-----Original Message-----
From: John F. Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 27 May 2000 14:22
Subject: IUFO: Chemtrails And Concentration Camps. Part 2 of 2.


  25- But one set of doctors examined many vets and analyzed many
different chemicals and organisms and discovered at least ONE causative
organism. This is the Mycoplasm fermentans bacterium. The only problem
was that it was not a normal germ. Turns out that the Mycoplasm is the
smallest bacterium in the world, smaller than ALL bacteria but it does
NOT have a cell wall surrounding it like all the other bacteria, it has
only a membrane.

  26- But there was something VERY fishy about this one. It had some type
of protein coating surrounding it and protecting it. This coating
allowed it to enter the body and NOT be detected or treated against.
After analysis, they discovered that the protein protective coating was
none other than the protein coat that surrounds and protects the
HIV-AIDS virus. Now that cannot occur in nature and it was genetically
engineered in the laboratory to create an indefensible biological
weapon. Namely, a cross between the deadly HIV-AIDS virus and a
bacterium. Certainly God would not create such a thing in nature.

  27- How do I know all of this? Well, because it is in the medical
literature and there are people who have written books documenting it.
And I personally spoke on the phone with a Dr. Goss in Oklahoma City who
has been treating Gulf War Victims. Only, he and his cohorts discovered
that the Mycoplasm fermentans is hightly contagious and the wives and
children contracted it from their husbands/fathers servicemen. Dr. Goss
contracted it from his patients and transmitted it to his own wife and
children. They have it mostly under control now but this genetically
engineered biological warfare organism is still hiding somewhere in
their bodies.

  28- Why do you think that Clinton has illegally and UNConstitutionally
given over the control of nearly 50% of the land mass of America to the
United Nations through the Biosphere Habitat Act and the American Rivers
Heritage Act. This is to remove the people from the wilderness areas,
concentrate them into the urban areas where they can be monitored,
tracked, and picked up and incarcerated when given the signal.

  29- Also, the United Nations along with our e-il fed-ral gov-rnment
wants to make all of these areas OFF-LIMITS to ALL humans for a number
of years so these areas can revert back to their natural states of
former beauty - to be preserved SOLELY for the rich, elite, modern day
il-uminati and their families.

  30- Let me get back to the impending NBC attack on civilians before I
delve into the attrocities planned for us. Why do you think Cl--nton
created all of his ille-al, UNCon-titutional Pre-idential Exe-utive
Orders and Presidential Directive Decisions? This is to totally do away
with all gov-rnment as we know it and to turn over the gov-rnment to a
military organization called FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management

  31- When Clinton or his successor finally declares martial law and the
Constitution is suspended, FEMA will enforce martial law with NO
recourse to the courts.

  32- Why do you think Clinton had the Congress appropriate $2.3
billions to create his special training program called Tra-n the
Tra-ners dealing with anti-terrorism and anti-NBC protection and
training. Notice that ONLY the politicians, military, law enforcement,
and rich e-ites will have the benefit of protection from NBC. That is
because We the People are the TARGETS of the NBC chemical and
biological attacks!

  33- Have you noticed lately, within the past 6 to 8 months that
there is a lot of news reports of the military, ma-ines, navy, ar-m,
and civilian law enf-rcement agencies going through URBAN WARFARE
training all over the Un-ted Sta-es?? Why is our mil-tary and local law
enforcement being trained to attack us citizens? Sure they will come
up with some excuse and other plausible deniability!!! But that is
what it is for.

  34-Have you noticed most recently that the mili-ary and civilian law
enforcement agencies are now training for NBC attacks?

  35- Have you read the latest Patriot internet posts that something big
is going to happen in an unnamed period of 10 days in May? They are
training for unannounced te-rorist attacks using simulated chemical and
biological warfare agents!

  36- Why just tonight I got new information that in the Southern
California area, Los Angeles, North Hollywood, Long Beach, Santa Ana,
Orange County and numerous other cities, the feds, and military and
local law en-orcement officials are planning to use their recent NBC
training to surprise city officials in mock attacks against our cities.
  There is talk of only three cities in different states. But the
information I got tonight is that these simulated REALISTIC training
exercises will occur nationwide in from 150 to 300 cities.

  37- The feds, military and local law enforcement personnel have already
been trained in the detection, avoidance, analysis, decontamination, and
treatment of exposure to NBC agents and now they are going to surprise
attack the cities for their practice runs in preparation for the REAL

  38- Part of these attacks will be thru aerial contrails, chemtrails,
and biotrails that you see in the skies. They have been practicing for
several years now and it is really scary how sometimes it is difficult
to determine with a cursory glance if an NBC trail is a cloud or a
biological or chemical warfare agent trail.

