  16- Why do you think Mons-nto has come up with genetically engineered
corn, wheat, oats, potatoes and literally hundreds of other foods that
are called TERMINATOR SEEDS? Farmers usually plant their crops and save
the best fruits and grain seeds from the harvest for replanting. Now
they have to buy seeds from the Genetic seed companies which will ONLY
grow one crop cuz their seeds are sterile? Well, very simple, it all
deals with greed, money, power, and control. The companies will make 100
times the amount of money because now they control the seeds which will
grow only one crop. And they can withhold the seeds in order to starve
the people out, thus, reducing the world's populations according to
their New World Order Plans.

  17- Why do you suppose there are so many strange, new, and exotic
diseases befalling the world today? Well they have all been genetically
engineered to be untreatable, thus, producing even MORE deaths. Just
think of the deadly hemorrhagic (internal bleeding) disease caused by
the laboratory produced Ebola virus.

  18- What about the HIV-AIDS virus which has recently been not only
discovered, but as it turns out in the courts and law suits to determine
who discovered it, a battle between a French scientist and an American
scientist, it turns out that the American won because he proved that he
genetically engineered and invented HIV 15 years PRIOR to the
Frenchman's "discovery." HIV-AIDS causes the immune system to fail to
protect the body from disease.

  19- What about the Crutchfeld-Jacob PRION protein which is the Mad Cow
Disease? There are hints now that it also was produced in the laboratory.

  20- Remember the Legionaires' Respiratory Disease? It was created and
tested on the American Legion members in a conference through the air
conditioning system.

  21- What about the VERY recent New York Viral Encephalitis that
attacked citizens in New York? Why do you suppose the F-I all of a
sudden showed up saying they were investigating a possible terrorist
attack using biological weapons????? Hey, they had not even determined
what the causitive organism was yet and the -eds were Johnny on the

  22- Why do you think the Gulf War veterans all came back sick with
various and diverse diseases? Well, the fe-s sold dozens of different
lethal organisms to Saddam Hussein to use against Iran!!!! so that the
Islam-cs could wipe out each other! More population reductions.

  23- But Saddam used some of the biological warfare agents against U.S.
soldiers and United N-tions troops. But that is NOT how most of the vets
got the Gulf War Syndrome set of different diseases. Because even those
military personnel who did NOT go to the Gulf came down with the

  24- Here is what happened. A mixture of organisms and chemicals were
mixed in the vaccinations administered to the soldiers. This way there
would be so many different signs and symptoms that doctors could NOT
determine what the disease causing organism was and therefore would NOT
be able to treat for it. Hence, more people will die.

Part 1.

Johm Winston.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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