[Of course I don't have to remind you guys about then Mayor Diane
Feinstein, who, feeling vulnerable and threatened, carried a
concealed weapon (handgun)  in her purse for two years.  --MS]


Debbie Schlussel

Signs the Gun-Control Apocalypse May be Upon Us

http://www.jewishworldreview.com --

THREE SIGNS the apocalypse may be upon us-or, at least, a large
dose of sheer hypocrisy is: 1) Moralizing Rosie O'Donnell's
bodyguard carries a gun and seeks a conceal and carry permit; 2)
Al Gore blasphemes G-d in an attack on gun-rights; and 3)
Everybody castigates the NRA's plan for a restaurant, which will
much improve seedy Times Square.

Thursday's Stamford (Connecticut) Advocate reports that
O'Donnell's bodyguard not only carries a gun, but has applied for
a permit to carry a concealed weapon--the purpose of which would
be to allow him to carry a gun on school grounds, while
accompanying O'Donnell's adopted son, Parker, to public school in
Connecticut's tony, exclusive Greenwich.

Is this the same Rosie O'Donnell who said that, in the wake of
the Columbine shootings, there should be no guns near schools and
castigated the NRA and Tom Selleck for disagreeing with her rabid
gun-control position?  Is this the same Rosie O'Donnell who told
ABC's Cokie Roberts, just over a week ago, "My son and daughter
should be able to go to school without the threat of .  .  .  a
gun .  .  .  ."?  The same Rosie who told Cokie she opposes the
right to carry concealed weapons because "this is not the wild
west.  I do not want to man all of the people in America.  .  .
.  So many people are going to be hurt doing that.  .  .  .
that would do more harm than good"?  Could it be the same woman?

Yup.  One and the same.  The same hypocrite, who apparently feels
that we common folk should be unable to have those rights that
her bodyguard will now enjoy.  The same woman who led the
"Million Mom March," but apparently feels that one-in-a-million
privileged mom-herself-is immune from the government usurpation
of rights she wants to prescribe for the rest of us.  You've got
a lot of chutzpah, Rosie.

O'Donnell told The Advocate that she and her family "need
protection because of threats made against her." Welcome to
reality, Rosie.  Guess what?  We may not be celebrities, but many
of us feel the need to protect our families, too.  Rosie actually
had the gall to express concern that publicity about her son's
attendance at school, coupled with information that the guard
would be unarmed, would make her son vulnerable to harm.  Gee,
Rosie, thanks for the tip--unarmed means vulnerable.  Glad you
finally figured it out.

O'Donnell and Greenwich school officials are denying that the
guard will be armed, but Greenwich Police Chief Peter Robbins
confirmed that O'Donnell's bodyguard applied for a permit that
would allow him to carry a concealed weapon.

Wow, I haven't seen more hypocrisy by a pro-gun control celebrity
since that woman who earned $20 million from K-Mart--one of
America's most voluminous gun-sellers--spoke out against guns on
her TV show but continued to do those K-Mart commercials.  Oh
yeah-that was Rosie O'Donnell, too.

Then there's Al Gore, who doesn't like Moses-neither the real
one, nor the one embodied by actor and NRA President Heston.
Heston, on Saturday, reiterated his support for George W.  Bush
and told Gore and the NRA convention that Gore would take his
freedom and his gun away "Mr.  Gore, from my cold, dead hands."
Nothing wrong with that.  After all, this is Civil Rights--the
Second Amendment--he's talking about.

But there's a lot wrong with Al Gore's response to Heston.  Like
an immature, overgrown kid in a sandbox, Gore whined at Wednesday
Night's $26 million Democratic "Hoedown" fundraiser: "The last
time Moses listened to a bush, the people wandered in the desert
for 40 years."

As a Jewish American, I'm offended and outraged.  But Gore's
sacrilegious attack on G-d's image in the Burning Bush, is not
just an attack on my religion and my ancestors who spent those
long years in the Sinai Desert.  It's an attack on all G-d
fearing people, all people of faith everywhere.  Gore owes G-d
and all of us an apology, and we all owe him a vote for Bush.

And Gore shares the same degree of hypocrisy as O'Donnell.  This
mere mortal man, who just attacked G-d, is the same guy who's
been donning satin, fake yarmulkes at synagogues and preaching
the rhythmic gospel at Black churches.  But he showed us all,
Wednesday Night, what he really thinks about G-d and religion.
Nice touch, Al.  Maybe the triggerlock you're endorsing should be
on your mouth.

But does anyone in the liberal media care about O'Donnell's
hypocrisy or Gore's blasphemy.  Of course not!  They're too busy
attacking the newly announced NRA plans for NRA Sports Blast, an
entertainment center with a theme restaurant (NRA Sports Grille),
coming soon to New York's Times Square.

Media pundits, their gun control buddies, and Hillary Clinton are
worried because NRA Sports Blast--with branded merchandise,
shooting, realistic electronic shooting games, and virtual trap,
skeet, and sporting clays--will probably become one of the Big
Apple's most popular themed attractions.

They don't care that Times Square is populated by obscene
garbage, like sex shops, strip clubs, and other "adult"
entertainment (though Rudy Giuliani cleaned some of this up).
They're not bothered that children are exposed to signs and
marquees featuring figurines of virtually naked women with lights
placed in "strategic" locations.

No, they're more concerned that the NRA's new venture in
America's cultural capital will be family friendly-that families
of tourists will have a good time being exposed to guns,
observing the power of guns to protect lives, and learning about
the importance of the Second amendment. They're afraid the NRA
will be a huge improvement over anything currently in Times
Square.  And they're scared silly that the NRA will win more
American families over in the fight on gun-control.

Late Wednesday Night, while Al Gore was pontificating about the
NRA's Heston, two gunmen killed five and injured two in a New
York "Wendy's" restaurant.  If this had been the NRA restaurant,
the gunmen would be dead, not the customers.  But we can't have
that.  A safe, family-friendly establishment in filthy Times
Square-what an outrage.

In the end, though, the NRA and its new center will prevail in
America's theater of public opinion.  Because Rosie O'Donnell's a
big fake.  So's Al Gore.  And, right about now, they should both
be feasting on crow at Times Square's new NRA Sports Grille.

JWR contributor Debbie Schlussel is a Detroit-based sports and
entertainment agent, attorney and commentator.  Send your
comments to her by clicking here.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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