
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Edward Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NewsBurst] Has Taiwan Gone Nuclear?
Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:30 AM

Has Taiwan Gone Nuclear?
Friday, May 12, 2000
If a report in a prestigious publication dealing with defense issues is
correct, Taiwan has joined the nuclear weapons club, and the strategic
situation in the Taiwan Straits has changed drastically.
According to a report in the authoritative Defence and Foreign Affairs
journal the Taiwanese military have gotten their hands on two nuclear
warheads and put them on a pair of medium-range ballistic missiles aimed at
the mainland.

The journal, published by the International Strategic Studies Association
in Washington reports that the nukes, originally owned by South Africa,
were obtained in an under-the-counter deal brokered by a so-called
"intermediary Middle Eastern country."

Taiwanese officials strongly denied the report and said they didn’t have
any "medium-range surface-to-surface missiles" that could carry nuclear
warheads and, thanks to restictions on exports of missile technology,
couldn’t develop their own arsenal of ballistic missiles if they wanted to.

Nevertheless, if the report is true, the entire strategic situation,
vis-a-vis the Taiwan-Mainland China standoff, has changed drastically.
China has made no secret about their plans to invade Taiwan should the
island’s government declare independence.

Published reports from official People’s Liberation Army have outlined a
blitzkrieg-like attack on Taiwan, with hundred of thousands of PLA troops
landing on the island and overwhelming Taiwanese defenses. The lightning
like invasion would effectively preclude U.S. participation in the early
stages of the war, and China bluntly warned the United States that they
would not hesitate to use their own nuclear arsenal against the United
States, should the United States attempt to use nuclear weapons in
retalliation against China.

But, if Taiwan does have even as few as two nuclear missiles aimed at the
mainland, they could stop a Chinese invasion dead in its tracks. It could
be back-to-the-drawing board for Chinese strategic planners, and a toning
down of the war of words Beijing has been waging.

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