  39- Clin--n wrote an EO. or a PDD or some type of fede-al decree that
he (the federal government) gave the military permission to perpetrate,
practice, and perform biological warfare experiments against us citizens
in order to prepare for terrorists' attacks. Naturally ONLY citizens
will be attacked but NOT our gover-ment.

  40- Clinton has announced to the United States citizens and to the
world that there are 120 major cities in the US that are vulnerable to
NBC attacks and I have sent out previously the list of cities that
terroists (he) plans to attack.

  41- Clinton also authorized real live sub-lethal bacterial and viral
organisms to be used in these practice and trial attacks against us
citizens. That is why all over the nation there have been 100s and 1000s
of people, especially seniors and very small children to get sick and
many have died from these STRANGE flu-like symptoms that the doctors
can't determine what the causitive organism is.

  42- Here over the Los Angeles and Southern California areas there have
been hundreds upon hundreds of chem-biotrail tests over the past year.
Ever notice how the trails - if they were true condensation trails from
the plane's engines and exhaust which don't even begin until over 30,000
feet altitude, that they are down to 10,000 feet? Water vapor cannot
form vapor trails at 10,000 feet. The biotrails criss-cross each other
and they are tracked by satellite to determine their movements and

  43- Last year and the year before I was able to go online and download
all the information from the U.S. Army Chemical warfare agency about
chemical and biological warfare and protection from it and treatment of
it. Now the websites don't exist and those that do have all mention of
this information removed or blocked and NOT PERMITTED to be seen by mere

  44- Here is what the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Warfare Agency
had to say about terrorism and NBC attacks:

  a- It costs $2,000.00 per square kilometer to annihilate all life
within the area by using nuclear and radiological weapons. OBTW why do
you think Clin--n authorized the U.S. Army to attack Iraq with spent
uranium bullets, artillery shells and such? That's cuz not only are these
projectiles VERY heavy and VERY penetrating, but when they explode they
vaporize into dust. People breathe in the dust and get radiation
poisoning and radiation sickness. The U.S. predicted that there would be
a minimum of 100,000 NEW cases of leukemia in the children in Iraq from
the uranium weapons. And sure enough the mainstream press verified that
many of the children in Iraq strangely have leukemia and the "good"
Americans would do their best to be humanitarian and try to treat some
of these children. Of couse no mention was made that WE caused their
leukemia by using the spent uranium artillery!!!!

  And we also used spent uranium in Kosovo. Now the children there are
coming down with leukemia. One bad result is that the U.S. also made the
shells and protective armor of our tanks out of spent uranium because it
can resist shellings better. But when a shell would hit our tanks the
metal would get hot and vaporize and our service men would inhale the
fumes and now they are getting radiation sickness.

  A true nuclear warhead could do a lot of damage to U.S. civilian homes
and cities too.

  b- It costs $800.00 per square kilometer to annihilate all life from
that area if chemical warfare is used against We the People.

  c- But here's the clincher: It only costs $1.00 per square kilometer to
wipe out all people in that area if they use biological warfare agents.
But rather than dying instantly or in a few hours, the biological agents
take longer and take up to a week to kill their victims (us).

  45- And wonder of all wonders, Clinton even joked about it in his
speeches and in the news reports by saying that biological warfare
agents are like the gift that keeps on giving. Because when one citizen
falls victim to the organisms of the biological warfare they can travel
for a while and spread the diseases all over the nation.

  46- So the feds plan on spraying us and sitting back for a few days
to a week or so, letting us get sick and die and then they will come
in and mop up and burn all our bodies and then take over the cities,
have them all to themselves, and take all our possessions. Probably
they will turn over much of the property to new sets of foreign
immigrants and make them low paid slaves in this land of opportunity.

  47- So now what will be happening? Well, for 10 days in May Clinton has
authorized our military and local law enforcement agencies to practice
simulated NBC attacks upon numerous cities. Again, I figure from all the
informants I have that it will NOT be the three cities mentioned
recently but from 150 to 300 cities nationwide.

  48- But still not to worry as these are NOT the real thing. But here is

  49- Sometime in June, probably the second or third week, because our
illust--ous leads will be at another Bui-derberger meeting during the
first week, the feds plan on a biological terrorist attack against us
citizens. There will be at least one city involved and possibly half a
dozen and up to several dozen cities that will get hit. But again, I am
only 75% to 95% sure that this will happen during these dates. This is
because the -eds have been known to back off if they meet prior
resistance and if the victims find out about it and balk or threaten
civil war against the politicians. Of course that should not bother the
fe-s because they want as much death to occur as possible anyway to
reduce the population.


Part 2 of 2.

John Winston.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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